Love Defiled Story Summary in English and Hindi by Giridhar Jha

Love Defiled Story Summary in English and Hindi. Love Defiled Story is Written by Giridhar Jha. has provided Love Defiled Story Objective Questions Answers, Story Chapter Ka Meaning in Hindi.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

Love Defiled Story Summary in English and Hindi by Giridhar Jha

Love Defiled Story Summary in English

The present story ‘Love Defiled’ recollects the romantic days of the narrator with a girl who later an was married to an I.A.S. officer. She had invited the narrator and introduced him to her husband as a bygone friend.

The narrator had already got married much before her and started a career as a professional journalist. But the tender love feeling between the narrators and the girl could never get a physical ground. The story is based on the irony of circumstance.

But there is a happy touch of affection between the girl and boy. The writer has given a brief and slight glimpse of it. “She heard my cock and bull story patiently, never showed any emotions and insisted on footing the bill. You don’t have any complains dear? I asked with moist eyes and a chocked voice all affected.

She clasped my hand with both hands. She said “How can I have complaints against a man who has given me so many moments of happiness? I think if you are happy this way, I should not be so mean as not to feel happy for you. Goodbye, and take care.”

Love Defiled Story Summary in Hindi

वर्तमान कहानी ‘दूषित प्रेम’ कथाकार के प्रेम प्रसंग के रोमांचक दिनों की याद दिलाती है जो किसी लड़की से संबंधित थी और बाद में उसकी शादी एक आई. ए. एस. ऑफिसर से हो गई। उसने कथाकार को आमंत्रित किया और अपने बिछड़े मित्र के रूप में अपने पति से परिचय कराया।

कथाकार पहले ही शादीशुदा हो चुके थे, और एक व्यावसायिक पत्रकार के रूप में अपनी आजीविका प्रारंभ कर चुके थे किन्तु उस लड़की और कथाकार के बीच का ऐम कभी जमीनी या स्तरीय नहीं हो सका था। कहानी एक व्यंग्यपूर्ण स्थिति की विडंबना पर आधारित है।

किन्तु एक प्रसन्नताभरी अनुभूति उस-लड़की और लड़के के रूप में लेखक को महसूश हुआ है। लेखक ने इसकी हल्की झलक दिखलाई है। “उसने मेरी व्यर्थ की बकवाद को बड़ी धैर्य के साथ सुन ली और अपनी भावनाओं को एक सामान्य अंदाज में व्यक्त की। तुम्हें मेरे प्रति कोई. शिकायत नहीं है प्यारी ? मैंने नम आँखों से सम्पूर्ण रूप से प्रभावित रूखे गले से यह पूछा।

उसने मेरे हाथ पकड़ लिये और दोनों हाथों को दबाती हुई बोली “मुझे उनसे भला कैसे कोई शिकायत हो सकती है जिन्होंने खुशी के इतने क्षण मुझे दिये है ? मैं सोचती हूँ अगर आप इसी तरह से खुश हैं तो भला मैं कैसे इतनी तुच्छ हो सकती हूँ कि आपके लिए खुशी महसूश न करूं? अलविदा, ख्याल रखिएगा।”

Two Horizons By Binapani Mohanty Story Summary in English and Hindi

Two Horizons Story Summary in English and Hindi. Two Horizons Story is Written By Binapani Mohanty. has provided Two Horizons By Binapani Mohanty Objective Questions Answers, Story Chapter Ka Meaning in Hindi.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

Two Horizons By Binapani Mohanty Story Summary in English and Hindi

Two Horizons By Binapani Mohanty Story Summary in English

Actually Two Horizons is a beautiful story by Binapani Mohanty in Oriya language. It has been translated into English to reveal the hardships of women by last decade of 20th century.

A middle class educated daughter writes to her own mother how does she struggule and trigs to keep everyone happy in her husbands native home. She does not expect any praise from in-laws. There is a reply from her mother in which expresses her resentment against male dominance and outdated womanhood. The story is a manifestation of contemporary situation of exploited and struggle womanhood.

There is an heart touching expression in the daughter’s letter to her mother. She writes, “I remember when I was leaning you had hugged me and said, “Daughter, don’t be afraid. No one can live on in this world in fear. One has to bring out that power from within oneself and face, the world. Our ways are dark. It’s only the light of one’s own eyes which show the way. Can one live with another all his life ? Still my soul will always be there beside you, like your own shadow.”

There is a natural gap between the sense of perseverance between the daughter and the mother. Mother tries to appease her lovely daughter. She writes her daughter, “You still remember, don’t you of the tale of the crocodile be friendly a monkey! The more one comes closer to someone, the more one eats into the other. But can one remain conscious and alert at all times? I realize now how my insides must have been eaten up. Or is it that I have thrown my heart away? Or else why should I be experiencing this vast emptiness after reading your letter ?

Such experience reveal the sentimental touch of a daughter’s feeling in front of a mother and a mother’s sense of appeasement to her lovely daughter.

Two Horizons By Binapani Mohanty Story Summary in Hindi

वास्तव में द होराइजन्स (दो आसमान) बीनापानी मोहन्ती के द्वारा उड़िया में लिखी गई सुन्दर सी कहानी है। इसका अनुवाद अंग्रेजी में किया गया है ताकि बीसवीं सदी के अन्तिम दशक में महिलाओं की कठिनाइयों को उजागर किया जा सके। एक मध्यवर्गी शिक्षित बेटी अपनी माँ को लिखती है कि कैसे वह संघर्ष करती है और पति के घर में सबों को प्रसन्न रखने की कोशिश करती है।

वह अपने सास-ससुर से जरा भी बड़ाई की उम्मीद नहीं रखती है। उसकी माँ की ओर से जबावी पत्र मिलता है जिसके अन्तर्गत पुरुष प्रधानता एवं दकियानशी परानी महिलापन के खिलाफ के भाव व्यक्त किये गए हैं। कहानी आज की परिस्थिति का प्रतिबिम्ब भाव है जिसमें महिलाओं के शोषण एवं संघर्ष का स्पष्टीकरण दिया गया है।

हृदय को छूने वाले भाव की अभिव्यक्ति बेटी के पत्र में माँ को लिखी गई है। वह लिखती है, “जब मैं घर छोड़ रही थी मुझे यह याद है कि तुमने कहा था-बेटी घबराना (या डरना) नहीं है। कोई भी इस दुनियाँ में डर कर नहीं जी सकती। अपने अन्दर की छिपी हुई उस शक्ति
लानी चाहिए और दनियाँ का मकाबला करनी चाहिए। हमलोगों के रास्ते अंधेरे से भरा है। यह सिर्फ अपनी आँखों की रोशनी है जो रास्ता दिखलाती है। क्या कोई पूरी जिन्दगी किसी दुसरे के साथ रहकर बिता सकता है ? मेरी आत्मा अभी भी तुम्हारे पास तुम्हारी अपनी परछाई की तरह मौजुद है।”

एक प्राकृतिक या स्वाभाविक दूरी है बेटी और माँ के सूझ-बूझ में। माँ अपनी प्यारी बच्ची . को दिलाशा देने की कोशिश करती है। वे अपनी बेटी को समझाती हुई लिखती है।

अभी भी तम्हें कहानी याद कि नहीं मगरमच्छ और बन्दर वाली कहानी। जितना ही अधि क कोई किसी के करीब आ जाता है उतना ही अधिक वह दूसरे के लिए घातक भी होता है। लेकिन यह बात भी है कि हमेशा कोई कैसे सावधान रहे ? मैं महसुस करती हूँ कि मैं अन्दर से कितनी खोखाली हो चुकी हूँ। लेकिन क्या मैंने अपने हृदय को (धैर्य को) खोया ? और इसी प्रकार तुम्हारे इस पत्र से प्राप्त विशाल शुन्यता को भला मैं क्यों नहीं पढ़कर महसुस करूँगी ?

इस प्रकार इन विचारों की अभिव्यक्ति से भावनात्मक स्पर्श का बोध होता है जो कि बेटी अपनी माँ और माँ अपनी त्याग बेटी के लिए स्पष्ट तौर पर रखती है।

Sun and Moon Summary in English and Hindi by Katherine Mansfield

Sun and Moon Story Summary in English and Hindi. Sun and Moon Story is Written by Katherine Mansfield. has provided Sun and Moon Story Objective Questions Answers, Story Chapter Ka Meaning in Hindi.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

Sun and Moon Story Summary in English and Hindi by Katherine Mansfield

Sun and Moon by Katherine Mansfield Introduction

In the story ‘Sun and Moon’ the writer Katherine Mansfield depicts the subtle feelings and emotions of Sun and Moon. She shows pity and piercing sympathy for them.

Sun and Moon Story Summary in English

A party is organised at Sun and Moon’s house in the dining room. The dining room is tastefully decorated with red ribbons and bunches of roses tied to the table at the corner and chairs with golden legs. Sun the boy and Moon the girl both are children of the host. They dress themselves in their fine dress.

At last the bell rings. The drawing room is surely out full of sweets smelling silky, rusting ladies and men in black with funny tails on their coats. They lose themselves in ball. It is a night of merry making. Beautiful ladies and men gathered to participate in the dance.

The bright lights over the faces of beautiful women and men. In the meantime, the Nurse takes the children from the ball party. Because they are not allowed to attend the ball. Children are shut in the door, but they are restless.

Then party ends and all the guests go away. The parents of the children go to them with their abnormal stage. Then they come in the dining room. They find a beautiful decorated dining room a pile of litters. Even the window’s panes are broken. Seeing these things Sun begins to weep.

Sun and Moon Story Summary in Hindi

प्रस्तुत कहानी ‘सूरज और चन्दा’ में लेखिका कैथरिन मैन्सफिल्ड ने बच्चों के अनुभव और संवेग का सुन्दर चित्रण किया है। उन्होंने बच्चों के प्रति गहरी सहानुभूति दिखलायी है।

सन (Sun) और मून (Moon) के घर पर एक पार्टी का आयोजन होता है। घर का भोजन का कमरा बहुत ही सुन्दर ढंग से लाल फीता और गुलाब के गुच्छों से सजाया जाता है। सभी जगह सनहले पैरो वाली कर्सियाँ रखी जाती हैं। Sun और Moon भी अपने बेहतरीन कपडे पहन लेते हैं।

सारा भोजन का कमरा महिलाओं के विभिन्न सुगंधों से महक उठता है पुरुष लोग काले कोट में शोभायमान हैं। मौज-मस्ती की रात है। जमा हुई महिलाएँ और पुरष सभी भाग ले रहे हैं। चमकीले प्रकाश से उनका चेहरा दमक उठता है। इसी बीच आया दोनं. बच्चों (सूरज और चंदा) को उस पार्टी से अलम कर देती है और एक कमरे में बंद कर देती है। बच्चे वहाँ बेचैन हैं। उसे उस तरह के पार्टी में भाग लेने की मनाही है।

पार्टी समाप्त होती है। सभी मेहमान चले जाते हैं। बच्चों के माता-पिता बच्चों के पास अपने अस्त-व्यस्त कपड़ों के साथ कुछ नशे में जाते हैं, बच्चे भोजन के हाल में आते हैं, तो पाते हैं कि सभी वस्तुए तितर-बितर पडी हैं, हाल कचड़ों का ढेर हो गया है। यहाँ तक कि खिड़की के शीशे भी टूटे हैं। सन (Sun) रोने लगता है।

The Sleeping Porter Summary in English by Laxmi Prasad Devkota

The Sleeping Porter Poem Summary in English and Hindi. The Sleeping Porter Poem is Written by Laxmi Prasad Devkota. has provided The Sleeping Porter Poem Objective Questions and Answers, Poem Analysis, Meaning in Hindi, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

The Sleeping Porter Poem Summary in English by Laxmi Prasad Devkota

The Sleeping Porter Poem by Laxmi Prasad Devkota About the Poet

As English poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota has little output. It is moreover, not very rich but for the work of “The Sleeping Porter” the poet has come into the light. The poet does think in English. He has got its peculiar surroundings which circumscribe his experience. There is no doubt that both its own individual vision and voice the poem stands.

The Sleeping Porter Poem Written by Laxmi Prasad Devkota Introduction

The poem ‘The Sleeping Porter’ is an objective poem. In this, the poet depicts a particular event. He stands aloof as a detached observer and describes what he sees or hears. The poem presents such a situation.

The Sleeping Porter Poem Summary in English

The poet L.P. Devkota depicts a picture of a porter who is lean and thin. His body seems to be a skeleton. Naked bones are clearly visible, yet, taking a load of twenty-five Kilo on his back which made spine bent limbs a six-mile up the mountain during snow winter. Really it is a challenge.

The porter is poorly clad. He is wearing a dirty, sweaty, greasy cap. His body is full of lice. He is a beetle brain. His body emits foul smell but of a stout personality.

Uphill made the porter taking quick gasping for breath like a bird twittering. He is sweating and out of breath. Porter has been depicted here as suffering from breathing trouble, so as to emphasize his physical weakness. He is weak and poor. So is his family which lives in a hut on a steep face of the mountain. Lack of winter-clothes porter’s son is shivering with cold and woes of hunger. So his mother is in search of nettles and vines.

Here the poet considers the porter as a hero of the mountain who usually conquers going uphill which remains capped with snow all the year. At night he goes in deep sleep due to dead tired.

Koel Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Puran Singh

Koel Poem Summary in English and Hindi. Koel Poem is Written by Composed by Puran Singh. has provided Koel Poem Objective Questions and Answers, Poem Analysis, Meaning in Hindi, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

Koel Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Puran Singh

Koel Poem Written Composed by Puran Singh Introduction

The poem Koel (The Black Cuckoo) is an interesting description of a Koel. Puran Singh, the poet has nicely expressed sentiments over the complexion and activities of a Koel in this poet The poem has observed many peculiarities in this bird.

Koel Poem Summary in English

The sweet notes of the Koel have charmed the poet He observed many peculiarities in this bird. The continuous high pitched notes have formed an invisible pain and sympathy to see her black complexion.

He wants to satisfy his anxiety by asking the reason from the bird itself. He puts a number of questions from her, such as
(i) How her body has become black by what type of lightning
(ii) What are those songs which she sings,
(iii) What keeps her fresh after being charred,
(iv) Why she continues to sing concealing herself in the mango leaves. Koel narrates her agony to the poet.

Koel Poem Summary in Hindi

कवि कोयल की मधुर आवाज से मुग्ध हुआ प्रतीत होता है। कोयल की अनवरत रट में उसे एक अदृश्य वेदना की अनुभूति होती है। उसके शरीर को काला रंग को देखकर कवि उत्सुकतापूर्ण विषाद में निमग्न हो जाता है ।

अत: वह कोयल से ही पूछकर अपनी जिज्ञासा शांत करना चाहता है । इस क्रम में वह अनेक प्रश्नों की झड़ी लगा देता है । वह निम्न तथ्य जानना चाहता है, (i) किस प्रकार की तड़ित (बिजली) के स्पर्श से उसका शरीर काला हो गया है,
(ii) जल जाने के पश्चात् वह किस प्रकार तरोताजा है ।
(iii) आम के पेड़ की पत्तियों में स्वयं को छिपाकर वह उच्च स्वर में क्यों गाती रहती है ! उपर्युक्त तथ्यों के संदर्भ में कवि के हृदय में असंख्य विचार उत्पन्न होते हैं।

जैसे-आग की चिनगारी के समान उसकी रट किस उद्विग्नता का परिणाम है । कोयल कवि को अपनी वेदना से अवगत कराती है।

The Empty Heart Summary in English and Hindi by Periasamy Thooran

The Empty Heart Poem Summary in English and Hindi. The Empty Heart Poem is Written Composed by Periasamy Thooran. has provided The Empty Heart Poem Objective Questions and Answers, Poem Analysis, Meaning in Hindi, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

The Empty Heart Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Periasamy Thooran

The Empty Heart Written by Periasamy Thooran About the Poet

Periasamy Thooran (1908-1987) was a well-reputed Tamil writer. Primarily he wrote many short stories and poems. He was the editor of famous ten-volume general encyclopedia in Tamil. He also compiled and edited an encyclopedia in Tamil for children afterward, he had successfully composed poems, sonnets and prose essays etc.

The present poem Kurai Kudam (The Empty Heart) throws light on greediness which is a great human weakness.

The Empty Heart Composed by Periasamy Thooran Introduction

The present poem; The Empty Heart is the description of a rich but greedy person, who is not contented with his wealth. He wants to add more money and gold to his wealth. His desires are endless.

He could not fulfilled his desire. He died at last Thus the poem leaves a message that greed is endless, but the life is limited and bound to be destroyed one day. So, it is better to earn money by hard labour and remain contented This is die truth of life.

The Empty Heart Poem Summary in English

There lived a rich man, but he was not contented with his wealth. He was desirous of adding more gold to his assets. To achieve this objective, he prayed to the ‘Kalpaka’ tree to give him a pot filled up with gold coins. His prayer was heard and he was given seven silver pitchers (pots) foil of gold coins as gift This was six times more (seven pitcher instead of one) than what he had demanded.

In addition to that the unkind tree provided him one more (eighth) pitcher half filled with gold coins. The tree was unkind, because it had given the pitchers not being pleased with him.

The rich man made up his mind to fill it up to the brim, as early as possible. He even forgot all the seven silver pitchers. His dirty intention had made him mad and to run after money. He had no time for his family’s welfare and had forgotten to think for them. From morning till night he was restlessly thinking for adding more wealth. He did not care for his health and lost his vigour and strength. But he could not be able to fill up the pitcher despite his hard labour. One day he died.

We can draw a conclusion from this poem that the greed is never ending and is limitless. But life is limited and is not permanent. It is bound to be destroyed one day.

As such, if the purse containing money is even half filled, even then it is not a matter of agony. But if the heart is empty then it becomes a curse.

Therefore, the poet wants to explain that we should not be greedy. We must follow the path of purity and good conduct. It is better to earn money by hard labour and remain contented. This is the truth of life.

The Empty Heart Poem Summary in Hindi

एक धनवान व्यक्ति था। किन्तु उसे संतोष नहीं था। वह सदैव धन की प्राप्ति की उत्कंठा रखता था। उसकी कामना थी कि उसके धन में अपार वृद्धि हो । इस उद्देश्य की प्राप्ति के लिए उसने “कल्पक” वृक्ष से स्वर्ण मुद्रा से भरा एक घड़ा (कलश) प्रदान करने की प्रार्थना की।

उसका निवेदन स्वीकृत हो गया तथा उसे स्वर्ण-मुद्राओं से भरे हुए चाँदी के चमकते सात घड़े उपहार स्वरूप प्राप्त हुएं । उसने जितना माँगा था उससे यह छः गुणा (एक घड़ा के स्थान पर सात घड़े) अधिक था। इसके अतिरिक्त उस निर्दयी (हृदय हीन) वृक्ष ने उसे एक अतिरिक्त, आठवाँ घड़ा भी दिया जो आधा भरा हुआ था। वह वृक्ष निर्दयी इसलिए था क्योंकि उसने प्रसन्न होकर स्वर्ण-मुद्राओं से भरा चाँदी के चमकते कलश नहीं दिए थे।

उस लोभी व्यक्ति ने उन कलशों को शीघ्रातिशीघ्र पूर्णरूपेण भर देने का निश्चय किया। वह उन सात चाँदी के कलशों को भूल गया । उसको कुत्सित मनोवृत्ति ने उसकी बुद्धि को नष्ट कर दिया क्योंकि उस कलश को पूरी तरह भर देने का पागलपन उसपर सवार हो गया था।

अपने परिवार की समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए उसके पास समय नहीं था। वह उनके हित की बातें सोचना ही भूल गया था। अपने धन की वृद्धि के लिए वह बेचैनी के साथ सुबह से रात तक सोचता रहता था। वह अपने स्वास्थ्य पर भी ध्यान नहीं देता था तथा अत्यन्त दुर्बल हो गया था। किन्तु वह उक्त कलश को कठोर परिश्रम करके भी पूर्णरूपेण भरने में समर्थ नहीं हुआ। अंततः उसकी मृत्यु हो गई।

इस कविता से यह निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि लोभ असीमित तथा अनन्त होता है किन्तु जीवन सीमित है तथा स्थायी नहीं है। वह नाशवान भी है।

अतः, रुपए की थैली (बटुआ) यदि आधी भी भरी हुई है तो यह कोई चिन्ता की बात नहीं है। किन्तु यदि हृदय ही रिक्त है तो वह अभिशाप बन जाता है।

अतः, कवि के कहने का आशय यह है कि हमें लोभ का परित्याग करना चाहिए। हमें पवित्रता तथा सच्चरित्रता का पथ अपनाना चाहिए । कठिन परिश्रम द्वारा पैसा कमाना तथा उसी में संतुष्ट होना श्रेयष्कर है । जीवन का यथार्थ भी यही है।

Thinner Than A Crescent Summary in English and Hindi by Vidyapati

Thinner Than A Crescent Poem Summary in English and Hindi. Thinner Than A Crescent Poem is Written by Vidyapati. has provided Thinner Than A Crescent Poem Objective Questions and Answers, Poem Analysis, Meaning in Hindi, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

Thinner Than A Crescent Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Vidyapati

Thinner Than A Crescent by Vidyapati About the Poet

Vidyapati is a well-reputed Maithili Poet. He has wonderfully depicted the different moods of love relationship between Lord Kristina and Radha. The poem is in the form of a report from a friend of Radha to Lord Krishna.

Thinner Than A Crescent Written by Vidyapati Introduction

The poet has very well narrated early attraction, meeting, quarrel and separation of Lord Krishna and Radha in the present poem. Radha, the young girl wanted to meet Lord Krishna. But Lord has had no occasion to meet Radha for sometime. She became aggrieved. Her health began to fall. Seeing her pathetic condition, one of her friends runs to Lord Krishna to report about her condition.

Thinner Than A Crescent Poem Summary in English

The poem deals with Radha’s great devotion and love for Lord Krishna. Lord does not get time to meet her for sometime. Radha has immense love for him that she has lost her mental peace.

She sheds tears day and night for a glimpse of her Lord. Her tears have taken the shape of a river and she sits on its bank anxiously waiting to meet him.

Seeing her grief one of her friends rushes to Lord Krishna to report him of her agony. He explains that Radha has become very weak. Her health has gradually decreased. Her body has grown thinner than the first day of-the moon. She is no better than a skelton.

The poem is the best example of the poet’s use of imagery suitably. He has depicted the human psychology appropriately.

Thinner Than A Crescent Poem Summary in Hindi

प्रस्तुत कविता में राधा की भगवान श्री कृष्ण के प्रति निष्ठा एवं प्रेम का सजीव चित्रण है । प्रभु की राधा से कुछ दिनों तक भेंट नहीं हो पाती है। राधा का उनके प्रति इतना अधिक प्रेम है कि उसने अपनी मानसिक शान्ति खो दी है। अपने स्वामी की एक झलक के लिए वह रात-दिन आँसू बहाती रहती है। उसके आँसूओं ने एक नदी का रूप धारण कर लिया है। वह उसके तट पर बैठकर आधीरता से प्रतीक्षारत है।

उसकी इस कारुणिक दशा को देखकर उसका एक हितैषी मित्र भगवान कृष्ण को उसके कष्टों का वर्णन करने के लिए द्रुतगति से उनके पास आता है । वह उन्हें राधा की मानसिक एवं शारीरिक दशा से अवगत कराता है। वह बताता है कि वह किस प्रकार अत्यंत दुर्बल हो गई है ।

उसका स्वास्थ्य निरन्तर गिरता जा रहा है । उसका शरीर अस्थिपंजर मात्र रह गया है । वह उसी प्रकार कृशकाय हो गई है जिस प्रकार पूर्ण चन्द्र निरन्तर घटते-घटते पतला-सा दीखने लगता है।

कविता में विद्यापति कवि द्वारा काल्पनिक चित्रों एवं बिम्बों की सफल प्रस्तुति है। उन्होंने मानवीय प्रवृत्तियों की सर्वथा उपयुक्त अभिव्यक्ति की है।

Polythene Bag Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Durga Prasad Panda

Polythene Bag Poem Summary in English and Hindi. Polythene Bag Poem is Written by Durga Prasad Panda. has provided Polythene Bag Poem Objective Questions and Answers, Poem Analysis, Meaning in Hindi, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

Polythene Bag Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Durga Prasad Panda

Polythene Bag Poem By Durga Prasad Panda About the Poet

The poet Durga Prasad Panda is an Oriya Poet. He writes poems in English. He also translates Oriya poems in English and English Poems in Oriya. His famous works are ‘Sawarani’ and ‘Rays’.

Polythene Bag Poem Written By Durga Prasad Panda Introduction

In his poem ‘Polythene Bag’ the poet Durga Prasad Panda tells us about the polythene bag which has evil effects on the environment. The poet shows an unavoidable correlation between human emotion and a worthless thing like a polythene bag.

Polythene Bag Poem Summary in English

‘Hurt’ is such a strange polythene bag that never gets destroyed. It makes a squeaky noise when it is touched. It gives out a poisonous smell when it is burnt. It only pollutes the environment. Just with a little warmth the ‘hurt’ also melts down like the polythene bag.

The germs of disease grow deep inside the garbage bin which nobody sees.

The polythene bag lies buried inside the bin. The trouble caused by the ‘hurt’ comes back every now and then.

Polythene Bag Poem Summary in Hindi

‘हर्ट’ एक ऐसी विचित्र पॉलीथिन का थैला है जो कभी नष्ट नहीं होता। छूने पर यह किकियाने जैसी आवाज करता है और जलाने पर यह एक विषैली गंध छोड़ता है।

यह पर्यावरण को प्रदूषित करता रहता है । कूड़ेदान में नीचे जहाँ पॉलीथिन के थैले पड़े रहते हैं वहाँ रोग के कीटाणु उत्पन्न होते रहते हैं।

Ode On Solitude Summary in English and Hindi by Alexander Pope

Ode On Solitude Poem Summary in English and Hindi. Ode On Solitude Poem is Written by Alexander Pope. has provided Ode On Solitude Poem Objective Questions and Answers, Poem Analysis, Meaning in Hindi, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

Ode On Solitude Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Alexander Pope

Ode On Solitude by Alexander Pope About the Poet

Alexander Pope (1688-1744) born in 1688 was considered to be the greatest poet of his time. He was one of the greatest satirists of the early 18th century. He was also a critic. But he is chiefly remembered as a satirist. In satirical poetry, the poet criticises and laughs at social evils. Pope’s poetry is generally full of moral teachings. His main works include, “The Rape of the lock”, “The Duneia, “The Episttes”, Essay on criticism and “Essay on man”.

The present poem, “Ode on solitude” was written when Alexander Pope was very young (only about 12 years old), it is a poem in praise of a simple, calm and quiet life.

Ode On Solitude Written by Alexander Pope Introduction

Ode is a poem addressed to a person or an object. In the present poem “Ode on solitude” The poet draws a beautiful picture of a happy man. He appreciates a simple, peaceful and quiet life. He wants to lead a simple life and wants to live in solitude, so that people, should not express sorrow over his death.

Ode On Solitude Poem Summary in English

The poet throws light on the real happiness of life in the poem, “Ode on Solitude”.

A man can be truly happy if he leads a life of contentment and simplicity. He should not be greedy. He should be satisfied with the few acres of land inherited from his ancestors. His field will give hirn food and his cow will give him milk.

His trees will give him shade and firewood and his sheep will give him the wool for clothing. He will have a healthy body and peace of mind, spending his time in study, rest and recreation. He will lead an innocent life and a life of meditation and prayer.

At the end, the poet says that he would like to live such a life and die in peace without being lamented by people. In fact, he would not like to be biased a tombstone to be placed on his grave, to tell others about him.

Really he wants to lie unseen and unknown or a life of solitude, away from the dim and bustle of life. He also does not want people to express sorrow over his passing away.

Ode On Solitude Poem Summary in Hindi

प्रस्तुत कविता “ओड ऑन सालोट्यूड” में कवि ने जीवन की वास्तविक प्रसन्नता एवं आनन्द पर प्रकाश डाला है।

वह व्यक्ति वास्तविक रूप से सुखी जीवन व्यतीत करता है जो संतोष एवं सादगी में रहता है। उसे लोभ का परित्याग करना चाहिए । अपने पूर्वजों द्वारा उपार्जित एवं प्रदत्त कुछ एकड़ भूमि से ही उसे संतुष्ट रहना चाहिए। उसका खेत उसे भोजन उपलब्ध कराएगा तथा गाय दूध की आपूर्ति करेगी। उसके वृक्ष उसे छाया तथा जलावन की लकड़ी प्रदान करेंगे।

उसकी भेड़ें उसके परिधान के लिए ऊन की व्यवस्था करेंगी। उसका शरीर पूर्ण स्वस्थ रहेगा तथा उसे मानसिक शान्ति प्राप्त होगी। वह अपना समय अध्ययन, विश्राम तथा मनोरंजन में व्यतीत करेगा। वह एक निष्कपट जीवन ध्यान, चिन्तन तथा प्रार्थना करते हुए व्यतीत करेगा।

अन्त में कवि का कथन है कि वह इसी प्रकार का जीवन व्यतीत करना चाहता है तथा शोकरहित एवं शांतिपूर्ण मृत्यु की कामना करता है । वस्तुतः वह अपनी समाधि पर कोई शिलालेख लगवाना नहीं चाहता है, क्योंकि अन्य लोग उसके विषय में नहीं जान सकें। वास्तविकता यह है कि वह लोगों की दृष्टि से दूर रहना चाहता है जिससे कोई भी व्यक्ति न उसे देख सके एवं न उसे जान सके।

अर्थात् वह शोरगुल तथा उतावलेपन से दूर रहकर एकान्त जीवन व्यतीत करना चाहता है। उसकी यह भी आकांक्षा है कि उसकी मृत्यु के पश्चात् लोग उसके प्रति शोक प्रकट नहीं करें।

God Made the Country Summary in English and Hindi by William Cowper

God Made the Country Poem Summary in English and Hindi. God Made the Country Poem is Written by William Cowper. has provided God Made the Country Poem Objective Questions and Answers, Poem Analysis, Meaning in Hindi, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

God Made the Country Poem Summary in English and Hindi by William Cowper

God Made the Country by William Cowper About the Poet

William Cowper has a deep respect for the life of the villagers and the lovely and quiet landscape of the villages. In the poem “God Made the Country” the poet feels that the villages are God-made while the towns are man-made.

God Made the Country Written by William Cowper Introduction

Growing in a natural way the villages have a perfection which the towns can never have. Throwing light on the virtues of the village life the poet asks the town-dwellers to get rid of the artificial luxury and comforts of the town and adopt the simple and everlasting pleasures of the village life.

God Made the Country Poem Summary in English

The poet feels that the villages are God-made and the towns and cities are man-made. So there should not be any wonder if the health and virtue, which are the gifts of village life, make the bitter drought of life sweet.

The villagers possess them in abundance and they can never lose them as they work and remain in the fields and groves. The town-dwellers who move in chariots and sedans do not get tired but they feel idleness and they also fail to enjoy the beauty of nature.

By such art of invention, they may still have energy in them and so they look smiling. But the villagers have no mind to harm anyone. The groves were planted to give the laborious villagers peace at noon under their shades. In the evening the moon beams, which slide softly between the sleeping leaves, give them the light as much they need.

The birds in trees present sweet music through their warbling. The villagers can spare, the splendour of the town-dwellers. But the town-dwellers eclipse, the softer light of the villagers. The gramophone songs confound the more harmonious notes of the birds in the villagers. As such getting seared the thrush departs and being offended the nightingale keeps dumb.

God Made the Country Poem Summary in Hindi

1. God made …………….. fields and groves ?
कवि कहते हैं कि ईश्वर ने गाँवों को बनाया और मनुष्य ने नगरों एवं महानगरों को बनाया है। अतः, इसमें कोई आश्चर्य नहीं है कि स्वास्थ्य और सद्गुण, जो ग्रामीण जीवन के वरदान हैं जीवन में आनेवाले दुखों को झेल लेने की शक्ति प्रदान करके दुख की उन घड़ियों को मधुर बना देते हैं । ग्रामीणों के पास वे प्रचुर मात्रा में हैं जिन्हें वे कभी गँवा नहीं सकते क्योंकि वे खेतों में काम करते हैं और बाग-बगीचों में विश्राम करते हैं।

2. Possess ye …………………….. do not harm.
शहरी लोग जो रथ एवं पालकियों से यात्रा करते हैं वे भले ही थकान का अनुभव नहीं करते हों, किन्तु उन्हें आलस्य का अनुभव अवश्य होता है और प्रकृति की सुन्दरता को देखने से भी वे वंचित रह जाते हैं । शहरी लोग आविष्कार की कला से शक्ति सम्पन्न दिखते हैं और इस कारण वे मुस्कुराते भी दिखते हैं । किन्तु ग्रामीणों में किसी को भी हानि पहुँचाने की भावना नहीं रहती।

3. Our groves ……………………. all the music.
बाग-बगीचों का निर्माण इसलिए किया गया कि दोपहर में किसानों को उनकी छाया में विश्राम करने का अवसर मिले । संध्या-समय सोये हुए पत्तों के बीच चाँदनी उन्हें उतना ही प्रकाश देती है जितना उन्हें चाहिए । वृक्षों पर बैठी चिड़ियाँ अपनी मधुर आवाज से मधुर संगीत का निर्माण करती हैं।

4. We can spare …………………… is mute.
ग्रामीण लोग शहरी लोगों की सारी चमक-दमक से छेड़छाड़ नहीं करते । किन्तु शहरी लोग गाँववालों के मद्धिम प्रकाश की लौ को भी ढंक देना चाहते हैं। ग्रामोफोन के गीत गाँववालों के मधुर संगीत को भी बिगाड़ देते हैं जिससे डरकर गानेवाली चिड़ियाँ भाग जाती है और बुलबुल गूंगी बन जाती है।