“Whatever We Do” is a heartwarming and thought-provoking short story by R.K. Narayan, a renowned Indian author known for his captivating narratives set in the fictional town of Malgudi. In this story, Narayan introduces readers to the close friendship between two young boys, Chandran and Sambu, and their adventures in the town. Read More Class 9 English Summaries.
Whatever We Do Summary
Whatever We Do Summary in English
The author of the present lesson “Whatever we do” Clifford Martis. According to the author whatever we do, we should try to do it better. They may be our actions, our words. We should put effort to make them better. We must be aware of better performance. Whenever if we want to express our gratitude, we may say ‘Thanks’’. Still there is a better way to express “Thanks a lot”.
After all it depends upon the time and the situation. Depending upon them we can make it better saying “I am very grateful to you” or “You’ve been of great help and so on. Our communication must be improved in better way. If we want to say someone, it is better to say “I thank you from the bottom of heart.”Once the author bit late to meet a senior person in the company. He tried to make amendments. He said “I am sorry, I made you wait. The senior person said its OK”, and added “It’s pleasure waiting for you.” The author felt flattered because those words were said sarcastically.
There is one way that the author says that we can do better to our actions and also adding actions to our words. He wants to tell an incident, while he was going to his Training Centre. He was waiting for the lift. The lift came down and found two persons. They started to remove the pockets which were fully occupying the lift. After they finished the job the author got into the lift and reached to his Training Centre. There in the class, he mentioned the incident and asked the trainers how the situation would have been rendered. Some trainees said that the two gentlemen while removing the pockets could have said “One minute, Sir” we’ll finish in no time. But another trainee said that he (the author) could have thought of landing a helping hand to them.”
According to author it is said that a couple of friendly words from the doctor even a smile can go a long way in making the patient feel better but most of the doctors cannot do so. They seem to be serious in their works. Talking nicely and reassuringly is a part of doctors’ treatment.
On one occasion, the author asked an auto man to take him to City Hospital. The automan simply looked at him and downed the meter. This indicated that he was willing to take him to his destination. The automan atlea§t would have said to author, “Yes Sir, please sit down”. He did not say so on another occasion he said to another automan to take him to the “Central market”.
This automan atleast said “Sorry Sir, it’s time for me to hand over the auto. The author pleased for because the automan atleast used the situation make it better.
In giving aims to a beggars can be done in a better way, while giving alms to a beggar it is better to use some nice words with some feeling, we should say “here take this.” This makes beggar feel happy. Some don’t say anything. If he persists, they shun him by their body language. If we want to give alms, our action should be done gracefully. If a beggar asks alms, at least it is better to say “Sorry, I am not able to give. In some hotels, if they are rush they hang a board on the wall that says, “Don’t sit here for long time.” This is really an odd thing to say so. But it is better way to say. “Please make room for waiting customers.” Still i better way to say is “Kindly make room for waiting friends.” At least we should understand to make the situation better.
Now a days telegrams’ place has been occupied by telephone or internet. According to the author the issue of courtesy has not been solved. On mobile or telephone people ask who’s this?” instead of asking “May I know who is calling please?”
The later one solves the issue of Courtesy. This show the courtesy of the speaker who is called on telephone or mobile. The author still says something more about “Thank you”. In the olden days, the people responded “Don’t mention”, when they were said ‘Thank you”. But later in responding to ‘Thank you”, people started using the phrase. “It’s all right”.
Nowadays the respond is “you are welcome” or simply “welcome” one method, the author suggests here is that our communication with other is to put “you” before T as far as possible. If we wish to thank someone for the nice party, we can say, Your party was enjoyable. I thank you”. Another instance, “your letter made me very happy. I thank you. This means here we should try to put “you” that is another person before ‘J‘. According to the author, there is no limit to the improvement that we can make in our action or speech. There is no formula. What is best may depend
on the occasion and it may be possible to continuously make improvement. The most important thing is that we should be aware of the need and importance of doing and saying things better and better.
In conclusion, “Whatever We Do” is a charming testament to the purity and magic of childhood friendships. The story beautifully captures the essence of youthful innocence, curiosity, and the unbreakable bonds that are formed in the formative years of one’s life.
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