Exploring different literary analyses in DAV Class 7 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 3 A Hero enhances critical thinking.
DAV Class 7 English Literature Chapter 3 Question Answer – A Hero
Pre-Reading Task
Question 1.
Work in groups of four or five and list the qualities that make a person a hero.
(i) Courage
(ii) Intelligence
(in) Wisdom
(in) Bravery
(n) Cleverness
Question 2.
‘Courage is an attitude. It is there in the mind.’ Do you agree? Discuss with reasons.
I do agree with the statement that courage is an attitude. It is there in the mind because if a person thinks that he has the courage, he will show it under all the circumstances irrespective of his age. A courageous person faces the difficult situation efficiently. But if a person thinks that he has no courage, he will not show it even if he is physically strong.
I. Understanding the Story
A. Each statement given below contains one wrong word/phrase, which makes the complete statement false. Underline the wrong words/phrases and replace them with the correct ones to make the statements true. One has been done for you.
Question 1.
Swami’s father read the report of a lad’s bravery in a weekly magazine.
Question 2.
The boy was rescued by some people who captured the tiger.
Question 3.
Swami seemed convinced of the boy’s bravery.
Question 4.
Swami had always slept beside his mother.
Question 5.
Swami proposed to sleep alone beginning with the same night.
next month
Question 6.
Swami studied in fourth grade.
Question 7.
Swami had to sleep alone in the hall.
office room
B. Answer the following questions briefly in about 30 words.
Question 1.
How did Swami react to the news of the village lad’s bravery? How was his reaction different from his father’s reaction?
After reading the news of the village lad’s bravery, Swami’s father told that courage is everything. Strength and age are not important whereas Swami said that a boy cannot fight with tiger. He must be a grown up and strong person.
Question 2.
What was the challenge given to Swami by his father? How did he receive it?
Swami’s father challenged him to sleep alone at night in his office room to prove his courage. He received it as frightful proposal and tried to divert his father’s attention by changing the subject of discussion.
Question 3.
Describe Swami’s feelings in the office room at night.
In the office room Swami felt himself cut off from humanity. He was pained and angry. As the night advanced and silence prevailed his heart started beating faster. He remembered all the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life. He felt faint with fear. Every moment, he expected devils to come up to carry him away.
Question 4.
How did Swami catch the burglar?
Swami realised that something was moving down. As it came near he crawled out under the bench and grabbed it with all his might and used his teeth on it. There was an agonized and thundering ciy, followed by a heavy tumbling and falling. The burglar lay amidst the furniture with bleeding ankle.
C. Of the following words, which would you choose to describe Swami and why?
1. meek
2. clever
3. cowardly
4. courageous
5. boastful
6. strong
Swami was clever because when his father ordered him to sleep alone in his office room he tried to divert his attention by changing the subject of discussion. He started telling him about the cricket club. Swami was courageous too because he caught one of the most notorious burglars. Swami was also strong as he hugged the burglar with all his might and used his teeth on it.
D. Various incidents in the story evoke contradictory reactions from Swami and his father. Complete the table given below highlighting the differences of opinion between the two.
Father Thought | Swami Thought |
(a) The village boy who had fought a tiger was very courageous. | He must have been a very strong and grown up person not at all a boy. |
(b) Courage is everything. Strength and age are not important. | Courage alone cannot do anything; strength is also important. |
(c) Sleeping alone would make Swami courageous and independent. | Swami felt his father was cruel to him. He also felt cut off from humanity. |
Courage is everything, strength and age are not important. Do you agree? Why/ Why not?
Yes, I agree with this statement that courage is extremely important and it comes to a person, irrespective of age and strength. If we turn the pages of history – we find Rani Laxmibai. Being a woman, she fought against the Britishers to defend her motherland. She is seen fighting in the battlefield carrying her young son on her back.
III. Life Skills
A. Would you call Swami ‘a hero? Why/why not?
Yes, I would call Swami – a hero. Although, he went to sleep in the room quite unwillingly but when the moment of reckoning came, he decided to catch hold of thief/ghost in a tight grip and not to let go of him and also bit him due to which there was a lot of commotion and his father came running into the room.
B. Should children be allowed to face nasty situations in life or should they be mollycoddled?
Children should learn to face adversities from childhood. Sending them for outings with the class can help. Then, they should be encouraged to learn activities like rope climbing, horse riding, etc. which will make them physically and mentally very strong.
IV. Values
It is said about Swami that he didn’t like the strain of cruelty in his father’s nature. Is Swami’s father really cruel?
Swami didn’t like his father’s cruel side but his father was definitely not cruel. If there is only one child in the family and that too a boy, the woman in the household become overprotective. His father was merely trying to make him more confident and courageous.
V. Writing Skills
After the headmaster narrates to the class how Swami caught the burglar, one of Swami’s friends writes a report on the incident to be published in the Malgudi Times. Write the report in not more than 100 words.
A Brave Boy’s Act of Courage —XYZ
Malgudi Times,
20th November, 20XX
A young boy caught the most notorious burglar who had been deceiving the police for a long time. The boy was sleeping alone in his father’s office room. At late night he realised that something was rustling. He thought that it was devil who would pull him out and tear him. So he crawled out from under the bench, where he had been sleeping, hugged the burglar with all his might and used his teeth on it. It followed an agonizing thundering cry with tumbling and falling things. As the father, cook and servant reached there, found a burglar, lying amidst the furniture with a bleeding ankle. Swami proved that courage is everything, strength and age are not important. The police were grateful to Swami and praised his courage.
DAV Class 7 English Literature Chapter 3 Solutions – A Hero
I. Answer the following questions
Question 1.
Why was Swami’s father looking at him while reading the newspaper?
Swami’s father wanted to see his reaction to the news. He knew Swami was a coward and furthermore his granny and mother always had a protective attitude towards him. So, he wanted to see how would Swami react to a news where a boy came face to face with a tiger.
Question 2.
Which theory of his father was strongly disputed by Swami?
Swami’s father believed that courage is important – age and strength do not matter. Swami didn’t agree to it. Swami says that he has the courage but if a tiger attacks him, he will be helpless and may not be able to defend himself.
Question 3.
How did Swami try to evade the frightful situation?
Swami tried to make lot of excuses. First of all he tried to change the stance of his father by giving him some exciting news about the cricket club. Then, he said that he would do so from the next month. Then he went and hid himself in the blanket lying beside the granny in the hope that father wouldn’t dare to say anything to his mother but his father was quite adamant. Then, he pleaded with his father to let him sleep in the hall.
Question 4.
What was Swami’s state of mind during the night?
As the night advanced and silence in the house deepened, his heart beat faster. He remembered all the stories of devils and the ghost he had heard in his life. He was faint with fear. A ray of light from the street lamp casted all types of shadows on the wall making him panic further.
Question 5.
Why did Swami hide under the bench?
To avoid all the nightmares, he hid himself under the bench. It seemed to be a much safer place – compact and reassuring. But the nightmares wouldn’t leave him alone.
Question 6.
How did Swami manage to return to his original place of sleeping next night?
Swami couldn’t sleep the previous night. First of all, the nightmares wouldn’t let him sleep. Then, the episode of burglar happened. Therefore, next night before his father returned home Swami went back to his original place beside his granny. And he went off to bed at 7.30 pm only before his father came back home.
Question 7.
Read the following extract and the questions that follow:
He looked like an apparition in the semi-darkness of the passage, which was lit by a cone of light from the hall.
(a) Who is the speaker and who is being compared to an apparition?
Swami is the speaker and his father looked like an apparition to him.
(b) What is an apparition?
It means a ghost.
(c) Why is Swami making such an unusual comparison?
Because father was compelling him to sleep in the office room alone and Swami was in fear of ghosts and all such kind of things.
Question 8.
Read the following extract and the questions that follow:
“You think you are wiser than the newspaper.”
(a) Who is the speaker?
Swami’s father is the speaker of these lines.
(b) Why he feels Swami is not a wise person?
Because Swami had proved himself so. He was also not very courageous or strong, always hiding behind his grandmother.
(c) What are they talking about?
They are discussing a news where a boy was attacked by a tiger and he managed to save himself by presence of mind.
Question 9.
You are Swami’s father. Write a page of your diary on the day when Swami caught a notorious burglar. But being a father your heart felt that you were not right to force Swami to sleep alone in your office room.
11:00 pm
20th November, 20XX
What a heart rending scene it was! I saw a burglar with a bleeding ankle. He was groaning in pain. He was quite close to my innocent son Swami. Any mishappening could have taken place with my son, Swami. Shall I ever be able to forgive myself for my act of forcing my little son to sleep alone in my office room? It was by chance that Swami had bitten him on his ankle, otherwise he might have harmed my son. But I am satisfied also that my son has taken a lesson of courage. He would be a brave person.
May God bless him!
Question 10.
You are Swami. Your principal told to prepare a short speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on the act of courage in life.
Good morning Respected Principal, worthy teachers and my fellow friends!
Today I, Swami, stand before you to express my views on the role of courage in life. It is my misconception that only a mighty person can challenge the dangers but it is not true. Courage is more important than might. A courageous person overcomes the fear and emerges a winner. No one can defeat a courageous person. Courage teaches us the lesson to take risk in life and in most cases we get victory. So I suggest you to boost up your courage to be winner in life.
Thank you Have a nice day.
II. Word Power
Use the letters in the boxes to make words that have the given meanings. The first letter is underlined.
(a) to speak in a mocking manner ________
(b) to speak with mouth partly closed ________
(c) to speak in a very soft and quiet voice ________
(d) to speak in a tone that suggests that you are unhappy or in pain ________
(e) to pause while speaking, especially through uncertainty ________
(f) to appeal humbly ________
A Hero Summary in English
Swami’s father read out an article printed in the newspaper to Swami about a brave boy who fought with a tiger and climbed a tree till some people came that way and killed the tiger. Swami said that a boy could not fight with a tiger. He must be very strong and grown up person. But father told him that courage is everything. Strength and age are not important. Swami disputed the theory by saying that if I have the courage what can I do if a tiger would attack me? Strength is definitely important. At this, father challenged Swami to prove his courage by sleeping alone at night in his office room.
Swami had always slept beside his grandmother. He tried to change the subject by telling him about the cricket club. Father told him to talk about it later. Swami said that he would sleep alone from the first of next month, but father told him strictly that he would sleep alone from that very day. He also said that he was in the second form, no more a baby and was being spoiled by his mother. But, Swami’s mother told him angrily that his grandmother was spoiling him. Swami silently laid down on Granny’s bed. Grandmother tried to speak to him saying that she would tell him a story. But Swami told her not to disturb him and pretended to sleep till father pulled his blanket away.
He told Swami to get up and took him to the office room. Swami pleaded to allow him to sleep in the hall but father said that you must not be afraid of darkness. You must cultivate good habits. Swami requested to leave the door open. Father agreed to it but said if he disobeyed he would mock him in his school.
Swami felt lonely and cursed the newspaper for printing the tiger’s story. As the night advanced he remembered all the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life. He fainted with fear. Through stillness all kinds of noises reached his ears. He covered himself completely with the blanket. He feared that the devils would carry him away. So, he hurriedly got up and spread his bed under the bench. He soon fell asleep, and had a fearful nightmare. He opened his eyes and put his hand out to feel his granny’s presence at his sides but only he touched the wooden leg of the bench. Swami sweated with fright. He saw a devil moving down to pull him out and tear him. As he came near to Swami, he grabbed it and used his teeth on it. Soon a thundering ciy followed by a heavy tumbling and falling of furniture. Father, cook and servant all came in carrying the light. The burglar laid with a bleeding ankle.
Next day in school all his classmates, teachers, headmaster and police congratulated him for catching the most notorious burglar. The inspector asked Swami to join the police when he grew up.
Swami pretended to sleep at seven thirty besides his granny in her bed, before his father returned from the club. He asked about Swami then mother replied in his usual way. She also said that let him sleep where he liked as she didn’t want his life to be risked again.
A Hero Summary in Hindi
स्वामी के पिताजी ने अखबार में से एक लेख पढ़कर स्वामी को सुनाया जो एक बहादुर बच्चे के बारे में था, जिसको घर लौटते हुए जंगल में एक बाघ मिला। वह बच्चा बहादुरी के साथ बाघ से लड़ा और पेड़ के ऊपर चढ़ गया जब तक कुछ लोगों ने आकर उसको मार नहीं डाला। इस पर स्वामी ने कहा कि एक लड़का बाघ से नहीं लड़ सकता। वह अवश्य ही ताकतवर और बड़ा आदमी होगा। परन्तु पिताजी ने कहा कि बहादुरी ही सब कुछ है। ताकत या उम्र मायने नहीं रखती। स्वामी ने कहा कि मैं बहादुर हूँ। परन्तु अगर बाघ मुझ पर हमला कर दे तो मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ? इसलिए ताकतवर होना ही आवश्यक है। इस पर पिताजी ने स्वामी को ललकारा और कहा कि वह उनके दफ्तर वाले कमरे में अकेले सोकर अपनी बहादुरी का प्रमाण दे।
स्वामी हमेशा अपनी दादी के पास सोता था। वह क्रिकेट क्लब के बारे में बात करके पिताजी का ध्यान बँटाने की कोशिश करना चाहता था। पिताजी ने उससे कहा कि इसके बारे में बाद में बात करेंगें। स्वामी ने कहा कि वह अगले महीने की पहली तारीख से सोएगा। परन्तु पिताजी ने सख्ती के साथ उसी दिन से अकेले सोने को कहा। उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि वह अब दूसरी कक्षा में आ गया है। अब वह बच्चा नहीं रहा और अपनी माँ के लाड प्यार में बिगड़ रहा है। स्वामी की माँ ने गुस्से में कहा कि वह नहीं उसकी दादी उसे बिगाड़ रही थी । स्वामी चुपचाप उठकर अपनी दादी के बिस्तर पर लेट गया। दादी ने उससे बात करने की कोशिश की परन्तु यह कहकर कि वह उसे परेशान न करे वह सोने का नाटक करने लगा जब तक कि पिताजी ने आकर उसका कम्बल नहीं खींचा।
उन्होंने स्वामी से उठने के लिए कहा और दफ्तर वाले कमरे की तरफ ले जाने लगे। स्वामी ने कहा कि वे उसे हाल में सोने दे परंतु पिताजी ने कहा कि तुम्हें अंधेरे से डरना नहीं चाहिए व अच्छी आदतें डालनी चाहिए। स्वामी ने पिताजी से दरवाजा खुला रहने की विनती की परन्तु उन्होंने चेतावनी दी कि यदि वह उठकर दादी के पास गया तो वह उसके विद्यालय में उसका मजाक उड़वाएँगे।
स्वामी स्वयं को अकेला पाया और अखबार में बाघ की कहानी छापने वाले को कोसने लगा। जैसे-जैसे अंधेरा बढ़ता गया उसे भूत प्रेतों के सारे किस्से याद आने लगे जो उसने आज तक सुने थे। वह बेहोश हो गया। रात की खामोशी में उसे तरह-तरह की आवाजें सुनाई देने लगी। उसने अपने आपको कंबल से पूरी तरह ढंक लिया। उसे लगा कि शैतान उसे उठा ले जायेंगे। इसलिए वह उठा और एक बैंच के नीचे बिस्तर बिछा कर सो गया। जल्दी ही उसे नींद आ गयी और वह डरावने सपने देखने लगा। सोते में उसने अपनी आँखें खोलीं और हाथ निकालकर दादी को ढूँढने लगा। लेकिन उसके हाथ में बेंच की लकड़ी आयी । स्वामी को डर के मारे पसीना आ गया। उसने अंधेरे में भूत जैसी चीज देखी और उसे लगा कि वह उसे बाहर निकलकर फाड़ देगा। जैसे ही वह करीब आया स्वामी ने उसे दबोच लिया और अपने दाँतों से उसे काट लिया। चोर के चीखने व चीजों के लुढकने और गिरने की आवाजें आयी । पिताजी, नौकर व खाना बनाने वालो सभी रोशनी लेकर अंदर आ गए। चोर नीचे पड़ा हुआ था और उसके कटे हिस्से से खून बह रहा था ।
अगले दिन स्कूल में उसके सहपाठियों, अध्यापकों, प्रधानाध्यापक और पुलिस सभी ने स्वामी को शहर के सबसे मशहूर बदमाश को पकड़वाने की बधाई दी। पुलिसवालों ने उसे बड़े होकर पुलिस में भर्ती होने की सलाह दी।
स्वामी रात 7:30 बजे पिताजी के क्लब से लौटने से पहले ही दादी के बिस्तर पर जाकर सोने का नाटक करने लगा। पिताजी ने स्वामी के बारे में पूछा तो माँ ने बताया कि वह अपनी जगह पर सो चुका है। माँ ने यह भी कहा कि वह जहाँ सोना चाहता है उसे सोने दे। क्योंकि वह उसकी जान दुबारा खतरे में नहीं डालना चाहती।
- Sneered – spoke in scornful manner – अवहेलना करना, उपहास करना;
- Fixedly – direct, steadily – एकटक
- Proposition – proposal – प्रस्ताव
- Coward – a timid person – कायर;
- Tenacity – firmness – दृढता;
- Gloomily – depressing – निराशाजनक;
- Gesticulations – gestures – हाव – भाव;
- Snored – often made by sleepers in breathing – खर्राटें भरना;
- Apparition – ghost – भूत;
- Slunk – walk stealthily – भारी कदमों से चलना;
- Vague – uncertain – धुंधला;
- Crouched – to stoop – झुकना;
- Humanity – the quality of being kind and understanding – मानवता;
- Cruelty – merciless – दयाहीनता;
- Strain – over exertion – अधिक श्रम से;
- Nightmare – horrible dream – डरावना सपना ;
- Rustling – low noise – धीमी आवाज़;
- Mortal – deadly – मरणशील;
- Notorious – something bad – कुख्याती;
- Mumble – to speak indistinctly – बुदबुदाना;
- Molly coddle – protect from unpleasant experiences – बुरे अनुभव से बचाना।