Here we are providing Birth Extra Questions and Answers Class 11 English Snapshots, Extra Questions for Class 11 English was designed by subject expert teachers.
Birth Extra Questions and Answers Class 11 English Snapshots
Birth Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type
Birth Class 11 Questions And Answers
Question 1.
Why was Joe Morgan waiting for Andrew even though it was nearly midnight?
Joe’s wife was about to give birth to a child. She was middle-aged and weak.
Question 2.
What were Andrew’s thoughts as he waited for the childbirth? Why were they heavy and muddled?
Andrew was thinking of the state of marriages of his friends and acquaintances. Most marriages were dismal. One wife was shrewish, another was cheating on her husband, another lived apart. But when he thought of Christine, his love, he thought marriage was idyllic.
Question 3.
Was Andrews Mason depressed about his marriage?
Andrew Manson was depressed about his marriage. He had seen many failed marriages and feared for his own marriage with Christine. He thought she was sweet. His idea about marriage at the moment was that it was idyllic.
Question 4.
What was Andrew’s view of marriage? Why was he resentful and confused?
Andrew had seen his friends’ marriages fail. The wife of one of his friends was deceiving her husband and of another was a shrew. This made him uncertain about his own coming marriage to Christine. He wanted it to be idyllic.
Question 5.
What dilemma did Andrew face when the child was born?
Andrew was in a dilemma whether to save the child or the mother. The mother was critical so he gave the child to the nurse and turned to the mother.
Question 6.
What had the nurse done with the child while Andrew was attending to the mother?
The nurse had given up the baby for dead and put it under the bed with sodden newspapers.
Question 7.
What did the child look like when Andrew pulled it out?
The child looked like a perfectly formed boy, white and limp with smooth and tender skin. His head was lolling on a thin neck.
Question 8.
What was the child suffering from? What treatment did Andrew apply?
Due to asphyxia or suffocation, the child had become unconscious. Andrew tried a special method of respiration. He plunged him in basins of hot and icy water alternately. He also pumped his heart and Was able to revive him.
Question 9.
What efforts did Andrew make to revive the newborn baby?
What did Andrew do to restore life in the stillborn child?
Andrew found the baby apparently lifeless. He rubbed the child with a rough towel and pumped his chest. He immersed the child in steaming hot and icy water alternately. He was able to relieve the child of asphyxia and bring him back to life.
Question 10.
How did Dr Andrews feel when he saw the stillborn child? How did he save the child’s life?
When Dr. Andrew saw the stillborn child, he was horrified. He also had to save the mother. Later he tried to save ,the child. He plunged the child alternately in basins of hot and cold water. He rubbed the baby vigorously and began a special method of respiration, crushing and releasing the little chest with both hands. Miraculously, the baby responded.
Question 11.
What unexpected miracle took place to turn Andrew’s desperation into joy?
Andrews desperation turned into joy when the baby started breathing. Andrew was able to save both the mother and the child.
Question 12.
What did the room look like when Andrew had finished?
After Andrew finished his treatment of the child, the room was in a mess with sodden newspapers on the floor. The basins of hot and cold water were lying across the room.
Question 13.
How important was this evening’s work in the career of Dr Andrew at Blaenelly?
This evening established his name as an efficient doctor because he brought back the baby from the point of death. It won him the goodwill of the villagers.
Question 14.
What were Andrew’s thoughts after he had successfully overcome the crisis?
Andrew was grateful to God. He was satisfied and happy that he had done something. His heart was . filled with the feeling of having achieved something great.
Question 15.
Give the character sketch of Andrew Manson.
Andrew Manson was a dedicated doctor who believed in saving the life of his patients. He went beyond the normal expectations from a doctor to save the wife and the baby of Joe Morgan. He used unconventional methods to save the baby’s life by immersing him alternatively in steaming and icy waters. He did not give up till he had saved both the mother and the child.
Question 16.
Do you think the title of the story ‘Birth’ is apt? If yes, why?
The central event in the story is the birth of Joe Morgan’s baby. The crisis comes when Dr Andrew finds that the newborn is almost dead. His efforts to revive the baby and his success are the main points of focus of the story. Therefore, the title ‘Birth’ is appropriate.
Question 17.
Do you think that at the end of the story Andrew is justified in saying “I’ve done something?”
Support your answer suitably.
Andrew says ‘I’ve., .at last’ because he had just revived an almost dead newborn baby and saved his mother. The baby was very precious because the couple had been childless for about 20 years.
Birth Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type
Question 1.
What impression of Andrew Manson do you form on the basis of the story ‘Birth’?
Andrew Manson was a young doctor trying to establish his practice in a village. Andrew was dedicated to his profession and wished to restore his patients to health. Andrew was called to assist in childbirth. Mrs. Morgan was to deliver her first child after twenty years of marriage.
It was a difficult case. Mr. Morgan started sinking after giving birth to an apparently lifeless child. Andrew revived her with great difficulty. Then he turned to the newborn and to his horror found him on the ground almost lifeless. Andrew understood that the baby was asphyxiated.
He rubbed him with a towel, thumped his chest, but to no avail. Then he tried something unconventional. He immersed the baby alternately in steaming hot and icy cold water. With great effort he revived the baby. Thus he saved both, the mother and the child and established his reputation as a doctor who cared for his patients.
Question 2.
If you work to respect the feelings, yearnings and desires of others, success is always yours. Explain on the basis of the lesson ‘Birth’ by A. J. Cronin.
Dr. Andrew Mason respected the feelings of the Morgan family. He had gone there to assist Mrs. Morgan in childbirth. It was a difficult task because Mrs. Morgan was going to deliver her first baby after twenty years of marriage. She was no longer young. Therefore, Andrew understood that the baby was very precious to the family. He knew he would have to save both, the mother and the baby for the family’s happiness.
Dr. Andrew soon discovered how tough the task was. Mrs. Morgan started sinking and the child looked as if it was stillborn. He gave the baby to the midwife and concentrated on reviving the mother. When he had secured the mother’s life, he turned to save the child. Working with great dedication and bringing his experience and knowledge to the fore, he was able to revive the child.
Question 3.
What qualities help Andrew Manson help Morgan family?
Answer:Andrew Manson helped the Morgan family by saving the lives of Mrs Morgan and her baby. Dr. Andrew Manson was a competent and a determined man. He would not give up. He was intelligent and bold enough to try unconventional ways. Dr. Andrew Manson had to help Mrs Morgan in childbirth.
He struggled with the case. The baby was born seemingly lifeless. Dr. Andrew gave the baby to the midwife and turned his attention to the mother who was sinking. Dr. Andrew worked relentlessly and pulled her out of danger. He then turned his attention to the baby.
He understood that its condition was due to asphyxia. He remembered an unconventional treatment and took the bold decision to try it out. He immersed the baby alternately in icy and hot water. Thus, due to his competence, determination and willingness to take bold decisions, Dr. Andrew Mason was able to save the mother and the child.
Question 4.
Why was Joe Morgan relieved to see Andrew? Did Andrew justify his hope?
Joe Morgan was walking up and down the road, wating for Dr. Andrew to arrive from work. Joe Morgan’s wife was about to deliver a baby. She was not young. They had been married over 20 years and this was their first child. He didn’t want to take any risk and wanted to make sure that everything went on smoothly.
Andrew took charge of the patient and reassured Joe Morgan and an old woman in the house. After some struggle the child was born lifeless and the mother started sinking. Andrew first revived her then took the child who the nurse had put under the bed as dead. With great effort he was able to revive the child.
Question 5.
What response did Andrew get when he asked, “Where is the child”? Describe what followed.
The midwife was frightened because she had put the baby under the bed thinking it was dead. Andrew took it out from a mass of sodden newspapers. First he gave Mrs Morgan, who was sinking, some injections and pumped her heart. Then he turned to the baby who had been given up for dead. He found that the child had been suffocated and was unconscious due to lack of oxygen. He tried some unconventional treatment. He immersed the baby alternately in hot and cold water. Then he tried to quicken the baby’s heart. Miraculously the baby responded and started breathing.
Question 6.
“Andrew had no premonition that that night would influence his whole future in Blaenelly.” How did this happen?
Andrew had no premonition that that night would influence his future in Blaenelly. That night he saved the life of Mrs Morgan and her baby ; this won him the eternal gratitude of Joe Morgan and L established him firmly in the good books of the villagers.After harsh labour, Mrs Joe Morgan delivered an almost lifeless child. Her own condition was critical. I Andrew had to work fast to save the baby and the mother. He handed the baby to the nurse and turned to the mother.
He gave her some injections and pumped her heart. Then he turned to the baby who had been given up for dead. He saw that the child had suffocated and was unconscious due to lack of oxygen. He tried some unconventional treatment. He immersed the baby alternately in hot and cold water. Then he tried to quicken the baby’s heart. Miraculously the baby responded and started breathing.
Question 7.
A doctor must remain committed to saving life. Unfortunately, this commitment is rarely to be seen nowadays. Comment.
When a medical student is awarded the degree after completing his studies, he has to take an oath that he will always try to save the life of his patients. That is why the medical profession is considered noble and doctors are widely respected. Unfortunately, in the present times, doctors seem to have forgotten their oath.
They look at their patients as a source of income. They subject them to needless expenses by advising unnecessary investigations. Often they conduct surgery which is not needed and make hefty sums of money. Child birth rarely takes place without surgery. Even heart procedures are done without any actual need.
The new description of doctors is that they are ‘greedy’. Their avarice has given rise to such malpractices as tricking patients into surgery and removing their kidneys for sale, sex determination of foetus and illegal abortions. We need to examine the situation seriously. Even though the entire society has become extremely greedy, doctors cannot afford to give up their noble ideals as they deal with human lives.
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