Father to Son Extra Questions and Answers Class 11 English Hornbill

Here we are providing Father to Son Extra Questions and Answers Class 11 English Hornbill, Extra Questions for Class 11 English was designed by subject expert teachers.

Father to Son Extra Questions and Answers Class 11 English Hornbill

Father to Son Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Why is the father unable to understand his son in ‘Father to Son’?
The father is unable to understand his son in the poem ‘Father to Son’ due to miscommunication and generation gap. Though he and his son lived together in the same house but they did not share any love or interests, therefore, he does not understand him.

Father to Son Extra Questions and Answers

Question 2.
Why is the father unhappy with his son?
The father is unhappy with his son because there is no interaction between them though they live under one roof. They don’t understand each other and live like strangers. They even don’t share any interest.

Father to Son Short Questions and Answers

Question 3.
‘I would have him prodigal.’ What does the father in Elizabeth Jennings’ poem mean by this?
The father wants that his son should return to him just as the prodigal son had returned in the biblical story. The son was a wastrel and idler. He left home and went away. Yet, when he would return after several years, the father would celebrate his return.

Question 4.
What does the father feel about this stranger-like relationship with his son? Does he wish to change it?
The father is unhappy about this stranger-like relationship. He, of course, wishes to change it as he is ready to accept his prodigal son. He will love to start living with him in the same house.

Question 5.
The anguish of the father comes through very strongly in the poem. Show his feelings about his son as expressed in the poem.
The father is much more perplexed and upset. He regrets at having lost opportunities to build relationship with his son. He wants to make good relations with his prodigal son and keep him in the same house where they live with love and worth.

Question 6.
What kind of relationship do the father and the son share? Why is it so?
The relationship between the father and the son is estranged. They live like strangers though they live under one roof. Their interests are totally different. The father does not share what his son loves. There is no understanding between the two because there is lack of communication.

Question 6.
Why does the father feel he and his son are like strangers to each other?
The father feels that he and his son are like strangers to each other because there is no interaction between the father and the son. As there is no love, warmth or understanding between them, they even do not share any common interest. They have a communication gap though they have been living under the same roof for years.

Father to Son Extra Questions and Answers Reference-to-context

Read the extracts given below.

Question 1.
I do not understand this child
Though we have lived together now
In the same house for years. I know
Nothing of him, so try to build
Up a relationship from how
He was when small.

Answer the following.

(i) T is talking about …………..
(ii) The relationship between ‘I’ and the ‘child’ is …………..
(iii) T wants to build up a relationship with his daughter. [True/False]
(i) his son
(ii) estranged
(iii) False

Question 2.
Though we have lived together now
In the same house for years, I know
Nothing of him, so try to build
Up a relationship from how
He was when small.

Answer the following.

(i) ‘I’ and ‘him’ are …………
(ii) ‘I’ is pained that no communication exists between ……………..
(iii) Name the poet.
(i) father and son.
(ii) him and his son.
(iii) Elizabeth Jennings.

Question 3.
The seed I spent or sown it where
The land is his and none of mine!
We speak like strangers, there’s no sign
of understanding in the air.
This child is built to my design
Yet what he loves I cannot share

Answer the following.

(i) ‘I’ refers to and ‘his’ is ……………..
(ii) They speak like strangers because there is no love or understanding …………… between …………..
(iii) The last two lines tell us that the father and son have different tastes. They do not share their likes. [True/False]
(i) a ‘father’; his son
(ii) them
(iii) True

Question 4.
This child is built to my design
Yet what he loves I cannot share.
Silence surrounds us.

Answer the following.
(i) The meaning of the first line is that the child is my son in ……………….
(ii) The relationship between the father and the son is ……………….
(iii) Find an expression which shows the desolation the father feels.
(i) looks and heredity
(ii) estranged
(iii) ‘What he loves I cannot share.’/ or silence surrounds us.

Question 5.
…I would have
Him prodigal, returning to
His father’s house, the home he knew,
Rather than see him make and move
His world. I would forgive him too,
Shaping from sorrow a new love.

Answer the following.

(i) ‘I’ does npt want that his son should move away to make a new world of his own. [True/False]
(ii) ‘I’ would forgive his son for showing strangeness and coldness
(iii) The meaning of the last line is that the father will forgive his son for whatever sorrow he has given to him and try to build a new, loving relationship with his son. [True False]
(i) True
(ii) to his father
(iii) True

Question 6.
Silence surrounds us. I would have
Him prodigal, returning to
His father’s house, the home he knew.
Rather than see him make and move
His world. 1 would forgive him too,
Shaping from sorrow a new love.

Answer the following.

(i) Name the poem and the poet.
(ii) Silence surrounds the father and the son because there is no love or communication between them.
They live like strangers under one roof. [True/False]
(iii) The father’s desire is that this son should ……………
(i) ‘Father to Son’ and the poet is Elizabeth Jennings.
(ii) True
(iii) come back home.

Question 7.
Father and son, we both must live
On the same globe. and the same land,
He speaks: I cannot understand
Myself, why anger grows from grief.
We each put out an empty hand,

Answer the following.

(i) The first two lines express the helplessness and anguish of ……………
(ii) Lines 3 and 4 say that the father cannot understand why he becomes angry in spite of his grief when his son speaks. [True/False]
(iii) They both are trying yet they turn apart because of their ego.
(i) the father.
(ii) True
(iii) to forgive each other.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Poem