These DAV Class 6 SST Notes and DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 13 Notes – The Mauryan Dynasty hold significant importance as study material for students.
The Mauryan Dynasty Class 6 DAV Notes
→ Chandragupta Maurya established the Mauryan rule after defeating Ghanananda, an unpopular ruler of Mayadha. He was supported by a wise man named Chanakya or Kautilya in this task.
→ he extended his empire from north to south and east to west including Afghanishtan and Balochistari. He established Ins capital at Pataliputra.
→ Bindusar succeeded Chandragupta in 297 BCE and ruled upto 272 BCE. His son, Ashoka, was crowned in 269 BCE. He is considered to be one of the greatest rulers in the world history, he fought a war to conquer halinga. But he was horrified to see the violence and bloodshed, he decided not to fight any more wars m life.
→ Ashoka adopted Buddhism after the Kalinga war and spent the rest of his life in propagating and preaching n in India as wail as other countries of the world.
→ Ashoka’s Buddhism or Dhamma did not involve worship of a god or performance of a sacrifice, he wanted that his people shoqid live In harmony with each other. He did lots of welfare work.
→ The Mauryan administration was run under the guidance of Chanakaya. The king was the head of the state and enjoyed supreme powers of military, judiciary and civil administration.
→ There was a council of ministers to advise and assist the king. The whole empire was divided into smaller units for efficient administration. The city administration was under Nagradhyaksh or Nagrik while the village administration was run by a group of officers.
→ The Mauryan society was veiw prosperous and peaceful. People lived harmoniously with each other and obeyed laws.
→ Agriculture was the basis of the village economy. Irrigational facilities were available. Proper attention was paid to cattle-rearing and pastures. People were not allowed to cut green trees.
→ Five types of architectural monuments were prevalent during that period- palaces, stupas, caves, pillars and rock edicts Later on, monasteries were built for the monks to live in.
→ The death of Ashoka in 232 BCE provedunfortunate for the Mauryan empire. The empire began falling down and finally came to end.
→ Brihadratha was the last rulei of the Mauryan dynasty. He was killed by his commander-in-chief, Pushya Mrtra Sunga in 187 to 73 BCE.
→ Dynasty : A senes of kings fiorri the same family.
→ Dharma-vijay : Winning tne nearts of the people
→ Stupa : A Buddhist temple.
→ Vihara : A cave temple.
→ Chaitya : A prayer hall.
→ Dhamma : A Prakrit word for the Sanskrit term dharma.
→ Edict: An official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.
→ Espionage system : Spies.
→ Welfare state ; A concept of government in which state plays a key role in the development, protection and promotion of the socio-economic and cultural well-being of the citizens.