Sports in India Essay: Over the past few decades, with active involvement in major global decisions and events, India has left significant footprint in every arena. On the threshold of achieving the mantle of global leadership, Indian success story is scripted in diverse fields of political debates, economy, social ventures, entrepreneurship, art and culture. However, the domain of sports continues to experience drought of significant Indian presence. The nation of over 1.2bn continues to grapple with ideas to build a sporting culture.
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Long and Short Essays on Sports in India for Students and Kids in English
A Long essay on the topic of Laughter is the Best Medicine is provided; it is of 450-500 words. A short composition of 100-150 words is also given below. The extended articles are popular among students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. On the other hand, students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 can refer to short essays.

Long Essay on Sports in India 150 Words in English
Long Essay on Sports in India is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Sports in Indian society have always been viewed as a leisure activity, which is given the “leftover” time, after tending to “more significant” activities. From time immemorial, kings and princes indulged in sports like hunting or chariot racing for the purpose of amusement. Though the global notions about sports underwent a change, the Indian mindset has refused to bring out and expand the place of sports in our society.
Over the past decades, with every passing global sporting event like the Olympics or the Asiads, our attention shifts to the depressing state if Indian sports. This attention span is minimal. As a society, we return to our works for sustenance and in training the upcoming generation to earn their daily bread. For the nation, we expect medals in global events but shirk away from preparing our child to be that medal winner.
The presence or absence of sporting culture in any society is a reflection of several other factors operating simultaneously in the social milieu. India, with huge population as a resource is gifted with a large pool of human resource to draw out talent for different sports. Towns and villages abound with youngsters, whose natural inclination towards sports, can be molded into global sporting personalities.
Dhanraj Pillai, Deepika Kumari, Vijender Singh, Sushil Kumar all represent the twinkle eyed youngster from small towns with big aspirations to shine with their talent, when presented with any opportunity. But the names are few enough to be counted on fingertips. A sporting culture would require proliferation of such opportunities, through government and corporate endeavors, to nooks and corners of the nation.
As a developing nation with huge population and debilitating unemployment, “career development” is a major cause of worry for the youth and their parents. The mindset which is rigidly cast in our society expects students to devote themselves unconditionally to books till they emerge out with decent jobs. Studies are considered the sole path to land up a decent job to earn livelihood and raise a family. This route has attained social sanction and any deviation from this standard finds awkward stares, rebukes and obstructions to overcome. For a sporting culture to develop, sports must be viewed as a viable career option in the Indian society.
Parents fail to recognize sports as career option in India. They understood the limited nature of opportunities for the sportsmen at the recognized national level. Only a handful, from amongst a million aspirants, due to several reasons, get to represent the Indian national side in any sport. The remaining becomes part of the crowd, jostling for space to shine at the pinnacle. Any position below the top goes unrecognized and remains non-lucrative to be perused as a career option in sport. But as a society don’t we fail to recognize the same situation in other disciplines as well. We are ready to push our children to become mediocre or sub-standard engineers, doctors, lawyers, CAs but not as a sportsman. This reflects upon the challenge in building India into a sporting nation.
Sporting culture will begin to take shape only when an assured career progression system can be charted out for every sport. This will induce confidence in parents to permit their child to follow his sporting passion as a decent earning assurance at every step even below the nationals could be visualized. Another impediment in the way of building sporting culture is the lack of quality and affordable coaching available for youngsters to pursue their dreams. Most schools fail to provide for a specialized coach for every sport as that will add to the school fees.
As sport is not considered as an integrated part of education, this expenditure is viewed as an avoidable burden by the school authorities. They end up hiring a generalist trainer who fails to spot talent for a particular sport and groom the child accordingly. Also, the infrastructure in most schools is found wanting to promote most of the sports. The private coaching centres have recently found space
in certain cities. However, the high cost charged by them deters the talented youth from lower and middle class from joining these centres.
The performances in sports at school and college level fail to attract appreciation and recognition. The student is judged only by his ability to obtain marks in academics, which adds to the peer pressure of an aspiring sportsman. He is expected to perform in academics for the social acceptance and additionally find, time and energy to shine in the sports coaching academies, simply to justify his interest and ability. This dual expectation burden has nipped several budding sporting talents at the very onset of their careers.
Lack of transparency at various selection levels has also been afflicting the Indian sports. Sincere hard working youth often fail to make the cut in the trials where several unethical practices seem to dominate. Lack of fairness at trials is a big setback to the honest efforts of any sportsman. Feeling of dejection is compounded by the future related uncertainties and social mockery of his abilities.
Absence of a healthy and dependable social security system adds to the resistance in pursuing sports as a career. Any major injury or lack of selector’s favourable nod can prolong the period of struggle, characterized by uncertain and meager income source. The healthy social security system of networked schools and health care abroad recognize and support players of the zonal and club levels to the fullest. This state provided assurance promotes a confidence in the society to create space for a sporting culture to proliferate. The role of administrative bodies also comes under scanner when deliberating upon development of sporting culture.
Most of these bodies have become granaries of inefficiency and malfunctioning. Often run as fiefdoms, they prevent the transparent and accountable face of sports to emerge in Indian society. Active role of these administrative bodies with a wider involvement of senior players in decision making can give impetus to sporting culture in India. The proposal to get these bodies under the scanner of RTI is a progressive step to drive away the darkness of inefficiency and unaccountability enveloping these bodies.
With every passing Olympics, we blankly stare at spirit and stamina of global athletes competing for laurel. While US, China and European nations race ahead with medals, our levels of disappointment increase with each passing day. We feel elated even to come on board the medals tally by some spirited efforts. This picture demands a makeover. A makeover which should catapult India onto the sporting map of the world and this demands a collective effort by several stakeholders. The packed stadium euphoria of cricket needs to be replicated in other sports by a determined focus and planned approach.
For any culture to germinate and flourish, the seeds have to be healthy and rich. The recent performances at the Asiads, the Common Wealth Games and other global events portends that the embryo needs to be molded with an eye at the future. China managed to bring about such a flourishing sporting culture in about two decades. The opportune moment in Indian sporting history is now and needs to be grasped with both hands to develop the culture over the next few decades.
Schools are the nurseries of spotting and grooming sporting talent to bring about a makeover to Indian outlook for sports. Marks for sports performances can be an innovative step to create space for more sporting activities. Diversification of sporting activities, by providing sports other than cricket a chance must be taken up in right earnest. Higher frequency of inter and intra school sports meet will generate a competitive spirit amongst the students to shine for their units. Preparation for these meets will ensure focused time and energy spent to bring out the best of the student in the sport of his liking.
The culture of pushing all school kids to play cricket or football in their sports period must change. A focused and scientific approach to identify the sport specific talents and their grooming over a period of time will pay rich dividends over time. Free passes for students to attend sporting events in their cities will have a strong effect in imbibing sporting spirit by students. Schools can arrange interactions of students’with performing sports icons of the city to motivate and inspire youth to take to sports.
Every segment of the society must collectively take the responsibility of building the sporting culture. State must ensure that sporting facilities reach to the grassroots through schools and colleges in rural areas. Games like volleyball and handball which require minimal infrastructural support can be taken up on priority basis. Regular recruitment of coaches for schools and colleges must be emphasized and ensured. It is imminent to spread the opportunities to every part of the nation to tap the talent.
Corporate houses can contribute strongly to this cause by sponsoring of mega events. They can aid in causing awareness by publicizing events. Training academies set by MRF and Tata have been doing a yeoman service to the nation by grooming talented and providing them a platform to knock on doors of national selectors. Many products of these academies have shone brightly for the nation at different stages. Certain costly sports need active subsidized coaching either by state or the corporate. Tennis, squash, badminton or shooting have been inaccessible to common masses due to lack of adequate and affordable centre to learn the game. This arena demands active focus by government and corporate.
The state government can establish hunt teams to collaborate with district administration to hunt for hidden talent in obscure areas. Swimming talent from ponds of villages and archery from tribes of forest must be tapped by this team through coordination between school authorities, coaches and district administration. Such selected youth must be groomed in sports academies, with lodging and food to develop an Olympian for the nation.
Media and sporting icons have a critical role in building a sporting culture in India. The omnipresent media must highlight the apathy of sports bodies and raise awareness about the need for more systematized career progression in sports. It must play an active role through debates and discussions to attack the mindsets of people and sell sports as a career option.
Cricket caught the imagination of the nation by the active role of 1983 World Cup winning team and the continued stature given to cricketers by media. Cricket should not be viewed as an adversary of the sports in India. Rather lessons can be taken for the popularity of cricket to transform the cricketing culture into sporting culture. There is enough space for other sports to grow and flourish in India along with cricket.
Public memory has a very short span, especially with sports in India because as a nation we are not overly involved with sports. In such scenario, media plays a force multiplier by repeatedly flashing past performances, by interviewing famous cricketers or by holding cricket related debates and discussions. This keeps the cricketers fresh in every one’s memoiy along with the overdose of cricket matches and their “live” coverage. Such planned marketing is supported by frequent successes in cricket which has generated role models like Kapil Dev and Sachin Tendulkar. With this backdrop and the recent successes of Saina Nehwal, Sushil Kumar, Gagan Narang, Mary Kom media must build up campaign to disseminate a ,sporting culture.
More companies should approach these stars for advertisement, campaigns so that their “presence” can be felt by society, promoting any upcoming event through adcampaigns and hoardings and by infusing money in these sports by corporate backing can bring a different scenario altogether. The ripple effect of Vijender Singh’s success transformed Bhiwani into a boxing hub. We need more such hubs for athletics, swimming, basketball, hockey and football to emerge in the nation.
Saina and Gopichand’s success turned attention towards badminton while Leander and Mahesh are looked up to in lawn tennis. The success story of these icons demands continued coverage by media along with their upcoming events, to create space for these sports. These performances must be tracked and details brought to public to allow them to have a look and encourage their child to follow these footprints.
Sports in India need a renewed focus. It is time it moves away from the last pages of newspaper, last period of schools, and last priority of parents for their child’s careers and domains of last benchers of schools and colleges. It is time that sporting authorities get a revamp by inclusion of more experienced players in decision making so that they understand requirement of players threadbare. It is time we understand that thrill and pride on hearing the national anthem played when Abhinav Bindra won the gold for India requires sustained efforts, hard work and support from parents. His case was of individuals fight despite the resistance of the system. Imagine how many more Bindras India can produce if the system is supportive, procedures conducive and mindset favourable for a sporting culture to flourish.
Globalization of Terror
The images of collapsing trade, towards are etched crystal clear in our memories. Explosions in Madrid and London were heard the world over – repeatedly in the comforts of living rooms. Closer home, serial blasts in Mumbai Malegaon or recent atrocities in Hyderabad were all carried, presented and vividly dissected in scrutiny for our consumption. Connectivity, we defend, is an asset a necessity in the modern era. The world is shrinking and the global hub has gifted numerous opportunities and advantages to en cash. But in this rush to capitalize on the fruits of globalization, have we missed its impact on a hostile framework? The role of globalization, both as a cause and vehicle of perpetration of violence is increasingly being realized.

Short Essay on Sports in India 150 Words in English
Short Essay on Sports in India is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Globalization has revolutionized each and every aspect of our society, touching us at myriad levels in numerous ways. From the times, we decided to jumps on and integrate with global forces by adopting the new economic policy, the pace of changes has only taken a unidirectional approach. Easing of restrictions on trade barriers and tariffs, introduced an era of competition and quality in the Indian markets. Consumerism has become the order of the day. Nations began to pour in their strengths to capture markets elsewhere. However, the growth story missed the vision from another segment. This market led approach bled the farmers, the weaker and the marginalized sections of our society. Though the fruits of growth percolated to these sections, inequity grew at a rapid pace, creating pockets of grudges, neglect and marginalization.
Globalization brought along an era of instant entertainment through satellite television, ignorant of the sensitivity of the population. Though the barriers of culture and religion were being broken down to build a world of understanding, the process accentuated alienation of certain segments of the society, by sheer