Argumentative Essay Topic – It Is Better, To Have Brains Than Beauty

It Is Better, To Have Brains Than Beauty. You can find Previous Year Argumentative Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

Argumentative Essay Topic – It Is Better, To Have Brains Than Beauty

“Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless, peacock and lilies for instance,”

  • Beauty is not lasting, it declines with age. The brain and mental faculty improves and grows with age
  • The brain has an all pervasive impact on us, while beauty can at best razzle dazzle for a moment
  • Beauty can enthrall us for the moment, while the brain reaches out and influences the lives of people.
  • The brain impacts our personality

Undoubtedly, it is better to have brains than beauty.

“Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless, peacock and lilies for instance,” said John Ruskin. It is better to have brain than beauty, for it is useful to us and the society. While physical beauty is purely visual, the beauty of the brain is all encompassing.

It enables the individual to perform great deeds and make a valuable contribution to the society. On the other hand physical beauty is but ‘skin-deep’ as most beautiful people are superficial. Beneath their exterior countenance lie base qualities of jealousy, wickedness, pride and arrogance.

Furthermore beauty is not everlasting, it fades out with age and time. The beauty which is at its peak in youth, withers with age making it unrecognisable in old age. On the contrary the brain and mental faculty improves and grows with age. People become wiser and more experienced, others look up to them for advice and direction.
The brain has an all pervasive impact on us. It influences our words and actions. Thus a person with a pleasing mental disposition, leaves a satisfying influence on others, for a long time.

While a person blessed with beauty and glamour can at best razzle dazzle for a moment. No sooner such a person is out of sight than he/she is forgotten. Some beautiful people live in vain unnoticed and unsung. A noble mind on the other hand brings out the inner beauty of the person. It is because of this, personalities like Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi, who by no stretch of imagination could be called beautiful, left an indelible impact on society. Their noble deeds and actions, which were the outcome of a dignified mind would inspire generations. People gratefully remember them as Mother and Mahatma respectively.

Beauty can at best enthrall us for the moment, while the brain can reach out and influence the lives of countless people inspiring them profoundly. This is exemplified in the life and travails of Florence Nightingale. She could have lived a normal life like other girls of her age, but she chose to reach out to the injured and the suffering. The maiden with the lamp not only brightened the lives of those she came in contact with, but she blazed a new trail in the nursing profession.

It is an acknowledged fact that the brain impacts our personality. This is why at national and international beauty paegants, effort is made to gauge the intelligence of the participants by eliciting their response to identical questions. Undoubtedly it is better to have brains than beauty. William Shakespeare acknowledging this fact said, “For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds, Lilies that fester smell far more than weeds”. This is for the brain, inspires us to do noble things. It not only makes us happy but also spreads joy and happiness in the society.


  • Beauty is but skin deep
  • “Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless, peacock and lilies for instance.”
  • ‘Beauty paegants are a vulgar display of body.’ Give your views for or against the statement.