Incorporating DAV Class 7 English Reader Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 5 The Future World into study routines can lead to better overall language proficiency.
My English Reader Class 7 DAV Solutions Unit 5 The Future World
DAV Class 7 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 5 The Future World
A.1. Read the following thoughts and put a tick (✓) against the ones which you think might start occurring in future.
(a) The sun rises at night along with the stars.
(b) The Himalayas go deep down into the Tethys once again.
(c) Milk is supplied directly to our homes through pipelines.
(d) Toffees start growing on trees.
(e) Students carry floppies, CDs and pen-drives to schools instead of books and notebooks.
A.2. Don’t you think that life will become totally different if these changes take place in future? Sit in groups of three and imagine some more events that you think might occur in the future and list them in the space given below.
Life will become totally different if these changes take place in near future. People’s life would become more mechanical and less laborious, heavily dependent on machines and computers. Here are a few other changes that might occur in the future.
- Cars may run on solar energy rather than gas or petrol.
- Farmers may harvest their crops by artificial rains.
- There may not be schools for children but only education through the internet.
For The World Tomorrow Summary
The poet is worried about the world of tomorrow. He doesn’t know whether the world live for one century or more, perhaps, the natural calamities would swipe away the entire humanity completely. One day, the world might end up like Hiroshima, the Himalayas might sink into the Tethys ocean, human nails would be like sharp daggers. People would not be able to see or hear about love. Perhaps, we shall have no more questions to ask, the word ‘Freedom’ would not be written on the pages of history. We will then dream of the new beautiful world tomorrow and let our coming generation dream about us.
कवि कल की दुनिया के बारे में बहुत चिन्तित है। वह नहीं जानता कि दुनिया एक सदी या उससे अधिक तक जीवित रहेगी या नहीं, शायद कोई प्राकृतिक आपदा संपूर्ण मानवता का सफाया ही कर दे। एक दिन पूरी धरती ही हिरोशिमा की तरह खत्म हो सकती है, दुनिया सागर में सिमट सकती है, या इंसान के नाखून खंजर की तरह पैने हो जाए। लोग प्यार के शब्द न सुन सकें। शायद हमारे पास पूछने के लिए कोई प्रश्न ही न हो । ‘आजादी’ शब्द शायद इतिहास के पन्नों पर नहीं लिखा जायेगा। फिर हम एक नई दुनिया का सपना देखेंगें, और आने वाली पीढ़ी हमारा ख्वाब देखेगी।
Word – Meanings:
Deluge = flood – बाढ;
Daggers = short sharp pointed sword – छोटी निकली तलवार;
Sweat = perspiration – पसीना;
A.4. On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the statements given below by ticking (✓) the right choice.
(i) The poet fears that the world might live only for ________.
a) one century more
b) two centuries more
c) three centuries more
a) one century more
(ii) One day the world might end up like ________.
a) Nagasaki
b) Hiroshima
c) South Arabia.
b) Hiroshima
(iii) The Himalayas might sink into the ________.
a) Indian Ocean
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Tethys Ocean.
c) Tethys Ocean.
(iv) Our nails would be like ________.
a) sharp swords
b) sharp daggers
c) sharp knives.
b) sharp daggers
(v) The word freedom would be written on the pages of ________.
a) History
b) Civics
c) Geography.
a) History
A.5. On the basis of your reading of the poem, make a train of the events that might take place in the future world by filling up the given boxes.
The poet expresses his grave concern about the future world and dreads the occurrence of a deluge.
(a) Do you think the poet’s apprehension can become a reality?
(b) If yes, what would be the consequences?
If such a thing happens, then no one will be alive to enjoy the world anymore. Everything will be either under the ocean or barren due to nuclear war.
A.7. Values
Despite fears for the future world, the poet wants us to live and dream of a beautiful world and to give our sweat and tears for it.
List at least five values we need to foster in order to make this world more beautiful.
(a) By spreading love
(b) equality
(c) peace
(d) harmony
(e) by ending hatred, jealousy and rivalries.
Listen to the audio CD titled Listen & Comprehend (Class-VII). After listening, answer the questions asked in the audio CD verbally. Listen to the tape script once again and attempt the given question. The tape script is given on page no. 144.
A Vision Into The Future of Humanity
It is expected that by 2050, the scientists will have the detailed description of how life began on Earth and by the same year Automated Traffic Control shall have given rail-like traffic flow to roads.
By 2100, the longevity of human life shall have increased by thirty years and another achievement of man by this time would be that human beings will be able to record ail that they ever see, hear or say. By the year 2150, man shall have established an unmanned radio observatory on the far side of the Moon. By 2200, permanent manned space stations in Earth’s orbit shall have been established. By 2250, most genetic, infectious and cancerous diseases would be preventable or curable. By 2300, the Earth’s population would be stabilised at around twenty billion.
A.8. If we want to make the world a better place to live in, we have to look back and see what differences are there in the world of today and that of yesterday. History shows that humanity has progressed and many changes have taken place in this world. A few of these changes can be described as landmarks in the progress of humanity on a ‘time line’.
[You have already studied the concept of a time line in your previous class.]
The Future Time Line of Humanity
Year Event which might occur in the given year
2050 : detailed description of how life began
……….. : automated Traffic Control shall have given rail-like traffic flow on roads.
2100 : the average span of human life will have increased by …………
……….. : human beings will be able to record all that they see, hear or say.
2150 : Unmaimed on the tar side oi the moon.
……….. : permanent manned space stations in Earth orbit shall have been established.
2250 : most genetic, infectious and ……….. diseases will become curable.
2300 : the Earth’s population will be stabilised at around twenty billion.
2050 : detailed description of how life began
2050 : automated Traffic Control shall have given rail-like traffic flow to roads.
2100 : the average span of human life will have increased by 20 years.
2100 : human beings will be able to record all that they see, hear or say.
2150 : unmanned traffic on the far side of the moon.
2200 : permanent manned space stations in Earth orbit shall have been established.
2250 : most genetic, infectious and incurable diseases will become curable.
2300 : the Earth’s population will be stabilised at around twenty billion.
A.9. Imagine you are Madhav. Realising the important contribution education can make to create an ideal world, you decide to encourage your friends to volunteer to teach the underprivileged.
Write a notice for your school notice board inviting students to register their names for the noble cause in the space given on the next page.
Date ________
Volunteers Required
The School is planning to organise classes for EWS students and other children belonging to underprivileged section of the society during summer vacations. We require volunteers to teach these students. Interested ones can give their names to their class teacher before 28 April. Transport will be available to pick and drop.
(Rajdeep Singh)
(School Head Boy)
B.1. Column B gives the effects of the entries in column A. Match the entries in the two columns.
Column A | Column B |
International rivalries | Skin diseases due to ultraviolet rays |
Excessive pollution | World War III |
Ozone hole | Man becoming slave to technology |
Unlimited use of technology | Environment unfit to live |
Column A | Column B |
International rivalries | World War III |
Excessive pollution | Environment unfit to live |
Ozone hole | Skin diseases due to ultraviolet rays |
Unlimited use of technology | Man becoming slave to technology |
B.2. List a few objects that you handle with care.
- Glass
- Diamonds
- T.V. sets
- Refrigerators
B.3. Have you ever read instructions on certain things that are to be handled with care? Develop a set of instructions to be imprinted on packages of valuable objects that are to be handled with care.
Glass: Handle with care
Petrol: Highly inflammable, handle with care
Do not touch, handle with care
Valuable, handle with care
Handle With Care Summary
The play ‘Handle with Care’ is placed in the 21st century. A woman wearing a gas mask and a heavy shining raincoat like garment with a placard “Handle with Care” hanging around her neck, was hit by a motorcyclist. The policeman stopped the motorcyclist with a baton. Four passersby gathered around and started speaking that the label was visible. Why the motorcyclist did not see it? It was a grave crime to hit the “Handle with Care” beings as they were extinct and whether the being was dead or senseless or just unconscious, that they were very delicate and had to be handled with care. The policemen said that she was still alive.
The passersby suggested to take her to hospital, the repair station for these delicate beings. But, the policemen told them to wait and asked them to fetch some water. The passersby discussed that they drank a transparent liquid which was becoming scarce and was available only at the ghettoes or places where these beings lived. The ghettoes were also delicate and could not stand in the open environment outside. When the policemen said that there was no ghetto around and said that he would contact the nearest police station and inform, the woman stood up.
The woman requested him not to do that. The motorcyclist thanked that she was alive and he had been saved. The policemen told him these ‘Handle With Care’ beings are becoming extinct at a fast pace. So it was a serious crime even to kill them by accident. But, the woman said it was not an accident, but a suicide attempt because she was fed up with living in a closed bubble like chamber, where everything was artificial. The being felt sick, suffocated and claustrophobic. She desired to live in the open, but men said that environment was polluted by toxic gases, by their greed and lust for money and didn’t know where to go because the moon and all the planets had been found unfit to live. They required oxygen to live. But human activities had reduced the oxygen in the environment.
The woman told the passersby that they had designed and built men so that they could take care of the environment. But slowly men took control from the beings as they became greedy and money minded. The woman said that she wanted to die and asked them to kill her as humans had destroyed the earth completely, the dinosaurs had become extinct because of the change of environment. Human beings were also doomed for extinction. The policemen told her that they could not kill her.
The passersby suggested the woman to open her oxygen mask, inhale the toxic gases and die. She thanked him, as it had never occurred to her how to end her life so simply. The policemen asked her what they would do with her body as some body would take notice of it. The woman told them to remove her anti-corrosion suit and her body would decay fast in the corrosive environment and began to untie her oxygen mask.
यह नाटक 21 वीं सदी की है। एक औरत जिसने एक गैस का मुखौटा व भारी चमकीली बरसाती जैसी पोशाक पहनी हुई थी उसके गले में एक तख्ती लटकी थी जिस पर लिखा था ‘सावधानी बरतें’। उस औरत को एक मोटर साइकिल चालक ने टक्कर मारकर गिरा दिया। पुलिसवाले ने, जिसके हाथ में छड़ी थी, उसे रोका और पूछा कि क्या उसे वह नाम पत्र जो औरत के गले में लटकी हुई थी नजर नहीं आ रहा थी। जो व्यक्ति सड़क पर से गुजर रहे थे, इकट्ठे हो गये और बातें करने लगे कि नाम पत्र तो दिख रहा था फिर भी मोटर साइकिल चालक ने उसे क्यों गिराया । ऐसे लोगों को मारना एक कठोर अपराध था क्योंकि वे धरती से लुप्त हो रहे थे। क्या वह मर गई थी या बेहोश थी उसे सावधानी से देखना होगा। पुलिस ने जाँचकर बताया कि वह जिन्दा थी ।
एकत्रित लोगों ने उसे अस्पताल ले जाने की सलाह दी, जहाँ ऐसे लोग ठीक किए जाते थे। लेकिन पुलिस ने उन्हें रुकने को कहा और पानी लाने को कहा। लोगों ने कहा कि वे लोग एक पारदर्शी पेय पीते थे जिसका अभाव होता जा रहा था और इनके रहने का स्थान ‘घेटो’ था। ‘घेटो’ भी नाजुक निवास स्थान थे जो बाहर के वातावरण को मुश्किल से सहन करते थे। जैसे ही पुलिसवाले ने कहा कि वहाँ नजदीक में कोई ‘घेटो’ नहीं था, इसलिए वह नजदीकी पुलिस चौकी को संपर्क कर घटना के बारे में सूचित कर देता है, वह औरत खड़ी हो गयी।
औरत ने उससे ऐसा न करने का अनुरोध किया । मोटरसाइकिल चालक ने शुक्रिया अदा किया कि वह जीवित थी और उसे बचा लिया गया था। पुलिस ने बताया कि ‘सावधानी बरतो’ की तादाद घटती जा रही थी और उनको दुर्घटना में मारना भी जुर्म था। लेकिन औरत ने कहा कि वह दुर्घटना नहीं थी, बल्कि आत्महत्या का प्रयास था क्योंकि वह अपनी जिंदगी से ऊब चुकी थी। एक बुलबुले जैसे बंद कक्ष में रहते हुये, जहाँ सब कुछ कृत्रिम था वह बीमार महसूस करने लगी थी। उसका दम घुटने लगा था और बंद जगह में रहकर उसे मर जाने के डर की बीमारी हो गई थी। वह खुली जगह में रहना चाहती थी, लेकिन मनुष्य ने अपने लालच और पैसे की हवस से वातावरण को हानिकारक गैसों से ग्रसित कर दिया था, और उसे समझ में नहीं आ रहा था कि वह कहाँ जाए क्योंकि चाँद, नक्षत्र सभी रहने के लिए अनुपयुक्त थे। उन्हें जीने के लिए ऑक्सीजन की जरुरत थी, इसलिए वे ऑक्सीजन का नकाब पहनते थे। लेकिन मनुष्य ने अपनी गतिविधियों से वातावरण में ऑक्सीजन का अभाव कर दिया था।
औरत ने बताया कि उन्होंने मनुष्य को बनाया था ताकि वे वातावरण की देखभाल कर सकें। लेकिन धीरे-धीरे मनुष्य जैसे-जैसे लालची और पैसे के प्यासे होते गए, उन्होंने उन जैसे जीवों पर अधिकार जमा लिया। औरत ने कहा कि वह मरना चाहती थी क्योंकि मनुष्य ने धरती को बर्बाद कर दिया था। डायनासोर धरती से लुप्त हो गए थे क्योंकि वातावरण बदल गया था। मनुष्य जाति भी लुप्त हो जायेगी। पुलिस ने बताया कि वे उसे मार नहीं सकते थे। पास खड़े लोगों ने सुझाव दिया कि वह अपना ऑक्सीजन नकाब उतार दे, उसने कहा कि आत्महत्या करने का इतना आसान तरीका उसे सूझा ही नहीं था। पुलिस ने पूछा कि अगर किसी ने उसे देख लिया तो वे उसके शरीर का क्या करेगें। औरत ने बताया कि उसकी पोशाक उतार दें तो उसका शरीर तेजी से वातावरण में विलीन हो जायेगा और औरत अपना ऑक्सीजन का नकाब उतारने लगी।
Word – Meanings:
Playcard = poster – पोस्टर, विज्ञापन पत्र;
Dilapidated = old and in a very poor condition – जीर्ण- शीर्ण, टूटा-फूटा;
Loiter = to stand or walk around without reason – ईधर-उधर घूमना;
Prominently = eminently – विशिष्टता से;
Displayed = exhibited – प्रदर्शित ;
Extinct = no longer existing – विलुप्त;
Delicate = tender – नाजुक;
Biological = dealing with science of life – प्राणी विज्ञान से संबंधित;
Gadget = small mechanical device or appliance – छोटा मशीन अथवा उपकरण;
Instruction = order to do something – निर्देश;
Environment = physical surrounding – वातावरण;
Decline = decay – समाप्त होना;
Suicide = self murder – आत्म हत्या;
Destroy = to pull down – नष्ट होना;
Facilities = conveniences – सुविधाऐं ;
Amenities = facilities – सुविधाऐं ;
Suffocated = to cause difficulty in breathing – दम घुटना अथवा श्वास में परेशानी;
Claustrophobic = extremely afraid of small, enclosed spaces – छोटे, बंद स्थानों से अधिक भयभीत ;
Noxious = poisonous, harmful – जहरीली, हानिकारक;
Technology = science applied to practical need – तकनीकी;
Hazardous = risky – जोखिमपूर्ण;
Proliferate = to increase rapidly – तीव्रता से उत्पन्न होना;
Privileged = favoured – प्राप्त;
Appendage = a smaller or less important part of something larger-;
Capability = capacity to do something – क्षमता;
Corrosion = destroy gradually – धीरे-धीरे नष्ट होना ।
B.5. On the basis of reading of the play, complete the following statements:
(i) The policeman stopped the motorcyclist because ________
he hit a woman and she fell down
(ii) The motorcyclist insisted that the accident occurred due to the woman’s fault because ________
the woman was walking normally on the footpath, and suddenly took a turn that came in his way
(iii) Hitting a ‘Handle with Care’ creature was a crime because ________
they were becoming extinct at a fast rate
(iv) The policeman wanted to contact a ghetto because he ________
wanted to give the woman some water they drank which was available only in ghetto
(v) The woman said that she purposely came in the path of the motorcyclist because she ________
wanted to commit suicide by killing herself
(a) Given below is the weather forecast for a Tuesday in the month of July in the present-day environment. Read it carefully.
Taking clues from it, write a weather forecast for the environment conditions described in the play.
Smoky and hazy sky. Acid rain showers in some areas. Maximum temperature will be around 70°C.
Relative Humidity – Max: 50%, Min: 20%
Sunset on Monday – 07:30 p.m.
(b) If we are to live in such circumstances, how shall we live?
We will just face temperature, get suffocated and live in unhealthy conditions.
B.7. Values
The play ‘Handle with Care’ clearly gives us an insight into plausible effects of environmentally unsound activities by the humans who seem to be blinded by greed for money.
Get into groups of three and discuss what role you can play to protect your environment.
Ways to Protect Environment
Std. A: With each passing year global temperatures are rising.
Std. B: Yes, polar ice is melting. There is climate change also.
Std. C: Yes, the summers are getting hotter and winters are getting colder.
Std. A: What can be done to protect environment?
Std. B: It’s extremely important that we should conserve our forests and trees.
Std. C: Yes, and our Ma’am told us not to waste paper and water, our natural resources, etc.
Std. A: Yes, all these things are important. We should also try to switch off fans and lights when not in the room. To save electricity is also extremely important.
B.8. Read the following definitions and write the corresponding terms from the text.
(a) Bubble like structures which contain special ghetto environment for the ‘Handle with Care’ beings.
(b) Transparent liquid which they drink and use for water various purposes.
(c) A repair station for delicate beings where they recover hospital their lost limbs or organs.
(d) An artificial instrument that helps the ‘Handle with oxygen mask Care’ creatures in breathing.
oxygen mask
B.9. The policeman writes the following email to ‘Handle with Care’ Creatures Association informing about the accident of a ‘Handle with Care’ woman.
B.10. In response to the e-mail of the Policeman, write an e-mail on behalf of the Secretary of the Handle With Care Association thanking the policeman for the information and informing him that he would immediately send some help.
To :
From : handlewithcare@yahoo .com
Sub : Information about accident
Association of Handle with Care thanks you for the information about sending some help immediately.
Handle With Care Association
C.1. Look at the cover pages of these three issues of Future Chronicle.
C.2. Design the cover page for the next edition of the Future Chronicle.
C.3. Read the following news items.
C.4. Read the contest given below.
After having a glimpse of what the world might be in future if we do not check our activities, let us read some news about Future Times, by going through the pages of the Future Chronicle, a monthly news magazine.
C.5. Write two creative headlines for the Future Chronicle.
(a) Flying buses to Ghettoes
(b) Biological capsules for Ghettoes livers.
C.6. Expand these headlines in just two sentences each.
(a) All Ghettoes will have flying buses to pick and drop people from Ghettoes on the moon. Passengers found travelling without ticket will be put to decay in corrosion environment cells.
(b) All the Ghettoes will be given a doze of the capsules which will provide them energy to keep healthy throughout their life time without eating food.
C.7. Read the following forecasts of futuristic facts, fiction and fantasies we got from the kids’ mouth.
C.8. On the basis of the reading of the kids’ comments, complete the following statements:
(a) Shauriya feels that if the weather is not good she would ________
push a button and her school will be above the clouds
(b) People will go to colonisation camps to ________
have access to books around the globe
(c) CD ROMs will be like ________
textbook stored on a disk
(d) Disk Reader Typer will replace ________
a school bag
(e) If we were sick, we would be able to attend our class by ________
plugging our computers into the school channels.
C.9. Match the names of the children with innovative idea as they have proposed:
Column A | Column B |
Suprina | Space colonisation camp |
Shauriya | Flying boards |
Jimit Shah | Disk Reader Typer |
Sanya | Learning on school channel |
Chirag | Encyclopedias in multimedia software |
C.10. HOTS
Given below ¡s an advertisement of the ‘FUTURE ESTATES’, a property dealer who is constructing apartments on the Mars.
C.11. Develop a radio presentation advertising Mars City. You may add your own features. Make the presentation before the class.
C.12. Solve the crossword puzzle using the clues and other help given below:
1. the use of science in practical
2. a process of producing copies
3. a way of approaching something
Across →
4. a book giving information about all areas of knowledge
5. a pair
The Globalist Summary
By 2050, the world will achieve a stable economy. It will provide social stability and the majority of people would lead a comfortable life. Science, technology and human development will be three keys to success. The internet will be accelerated by global connectivity of people. Brain like intelligent system will create a paradise on earth.
Time mechanism of speed and accuracy will help public make no more mistakes. There will be peace at last with diminished rivalries and establishment of international space station. By 2050 people will become intelligent, virtuous and peace loving.
2050 तक विश्व की अर्थव्यवस्था स्थिर हो जाएगी। यह समाज को स्थायी अस्तित्व प्रदान करेगी और बहुसंख्यक लोग आराम की जिंदगी व्यतीत करेंगे। विज्ञान, प्रौद्योगिकी तथा विकास सफलता की तीन कुंजियाँ होंगी। इंटरनेट लोगों को वैश्विक स्तर पर एक-दूसरे से जोड़ने में मदद करेगी। दिमाग की तरह बौद्धिक क्रम धरती पर स्वर्गलोक का निर्माण करेंगें।
समय-क्रम, रफ्तार और शुद्धता जनता की मदद करेंगे ताकि कोई गलती न हो सके। आखिरकार शान्ति स्थापित हो जाएगी। आपसी प्रतिद्वंदिता कम होगी और अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष स्टेशन की स्थापना होगी। 2050 तक मनुष्य ज्ञानी, सदगुणी और शान्ति प्रिय बन जायेंगे।
Word – Meanings:
Stable = steady – स्थायी;
Astounding = amazing – आश्चर्यजनक;
Technology = science applied to practical need – तकनीकी;
Reinforcing = making something stronger – अधिक मजबूत बनाना;
Virtual = being almost or nearly something – लगभग या करीब-करीब;
Diversity = variety – विविधता;
Avert = to prevent – रोकना;
Habitat = natural dwelling – प्राकृतिक निवास;
Orbit = a curved path taken by a planet or another object as it moves around another planet – ग्रह-उपग्रह का परिक्रमा पथ; Warning = notice of danger – खतरे की चेतावनी ।