Argumentative Essay ICSE 2001

This Argumentative Essay was asked in ICSE 2001 board exam. You can find Previous Year Argumentative Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

Argumentative Essay ICSE 2001

There are three kinds of people in the world – the wills, the won’ts and the can’ts. The first accomplish everything, the second oppose everything, and the third fail in everything. By giving reasons or referring to some incidents, state in which category you fall. (ICSE 2001)

Agree with the statement

  • Man has done the impossible by sheer will power
  • Meeting challenge is the essence of life
  • Examples from history
  • Qualities which put me in the category of ‘wills’
  • An incident to justify the above

Great souls have will, feeble one’s have only wishes and wishes we know lead nowhere.

There is much truth in the statement ‘There are three kinds of people in the world – the wills, the won’ts and the can’ts. The first accomplish everything, the second oppose everything, and the third fail in everything.’ Man is the only creature in the universe endowed with mental faculty which gives him the will and the resolve to accomplish difficult tasks. This mental strength enabled him to conquer space and the imposing mountains. He broke new ground in science and technology, art and almost all fields of human endeavour not because of physical prowess, but his firm resolve and willpower.

All of us possess this quality in big or small measure. Men in the category of ‘wills’ have been known to achieve the impossible. The ‘won’ts on the other hand oppose challenges and hence miss opportunities that come their way, while the ‘cant’s’ lacking in self confidence meekly surrender before challenges and hence fail. Such lesser mortals lead an ignoble existence for. people with a wavering mind and feeble will, cannot succeed in life. According to Victor Hugo, “People do not lack strength, they lack the will.”

People in the category of ‘will’ are blessed with a positive attitude and an optimistic approach to problems. They firmly believe in the words of Edmund Burke, “He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skills. Our antagonist is our helper.” The spectacular progress in all fields of human endeavour is because of their never say die attitude. On the other hand, the won’ts have a negative and pessimistic attitude to problems. They find reasons for not taking on the task and are an impediment to progress. The can’ts lack self confidence and application which makes them fail in everything they take up.

The history of mankind is replete with instances of ordinary people achieving great things, by sheer dint of willpower and hard work. The Wright Brothers, broke their limbs, but they finally succeeded in achieving their dream of flying. Such heroes are my ideals, and I place myself firmly in the category of the ‘Wills’.

To me life is a challenge to be faced boldly and optimistically. This positive attitude makes me see an opportunity in a difficult situation. The never say die attitude, impels me to take on the challenge, for I know that my efforts will not be in vain. The thought of failure does not daunt me, for I believe it is a stepping stone to success. I have confidence in myself and am convinced that my perseverance will sooner or later bear fruit.

Few years back I fractured my leg in an accident, just before the final examination. Most of my friends thought that I would repeat the class. However, I took this as a challenge and with the help of my best friend updated myself by taking notes from him. Despite the pain and discomfort, I not only passed the examination but also got 3rd rank in the class, to the surprise of my parents, teachers and friends.

This small incident in my life made me firmly believe that one can accomplish anything provided one has a firm resolve. One must therefore not only wish and aspire for something, but also work with resolve to achieve it, for ‘God helps those who help themselves’. The won’ts and the can’ts, have no place in the highly competitive world of
today for, “Great souls have will, feeble ones have only wishes” and wishes we know lead nowhere.


  • ‘Fortune favours the brave.’ Give your views. You may refer to some instance to elaborate your view.
  • ‘Right to employment should be made a fundamental right.’ Give your views for or against the statement.

Democracy is the best form of government. Give your views for or against the statement. (ICSE 2001)

What is democracy?

  • In a democracy power is distributed and hence its abuse is curtailed.
  • Democracy guarantees fundamental right to each citizen.
  • The legislative, executive, judiciary and the press safeguard the rights.
  • Decision making though slow is improvised. This is because of wider consultation.
  • There is fair and healthy competition for any adult to contest an election and come to power.
  • Such freedom is non-existent in authoritarian regimes, which often lead to bloody revolutions.

Democracy truly empower the masses, with real power being in the hands of the people.

Democracy as defined by Abraham Lincoln is ‘the government of the people, for the people and by the people’. Since the main stress is the people, it is the most acceptable and successful form of government in the world. In a democracy, every single individual has a part to play in the governing process having the right to vote.

To safeguard his/her freedom, there are four pillars of democracy. These are the legislature, elected by the people to make laws; the executive, selected from among the legislature, to run the country, the judiciary to safeguard the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution, and a free press which acts as a watchdog overseeing the working of the government. The final power therefore rests with the people, who can always vote the government out of power.

Democracy is better that other forms of government like monarchy and dictatorship or oligarchy where the ruler – be it the individual or group wields absolute power. Individual freedom is restricted and fundamental rights like freedom of speech or expression are curtailed. Such regimes are usually known for abuse of human rights and suppression of ideas and opinion. The people have no remedy against the misuse of power by the government and as we all know ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’.

Contrary to this, democracy guarantees fundamental right to each citizen. The four organs i.e., the legislative, executive, judiciary and the press keep a check and balance thereby ensuring proper governance. This ensures the rule of law and freedom from exploitation.

The right to vote gives power to the people, who can change the government without any bloodshed. This is not possible in any other form of government. Furthermore, in a democratic setup there is self government at the grass root level, through gram panchayats. Thus the remote villages also have their own local bodies, for responding to their needs. If their representatives are insensitive or corrupt, they can always be voted out in the next election.

Decision making though slow is improvised. This is because of wider consultation among representatives of different regions. Decisions taken by consensus may take time but are more acceptable and hence successful.

Since every citizen enjoys equal right, there is fair and healthy competition for any adult to contest election and come to power. People have a right to protest and express their views against government decisions publicly. There is no restriction on speech and expression. Such freedom is non-existent in an authoritarian regime. The suppression of speech and freedom often lead to bloody revolutions as lately witnessed in Egypt and other Middle East countries.

Democracy truly empowers the masses, with real power resting in the hands of the people. It grants freedom, fundamental rights, equality and justice to all citizens, whether rich or poor. There are no restriction on thoughts, beliefs, religious practices and expression. It is a form of government where everyone walks dignified and fearless, with the head held high and is therefore the best form of government.


  • “Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.’Give your views for or against the statement.
  • Democracy has lost its meaning in India.
  • Democracy in India is a success or a failure.