Adisthana Padavali Malayalam Standard 10 Guide Solutions Answers Notes

Adisthana Padavali Malayalam Standard 10 Guide Solutions Answers Notes

Subject Matter Experts at have created New Syllabus Adisthana Padavali Malayalam Standard 10 Guide Solutions Answers Notes 2019-2020 Pdf Free Download of Textbook Questions and Answers, Chapter Wise Notes, Activity Answers, Chapters Summary in Malayalam, Malayalam Study Material, Teachers Hand Book. Let us look at these SCERT Kerala State Board Syllabus 10th Standard Malayalam Textbooks Adisthana Padavali Solutions Pdf of Kerala SSLC Class 10 Part 1 and Part 2. Students can also read Kerala Padavali Malayalam Standard 10 Solutions.

Adisthana Padavali Malayalam Standard 10 Solutions Answers Guide Notes

Adisthana Padavali Malayalam Standard 10 Guide

Unit 1 Jivitam Patarttunna Verukal

Unit 2 Nilavupeyyunna Nattuvaligal

Unit 3 Vakkukal Vidarunna Pularikal

Adisthana Padavali Malayalam Standard 10 Guide Solutions Answers Notes

We hope these Adisthana Padavali Malayalam Standard 10 Guide Answers Solutions Notes 2019-20 Pdf Free Download of Textbook Questions and Answers, Chapter Wise Notes, Activity Answers, Chapters Summary in Malayalam, Malayalam Study Material, Teachers Hand Book will help you get through your subjective questions in exam. Let us know if you have any concerns regarding SCERT Kerala State Board Syllabus 10th Std Malayalam Textbooks Adisthana Padavali Answers Guide Pdf of Kerala SSLC Class 10 Part 1 and Part 2, drop a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Extra Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill and Snapshots Important Questions

Extra Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill and Snapshots Important Questions

In this page you can find NCERT Extra Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill and Snapshots. Students can get Class 11 English NCERT Solutions, Chapter Wise CBSE Class 11 English Important Questions and Answers will make your practice complete.

Extra Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill and Snapshots Important Questions

Extra Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Prose

  1. The Portrait of a Lady Extra Questions
  2. We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together Extra Questions
  3. Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Extra Questions
  4. Landscape of the Soul Extra Questions
  5. The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role Extra Questions
  6. The Browning Version Extra Questions
  7. The Adventure Extra Questions
  8. Silk Road Extra Questions

Extra Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Poem

  1. A Photograph Extra Questions
  2. The Laburnum Top Extra Questions
  3. The Voice of the Rain Extra Questions
  4. Childhood Extra Questions
  5. Father to Son Extra Questions

Extra Questions for Class 11 English Snapshots

We hope the given Chapter Wise NCERT Extra Questions for Class 11 English Important Questions of Hornbill and Snapshots will help you. If you have any queries related to Chapter Wise CBSE Class 11 English Important Questions and Answers, you can reach out to us in the comment section below, we will get back to you in no time.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 1 साखी with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 1 साखी with Answers

We have compiled NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 1 साखी with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 10 Hindi with Answers were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern. Practicing these साखी Class 10 Hindi Sparsh MCQs Questions with Answers really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts.

साखी Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
कवि ने अपना घर क्यों जलाया?
(a) घर अच्छा नहीं था
(b) घर छोटा था
(c) दूसरा घर बनाने के लिए
(d) विषय-वासना समाप्त करने के लिए


Answer: (d) विषय-वासना समाप्त करने के लिए

साखी with Answers

Question 2.
हमें ज्ञान कैसे मिलेगा?
(a) किताब पढ़कर
(b) ईश्वर प्रेम का एक अक्षर पढ़कर
(c) किताब लिखकर
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं


Answer: (b) ईश्वर प्रेम का एक अक्षर पढ़कर

साखी Questions and Answers

Question 3.
‘घटि-घटि राम है’ के माध्यम से कवि क्या कहना चाहते है?
(a) राम घटता रहता है
(b) परमात्मा हर मनुष्य के हृदय में निवास करते हैं
(c) परमात्मा घड़े में निवास करते हैं
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं


Answer: (b) परमात्मा हर मनुष्य के हृदय में निवास करते हैं

Question 4.
कस्तूरी क्या है?
(a) सुगंधित द्रव्य जो मृग की नाभि में पाया जाता है।
(b) सुगंधित तेल जो दुकानों पर मिलता है।
(c) कस्तूरी एक वृक्ष का नाम है।
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं


Answer: (a) सुगंधित द्रव्य जो मृग की नाभि में पाया जाता है।

Question 5.
राम का वियोगी कौन होता है?
(a) जो पूजा-पाठ करता है
(b) जो राम को नहीं मानता
(c) जो ईश्वर के अस्तित्व को मानता है
(d) जो ईश्वर को पाने के लिए हर प्रकार का प्रयास करता है


Answer: (d) जो ईश्वर को पाने के लिए हर प्रकार का प्रयास करता है

Question 6.
“विरह भुवंगम’ का तात्पर्य है
(a) मन का मोह
(b) विरह रूपी सर्प
(c) राम का वियोग
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं


Answer: (b) विरह रूपी सर्प

Question 7.
‘मंत्र’ का अर्थ है
(a) उपाय
(b) शक्ति
(c) विश्वास
(d) धोखा


Answer: (a) उपाय

Question 8.
कबीरदास जी किसलिए दुखी हैं___
(a) वे बीमार हैं
(b) उनके पास सुख सुविधाएँ नहीं हैं
(c) वे प्रभु के वियोग में दुखी हैं
(d) वे पत्नी के वियोग में दुखी हैं


Answer: (c) वे प्रभु के वियोग में दुखी हैं

Question 9.
तन के शीतल होने का क्या अभिप्राय है?
(a) शरीर का ठंडा होना
(b) मर जाना
(c) सुख और शांति अनुभव करना
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं


Answer: (c) सुख और शांति अनुभव करना

Question 10.
कबीरदास जी कैसी वाणी बोलने की प्रेरणा देते हैं?
(a) अहंकार त्यागकर मीठी वाणी बोलने की प्रेरणा देते हैं।
(b) अभिमान भरी वाणी बोलने की प्रेरणा देते हैं।
(c) अहंकार भरी सत्य वाणी बोलने की प्रेरणा देते हैं।
(d) अहंकार त्यागकर कटु बोलने की प्रेरणा देते हैं।


Answer: (a) अहंकार त्यागकर मीठी वाणी बोलने की प्रेरणा देते हैं।

Question 11.
कबीर की साखियों का मुख्य उद्देश्य क्या है ?
(a) जीवन जीने के सही ढंग का ज्ञान देना
(b) क्षत्रिय ज्ञान
(c) शास्त्रीय ज्ञान
(d) सही ढंग का ज्ञान


Answer: (a) जीवन जीने के सही ढंग का ज्ञान देना

Question 12.
ईशवर कण कण में व्याप्त है , पर हम उसे देख क्यों नहीं पाते ?
(a) मन में छुपे अहंकार के कारण
(b) आँखें बंद होने के कारण
(c) आँखों पर चश्मा होने के कारण
(d) मन के कारण


Answer: (a) मन में छुपे अहंकार के कारण

Question 13.
कबीर के अनुसार दुखी कौन है ?
(a) आध्यात्मिक लोग
(b) लालची लोग
(c) जो ज्ञानी है
(d) जो अज्ञानी है


Answer: (c) जो ज्ञानी है

Question 14.
मिट्टी शब्द का अर्थ बताएं |
(a) मिटना
(b) मिटटी
(c) मीट
(d) मीत


Answer: (a) मिटना

Question 15.
कबीर के गुरु कौन थे ?
(a) स्वामी चरितानन्द
(b) रामानंद सागर
(c) गुरु रामानंद
(d) गुरु मानंद


Answer: (a) स्वामी चरितानन्द

Question 16.
गुरु शिष्य को तत्त्व ज्ञान की शिक्षा कैसे देता है ?
(a) सत्य की साक्षी देता हुआ
(b) व्यवहारिक ज्ञान देकर
(c) असत्य की साक्षी देता हुआ
(d) सत्क्ष देता हुआ


Answer: (a) सत्य की साक्षी देता हुआ

Question 17.
साखी क्या है ?
(a) दोहा छंद
(b) पद्य गद्य
(c) छंद
(d) दोहा


Answer: (a) दोहा छंद

Question 18.
संत समाज में किस ज्ञान की महत्ता है ?
(a) अनुभव ज्ञान की
(b) बाहरी ज्ञान की
(c) मायावी ज्ञान की
(d) सांसारिक ज्ञान


Answer: (a) अनुभव ज्ञान की

Question 19.
सखी शब्द किस से बना है ?
(a) साक्षी
(b) साक्ष्य
(c) सखि
(d) साखी


Answer: (a) साक्षी

Question 20.
मीठी वाणी बोलने से औरों को सुख और अपने तन को शीतलता कैसे प्राप्त होती है?
(a) अहंकार रहित मीठे बोल सबके ह्रदय को छूते हैं
(b) मिश्री गलती है
(c) मिश्री घुलती है
(d) मीठे बोल


Answer: (a) अहंकार रहित मीठे बोल सबके ह्रदय को छूते हैं

We hope the given NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 1 साखी with Answers Pdf free download will definitely yield fruitful results. If you have any queries related to CBSE Class 10 Hindi Sparsh साखी MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop your questions below and will get back to you in no time.

Maths Formulas For Class 9

Maths Formulas For Class 9

For some Maths can be fun and for some, it can be a nightmare. Maths Formulas are difficult to memorise and we have curated a list of Maths Formulas for Class 9 just for you. You can use this as a go-to sheet whenever you want to prepare Class 9 Maths Formulas. Students can get Formulas on Algebra, Calculus, and Geometry that can be useful in your preparation and help you do your homework.

Here in this article, we have listed basic Maths formulas so that you can learn the fundamentals of Maths. Our unique way of solving Maths Problems will make you learn how the equation came into existence instead of memorizing it. Solve all the important problems and questions in Maths with the Best Maths Formulas for Class 9.

Maths Formulas for Class 9 PDF Free Download

Feel free to directly use the best Maths formulas during your homework or exam preparation. You need to know the list of Class 9 formulas as they will not just be useful in your academic books but also in your day to day lives.

Remember the Maths Formulas in a smart way by making use of our list. You can practice Questions and Answers based on these Class 9 Maths Formulas. Students can get basic Maths formulas Free PDF Download for Class 9. Candidates can use the handy learning aid Maths Formulas PDF to have in depth knowledge on the subject as per the Latest CBSE Syllabus.

CBSE Class 9 Maths Formulas according to the Chapters are prepared by subject experts and you can rely on them during your preparation. Click on the topic you wish to prepare from the list of formulas prevailing.

Class 9 Math Formula Tables

Geometry Shapes Formulas for Class 9
Geometric Figure Area Perimeter
Rectangle A= l × w P = 2 × (l+w )
Triangle A = (1⁄2) × b × h P = a + b + c
Trapezoid A = (1⁄2) × h × (b1+ b2) P = a + b + c + d
Parallelogram A = b × h P = 2 (b + h)
Circle A = π r2 C = 2 π r
Algebraic Identities For Class 9
(a−b) 2=a2−2ab+b2
(a+b) 3=a3+b3+3ab(a+b)
(x+y+z) 2=x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2xz
(x+y–z) 2=x2+y2+z2+2xy–2yz–2xz
(x–y+z) 2=x2+y2+z2–2xy–2yz+2xz
(x–y–z) 2=x2+y2+z2–2xy+2yz–2xz
x2+y2=\(\frac {1}{2}\) [(x+y) 2+(x–y) 2]
x2+y2+z2−xy–yz–zx=\(\frac {1}{2}\) [(x−y) 2+(y−z) 2+(z−x) 2]<

FAQs on Class 9 Maths Formulas

1. Where can I get Maths Formulas for Class 9?

You can find the list of all Maths Formulas pertaining to Class 9 from our page. In fact, all the formulas are arranged topic wise as per chapters and you can use them to score better grades in the exam.

2. How do I Learn Class 9 Maths Formulas?

Don’t try to mug up the formulas instead try finding the logic behind it so that it will be easy for you. However, there are some formulas that are hard to derive and you can memorize them. Practice as much as you can to understand the Maths Class 9 Formulas.

3. Is there a Website that provides all Maths formulas for Class 9?

Students can make use of our website to access all the Class 9 Maths Formulas as per the topics to make your learning process effective.

Final Words

We believe that the comprehensive list of basic Maths formulas for Class 9 will make your learning effective. You can simply click on the Topics to view the Class 9 Maths formulas and aid your preparation. If you feel any formula is missing that can be added to our list do drop us a comment and we will add it to the list.

Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 8 Issue of Debentures

Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 8 Issue of Debentures

Free PDF Download of CBSE Accountancy Multiple Choice Questions for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 8 Issue of Debentures. Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve NCERT Class 12 Accountancy Issue of Debentures MCQs Pdf with Answers to know their preparation level.

Issue of Debentures Class 12 Accountancy MCQs Pdf

Multiple Choice Questions
Select the Best Alternate :
1. Debenture holders are : (CPT June, 2010)
(A) Owners of the Company
(B) Debtors of the Company
(C) Creditors of the Company
(D) Promoters of the Company


Answer: C

Issue of Debentures

2. Debentures represent the :
(A) Long-term Borrowings of a Company
(B) The Investment of Equity-Shareholders
(C) Directors’ shares in a company
(D) Short-term Borrowings of a Company


Answer: A

Issue of Debentures with Answers

3. Zero Coupon Bonds are issued :
(A) At Zero Interest Rate
(B) With Specified Rate of Interest
(C) Without Specified Rate of Interest
(D) None of These


Answer: C

4, Interest payable on debentures is :
(A) an appropriation of profits of the company
(B) a charge against profits of the company
(C) transferred to sinking fund investment account
(D) transferred to general reserve


Answer: B

5. A debenture holder is entitled to :
(A) Fixed dividend
(B) Share in profits
(C) Voting rights in the company
(D) Interest at the fixed rate


Answer: D

6. On liquidation of company, principal amount of debentures is returned :
(A) First of All
(B) Last of All
(C) Before Equity Capital
(D) After Equity Capital


Answer: C

7. Which of the following statements is false?
(A) Debenture is a form of public borrowing.
(B) It is customary to prefix debentures with the agreed rate of interest.
(C) Debenture interest is a charge against profits.
(D) The issue price and redemption value of debentures cannot differ.


Answer: D

8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Bearer Debentures?
(A) They are treated as negotiable instruments.
(B) Their transfer requires a deed of transfer.
(C) They are transferable by mere delivery.
(D) The interest on it is paid to the holder irrespective of identity.


Answer: B

9. Which of the following statements is false?
(A) At maturity, debenture holders get back their money.
(B) Debentures can be forfeited for non-payment of call money.
(C) In company’s balance sheet, debentures are shown under the head Long term Borrowings.
(D) Interest on debentures is a charge against profits. (CPTDec. 2011)


Answer: B

10. Which of the following statements is false :
(A) A Company can issue redeemable debentures.
(B) A Company can issue debentures with voting rights.
(C) A Company can issue convertible debentures.
(D) A Company can buy its own debentures and shares.


Answer: B

11. The Principal amount of debentures will be repaid by the company either at the end of a specified period or by instalments during the life time of the company. Such types of debentures are called :
(A) Redeemable Debentures
(B) Irredeemable Debentures
(C) Convertible Debentures
(D) Bearer Debentures


Answer: A

12. The debentures whose principal amount is not repayable by the company during its life time, but the payment is made only at the time of Liquidation of the company, such debentures are called :
(A) Bearer Debentures
(B) Redeemable Debentures
(C) Irredeemable Debentures
(D) Non-Convertible Debentures


Answer: C

13. Debenture Application Account is in the natutre of
(A) Real Account
(B) Personal Account
(C) Nominal Account
(D) None of the above


Answer: B

14. Discount on issue of Debentures is in the nature of
(A) Revenue loss
(B) Capital loss
(C) Deferred Revenue Expenditure
(D) None of the above


Answer: B

15. Premium received on issue of debentures may be utilised for
(A) For writing off discount allowed on issue of shares
(B) For writing off premium allowed on redemption of debentures
(C) For writing off preliminary expenses
(D) For All of the Above


Answer: D

16. ‘A’ Fimited purchased the assets from ‘B’ Limited for ₹5,40,000. ‘A’ Limited issued 10% debentures of ₹100 each at 10% discount against the payment. The number of debentures received by ‘B’ Limited will be :
(A) 54,000
(B) 5,400
(C) 60,000
(D) None of the above


Answer: D

17. ‘A’ Limited purchased the assets from ‘B’ Limited for ₹5,40,000. ‘A’ Limited issued 10% debentures of ₹100 each at 20% premium against the payment. The number of debentures received by ‘B’ Limited will be :
(A) 4,500
(B) 5,400
(C) 45,000
(D) 6,000


Answer: A

18. ‘A’ Limited purchased the assets from ‘B’ Limited for ₹8,10,000. ‘A’ Limited issued 10% debentures of ₹100 each at 10% discount against the payment. The number of debentures received by ‘B’ Limited will be :
(A) 8,100
(B) 9,000
(C) 90,000
(D) None of the above


Answer: B

19. Debentures of a Company can be issued : (C.S. Foundation, Dec. 2012)
(A) For Cash
(B) For Consideration other than Cash
(C) As a Collateral Security
(D) Any of the above


Answer: D

20. On issue of debentures as a collateral security, which account is credited? (C.S. Foundation, Dec. 2012)
(A) Debentures Account
(B) Bank Loan Account
(C) Debenture Holdings Account
(D) Debenture Suspense Account


Answer: A

Q.21. Debentures issued as collateral security will be debited to :
(A) Bank Account
(B) Debentures Suspense Account
(C) Debentures Account
(D) Bank Loan Account


Answer: B

22. When debentures of ₹1,00,000 are issued as Collateral Security against a loan of ₹1,50,000, the entry for issue of debentures will be :
(A) Credit Debentures ₹1,50,000 and debit bank A/c ₹1,50,000
(B) Debit Debenture Suspense A/c ₹1,00,000 and Credit Bank A/c ₹1,00,000
(C) Debit Debenture Suspense A/c ₹1,00,000 and Credit Debentures A/c ₹1,00,000.
(D) Debit Cash A/c ₹1,50,000 and Credit Bank A/c ₹1,50,000


Answer: C

23. Interest on debentures issued as a collateral security is paid on : (CPT Dec. 2008)
(A) Nominal value of debentures
(B) No interest is paid
(C ) Face value of debentures
(D) Paid up value of debentures


Answer: B

24. Loss on Issue of Debentures is written off:
(A) In the year of the issue of debentures
(B) During the life of the debentures
(C) Within 3 years of the issue of debentures
(D) In the year of redemption of debentures


Answer: A

25. When debentures are to be redeemed at premium an extra entry has to be made at the time of issue of debentures, which a/c should be credited in this entry?
(A) Loss on issue of debentures a/c
(B) Debenture redemption premium a/c
(C) Bank a/c
(D) Debenture holder’s a/c


Answer: B

26. Premium on Redemption of Debentures Account is :
(A) Personal Account
(B) Real Account
(C) Nominal Account
(D) All of the Above


Answer: A

27. X Ltd. acquired assets of ₹20 lakhs and took over creditors of ₹20 thousand from FLtd. A Ltd. issued 8% debentures of ₹200 each at a discount of 10% as purchase consideration. Number of debentures issued will be :
(A) 11,000
(B) 9,000
(C) 10,000
(D) 10,100


Answer: A

28. X Ltd. purchased a building for ₹60,00,000 payable as 20% in Cash and balance by allotment of 8% debentures of ₹500 each at a premium of 20%. Number of debentures issued will be :
(A) 9,600
(B) 8,000
(C) 12,000
(D) 10,000


Answer: B

29. Sunrise Ltd purchased a building for ₹5,00,000 payable as 15% in cash and balance by allotment of 9% debentures of ₹100 each at a premium of 25%. Number of debentures issued will be :
(A) 4,250
(B) 4,000
(C) 5,000
(D) 3,400


Answer: D

30. If Vendors are issued debentures of ₹80,000 in consideration of net assets of ₹1,00,000, the balance of ₹20,000 will be credited to :
(A) Statement of Profit & Loss
(B) Goodwill Account
(C) General Reserve Account
(D) Capital Reserve Account


Answer: D

31. If Vendors are issued debentures of ₹4,40,000 in consideration of assets of ₹5,00,000 and liabilities of ₹1,00,000, the balance of ₹40,000 will be debited to:
(A) General Reserve Account
(B) Capital Reserve Account
(C) Goodwill Account
(D) Statement of Profit & Loss


Answer: C

32. A Ltd. issued 1,000, 10% debentures of ₹100 each at a premium of 5%. What will be the total amount of interest for one year :
(A) ₹10,500
(B) ₹10,000
(C) ₹5,250
(D) ₹5,000


Answer: B

33. On 1st April 2007, Sunrise Limited issued 5,000, 8% debentures of ₹100 each at a discount of 5%. What will be the total amount of interest for the year ending 31st March 2008? .
(A) ₹38,000
(B) ₹42,000
(C) ₹40,000
(D) ₹25,000


Answer: C

34. Globe Ltd. issues 20,000, 9% debentures of ? 100 each at a discount of 5% redeemable at the end of 5 years at a premium of 6%. For what amount ‘Loss on Issue of Debentures Account’ will be debited?
(A) ₹1,00,000
(B) ₹1,20,000
(C) ₹2,80,000
(D) ₹2,20,000


Answer: D

35. Issued 5,000, 12% debentures of ₹100 each at a discount of 2%, redeemable at a premium of 5%. In such case :
(A) Loss on Issue will be Credited by ₹10,000.
(B) Loss on Issue will be debited by ₹35,000.
(C) Premium on Redemption will be debited by ₹25,000.
(D) Premium on Redemption will be credited by ₹35,000.


Answer: B

36. Issued 4,000, 12% debentures of ₹100 each at a premium of 4%, redeemable at a premium of 10%. In such case : k
(A) Loss on Issue will be debited by ₹24,000
(B) Loss on Issue will be debited by ₹56,000
(C) Loss on Issue will be debited by ₹40,000
(D) Premium on Redemption will be credited by ₹24,000


Answer: C

We hope the given Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 8 Issue of Debentures will help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Issue of Debentures MCQs Pdf, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 10 Financial Statements of Companies

Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 10 Financial Statements of Companies

Free PDF Download of CBSE Accountancy Multiple Choice Questions for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 10 Financial Statements of Companies. Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve NCERT Class 12 Accountancy Financial Statements of Companies MCQs Pdf with Answers to know their preparation level.

Financial Statements of Companies Class 12 Accountancy MCQs Pdf

Multiple Choice Questions
Select the best alternate and check your answer with the answers given at the end of the book.
1. Balance sheet of a company is required to be prepared in the format given in ………………………
(A) Schedule III Part II
(B) Schedule III Part I
(C) Schedule III Part III
(D) Table A


Answer: B

Financial Statements of Companies

2. As per Companies Act, the Balance Sheet of a company is required to be presented in ………………………
(A) Horizontal Form
(B) Vertical Form
(C) Either Horizontal or Vertical Form
(D) Neither ofthe above


Answer: B

Financial Statements of Companies Class 12

3. Which of the following is not required to be prepared under the Companies Act
(A) Statement of Profit and Loss
(B) Balance Sheet
(C) Report of Director’s and Auditor’s
(D) Funds Flow Statement


Answer: D

4. According to prescribed order of assets in a Company’s Balance Sheet ……………………… assets should be shown first of all.
(A) Non-Current Assets
(B) Current Assets
(C) Current Investments
(D) Loans and Advances


Answer: A

5. In a Company’s Balance Sheet …………………. appear under the head ‘non-current assets’.
(A) Goodwill
(B) Patents
(C) Vehicles
(D) All of the above


Answer: D

6. Calls in Arrears appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under ………………..
(A) Reserve & Surplus
(B) Shareholder’s Funds
(C) Contingent Liabilities
(D) Short-term Borrowings


Answer: B

7. Calls in advance appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under ………………..
(A) Share Capital
(B) Current Liability
(C) Long-term Borrowings
(D) Reserve & Surplus


Answer: B

8. Short-term Borrowings appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the head …………………..
(A) Current Assets
(B) Current Liabilities
(C) Non-Current Liabilities
(D) Non-Current Assets


Answer: B

9. Fixed Deposits appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under :
(A) Current Assets
(B) Current Liabilities
(C) Long-term Provisions
(D) Long-term Borrowings


Answer: D

10. Goodwill appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ………………….
(A) Unamortized Assets
(B) Non-Current Investment
(C) Intangible Assets
(D) Tangible Assets


Answer: C

11. Share Forfeiture Account appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ……………….
(A) Share Capital
(B) Reserve & Surplus
(C) Contingent Liability
(D) Commitments


Answer: A

12. Expenses allowed on issue of shares appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under :
(A) Share Capital
(B) Current Liability
(C) Unamortized Expenditure
(D) Contingent Liability


Answer: C

13. Securities Premium Reserve appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under :
(A) Share Capital
(B) Long-term Provision
(C) Short-term Provision
(D) Reserve & Surplus


Answer: D

14. Prepaid Expenses appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ………………
(A) Other Current Assets
(B) Short-term Loans & Advances
(C) Intangible Assets
(D) Other Non-Current Assets


Answer: A

15. ……………… appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head Short-term Provision
(A) Interest Accrued but not due on Borrowings
(B) Provision for Tax
(C) Unpaid Dividend
(D) Calls in Advance


Answer: B

16. Provision for Tax appears in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ……………………
(A) Short-term Provisions
(B) Reserves and Surplus
(C) Long-term Provisions
(D) Other Current Liabilities


Answer: A

17. Bills Receivables appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ……………………..
(A) Current Investments
(B) Cash Equivalents
(C) Trade Receivables
(D) Short term Loans and Advances


Answer: C

18. Trade Investments appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ………………….
(A) Current Investments
(B) Non-Current Investments
(C) Intangible Assets
(D) Short-term Loans and Advances


Answer: B

19. ‘Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts’ is shown under the head ……………….
(A) Current Liabilities
(B) Non-Current Liabilities
(C) Commitments
(D) Contingent Liabilities


Answer: D

20. Unclaimed dividend appears in a Company’s balance Sheet under the Sub-head ………………
(A) Short-term Borrowings
(B) Trade Payables
(C) Other Current Liabilities
(D) Short-term Provisions


Answer: C

21. Interest accrued and due on debentures appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ……………..
(A) Short-term Borrowings
(B) Trade Payables
(C) Other Current Liabilities
(D) Short-term Provisions


Answer: C

22. Interest accrued but not due on loans appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ………………
(A) Short-term Borrowings
(B) Trade Payables
(C) Other Current Liabilities
(D) Short-term Provisions


Answer: C

23. 6% Debentures appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ………………….
(A) Long-term Provisions
(B) Long-term Borrowings
(C) Other Current Liabilities
(D) Other Long-term Liabilities


Answer: B

24. Interest accrued on Investments appear in a Company’s Balance Sheet under the Sub-head ………………….
(A) Non-Current Investments
(B) Current Investments
(C) Other Current Assets
(D) Other Non-Current Assets


Answer: C

25. ‘Accumulated Dividend Arrears’ on preference shares is shown in the Company’s Balance Sheet as :
(A) Current Liability
(B) Contingent Liability
(C) Commitments
(D) Short-term Provision


Answer: C

26. 50,000, 9% Debentures redeemable within 12 months of the date of Balance Sheet will be shown under :
(A) Short-term Borrowings
(B) Short-term Provision
(C) Other Current Liability
(D) Trade Payables


Answer: C

27. Which one of the following is Commitment?
(A) Proposed Dividend
(B) Interim Dividend
(C) Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend
(D) Dividend Arrears on Cumulative Preference Shares


Answer: D

28. Which of the following items is shown under the head ‘Current Assets’ while preparing the Balance Sheet of a company?
(A) Trade Investment
(B) Underwriting Commission
(C) Inventories
(D) Livestock


Answer: C

29. While preparing the Balance Sheet of a company ‘Underwriting Commission’ is shown under which head?
(A) Unamortized Expenditure
(B) Current Assets
(C) Non-Current Assets
(D) Current Liability


Answer: A

30. Which of the following items is shown under the head ‘Current Liabilities’ while preparing the Balance Sheet of a company?
(A) Securities Premium Reserve
(B) Debentures
(C) Livestock
(D) None of the above


Answer: D

31. While preparing the Balance Sheet of a company ‘Securities Premium’ is shown under :
(A) Current Liability
(B) Share Capital
(C) Long-term Borrowings
(D) None of the above


Answer: D

32. Which of the following items is shown under the head ‘Non-Current Assets’ while preparing the Balance Sheet of a company?
(A) Underwriting Commission
(B) Current Investment
(C) Inventory
(D) Patents


Answer: D

33. Under which heading the item ‘Bills Discounted but not yet matured’ will be shown in the Balance Sheet of a company?
(A) Current Liability
(B) Current Assets
(C) Contingent Liabilities
(D) Unamortized Expenditure


Answer: C

34. Which one of the following items is shown under the heading ‘current liabilities’ in the Balance Sheet of a company?
(A) Investments
(B) Reserve Fund
(C) Unclaimed Dividend
(D) Livestock


Answer: C

35. While preparing the Balance Sheet of a Company which item is shown under the head ‘Long term Borrowings’?
(A) 6% Debentures
(B) Security Premium Reserve
(C) Trade Payables
(D) None of the above


Answer: A

36. Share Capital of a Company consists of 5,00,000 Shares of ₹10 each, ₹8 called up. All the shareholders have duly paid the called up amount. Share capital will be shown as :
(A) Subscribed and Fully Paid
(B) Subscribed but not fully paid
(C) Any of the above
(D) None of the above


Answer: B

37. A Company has issued 2,00,000 Equity Shares of ₹10 each and it has called the entire nominal value of the share. It has received the entire amount except final call of ₹3 per share on 5,000 shares. Subscribed Capital will be shown as follows:
Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 10 Financial Statements of Companies


Answer: C

38. Change in Inventories means :
(A) Difference between Opening Inventories and Closing Inventories
(B) Difference between Closing Inventories and Opening Inventories
(C) Difference between Opening Inventories and Closing Inventories, if Opening Inventories are higher
(D) Difference between Closing Inventories and Opening Inventories, if Closing Inventories are higher.


Answer: A

We hope the given Accountancy MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 10 Financial Statements of Companies will help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 12 Accountancy Financial Statements of Companies MCQs Pdf, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

Tili Kannada Text Book Class 8 Solutions Answers Guide

Tili Kannada Text Book Class 8 Solutions Answers Guide

Expert Teachers at has created Tili Kannada Text Book Class 8 Solutions Answers Guide Notes Pdf free download is part of KSEEB Solutions for Class 8. Here Learncram has given Karnataka State Board Syllabus 2nd Language Tili Kannada Text Book Class 8th Standard Guide NCERT Solutions Pdf Download. Students can also find Siri Kannada Text Book Class 8 Solutions of 1st language.

Class 8 Tili Kannada Gadya Bhaga​ Karnataka State Board Solutions

Class 8 Tili Kannada Padya Bhaga Karnataka State Board Solutions

Class 8 Tili Kannada Saiddhantika Vyakarana

Class 8 Tili Kannada Rachana Bhaga

We hope the given Tili Kannada Text Book Class 9 Answers Solutions Guide Notes Pdf free download will help you. If you have any queries regarding Karnataka State Board Syllabus 9th Standard Tili Kannada Textbook NCERT Solutions of 2nd Language, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

Mother India Summary in English and Hindi by Subhash Chandra Bose

Mother India Summary in English and Hindi by Subhash Chandra Bose

Mother India Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. Mother India is written by Subhash Chandra Bose. has provided Mother India Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Chapter Story Ka Meaning in Hindi.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

Mother India Summary in English and Hindi by Subhash Chandra Bose

Mother India by Subhash Chandra Bose About the Author

The author piece of the letter “Mother India” is Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (1897-1945). He was a great nationalist and patriot. He was a great political leader of the first half of the 20th century. He led the Revolutionary Indian National Army during world war II to liberate India. He resigned from civil services. He did so because he was of the opinion the best way to end a government is to withdraw from it. “On August 18, 1945, he was going to the Soviet Union in a Japanese plane when it crashed in Taipeh. He is believed to have died in the crash. Netaji was religious and spent much time in meditation.

Mother India Summary in English and Hindi

Mother India Summary in English

The present piece of letter “Mother India” is written to his mother. In this letter he has described how our motherland was in trouble during those days. This letter indicates the concern of a sensitive son of the soil.

Subhash Chandra Bose has narrated the condition of pre-Independence India. He had a deep feeling for the welfare to the country. He was highly pained to see our country under British rule.

Puja celebration had been performed. It had entered its final day. Venue of the pooja pandal was highly decorated. There was pomp and show throughout in the celebration. Subhash did not like such unnecessary wastage of money and energy. He was aggrieved to see the pathetic condition of his Mother-India. He was of the opinion that India had a glorious past. He had expressed his view that India is God’s beloved land and He (God) had been born in this holy land many a times in every aga in the form of saviour for the enlightenment of the people. He has blessed with this earth to get rid of their son and to establish righteousness and truth in the heart of every Indian.

There are sacred rivers like Ganga and Godavari. The yogis have gathered on the banks of those rivers and find it a suitable place for them. They perform worship with flowers, sandal wood and incense, People from different places come for a holy darshan and dip in the water.

Subhash was highly disturbed mentally to see the distressed condition of his Mother India. He asked from his mother why such a situation had arisen. Why there is no any sincere and selfless son to serve his mother. He did not see a single person, who was ready to sacrifice his desire and selfishness. Everybody was suffering from hunger, jealousy, selfishness and lack of love.

At the end, Subhash has offered himself of his abilities and sacrifices. He also expected the same from the people of the country. By doing this they would be able to fight for their Mother India, with new vigour and strength. That was the only way out to get rid of British rule and the beginning of a golden chapter.

Mother India Summary in English

Mother India Summary in Hindi

1. Revered mother, Today is…….not an ordinary one.
अनुवाद : पूज्यनीय माताजी आज पूजा का अंतिम दिन है। आप हमारे गाँव के घर में देवी की पूजा करने में तल्लीन होंगी। मुझे आशा है कि इस वर्ष पूजा बड़ी धूम-धाम व श्रद्धा से की जाएगी। परंतु, माँ, क्या धूमधाम व अनुष्ठान की कोई आवश्यकता है ? जिसे हम प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, उसका अपने मन व निष्ठा से आह्वान करना पर्याप्त है। इससे अधिक और क्या चाहिए? जब चंदन की लकड़ी व फूलों का स्थान श्रद्धा व प्रेम ले लेते हैं, तो हमारी पूजा संसार में सबसे भव्य चीज बन जाती है। धूम-धाम व श्रद्धा आपस में विरोधी हैं। इस वर्ष मेरे मन में कसक है। यह बड़ा दुख है-कोई साधारण दुख नहीं।

2. I shall be pining away……………from here.
अनुवाद-देवी के जल विसर्जन के दिन मैं यहाँ तड़प रहा हूँगा। परंतु मेरा दिल आप सब के साथ होगा। ऐसे पवित्र दिन मेरे लिए कोई प्रसन्नता न होगी। परंतु इसका अब कोई चारा . नहीं है। कल सायं हम आपको अपना प्रणाम यहाँ से भेजेंगे।

3. India is God’s……………..holy river indeed!
अनुवाद-भारत ईश्वर की प्रिय भूमि है। वह इस महान देश में हर युग में मुक्तिदाता के रूप में पैदा हुआ है। लोगों को ज्ञान देने के लिए, संसार को पाप से मुक्ति दिलाने और हर भारतीय के दिल में सदाचार व सत्य की स्थापना करने के लिए वह मानव रूप में कई देशों में आया है, परंतु अन्य किसी देश में इतनी बार नहीं । इसलिए मैं कहता हूँ कि हमारी मातृभूमि ईश्वर की प्रिय भूमि है। देखो माँ, भारत में आपको जो चाहो मिल सकता हैं-गर्म से गर्म ग्रीष्म ऋतु, कड़ाके का शीतकाल, भारी से भारी वर्षा, और मनों को अच्छे लगने वाले वसंत व हेमंत । दक्कन में मैं गोदावरी देखता हूँ, जिसका निर्मल व पवित्र जल उनके किनारों तक पहुँचता है, और वह धीरे-धीरे सदा सागर की ओर बहती है में वह एक पवित्र नदी है।

4. I am reminded……………..and save us!
अनुवाद-मुझे एक और दृश्य की याद आती है। गंगा संसार की मैल लिए अपने रास्ते पर चल रही है। योगी उसके किनारे पर इकट्ठे हो गए हैं-कुछ आधी मींची आँखों से प्रातः की प्रार्थना में तल्लीन हैं। कुछ ने मूर्तियाँ बना ली हैं और जंगल से सुगंधित पुष्प इकट्ठे करके संदल और अगर जलाकर उनकी पूजा कर रहे हैं, उनमें से कुछ द्वारा किया गया मंत्रों का उच्चारण वातावरण में गूंज रहा है, कुछ स्वयं को गंगा के पवित्र जल से स्वच्छ कर रहे हैं-कुछ पूजा के फूल इकट्ठा करते हुए गुनगुना रहे हैं । यह सब कुछ इतना श्रेष्ठ है और आँखों व मन को प्यारा लगता है। परंतु वे महात्मा ऋषि कहाँ हैं ? हे दयालु प्रभु, हम पर सदा दया करो और हमारी रक्षा करो।

5. Mother, when I sit……. ……..our hoary past ?
अनुवाद-माँ, जब मैं पत्र लिखने बैठता हूँ मुझे ज्ञात नहीं रहता कि क्या उचित है। मैं नहीं जानता कि मैं क्या लिखने का रहा हूँ, और मैं क्या लिखने में सक्षम हूँ। माँ, मैं नहीं समझता कि भारत माता के पास एक भी निस्वाथ बेटा है-क्या हमारी मातृभूमि इतनी अभागी है ? उफ, हमारे पुरातन काल को क्या हो गया है?

6. You are a mother……………..also selfish ?
अनुवाद-आप भी माँ हो, परंतु क्या आपका सम्बन्ध केवल हम से ही है ? नहीं, आप सभी भारतीयों की माँ हो-यदि सभी भारतीय आपके बेटे हैं, तो आप बेटों के दुख से कष्ट से चीख ,क्यों नहीं उठतीं? क्या कोई माँ इतनी निर्दयी हो सकती है ? नहीं, ऐसा कभी नहीं हो सकता-क्योंकि कोई माँ निर्दयी नहीं हो सकती । तो फिर यह क्या बात है कि अपने बेटों की ऐसी दुर्दशा के सामने माँ पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं होता ? माँ, आपने भारत के सभी भागों का भ्रमण किया है तो क्या भारतीयों की ऐसी शोचनीय स्थिति को देखकर आपका दिल आहत नहीं होता? हम अज्ञानी हैं और इसलिए हम स्वार्थी हो सकते हैं। परंतु माँ कभी स्वार्थी नहीं हो सकती, क्योंकि माँ अपने बच्चों के लिए जीवित रहती है। यदि यह ठीक है, तो क्या बात है कि माँ का मन नहीं पिघलता जबकि उसके बच्चे कष्ट भोग रहे हैं। तो क्या माँ भी स्थार्थी है?

7. Faith and bigotry………………cry out in pain ?
अनुवाद-धर्म व धर्मान्धता फैल गए हैं, जिससे पाप बढ़ गए हैं और लोगों के लिए कष्टदायक बन गए हैं। माँ क्या इस सब से, व इसके विचार से आप दुखी होकर आँसू नहीं बहातीं? क्या आपको वास्तव में ऐसा नहीं लगता? ऐसा कभी नहीं हो सकता। कोई माँ ऐसी कठोर हृदय नहीं हो सकती। माँ, अपने बच्चों की दुर्दशा पर ध्यान से दृष्टि डालो। पाप, सभी प्रकार के कष्ट, भूख, प्रेम से वंचित, ईर्ष्या, स्वार्थ-इन सबने उनके जीवन को वास्तविक नर्क बना दिया है।
उफ हमारी क्या दशा हो गई है। माँ, जब आप ऐसी बातों के बारे में सोचती हो, तो क्या आप बेचैन नहीं होती ? क्या आप का दिल पीड़ा से रो नहीं पड़ता ?

8. Will the condition of…………….of our nation?
अनुवाद-क्या हमारे देश की परिस्थितियाँ बुरी से बुरी होती जाएँगी ? क्या भारत माता का कोई बेटा दुखी होकर, और अपने स्वार्थों की परवाह न करके, माँ के कार्य में अपना जीवन समर्पित नहीं करेगा?
माँ, हम कब तक और सोते रहेंगे? हम कब तक अनावश्यक चीजों से खेलते रहेंगे ? क्या हम अपने राष्ट्र के विलाप को न सुनेंगे?

9. How long can………………yours yet ready?
अनुवाद-कब तक कोई बाहें मोड़कर अपने देश की इस परिस्थिति को देखता रहेगा? कोई और अधिक प्रतीक्षा नहीं कर सकता। और अधिक नहीं सो सकता । अब हमें अपने भाव-शून्यता व तन्द्रा को उतार फेंकना और कार्य में कूदना होगा । परंतु, अफसोस, इस स्वार्थी युग में माँ के कितने निस्वार्थ बेटे हैं जो अपने हितों को पूर्णत: त्यागकर माँ के लिए कार्य करने में जुट जाएँगे?
माँ, क्या आपका यह बेटा अभी तैयार है या नहीं?
आपका स्नेही

What is the meaning of Mother India?

Mother India or Bharat Mata is the so-called Goddess of India, but not literally “a mother of the billion people of India”. It’s our mother, meaning a goddess who is as caring and loving as mother, but who is equally strong and powerful, who can guide its children to right path.

What does Mother India say about her sons?

Answer : Mother India remembers the sacrifices made by her brave sons in a proud, celebratory tone. She addresses the erstwhile rulers of India and proudly reminds them the gifts they had received from her – rich clothes, grains and gold.

What does Mother India hope for Gift of India?

In the poem The Gift of India the lament which Mother India has is that her brave sons, the soldiers, went to the war and died like pearls on the other country and scattered like shells on foreign land. The mother asks whether the grief and tears which she has for her brave sons can be measured by anyone.

A Pinch of Snuff Summary in English and Hindi by Manohar Malgaonkar

A Pinch of Snuff Summary in English and Hindi by Manohar Malgaonkar

A Pinch of Snuff Bit Summary in English and Hindi. A Pinch of Snuff is Written by Manohar Malgaonkar. has provided A Pinch of Snuff Objective Questions Answers, Story Chapter Ka Meaning in Hindi.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

A Pinch of Snuff Summary in English and Hindi by Manohar Malgaonkar

A Pinch of Snuff Written by Manohar Malgaonkar About the Author

Manohar Malgaonkar was born in 1913. He was a famous novelist and short story writer who has 25 publications already to his creedit. Some of his main creations are – ‘A Bend in the Ganges’, ‘Distant Drum’, ‘Bombay Beware’ etc. he usually wrote comical short stories. His narrative with profound comedy ties up the reader’s excitement until the end.

A Pinch of Snuff Summary in English and Hindi

A Pinch of Snuff Summary in English

The present short story, ‘A Pinch of Snuff’ is initially taken from ‘Contemporary Indian Short Stories in English’. This story is a comical and adventurous story that ties up reader’s excitement until the end.

Initially, the narrator’s mother announces the expected arrival of Nanukaka, her brother who has to stay there for 2-3 days. The narrator on
hearing this news from his mother advised her to send a telegram to him informing him of narrator’s transfer to avoid Nanukaka but she retorts that he must have started his travel. On asking the purpose of his arrival; he was acquainted that it was to meet some minister. The narrator perceives that Nanukaka would stay there for a long time because ministers do not see people for months but his mother assured him that Nanukaka would manage everything. The narrator is under-secretary on probation and has been taught to regard ministers higher than God.

The narrator goes to the station and he sees Nanukaka who has an impressive personality with white hair and mustache. When Nanukaka asks him the question to arrange his meeting with minister, the narrator explains that he is only an undersecretary on probation and can’t arrange for their interview. Nanukaka takes a pinch of snuff and seems to be lost in thoughts.

Narrator’s mother was very excited when Nanukaka arrived home, but to narrator’s hard luck, he had to give up his bedroom to Nanukaka. Narrator once took Nanukaka to the north block to see the welfare minister but after exactly two hours Nanukaka returned from the office with expletives in his mother tongue Marathi because he could not meet the minister but only could get an appointment with minister three days later. When they were driving back to home, a yellow car passed ahead of them and somebody waved his hand to the narrator. Nanukaka inquired about it and was told that he was Ratiram, the son of Sohanlal Ratiram, the party boss in Delhi. Sometimes later, Sohanlal said to Nanukaca that his son was in balance ministry but due to some reason some body had poisoned the ambassador’s mind against his son. Nanukaka announced that he will manage the problem.

Nanukaka then opened his snuff box and had a pinch of it and started to talk about the welfare minister. By the reaction of Sohanlal he came to know that the minister and he were now at daggers drawn because the minister has refused the proposal of his daughter’s marriage with his son and instead had decided to marry her to the prince of Ninnore. When they came back to home, (the narrator and Nanukaka) Nanukaka was strangely silent but the next morning he was back to usual. This day he decided to pay a visit to minister’s house. By using brain, Nanukaka managed to get an enormous, princely and outlandish car and the narrator was made its driver.

Nanukaka dressed himself and looked every inch like a pandit from the princely state. When the minister’s secretary asked his purpose of coming to the place he said that he had no wish to disturb the minister. He asked for visitors book and wrote his name as hereditary astrologer to Maharaja of Ninnore and gave out address and without delay, he ordered me to get to Sutkatta’s palace which he really did not meant, it was to show off. We drove quickly to home. We just had tea when a car with white triangle stopped in front of our house and the welfare minister stepped out. Nanukaka received him respectedly. After the meeting with minister, Nanukaka departed from my house next day.

The narrator thinks that if minister comes to know about the reality of Nanukaka what will happen and he also hopes that in a situation like this Nanukaka will not let his head down but he wants to be far away from the place when such thing happens.

A Pinch of Snuff Summary in English

A Pinch of Snuff Summary in Hindi

‘A Pinch of Snuff’ ‘Contemporary Indian Short Stories in English’ ली गई लघु कथा है। यह हास्यजनक और रोमांचक कथा है जो पाठकों को अंत तक बाँधे रहती है।

लेखक को अपनी माँ द्वारा नानूकाका के आने का समाचार मिलता है तो वह उन्हें (माँ) बहाने बनाकर नानूकाका को टालने के लिए कहाता है लेकिन माँ कहती है कि नानू काका अब तकं ट्रेन में बैठ गए होंगे और अब उन्हें मना करना अनुचित होगा। वे लेखक को आश्वस्त करती हैं कि नानूकाका 2-3 दिन से ज्यादा नहीं सकेंगे। उनके आने का कारण पूछने पर लेखक को ज्ञात हुआ कि नानूकाका किसी मंत्री से मिलने आ रहे हैं क्योंकि मंत्री लोगों से कई दिन तक नहीं मिलते । लेखक नया सहायक-अधिकारी था और उसे मंत्रियों को ईश्वर से ऊँचा मानना सिखाया गया था।

लेखक बेमन से नानूकाका को लेने स्टेशन गया। उसने देखा कि नानूकाका का व्यक्तित्व प्रभावशाली था। उनके बाल सफेद थे और मूछे भी शानदार थी। उन्होंने उतरकर एक टोकरी लेखक को पकड़ाई और बाहर निकलने को कहा। वे दोनों घर की ओर चल पड़े। रास्ते में नानूकाका ने लेखक से मंत्री के साथ अपनी मीटिंग कराने के बारे में पूछा तो उसने बताया कि वह केवल एक सहायक-अधिकारी है और उनकी महायता नहीं कर सकता । नानूकाका सूंघनी की एक चुटकी लेते हैं और चिंतामग्न हो जाते हैं और बीच में जीभ से आवाजें निकालते हैं।

माँ नानूकाका के आने पर बहुत खुश होती हैं। लेकिन लेखक को अपना बिस्तर नानूकाका को देना पड़ता है। नानूकाका के कहने पर लेखक उन्हें मंत्रीजी के कार्यालय में ले जाता है लेकिन

नानूकाका मंत्री से नहीं मिल पाते और उन्हें तीन दिनों बाद का समय दिया जाता है। वे वापस लौटते समय मराठी में गालियाँ देते हैं। जब वह और लेखक वापस घर जाते होते हैं तो एक आदमी लेखक को हाथ हिलाता है और उसकी गाड़ी आगे निकल जाती है। पूछने पर नानूकाका को पता चलता है कि वह लड़का सोहनलाल रतिराम का बैटा है और लेखक के विभाग में ही कार्यरत है। जब लेखक और नानूकाका घर पहुंचते हैं तो नानूकाका लेखक को जोधपुर कोट और पगड़ी पहनने को और उसे सोहन लाल के घर चलने को कहते हैं। वे सोहन लाल के कार्यालय पहुंचते हैं। वहाँ नानूकाका सेक्रेटरी पर धाक जमाने के लिए अपने खास होने का बोध कराते हैं और बड़े-बड़े नेताओं से संपर्क की बात करते हैं। सेक्रेटरी सोहनलाल को बताने अंदर जाता है।

नानूकाका ऊंची आवाज में हजरत बरकत अली, जो रादूत थे उनके बारे में ऐसे बोलते हैं जैसे वे और अली पक्के दोस्त हैं। उधर सोहनलाल अली के बारे में सुनते ही बाहर आते हैं। नानूकाका का अच्छा स्वागत होता है और सोहनलाल और वे बातें करने लगते हैं और कुछ देर बाद सोहनलाल नानूकाका से कहते हैं कि उनका बेय वित्त विभाग में कार्यरत है पर किसी ने राजदूत के मन में उनके बेटे के प्रति जहर भर दिया । नानूकाका सोहनलाल को आश्वस्त करते हैं कि वे खुद अली से बात करेंगे। नानूकाका ने फिर सुड़की ली और मंत्रीजी के बारे में बात करना शुरू किया। सोहनलाल की बातों से नानूकाका को पता चला कि मंत्री और सोहनलाल में दुश्मनी हो गई है क्योंकि मंत्री अपनी पुत्री का विवाह सोहनलाल के बेटे से न कर निन्नौर के राजकुमार से कर रहे थे। कुछ देर बातचीत के बाद नानूकाका और लेखक घर आ गए। अगले दिन नानूकाका और लेखक ने एक बड़ी विदेशी कार की व्यवस्था कर ली।

नानूकाका ने खुद एक पंडित जैसे कपड़े पहने और लेखक को ड्राइवर जैसे कपड़े पहनाए और फिर उस कार से चल पड़े मंत्री के कायालय की ओर । वहाँ पहुँचने पर जब सेक्रेटरी ने अपने का कारण पूछा तो उन्होंने कहा वे मंत्री को परेशान करने नहीं आए हैं और उन्होंने विजिटर्स-बुक मंगवाकर लिखा-निन्नौर के महाराज के राजज्योतिषी और उन्होंने हमारे घर का पता लिखो और कार्यालय से निकलते हुए बोले-हमें महाराज सुतकता के महल में ले चलो। वहाँ से हम घर अपनी कार से पधारे । नानूकाका दिल्ली से वापस लौट गए। लेखक सोचता है कि जब मंत्रीजी को सच्चाई मालूम होगी तो क्या होगा यह आशा करता है कि इस स्थिति में भी नानूकाका कोई रास्ता निकाल लेंगे। वो चाहता है कि जब इस तरह की परिस्थिति उत्पन्न हो तो वह घर से बहुत दूर हो।

Business Studies MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 9 Financial Management

Business Studies MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 9 Financial Management

Free PDF Download of CBSE Business Studies Multiple Choice Questions for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 9 Financial Management. Business Studies MCQs for Class 12 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Financial Management MCQs Pdf with Answers to know their preparation level.

Financial Management Class 12 Business Studies MCQs Pdf

1. Business finance is needed to
(a) Establish a business
(b) Run a business
(c) Expand a business
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

Business Studies

2. Which of the following is not a tangible asset?
(a) Machinery
(b) Trademarks
(c) Factories
(d) Offices


Answer: b

Business Studies with Answers

3. Financial Management aims at
(a) Reducing the cost of funds procured
(b) Keeping the risk under control
(c) Achieving effective deployment of such funds
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

4. Primary aim of financial management is to
(a) Maximise shareholder’s wealth
(b) Wealth maximisation concept
(c) Maximisation of the market value of equity shares
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

5. This decision relates to how the firm’s funds are invested in different assets,
(a) Investment decision
(b) Financing decision
(c) Dividend decision
(d) None of the above


Answer: a

6. Purchasing a new machine to replace an existing one is an example of
(a) Financing decision
(b) Dividend decision
(c) Working capital decision
(d) Capital budgeting decision


Answer: d

7. The size of assets, the profitability and competitiveness are all affected by
(a) Working capital decision
(b) Capital budgeting decision
(c) Financing decision
(d) Dividend decision


Answer: b

8. These decisions affect the liquidity as well as profitability of a business.
(a) Capital budgeting decision
(b) Financing decision
(c) Working capital decision
(d) Dividend decision


Answer: c

9. Dev has two projects A and B in hand. The same amount of risk is involved in both the projects. If the rate of return of project A and B is 20% and 15% respectively, then under normal circumstance, which of the two projects is likely to be selected?
(a) Project A
(b) Project B
(c) Both project A and project B
(d) None of the above


Answer: a

10. This decision is about the quantum of finance to be raised from various long-term sources.
(a) Investment decision
(b) Financing decision
(c) Dividend decision
(d) Capital budgeting decision


Answer: b

11. The inability of a business to meet its fixed financial obligations, like payment of interest, is known as
(a) Business risk
(b) Financial risk
(c) Long-term risk
(d) Market risk


Answer: b

12. The overall financial risk depends upon the
(a) Proportion of debt in the total capital
(b) Proportion of equity in the total capital
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above


Answer: a

13. This decision determines the overall cost of capital and the financial risk of the enterprise,
(a) Dividend decision
(b) Capital budgeting decision
(c) Investment decision
(d) Financing decision


Answer: d

14. Which of the following sources of capital should not be selected by a business if its fixed cost is high?
(a) Equity shares
(b) Preference shares
(c) Debentures
(d) All of the above


Answer: c

15. When the stock market index is rising, a company may issue in order to meet its financial requirements.
(a) Debentures
(b) Bonds
(c) Equity shares
(d) None of the above


Answer: c

16. When the stock market is bearish, a company may depend upon in order to raise the required funds.
(a) Debentures
(b) Equity shares
(c) Preference shares
(d) All of the above


Answer: a

17. Name the financial decision which relates to disposal of profits.
(a) Investment decision
(b) Financing decision
(c) Dividend decision
(d) Capital budgeting decision


Answer: c

18. Under which of the following circumstances a company is not likely to declare a higher dividend?
(a) When the earnings of the company are high
(b) When a company has a lucrative forthcoming business opportunity
(c) When the cash flow position of the company is strong
(d) None of the above


Answer: b

19. A company is likely to declare higher dividends if
(a) Tax rates are high
(b) Tax rates are relatively lower
(c) Tax rate has no effect on dividend declaration
(d) None of the above


Answer: b

20. It is essentially the preparation of a financial blueprint of an organisation’s future operations. Identify the related concept.
(a) Financial management
(b) Financial planning
(c) Capital budgeting decisions
(d) Dividend decision


Answer: b

21. Name the process that enables the management to foresee the fund requirements, both the quantum as well as the timing.
(a) Financial management
(b) Capital budgeting decisions
(c) Dividend decision
(d) Financial planning


Answer: d

22. Kapil Limited is a company dealing in ready-to-eat food products. Over the years, the earning potential of the company has gone up and it enjoys a good reputation. The Financial Manager is confident of the fact that not just the earnings of the current year, but of our future years are likely to be high. Identify the related factor of dividend decision being described in the given lines.
(a) Earnings
(b) Stability of earnings
(c) Stability of dividend
(d) Growth prospects


Answer: c

23. Amber Limited has been experiencing a downfall in its popularity, due to growing competition. Also the company doesn’t see any forthcoming viable business expansion opportunities in the near future. So the management of the company has decided to declare high dividends for the current financial year. Identify the factor related to dividend decision being described above.
(a) Cash flow position
(b) Growth opportunities
(c) Stability of earnings
(d) Stability of dividends


Answer: b

24. Gamble Limited is a company dealing in healthcare products. The company is earning high profits but is short on cash, so it has decided to declare less dividends in the current financial year. Identify the factor related to dividend decision being described in the above lines.
(a) Preference of shareholders
(b) Earning
(c) Cash flow position
(d) Contractual constraints


Answer: c

25. Lalit, an experienced stock broker advised his client Prabhu to invest in the shares of Blue Angel Limited, as the company has declared high dividends since an increase in dividend is perceived as a good news and stock prices react positively to it. Identify the related factor of dividend decision being described in the above lines.
(a) Tax rate
(b) Growth prospects
(c) Stock market reactions
(d) Access to capital markets


Answer: c

26. A company must adhere to the provisions of the Companies Act while taking the dividend decision. Identify the related factor of dividend decision being mentioned in the above line.
(a) Contractual constraints
(b) Legal constraints
(c) Access to capital market
(d) Preferences of shareholders


Answer: b

27. While taking a loan from a financial institution, Lokesh Enterprises signed an agreement that they shall not pay dividend to its shareholder more than 15% until the loan is repaid, or dividend shall not be declared if the liquidity ratio is found to be less than 1:1. Identify the factor related to dividend decision being described in the above case.
(a) Access to capital market
(b) Preferences of shareholders
(c) Contractual constraints
(d) Legal constraints


Answer: c

28. Which of the following is not an objective of financial planning?
(a) Ensuring enough funds are available at the right time
(b) Ensuring excess availability of funds at the right time
(c) Ensuring smooth business operations
(d) All of the above


Answer: b

29. The financial plans are drawn by taking into consideration
(a) Growth prospects
(b) Performance of the organisation –
(c) Investments
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

30. The short-term financial plans are known as
(a) Objectives
(b) Budgets
(c) Programs
(d) Policies


Answer: b

31. Arrange the following steps involved in the process of financial planning in the correct sequence.
(a) Estimation of expected profit, Preparation of a sales forecast, Preparation of financial statements
(b) Preparation of a sales forecast, Preparation of financial statements, Estimation of expected profit
(c) Preparation of a sales forecast, Estimation of expected profit, Preparation of financial statements
(d) Preparation of financial statements, Estimation of expected profit, Preparation of a sales forecast


Answer: b

32. Which of the following is not an importance of financial planning?
(a) It helps in avoiding business shocks and surprises.
(b) If helps in co-ordinating various business functions.
(c) If helps to reduce waste, duplication of efforts and gaps in planning.
(d) It tries to delink the present with the future.


Answer: d

33. Which of the following is not a part of owners’ funds?
(a) Equity shares
(b) Reserves and surplus
(c) Debentures
(d) Preference shares


Answer: c

34. Which of the following is not a source of borrowed funds?
(a) Loan from financial institutions
(b) Debentures
(c) Retained earnings
(d) Public deposits


Answer: c

35. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) The cost of debt is higher than cost of equity.
(b) The lender’s risk is lower then equity shareholder’s risk.
(c) The interest paid on debt is treated as a tax deductible expense.
(d) None of the above


Answer: a

36. In order to raise an additional capital of ?50 lacs, Yudhister Limited has used debt because
(a) Increased use of debt lowers the overall cost of capital
(b) Decrease in use of debt lowers overall cost of capital
(c) Increase in use of debt increases the overall cost of capital
(d) None of the above


Answer: a

37. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) Increased use of debt increases the financial risk of a business.
(b) Increased use of debt decreases the financial risk of a business.
(c) Decrease in use of debt increases the financial risk of a business.
(d) None of the above


Answer: b

38. Name the decision which affects both the profitability and the financial risk.
(a) Financial planning decision
(b) Capital budgeting decision
(c) Capital structure decision
(d) All of the above


Answer: c

39. A higher financial leverage ratio indicates that
(a) The dependency of the firm on the debt is more.
(b) The dependency of the firm on the debt is less.
(c) The proportion of equity in the total capital is high.
(d) None of the above


Answer: a

40. As the financial leverage of a company increases, it leads to
(a) A decline in the cost of funds but an increase in the financial risk
(b) An increase in the cost of funds but a decline in the financial risk
(c) Both an increase in the cost of funds and financial risk
(d) Both a decline in the cost of funds and financial risk


Answer: a

41. When does the earnings per share (EPS) rise with higher debt?
(a) When the rate of return on investment is higher than the rate of interest.
(b) When the rate of return on investment is lower than the rate of interest.
(c) When the rate of interest is more than the rate of return.
(d) None of the above.


Answer: a

42. The total capital of Uranium Private Limited is ?50 lacs. The amount of debt is ?20 lacs. The company has earned a profit of ^10 lacs during the current financial year. Its return on investment (ROI) for the present year is
(a) 20%
(b) 40%
(c) 10%
(d) 80%


Answer: a

43. If in a particular situation, the earnings per share (EPS) falls with the increased use of debt, it indicates that
(a) The rate of return on investment (Rol) is less than the cost of debt.
(b) The rate of return on investment is more than the cost of debt.
(c) The cost of debt is less than the rate of return on investment.
(d) None of the above


Answer: a

44. If the rate of return on investment for a company is 16%, a situation of unfavourable financial leverage will be said to arise when the rate of interest payable on debt capital is
(a) More than 16 %
(b) Less than 16 %
(c) Equal to 16%
(d) None of the above


Answer: a

45. Under which of the following situations a company should not issue debt capital?
(a) When the cash flow condition of the company is strong.
(b) When the rate of tax is low.
(c) When the return on investment is high.
(d) When the interest coverage ratio is high.


Answer: b

46. Under which of the following situations a company is not likely to issue equity capital?
(a) When the debt service coverage ratio is high.
(b) When the interest coverage ratio is high.
(c) When the cost of debt capital is low.
(d) All of the above


Answer: d

47. If a company is borrowing funds @ 10% and the tax rate is 30%, the after-tax cost of debt is only
(a) 10%
(b) 3%
(c) 20%
(d) 7%


Answer: d

48. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to use of fixed capital?
(a) It affects the long term growth of the business.
(b) Large amount of funds are involved.
(c) The business risk involved is low.
(d) The investment decisions are irreversible.


Answer: c

49. Under which of the following conditions the fixed capital requirements of a business is not likely to below?
(a) When the raw material is easily available
(b) When the labour intensive production technique is used
(c) When the level of collaboration is low
(d) When the growth prospects of the firm are low


Answer: c

50. Under which of the following circumstances the fixed capital requirement of a business is not likely to be high?
(a) When the raw material is not easily available
(b) Capital intensive techniques of production are used
(c) The growth prospects of a company a high
(d) When the financial alternatives are easily available


Answer: d

51. The working capital requirement of a business is not likely to be low when
(a) The scale of the business operation is small
(b) When the growth prospects of the business are high
(c) When the raw material is easily available
(d) When the rate of inflation is low


Answer: b

52. The working capital requirement of a business is not likely to be high when?
(a) The nature of business is trading
(b) Scale of operation of business is small
(c) It is difficult to procure raw material
(d) The rate of inflation is low


Answer: c

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