I am the Land Poem Summary

“I am the Land” is a compelling poem by Canadian poet Pauline Johnson, also known by her Mohawk name, Tekahionwake. In this poem, Johnson personifies the land, speaking as the embodiment of nature and all its elements. She explores the profound connection between indigenous peoples and the land, highlighting the spiritual and cultural significance of the environment. Read More Class 10 English Summaries.

I am the Land Poem Summary

I am the Land Poem Summary in English

This is the poem categorized under ‘‘Nativity”. Here the poetess wants to describe the patience of the Earth. The Earth is Personified and like a mother, she can tolerate all sorts of violations. This is the first person Narrating poem. The poetess herself being the earth and says what are the things she had to tolerate. In the first stanza, she explains the man says he owned the earth she simply waits.

I am the Land Summary image

Is it possible to own the earth because it is a planet and who gave the rights to own her? But the earth will not dispute with the man, She would wait. The person shouted with rage then also the earth lie patiently. He says that he bought her still she waits. The man would exploit her making muddy holes and the lights of the parking vehicles but she would stare at these things. The farmer ploughs the land and grows the plants, trees crops, etc, The children would come and dance on the earth.

Someone comes and sings, The soldiers come with guns and put the fence it makes the earth to suffocate. The earth felt it very bad though she is suffocated she patiently waits. Though the mother earth suffers a lot, she can patiently tolerate and challenged the man that he cannot put a fence around the planet earth. Earth as a whole planet is very big and the man cannot put a fence and it is impossible for him. She can wait because she is the land (mother).


In conclusion, Pauline Johnson’s “I am the Land” is a passionate ode to the land and a profound testament to the inseparable relationship between indigenous peoples and their natural surroundings. The poem captures the spirituality, history, and cultural significance of the land to Indigenous communities, emphasizing the respect and reverence they hold for the environment.

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