Here we are providing Childhood Extra Questions and Answers Class 11 English Hornbill, Extra Questions for Class 11 English was designed by subject expert teachers.
Childhood Extra Questions and Answers Class 11 English Hornbill
Childhood Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type
Question 1.
How does the rain describe itself in the poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’?
The rain describes itself as the ‘poem’ of the earth.
Question 2.
Who are the speakers in the poem? Which lines give you this information?
The poet and the rain.
And who art thou? said I to the soft-failing shower,
Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:
lam the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,
Question 3.
To what does Whitman compare the formation of rain and why?
Walt Whitman compares rain to a song. The rain forms in the sea and the earth and returns with love just as a song issues from the singer and returns to him with love from the listeners.
Question 4.
Why does the rain descend ‘on the earth’?
Rain descends on the earth to wash off the drought, remove the dust and dirt and clean and purify the earth. It comes down to germinate the seeds lying on the ground.
Question 5.
Explain “I give life to my own origin” in the poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’.
How does rain give back life to its own origin?
Why does the rain say, “I give back life to my own origin”?
The rain falls to the earth where it rose from. The falling of rain gives life to seeds and plants which support all life on the planet.
Question 6.
What is the parallel drawn between rain and music in the poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’?
There is a parallel drawn between rain and music in the poem ‘The Voice of the Rain’. Explain.
Rain and music are similar because they return to the place of their origin and spread happiness all round. Rain returns to the earth and brings new life and happiness. The pleasure created by music enriches the singer with love and admiration of the listeners.
Question 7.
What does the rain do to the earth?
As the rain descends on the earth, it settles the dust on its way. It washes the earth, infuses life into the sepds, makes the earth clean and beautiful by generating life into the latent seeds.
Question 8.
What does the voice of the rain say in the poem?
The rain says that it is the Poem of the earth. It rises up in the air, gets vapourised and then falls again as rain. During this process, it washes and brings life to Earth.
Question 9.
How do rain and song make the places of their birth more beautiful?
Both rain and the song make their places of birth more beautiful—the rain washes the earth and creates life on it. The song gives pleasure to the singer and brings him appreciation.
Childhood Extra Questions and Answers Reference-to-context
Read the extracts given below.
Question 1.
And who art thou? said I to the soft-failing shower,
Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:
I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain.
Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea…
Answer the following.
(i) These lines have been taken from ………………… composed by …………………..
(ii) “I am the Poem of Earth” was spoken by ……………………
(iii) ‘It’ rises from the land and the ocean. [True/False]
(i) ‘The Voice of the Rain’; Walt Whitman:
(ii) The voice of the rain
(iii) True
Question 2.
And who art thou? said I to the soft falling shower,
Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated:
I am the poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,
Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea.
Answer the following.
(i) T here refers to ……………..
(ii) The rain describes itself as …………………….
(iii) ……………. is the figure of speech used in these lines.
(i) the rain
(ii) The poem of Earth
(iii) Personification
Question 3.
And who art thou? said I to the soft-falling shower,
Which, strange to tell, gave me an answer as here translated:
I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain
Answer the following.
(i) The lines have been composed by ………………
(ii) ‘I’ refers to in the third line of this extract.
(iii) The expression “Poem of Earth” means the rain is as beautiful as a poem. [True/False]
(i) Walt Whitman
(ii) The Voice of the Rain
(iii) True
Question 4.
I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain,
Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea.
Upward to heaved vaguely form’d altogether changed whence and yet the same.
Answer the following.
(i) The sources of rain are …………….
(ii) The poetic device used in the last line of the extract is …………………
(iii) Find a word from the extract that means ‘that cannot be felt physically’.
(i) the land and the sea
(ii) oxymoron
(iii) impalpable
Question 5.
I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of
the globe,
And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent,
And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my
own origin,
And make pure and beautify it;
Answer the following.
(i) ‘I’ on descending washes the dust away and gives life to …………….
(ii) ‘I’ causes the seeds ……………….
(iii) The last line means that the rain washes the earth clean and makes it beautiful by covering it with plants. [True/False]
(i) the earth.
(ii) to germinate.
(iii) True
Question 6.
And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own origin,
And make pure and beautify it;
(For song, issuing from its birthplace, after fulfilment, wandering
Reck’d or unreck’d, duly with love returns.)
Answer the following.
(i) ‘I’ gives life to its origin by causing the seeds
(ii) The rain has been compared to a song because like the song it makes the place of its origin beautiful. [True/False]
(iii) The last two lines mean that the song is not loved and admired by people. [True/False]
(i) to germinate
(ii) True
(iii) False
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Poem