Argumentative Essay Topic – The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living. You can find Previous Year Argumentative Essay Topics asked in ICSE board exams.

Argumentative Essay Topic – The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living

Concept of a democratic society; more advantageous.

  • People enjoy fundamental rights and have freedom of speech, work, religion
  • The right of franchise enables them to elect the government of their choice
  • Makes the people master of their own destiny, unity in diversity
  • Few disadvantages plague the system, created by narrow-minded political and religious leaders
  • Democratic society offers stability and better quality of life than any other form of society

Living in a democratic society has many advantages and is the hope of the future.

‘Government of the people, for the people and by the people, shall not perish from the earth’, said Abraham Lincoln. He was indeed very prophetic, for people living in a democratic society have a say in the working of the government. Such a democratic society is therefore bound to be good and successful. India, the largest democratic country in the world, is an excellent example, a diverse but vibrant and progressive society.

This is for people living in a democratic society have absolute freedom to live their life. They enjoy fundamental rights and have freedom of speech, work, religion and doing business. This makes their life happy, secure and progressive for there is no interference of the state in personal matters that exist in an autocratic or communist society.

The right of franchise enables people to elect the government of their choice. Such an elected government caters to the regional aspirations of the people, thereby safeguarding their identity and individuality in terms of language and traditions. The encouragement of different cultural and social practices removes feeling of alienation and deprivation, among different sections of the society.

The constitution of the country guarantees equality, and’ justice for which special concessions like reservation are extended to backward classes and women, enabling them to join the mainstream of the society. This active participation of the people in the government, makes them the master of their own destiny. In fact it is an ideal system that can cater to the needs of the large and diverse society as ours, truly exemplifying the concept of unity in diversity.

There are a few disadvantages plaguing the system. Some of them are real and others created by narrow-minded political and religious leaders. Such misguided elements create a fear among the minorities, because the very concept of democracy is based on majority rule. The sectarian leaders often project imaginary grievances of a section with an eye on votes for gamering more power and clout. This vote bank politics and appeasement, often leads to strife and violence.

Democratic societies are however plagued with slow pace of development. This is because valuable time and energy is lost in discussion, debate and getting public opinion before implementing major decisions. This often leads to monetary losses, and slows down the pace of economic development, which is harmful for a developing country like India.

Nevertheless living in a democratic society offers stability and better quality of life than any other form of society. The last century saw the fall of many fascist, communist and autocratic societies. They failed miserably in addressing the diverse aspirations of the people. Some were able to usher in stupendous growth and development, like communist USSR, autocratic Iran and Iraq, under the rule of the Shah and Saddam Hussein. However, they broke up and paved the way to fundamentalism and chaos, which is still tormenting the people.

Living in a democratic society has many advantages. It is the hope of the future. There is need to nurture it with great care and respect. The anomalies that have inadvertently crept into the polity like casteism, regionalism, fundamentalism, for vote should be done away with. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”


  • The democratic society in India is a living example of unity in diversity.’ Discuss.
  • ‘Government of the people, for the people and by the people, shall not perish from the earth.’ Write your views on the statement.