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My English Reader Class 7 DAV Solutions Unit 4 Achievers
DAV Class 7 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 4 Achievers
I. The Brave Little Kite Summary
The poem is about a little kite which was scared to fly high, lest it should fall down. But a big kite encouraged it and little kite gathered courage and flew high above and was happy because it was brave and tried to fly.
कविता एक छोटी पतंग के बारे में है जिसको ऊँची उड़ने से डर लगता था कि कहीं वह गिर न जाए। परन्तु एक बड़ी पतंग ने उसे ऊपर उड़ने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया और उसने हिम्मत जुटाकर ऊपर उड़ान भरी और वह बहुत ऊँची उड़ने लगी क्योंकि वह बहादुर थी और उसने काफी प्रयत्न
Word – Meanings:
Tranquil = calm, quiet -शांत;
Stir = to move – हिलना;
Whirl = to turn around rapidly – घूमना;
Steadily = firmly – दृढ़ता से;
Thrilled = a sudden feeling of excitement – पुलकित ;
Pride = state or quality of being proud – गर्व;
II. On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the chart given below:
III. Hold a discussion in the class: ‘Which of the following qualities do you think is/are important for achieving success and why?’
I think courage, strong determination and hard work are the steps to the ladder of success. A person having faith in God and patience can achieve success. Confidence, too, is an essential ingredient to success. Money and physical strength are two qualities that are not too important to achieve success. So if we have courage, determination, faith, patience and confidence nobody can stop us from getting success.
A.1. Now let us read about some great achievers who had the courage to fulfil their dreams and reach the heights no one could ever imagine.
See My English Reader, page 89 – 93.
A.2. On the basis of your reading of the above information, complete the statements given below.
(a) The book ‘Achievers’ is a collection of ________.
various people of different professions who excelled in their fields despite their disabilities.
(b) Hillary Bates though ________ and ________, launched a greeting card business called ________.
deaf, blind, “My Mind’s Eyes”
(c) Hillary designs ________ with the help of her computer.
(d) She had been given an achievement award by ________ for ________ .
the Business and Professional Women’s Association of India, maximizing her abilities.
(e) Stephen Hawking was confined to the wheel-chair because ________ . The disease also affected his ________ .
he developed motor neuron disease, speech.
(f) Stephen Hawking can now communicate through ________ called ________ .
a specially designed computer programme, Equalizer.
(g) Kevin Saunders became paralysed in ________. He overcame his disability and became ________ .
a grain elevator explosion, a world champion wheel chair athlete.
(h) He has also founded an organisation called ________ which ________.
Wheel Chair Success Fund, provides scholarships to disabled people.
A.3. On the basis of your reading of the above information, match the following columns correctly.
A | B |
C |
John Milton | was blind | wrote poetry. |
Einstein | was dyslexic | propounded the Theory of Relativity. |
Edison | had learning disability | electric bulb |
Beethovan | was deaf | composed music |
A.4. Read the statements given below. Tick ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statement.
Write the false statements correctly. If the statement is true, put a cross in the space provided.
(a) Hillary Bates had been blind since birth.
Hillary Bates, at the age of fifteen began experiencing gradual vision loss which soon resulted in total blindness.
(b) Stephen Hawking can now speak normally without any aid.
Stephen Hawking can now speak normally with the help of specially designed computer programme called Equalizer.
(c) Kevin Saunders is a world champion wheel-chair athlete.
(d) John Milton is famous for writing an inspirational book for the disabled.
John Milton is famous for writing an epic, Paradise Lost.
(e) Albert Einstein was a slow learner but could express himself beautifully through his writings.
Albert Einstein was a slow learner and he could hardly express himself in written language.
(f) Beethoven, a famous poet is believed to have composed some of the musical poems.
Beethoven, a famous poet has composed some of the most melodious tunes after becoming deaf.
(g) Thomas Alva Edison was unable to read till he was twelve years old. 0 0
The book Achievers describes some people from different professions who excelled in their fields despite their disabilities. What qualities are required to overcome disabilities and succeed in life? Discuss with your partner.
Strong will, hardwork, determination, and a positive attitude can take us to great heights in our life.
A.6. Find the words from the text which have the following meanings.
(a) performed exceptionally well (Preface) ________
(b) unfavourable conditions (Preface) ________
(c) started (Hillary Bates) ________
(d) deteriorated (Stephen Hawking) ________
(e) crumble (Kevin Saunders) ________
(f) having a pleasant time (Beethoven) ________
(g) a long poem about the deeds of a hero (John Milton) ________
Listen to the audio CD titled Listen & Comprehend (Class-VII). After listening, answer the questions asked in the audio CD verbally. Listen to the tape script once again and attempt the given question. The tape script is given on page no. 116.
Fighting And Winning Against Heavy Odds
Anant Vijay Kala
New Dethi, May 24
Ashish Ahuja got 83 per cent in his Class-Xll Boards. Excellent marks considering he is 90 per cent disabled! Clearly the Commerce student did not let his disability deter him from’ scoring the highest in his school in Business Studies.
There are others like Ahuja who have overcome their physical and mental disabilities and performed very well in their Board examinations. Sudhanshu Chhabra is autistic and Rachit Khosla, like Ahuja, is 90 per cent disabled. Both have done well in their Class-X examinations. Chhabra has scored 75 per cent and Khosla 62. While Chhabra and Khosla managed to write their paper themselves Ahuja needed the services of a writer during the Boards.
All three have been studying alongside normal students. Khosla also suffers from occasional fits. Unfortunately, he suffered such an attack during his Mathematics examination. He, however, did not give up and stayed on and attempted the paper. Though unable to complete it, he still managed to score 65.
A.7. Now listen to the tape script once again and complete the following sentences by filling in the appropriate words.
(a) Ashish Ahuja had offered the ________ stream for his Class-XII Boards.
(b) He scored highest marks in his school in ________.
Class XII board
(c) He took the help of a ________ for attempting his paper.
(d) While attempting his ________ paper, Rachit suffered a ________.
maths, fit
(e) Sudhanshu Chhabra was ________ but managed to score in Class-X.
autistic 75%
(f) All the three disabled boys studied with ________ students.
A.8. Project work
For self-attempt.
Helen Adams Keller Summary
Helen Keller was born in Alabama on 27th June, 1880. Only at the age of eighteen months, she lost the power of hearing, sight and speaking. Due to inability of communication she began to live in gloom and stress. She was a wise and sensitive child. She had invented 60 signs to talk to her family. A young lady teacher, Anne Sullivan, was called to teach her. Helen did not obey her teacher. At that time, she was just seven years old. She did mischiefs.
But Sullivan was not an ordinary teacher, she was calm and determined. She gave Hellen a doll and wrote the word ‘d-o-l-l’ on her palm. Soon she wrote many words on her palm. Gradually, Helen began to read. Now she could read, write and count in Braille script. Though, she was unable to hear her teacher yet, she learnt to talk in English and French. She became a great person. She came to India also. She was a great counsellor for the handicapped. She died at the ripe old age of 88.
हेलेन केलर का जन्म 27 जून, 1880 को अलाबामा में हुआ था । मात्र 18 महीने की अवस्था में उसने सुनने, बोलने और देखने की शक्ति खो दी। संवादहीनता के कारण वह तनाव एवं हताशा में रहने लगी। हेलेन एक बुद्धिमान एवं संवेदनशील लड़की थी। उसने अपने परिवार के सदस्यों से बातचीत करने के लिए 60 चिन्ह बना रखे थे। एनी सुलीवान नाम की एक शिक्षिका को उसे पढ़ाने के लिए बुलाया गया । उस समय हेलेन मात्र सात वर्ष की थी। वह अपनी शिक्षिका की आज्ञा नहीं मानती थी। वह उसके साथ शरारत करती थी।
लेकिन एनी सुलीवान साधारण शिक्षिका नहीं थी। वह बिल्कुल शांत और दृढ़ निश्चयी थी। उसने हेलेन को एक गुड़िया दी और उसकी हथेली पर ‘d-o-1-1’ शब्द लिख दिये। उसने कई अन्य शब्द उसकी हथेली पर लिखे। धीरे-धीरे हेलेन ने पढ़ना शुरू कर दिया। वह ब्रेल लिपि में पढ़, fata और गिन सकती थी । यद्यपि वह अपनी शिक्षिका की बातों को सुनने में कठिनाई महसूस करती थी, फिर भी वह अंग्रेजी और फ्रेंच में बातें करना सीख गई। उसने भारत की भी यात्रा की। उसने विश्व के विकलांगों के लिए परामर्शदाता के रूप में भी काम किया। 88 वर्ष की उम्र में उसकी मृत्यु हो गयी ।
Word – Meanings:
Sensitive = easily affected – संवेदनशील;
Restricted = limited – सीमाबद्ध;
Communicate = to share and exchange information – सूचनाओं, भावों एवं विचारों का आदान-प्रदान करना;
Frustration = to feel annoyed or impatient – निराश होना;
Savage = cruel – बर्बर;
Calm = tranquility – शांत;
Firm = stable – स्थायी;
Patient = having endurance – धैर्य;
Opportunity = favourable time – सुअवसर;
Tireless = not to become weary – बिना थके हुए;
Determined = decided – निश्चय किया;
Remarkable = extraordinary – असहधारण;
Fruitful = profitable – लाबकारी;
Handicapped = physically disabled – अपंग;
Counselled = to give an advice – परामर्श;
Ripe = fully developed – विकसित।
B.2. On the basis of your reading of the above information, complete the profile of Helen Keller.
Name : Hellen Keller
Date of Birth : 27th June, 1880
Address : Alabama, U.S.A.
Nationality : American
Qualification : B.A.
Languages Known : English, French and Braille
Physical Disability : Deaf, blind and unable to speak
Profession : Counsellor for the handicapped
B.3. Complete the following information.
(a) Helen Keller became ________ and ________ at the age of 18 months because of ________ .
deaf, blind, fever
(b) List any two instances which show that she was as naughty as any other normal girl of her age.
(i) ________
(ii) ________
(i) She ate like a savage.
(ii) She refused to wash her hands or comb her hair.
(c) Helen got her early education at ________ by ________
home, Anne Sullivan
(d) Helen often troubled her teacher at home. Quote one instance to prove this.
Once she locked Miss Sullivan up in her room and hid the key.
(e) She became the first deaf-blind child to ________ a college.
graduate from Radcliffe.
B.4. To read only.
B.5. In her article ‘My Future As I See It’, Helen mentions various ways in which she could help disabled people. List any four of these.
(a) To act as a sort of emissary
(b) By teaching, by giving them means of self-support
(c) By speaking in favour of beneficent work
(d) Take home a deaf child to teach him.
B.6. Find the words from the text which mean the same as the ones given in the clues and complete the following puzzle.
Across →
1. uncivilised
3. not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority
5. composed
Down ↓
1. easily hurt or offended
2. extremely bad or serious
4. untiring / undefatigable
Anne Sullivan was a patient and firm teacher. Find two pieces of evidence from the story in support of this statement.
(a) She was very naughty and disobedient. She refused to wash her hands or sit down on a chair for meals. Ms. Sullivan had to take strict measures so that she would learn table manners.
(b) She also had to keep her away from her parents for some time.
B.8. Life Skills
Physically challenged persons can overcome their limitations if we provide them a helping hand and a congenial environment. Imagine a physically challenged child has taken admission in your school. Write five ways in which you will make him/her comfortable in the class.
(a) I will be a constant companion to her.
(b) I will help him with his CW/HW.
(c) I will ensure that no one teases him or bullies him.
(d) I will ensure that class has a congenial environment.
(e) I will encourage her to take part in extra-curricular activities for all-round development.
B.9. In groups, discuss the role of Miss Sullivan in educating Helen and making her independent. One student from each group can then act as Miss Sullivan and tell the rest of the groups how she tackled the naughty girl Helen. You may include the following points in your presentation:
- when were you appointed to teach Helen,
- your early experiences with her (her naughty tricks),
- your determination to stick to your job,
- reason for your determination [your own partial blindness],
- Helen’s gradual progress,
- her success and your joy over it.
I was appointed to teach Helen just before her seventh birthday. She was very naughty and disobedient. She often ate like a savage and refused to wash her hands or comb her hair. She would spill ink when I sat down to write a letter. Once, she even locked me up in her room and hid the key. Helen’s father helped me climb out of the window. But, I remained calm, firm and patient with her because I knew how terrible it was to feel handicapped, as I myself was blind as a child.
That was the main reason for my determination to teach her gradually. She started learning new words that I spelt on her palm. She had an intelligent and tireless mind. At the age of seven, she learnt to read, write and count in Braille. She took a long time and made many mistakes. But, she learnt English and French soon. She became the first deaf and blind person to be graduated from college. I felt extremely thrilled and happy to see her progress on the road to success. I am proud of her.
B.10. Imagine yourself to be Helen Keller. At the age of forty, you wish to thank Miss Sullivan for her sincere efforts in educating you. Write a letter to her for the same in the space given below.
Alabama, U.S.A.
20th August 1920
Dear Miss Sullivan
I wish to express my heartiest thanks for your sincere efforts in educating me. I am extremely sorry for having troubled you in my childhood and by disobeying you; many a time. Now, I realize how patiently and benevolenly you handled me. I have no words to express my gratitude to you for guiding me to read, write and count in Braille only at the age of seven. I know I made mistake many a time, but still you not only taught me English, but French also. I am highly indebted to you for the same and hope I can live up to your expectations, fulfilling all your desires and dreams.
Yours obediently
Hellen Keller
Sudhachandran Summary
Sudha Chandran, a famous ‘Bharat Natyam’ dancer was asked some questions by the interviewer. She had lost her foot in an accident at the age of 16. Once she was returning from a temple near Tiruchirapalli and a truck collided with her bus. When the doctors told her that her leg had to be cut, her heart sank. The whole world seemed dark to her. To walk through crutches was a big torture to her. Soon, she felt that there was strength in her heart and pity of the people was also with her. When she read the article “Miraculous Feet” in India Today she wrote a letter to Dr. Sethi, the Magsaysay prize winner, who had invented the Jaipur Foot’.
Dr. Sethi called her to meet him the following week. Sudha was highly impressed by the doctor’s elegance. She became determined to prove herself a dancer and resumed dancing lessons with her mother’s help. It was a difficult task with the artificial leg. After doing hard practice for two years she got success. She performed on stage on 28th January, 1984. Dr. Sethi was also present there. At first, she was puzzled but finally she recovered her rhythm. According to Sudha Chandran, a handicap can drive away his or her disability if he or she is internally strong and determined.
प्रसिद्ध भरतनाट्यम नृत्यांगना सुधा चन्द्रन से साक्षात्कारकर्त्ता ने कई प्रश्न किए। उसने 16 वर्ष की अवस्था में दुर्घटना में अपना पैर गँवा दिया था। एक बार वह त्रिचिरापल्ली के समीप एक मंदिर से लौट रही थी कि उसकी बस एक ट्रक से टकरा गयी। जब डॉक्टरों ने सुधा को कहा कि उसका पैर काटना पड़ेगा तो उसका हृदय निराशा में डूब गया। उसे सारा संसार अंधकारपूर्ण लगने लगा। इसके पश्चात उसने अनुभव किया कि उसके अन्दर प्रचुर शक्ति है और लोगों की पर्याप्त दया उसे मिल रही है। जब उसने ‘इंडिया टुडे’ में चमत्कारी पैर के बारे में पढ़ा तो उसने डाक्टर सेठी को पत्र लिखा जिन्होंने ‘जयपुर फुट’ का आविष्कार किया था।
डॉ सेठी ने उससे अगले सप्ताह मिलने को कहा। वह डॉक्टर से बहुत प्रभावित हुई। उसने निश्चय किया कि वह नर्तकी बनेगी। वह माँ की सहायता से नृत्य की शिक्षा लेने लगी । कृत्रिम पाँव से नृत्य करना एक कठिन कार्य था। परन्तु दो वर्ष तक लम्बे अभ्यास करने के बाद उसे सफलता मिली। 28 जनवरी 1984 को उसने रंगमंच पर अपना नृत्य प्रस्तुत किया। दर्शकों में डॉक्टर सेठी भी मौजूद थे। पहले वह घबराई हुई थी। अंततः उसने अपनी भावनाओं पर काबू पाया और अपनी लय पकड़ ली और लाजवाव नृत्य किया। सुधा चन्द्रन के अनुसार, विकलांग व्यक्ति भी अपनी अयोग्यता को दूर कर सकता है यदि उसके पास आन्तरिक शक्ति एवं दृढता है।
Word – Meanings:
Attitude = outlook – दृष्टिकोण;
Co-ordinate = to arrange in due order – सामंजस्य;
Resign = to leave – छोड़ना;
Explode = to burst with a loud noise – विस्फोट होना;
Crutches = support for a lame person – वैशाखी ;
Response = reaction – प्रतिक्रिया;
Resound = to echo – गूंजना;
Handicap = physical disability – विकलांगता;
Realization = to know and understand that something is true – जानना, स्वीकार करना।
C.2 On the basis of your reading of the above extract, complete the statements given below:
(a) Sudha Chandran met with an accident while coming back from ________.
a temple near Tiruchirapalli
(b) Her leg had to be amputated because ________ .
her foot had developed gangrene
(c) Sudha got a new ray of hope after reading the article ________ in ________.
Miraculous Feet, India today
(d) Dr. Sethi had received the ________ award for ________.
Magsaysay, inventing Jaipur foot
(e) Sudha practised for ________ and gave her first public performance after the accident on ________.
two years, 28 January 1984
C.3. Given below are some incidents from Sudha’s life but these are jumbled. Put these incidents in correct order to complete the flow chart that follows.
Write a short paragraph about Dr. Sethi and his role in Sudha Chandran’s life. Include the following points:
- Based at Jaipur,
- Has invented prosthetic foot,
- Helped thousands to resume normal life,
- Noble personality,
- Inspiring,
- His contribution in helping Sudha revive her career as a dancer.
Dr. Paramod Karan Sethi was born on 28 Nov. 1927. He was an Indian Orthopaedic Surgeon working in Sawai Man Singh Hospital in Jaipur. With the help of Ram Chandra Sharma, in illiterate craftsman, he invented Jaipur foot, an inexpensive and flexible artificial limb in 1969. Millions of people have benefitted from this prothetic limb. Indian Red Cross has used it extensively in Afghanistan and other places to help amputees. Sudha Chandran was one of his patients. He was awarded the Magsaysay Award for community leadership in 1981 and Padma Shri by the Government of India in the same year. He died on Jan. 6, 2008 due to a cardiac arrest in Jaipur where he settled down after retirement.
C.5. Life Skills
Everyone faces problems at various stages of life. Share any such problem that you faced recently in your life. How did you overcome it? Share your experience with your partner.
For Self Attempt
C.6. Values
Write below the qualities you think helped Sudha Chandran in achieving her goal.
C.7. (a) Sudha Chandran met with an accident and had to get her leg amputated. The operation was done by an orthopaedic surgeon.
An orthopaedic surgeon is one who deals with the problems of bones. Do you know what the following specialists deal with? Take the help of a dictionary to find the correct definition.
(i) A Physiotherapist ________
A Physiotherapist is one who deals with the treatment of disease or injury by exercise, heat, massage etc.
(ii) Answer:
A nerosurgeon is one who deals with surgery connected with nervous system.
(iii) A paediatrician ________
A paediatrician is one who deals with diseases of children.
(iv) A dermatologist ________
A dermatologist is one who deals with diseases related to skin.
(v) A cardiologist ________
A cardiologist is one who deals with the diseases of the heart.
(b) Given below are some sentences. Fill in the blanks using the above words in the following sentences appropriately.
(i) As soon as he observed some patches on his skin, he consulted a ________.
(ii) Her ________ has recommended her a bypass surgery.
(iii) My grandfather is suffering from pain in his neck joints. He has planned to visit a ________ tomorrow.
(iv) She took her ailing kid to a ________.
(v) He got the surgery of his brain done from a famous ________ in the U.S.A.
C.8. You are Sanjeev, a newspaper reporter who saw Sudha’s performance on stage on 28th January, 1984. Write a newspaper report on her extraordinary performance and courageous comeback. You may choose any of the following headlines:
20 year old Sudha shows the world the power of mind
– by ABC Correspondent
Mumbai, 28th January, 1984
20 year old Sudha Chandran showed the world the power of mind, by giving her first live performance of Bharatnatyam dance in the City Auditorium, Mumbai on 28th January, 1984. Sudha Chandran had lost her foot at the age of 16 in a road accident. She was determined to dance with the artificial limb which she got from Magsaysay award winner, Dr. Sethi. She has become an inspiration for many others. In this world nothing is impossible, if one is determined.
C.9. Speech Competition
- Each group selects one example from the people mentioned above and chooses oie representative to speak.
- Set the time limit – 2 or 3 minutes.
- The teacher should judge the event. Marks should be allotted on the following basis:
- Content
- Accuracy
- Presentation Fluency
- Intonation and Stress
- Facial expressions
- Confidence
The seed of achievement lies in the human mind
Good morning friends. Today, I am here to speak on the topic – The seed of achievement lies in the human mind. James Allen has rightly said, “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”
Napoleon Hill commenting on the power of mind said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe — the mind can achieve.” Well, it’s true in most of the cases. We have so many examples from history before us. Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Helen Keller, Sudha Chandran and in the modern times — Stephen Hawking and Ramanujam to name a few. All of them had to battle against lots of adversities to achieve recognition. Stephen Hawking became paralysed at the prime of his youth but he continued to put his mind to use. Ramanujan battled poverty but that didn’t stop him from discovering zero. Helen Keller was deaf and dumb but that didn’t deter her from pursuing University degree.
So, its important that we keep negative thoughts at bay. When we fill our mind with positive thoughts, our life will begin to change. It is a powerful force. It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into depths of misery or take us to heights of success. So, my friends learn to use power of mind wisely.
C.10. On behalf of Sudha Chandran, write an e-mail to Dr. Sethi informing him about your first dance performance after the accident and also requesting him to be present there.
Subject: Invitation
Dear Dr. Sethi
You would be quite surprised to receive this e-meul from me after such a long span of 2 years.
I was practising day and night trying to achieve flexibility which is required for dance. You will be quite elated to know that my dream has fineilly become a reality. On 28 Jan., 1984 I will be giving my first dance performance after the accident. Sir you are cordially invited with your family for the show. Also, I would like to make it clear that I will not start my performance until I see you sitting in the audience. So, you have to come with Ma’am. Hoping to see you soon.
Sudha Chandran
A Handful of Almonds Summary
In the classroom, the teacher asked the students to raise hands who wanted to take part in the elocution competition. Nani Palkhiwala also raised his hand. He was eleven years of age and stammered badly. He repeated a word many times before he could tell it. Children made fun of him because with defect in his voice he wanted to participate. But he boldly said that he would take part in the competition. He tried several tongue twisters to overcome his stammering and often became frustrated.
His father said that his client Mrs. Dastur had told him that one could overcome stammering by rolling several marbles in one’s mouth one’s mouth. He successfully practiced it at night. His sister Amy helped him. On the day of contest, Nani began to speak on the topic “Try and try you will succeed”. He stammered and got stuck on the word ‘Perseverance’. Though, he did not win the prize still his Principal thanked and inspired him.
शिक्षक ने कक्षा में उन बच्चों को हाथ उठाने के लिए कहा जो वार्तालाप प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेना चाहते थे। नानी पालकीवाला ने भी हाथ उठाया। वह 11 वर्षीय बालक था तथा वह बोलने में हकलाता था। उसकी जुबान अक्सर अटक जाती थी। बोलने से पहले उसको एक शब्द कई बार दुहराना पड़ता था। प्रतियोगिता में हिस्सा लेने के लिए जैसे ही उसने अपना हाथ उठाया कि कक्षा के बच्चे उसकी हंसी उड़ाने लगे। लेकिन उसने निर्भीकतापूर्वक कहा कि वह प्रतियोगिता में हिस्सा लेगा । उसने जीभ घुमाने वाले कई वाक्यों को बोलने का अभ्यास किया परन्तु अक्सर उसे मायूस होना पड़ा। उसके पिता ने उसे बताया कि उसकी ग्राहक श्रीमती दस्तुर ने उन्हें बताया था कि यदि बोलते समय मुँह में कन्वे भर लिए जाए तो हकलाहट कम हो जाती है।
नाना ने रात में सफलतापूर्वक अभ्यास किया। उसकी बहन एमी ने इस कार्य में उसकी मदद की। प्रतियोगिता के दिन नाना ने “कोशिश करो और तुम कामयाब होगें ” विषय पर बोलना शुरू किया। प्रारम्भ में वह हकलाया परन्तु उसने अपनी तुतलाहट पर काबू पाया, वह केवल ‘परसेवरेन्स’ शब्द पर अटका । यद्यपि वह पुरस्कार नहीं जीत सका फिर भी उसके प्राचार्य ने उसे धन्यवाद दिया और प्रेरित किया ।
Word – Meanings:
Elocution = the art or style of speaking clearly and effectively in public – सभा में स्पष्ट एवं प्रभावशाली रूप में बोलने की कला; Sniggers-laughter to tease or taunt somebody – किसी को चिढ़ाते हुए हँसना;
Extempore = a speech made without any previous preparation – किसी विषय पर बिना किसी तैयारी के तुरन्त बोलना;
Collated = brought together – साथ लाना;
Endeavours = efforts – प्रयास;
Stammer = making sudden pause while speaking – हकलाना;
Grateful = thankful and appreciative – प्रशंसनीय |