The Empty Heart Summary in English and Hindi by Periasamy Thooran

The Empty Heart Poem Summary in English and Hindi. The Empty Heart Poem is Written Composed by Periasamy Thooran. has provided The Empty Heart Poem Objective Questions and Answers, Poem Analysis, Meaning in Hindi, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

Students can also check English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.

The Empty Heart Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Periasamy Thooran

The Empty Heart Written by Periasamy Thooran About the Poet

Periasamy Thooran (1908-1987) was a well-reputed Tamil writer. Primarily he wrote many short stories and poems. He was the editor of famous ten-volume general encyclopedia in Tamil. He also compiled and edited an encyclopedia in Tamil for children afterward, he had successfully composed poems, sonnets and prose essays etc.

The present poem Kurai Kudam (The Empty Heart) throws light on greediness which is a great human weakness.

The Empty Heart Composed by Periasamy Thooran Introduction

The present poem; The Empty Heart is the description of a rich but greedy person, who is not contented with his wealth. He wants to add more money and gold to his wealth. His desires are endless.

He could not fulfilled his desire. He died at last Thus the poem leaves a message that greed is endless, but the life is limited and bound to be destroyed one day. So, it is better to earn money by hard labour and remain contented This is die truth of life.

The Empty Heart Poem Summary in English

There lived a rich man, but he was not contented with his wealth. He was desirous of adding more gold to his assets. To achieve this objective, he prayed to the ‘Kalpaka’ tree to give him a pot filled up with gold coins. His prayer was heard and he was given seven silver pitchers (pots) foil of gold coins as gift This was six times more (seven pitcher instead of one) than what he had demanded.

In addition to that the unkind tree provided him one more (eighth) pitcher half filled with gold coins. The tree was unkind, because it had given the pitchers not being pleased with him.

The rich man made up his mind to fill it up to the brim, as early as possible. He even forgot all the seven silver pitchers. His dirty intention had made him mad and to run after money. He had no time for his family’s welfare and had forgotten to think for them. From morning till night he was restlessly thinking for adding more wealth. He did not care for his health and lost his vigour and strength. But he could not be able to fill up the pitcher despite his hard labour. One day he died.

We can draw a conclusion from this poem that the greed is never ending and is limitless. But life is limited and is not permanent. It is bound to be destroyed one day.

As such, if the purse containing money is even half filled, even then it is not a matter of agony. But if the heart is empty then it becomes a curse.

Therefore, the poet wants to explain that we should not be greedy. We must follow the path of purity and good conduct. It is better to earn money by hard labour and remain contented. This is the truth of life.

The Empty Heart Poem Summary in Hindi

एक धनवान व्यक्ति था। किन्तु उसे संतोष नहीं था। वह सदैव धन की प्राप्ति की उत्कंठा रखता था। उसकी कामना थी कि उसके धन में अपार वृद्धि हो । इस उद्देश्य की प्राप्ति के लिए उसने “कल्पक” वृक्ष से स्वर्ण मुद्रा से भरा एक घड़ा (कलश) प्रदान करने की प्रार्थना की।

उसका निवेदन स्वीकृत हो गया तथा उसे स्वर्ण-मुद्राओं से भरे हुए चाँदी के चमकते सात घड़े उपहार स्वरूप प्राप्त हुएं । उसने जितना माँगा था उससे यह छः गुणा (एक घड़ा के स्थान पर सात घड़े) अधिक था। इसके अतिरिक्त उस निर्दयी (हृदय हीन) वृक्ष ने उसे एक अतिरिक्त, आठवाँ घड़ा भी दिया जो आधा भरा हुआ था। वह वृक्ष निर्दयी इसलिए था क्योंकि उसने प्रसन्न होकर स्वर्ण-मुद्राओं से भरा चाँदी के चमकते कलश नहीं दिए थे।

उस लोभी व्यक्ति ने उन कलशों को शीघ्रातिशीघ्र पूर्णरूपेण भर देने का निश्चय किया। वह उन सात चाँदी के कलशों को भूल गया । उसको कुत्सित मनोवृत्ति ने उसकी बुद्धि को नष्ट कर दिया क्योंकि उस कलश को पूरी तरह भर देने का पागलपन उसपर सवार हो गया था।

अपने परिवार की समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए उसके पास समय नहीं था। वह उनके हित की बातें सोचना ही भूल गया था। अपने धन की वृद्धि के लिए वह बेचैनी के साथ सुबह से रात तक सोचता रहता था। वह अपने स्वास्थ्य पर भी ध्यान नहीं देता था तथा अत्यन्त दुर्बल हो गया था। किन्तु वह उक्त कलश को कठोर परिश्रम करके भी पूर्णरूपेण भरने में समर्थ नहीं हुआ। अंततः उसकी मृत्यु हो गई।

इस कविता से यह निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि लोभ असीमित तथा अनन्त होता है किन्तु जीवन सीमित है तथा स्थायी नहीं है। वह नाशवान भी है।

अतः, रुपए की थैली (बटुआ) यदि आधी भी भरी हुई है तो यह कोई चिन्ता की बात नहीं है। किन्तु यदि हृदय ही रिक्त है तो वह अभिशाप बन जाता है।

अतः, कवि के कहने का आशय यह है कि हमें लोभ का परित्याग करना चाहिए। हमें पवित्रता तथा सच्चरित्रता का पथ अपनाना चाहिए । कठिन परिश्रम द्वारा पैसा कमाना तथा उसी में संतुष्ट होना श्रेयष्कर है । जीवन का यथार्थ भी यही है।