Argumentative Essay Topic – Prohibition Is An Infringement Of Our Fundamental Right

Prohibition Is An Infringement Of Our Fundamental Right. You can find Previous Year Argumentative Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

Argumentative Essay Topic – Prohibition Is An Infringement Of Our Fundamental Right

It is commonly used to ban the use of intoxicant beverages by the rule of law.

  • People advocate prohibition on the ground of morality and ethics; It is addictive.
  • Enforcement of prohibition interferes with the private life of the citizen.
  • Enforcing prohibition gives rise to bootlegging and trafficking which have dangerous consequences.
  • The government in turn loses considerable revenue in the form of excise duty and sales tax.

Enforcing prohibition does not work. Respecting the right of the individual, it should be left to his discretion.

The word ‘prohibition’ owes its genesis to the word ‘prohibit’ which means ban. It is commonly used to ban the use of intoxicant beverages by the rule of law. In the age of enlightenment and freedom its imposition on the citizen, is an infringement of his fundamental right.

People advocate banning the sale and consumption of intoxicant beverages on the ground of morality and ethics. According to them its consumption makes people addicts and drunkards. This ruins them and their family. They fail to realise, that prohibition is unjust for the majority for the sake of the few who would anyway come to ruin, because of their weak will power.

Enforcement of prohibition interferes with the private life of the citizen. People i drink for enjoyment, for overcoming weariness and for some it is a matter of aping the Jones. As confirmed by medical experts alcoholic drinks within limits are good for health. Furthermore, it is a necessity for people living in cold climatic conditions.

Enforcing prohibition is easier said than done. It gives rise to a plethora of other problems like bootlegging and trafficking in illicit liquor. While the former provides encouragement to antisocial elements making a mockery of the law, the latter gives rise to a parallel-uncontrolled industry. This is more dangerous as illicit breweries in the countryside serve poisonous brew to the poor labourers. Hundreds of people die on consuming such adulterated liquor. Those that are spared death are maimed for life being either blinded or paralysed.

The government in turn loses considerable revenue in the form of excise duty and sales tax, which it realises from the sale of liquor. This leads to resource crunch, adversely affecting the development and social welfare schemes of the state. Some states had imposed prohibition bowing to popular sentiments. However, they had to roll back the same because of severe financial crunch. A specific example being, the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Enforcing prohibition does not work. It is important to educate the public on the evil of excessive drinking. The glamour and macho depicted in advertisements should be countered effectively. Finally respecting the fundamental right of the individual, it should be-left to his discretion.


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