“The Enchanted Pool” is a captivating short story by Elizabeth Gaskell, a renowned English writer. In this narrative, Gaskell transports readers to a quaint and idyllic village where the mysterious Enchanted Pool holds a mesmerizing allure for the villagers. The Enchanted Pool story unfolds as a tale of young love, superstition, and the enchantment of nature, interweaving elements of folklore and romance that add depth and charm to the plot. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.
The Enchanted Pool Summary
The Enchanted Pool Summary In English
In the Mahabharata, the Pandavas lost everything in the game of dice to the Kauravas and had to live in forest for twelve years. During this period, they had to constantly move from place to place for safety and meet their daily needs.
One day in the twelfth year, the Pandava brothers wandered into the forest in pursuit of a deer. The sun was very hot. The five brothers became weary and thirsty. Yudhistira wanted to quench his thirst. He asked his brother Nakula to search for water.
Nakula climbed the tree and looked around. At a little distance, he saw a place of water. He went to that place to fetch some water. There was a pool in that place. He was very glad when he saw water in the pool. No sooner did he dip his hand in the water than he heard a voice. The voice warned him not to drink water before answering its questions. Nakula did not head to the warning of the voice. He knelt down and drank water.
As soon as he drank water, he felt drowsy and fell down as if he was dead. As Nakula did not return for a long time, Yudhistira worried much. He sent Sahadeva to see the what the matter was.
Sahadeva went to the pool. He also did not care for the warning of the voice and drank water. He met the same fate as Nakula did. As Sahadeva did not return, Yudhistira sent Arjuna and then Bhima. Both Arjuna and Bhima met the same fate as other brothers did.
When the four brothers did not return Yudhistira much worried and then he himself went to see what happened to his brothers. He proceeded in the direction his brothers had taken. When he came near a pool he saw his four brothers lying unconscious on the ground, to all appearance dead. He was shocked. Before knowing what happened to his brothers, he got into the pool to quench his thirst. At once a voice without form warned him not to drink water before answering its questions, otherwise he would meet the same fate as his brothers did without answering its questions before drinking water.
It asked him to answer its questions first and then drink water. Yudhistira knew that these could be none other than the words of Yaksha and guessed what happened to his brothers. He saw a possible way of reading the situation.
Then he told the bodiless voice to ask questions. The voice put the questions rapidly one after the other. Yudhistira answered all the questions politely. Yaksha was pleased with his answers and told him that one of his dead brothers could be revived, who he wanted to be revived. Yudhistira thought for a movement and replied that he wanted Nakula to be revived.
The Yaksha was pleased at this, but in wonder he asked him why he had chosen Nakula rather than Bhima and Arjuna, who were well known for their strength and prowess. Yudhistira replied that Kunthi and Madri were the two wives of his father, he was surviving, a son of Kunthi and that’s why he asked Madri’s only son to be revived.
The Yaksha pleased with Yudhistira’s impartiality and granted – that all his brothers would came back to life.
It was Yama, the Lord of Death, who had taken the form of the deer and the Yaksha so that he might see his son Yudhistira and test him. In the end he embraced Yudhistira and blessed him.
Yama told them that only a few days remained to complete the stipulated period of their exile in the forest. The thirteenth year would also pass. None of their enemies would be able to discover them. He wished them that they would successfully fulfil their undertaking and then he disappeared.
In conclusion, Elizabeth Gaskell’s “The Enchanted Pool” weaves a tapestry of mystery, romance, and the enduring magic of the natural world. The story is a testament to the power of folklore, tradition, and the timeless allure of nature, as it envelops the lives of the villagers in a web of enchantment. Through the lens of young love and the village’s belief in the supernatural, Gaskell creates a narrative that both captivates and provides a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of the time.
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