“Justice Above Self” is a concise phrase that encapsulates the principle of prioritizing fairness, equality, and the well-being of society over personal interests and biases. It signifies the commitment to upholding just and equitable principles, ensuring that individuals, institutions, and systems prioritize the common good and act in a manner that serves justice rather than self-interest, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and harmonious society. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.
Justice Above Self Summary
Justice Above Self Summary in English
The lesson ‘Justice Above Self” is written by Munshi Premchand. This is the story of two close friends, namely Algu and Jumman. They were good friends. Their friendship was so strong that when either of them went away from the village, the other looked after his family. Both were greatly respected in their village. Jumman had an old aunt, she had some property in her name. She transferred her property to Jumman so that she would stay with them and he would look after him. A couple of years went well. But thereafter the situation changed.
Jumman and his wife were tired of the old woman. He and his wife were indifferent to her. The old woman was not served even a little food to survive. Besides the old woman suffered from starvation, she had to tolerate insults. A fee months after the old woman decided not to live in Jumman’s house. One day she told him her intention that she was going out of his house to live separately and asked him to give her monthly allowance so that she could set up a separate kitchen. Jumman Shaikh argued on behalf of his wife, as she knew best to run the house. This made the old woman angry.
The old woman took the case to the village Panchayat and spoke to Algu Chowdhary. Algu Chowdhary did not know what to do, because Jumman Shaikh was his best friend. He could not go against his friend. The old lady asked Algu to come to the Panchayat and give her fair justice. In the Panchayat meeting all members gathered. After consulting others Algu pronounced that they were of the opinion that Jumman must pay his aunt (the old lady) a monthly allowance, or else the property went back to her. The verdict of Algu made his friend angry and somewhat insult. After this the bond of friendship between Algu and Jumman was broken. Jumman saw Algu as an enemy and wanted to take revenge.
Days passed. Due to his ill luck, Algu was in trouble. He had to face it. Therefore he sold one of this bullock to Sanju Sahu, a cart driver of the village. The understanding was that Sahu would pay the price of the bullock in a month’s time. It so happened that the Bullock sold by Algu, died written a month several months since the death of bullock, Algu reminded Sahu of the money he had not yet paid.
But Sahu firmly told him that he could not pay him a penny for the wretched beast he had sold him, he brought us nothing but ruin. He did not argue with him. He decided to the case to the Panchayat.
The Panchayat was held under the old banyan tree. Algu told before the Panchayat that the voice of the Panch was the voice of God and he said that he would abide by the decision of the panch, whoever he might be.
The authority of nomination of the Panch was given to Sahu. Thinking it a good Sahu proposed the name of Jumman. Algu’s heart sank and turned pale. Jumman became the head panch. He realized his responsibility as a judge and the dignity of his office. It was a good chance for Jumman to take revenge Algu. But Sahu decided not to allow his personal feelings to come in the way of speaking the truth and doing justice.
On the day of the Panchayat meeting, both Algu and Sahu presented their cases. After hearing their cases Jummana announced that it was their opinion that Sahu should pay Algu the price of the bullock because when Sahu bought the bullock it had not suffered from any disability or disease. The death of the bullock was unfortunate but Algu could not be blamed for it. On hearing the decision, Algu could not believe his ears because he had thought Jumman would take revenge. But it was not so happened. He shouted loudly as victory to the Panchayat and said that was the justice and God was there in the voice of the Pancha. Soon after this both friends embraced to each other and became close friends as they were before.
In conclusion, “Justice Above Self” serves as a powerful reminder of the essential moral compass that should guide our actions and decisions. It encourages individuals and societies to transcend personal desires, biases, and self-interest in pursuit of a fair and just world.
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