DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 3 Leisure

Exploring different literary analyses in DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 3 Leisure enhances critical thinking.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Chapter 3 Question Answer – Leisure

Pre-Reading Task

Question 1.
What do you do in free time?
I read adventurous stories in my free time.

Question 2.
List at least five things that you want to do but can’t do because of lack of time.

  • Dancing
  • Watching Television
  • Playing Cricket
  • Painting
  • Fun with friends

Question 3.
Do you like to lead the fast and hectic life of a metro city or the slow and peaceful village life far away from a city?
I would like to lead a slow and peaceful life in the lap of nature far away from the city.

Question 4.
Make a list of at least five places (hill stations) that you would like to visit. Why would you like to go to these places?
I would like to visit the following hill stations.

  • Shimla
  • Nainital
  • Darjeeling
  • Ooty
  • Kashmir

I would like to go to these places to have a glance of the natural beauty. Natural beauty will give us immense happiness.

I. Understanding the Poem
A. Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.
What does the poet miss because of lack of time?
The poet misses to see sheep or cows, squirrels hiding their nuts in grass, a stream full of stars and other exotic beauty of nature.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 3 Leisure

Question 2.
What do ‘stars in the stream’ (line 8) refer to?
‘Stars in the stream’ refer to the fishes and stones in the water which appear to be dancing.

Question 3.
List the pairs of rhyming words in the poem.

  • care-stare
  • boughs-cows
  • pass-grass
  • glance-dance
  • can-began

B. In the poem, ‘Leisure’, the poet depicts various things and animals as attributes of nature. Read the poem and complete the chart given below by filling names of appropriate things/animals in the bubbles:
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DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 3 Leisure 2

C. Now complete the chart given below by filling names of various animals/ things that you relate to city life and bring out the contrast between the two.
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Now bring out the contrast between nature and city life.
Nature offers us many things. Cows and sheep grazing in the fields, streams full of clear sparkling water, flowers which are beautiful to look at, cool shade of the trees and so on. The city life is very mechanical where everybody is busy and has no time to relax. There are jobs to be attended to and day is full of anxiety. No one has time to stand and stare at beauties of nature.


The phrase ‘no time’ has been repeated in the poem. Why has it been repeated?
The phrase ‘no time’ has been repeated in the poem to emphasise how we are busy in our day-to-day activities. We don’t even have time to admire the beauty of nature.

III. Life Skills

Why do people in cities face shortage of time? Is all the work they are busy doing productive? Discuss with your partner.
People in city are always busy in earning their livelihood. The city life is very mechanical. People face shortage of time because they have to travel too far off places and work late hours. Although all the work they are doing is not productive but still they have very little time for their families or even themselves.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 3 Leisure

IV. Values

A. Point out the beauties of nature that can be a source of pleasure for man in his day to day life.
Nature has given us immense things of beauty. Flower laden trees, streams sparkling in the sunlight, cool shade of trees, squirrels playing about and hiding their nuts, birds flying in the sky, animals grazing in the fields, all these are beautiful sights to behold. They all are sources of immense joy for us.

B. Whenever the poet sees the streams in broad daylight, he is reminded of the skies at night. Explain why. How do you feel when you see
1. squirrels dancing and running?
2. ants moving in a line?
3. the sky full of stars?
4. birds flying in the sky?
5. sunshine on water ripples?
Streams full of clear water sparkle in the sunlight. The stones, pebbles and leaves floating in it look like star-studded sky during the night. That’s why the poet is reminded of skies at night.
1. squirrels dancing and running? – They took like children playing in the ground.
2. ants moving in a line? – Soldiers moving in a parade.
3. the sky full of stars? – It feels as if someone has put gems and diamonds in the sky.
4. birds flying in the sky? – I also feel like flying so that I can go and visit different countries without the hassle of passport.
5. sunshine on water ripples? – It feels as if water is sparkling.

V. Writing Skills

Last summer you went to ‘Jim Corbett National Park’ with your friends. You enjoyed watching animals in their natural habitat. Write a letter to your brother describing to him the satisfaction you derived from watching them.
Model Town Delhi
20th May, 20XX
Dear Brother
I hope this letter of mine finds you in best of health and high spirits. You asked me about my visit to ‘Jim Corbett National Park.’ Well, dear brother we all enjoyed a lot over there.
Rohan, my friend, had hired a jeep and a driver. He knew all the routes well. We saw lions taking rest under the shade of the trees with their cubs. We also saw elephants moving in a herd. Then, my friend spotted a wild hyena. We also saw a cool, sparkling river and rhinoceros family. All these things cannot be enjoyed in city life.
You should also visit it during your holidays. I am sure you will not regret your decision.
Yours lovingly

‘No time to see, when woods we pass’,
In the above extract, the sound/w/occurs repeatedly. This occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words is called alliteration. The use of alliteration gives a musical effect to the poem. Read the poem and find out two other examples of alliteration.
Given below is an amusing example of alliteration (in the form of a tongue twister). Try to speak it aloud three times without stopping.
“Betty bought some butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty
bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better.’

For self-attempt.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Chapter 3 Solutions – Leisure

I. Reference to context:
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

I. What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

Question 1.
Name the poet and the poem.
The poem is ‘Leisure’ and the poet is W.H. Davies.

Question 2.
What does the poet wants us to stare at?
The poet wants to say that due to our hectic schedule, we don’t have time to move freely.

Question 3.
Who all does ‘we’ refer to?
‘We’ refers to all the human beings.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 3 Leisure

II. A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

Question 1.
Which life is poor, according to the poet?
According to the poet, that life is poor which does not have time even to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Question 2.
Does the poet advocate a life without care?
The poet does not advocate a life without care but he wants some leisure in life.

Question 3.
Who are ‘we’ in the last line? Why do they have no time?
We’ here refers to common people who have turned into machine due to their busy schedule.

II. Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.
Does the poet seek pleasure in nature?
Yes, the poet is a nature lover. He seeks pleasure in the lap of nature where no one is selfish, no one is greedy and no one is in hurry but there is happiness all around. People have time to stand and stare at the beauties of nature.

Question 2.
Why do human beings have no time?
Human beings have become materialistic. They have unlimited desires. So to fulfil their desire they work like a machine day in and day out. Hence, they do not have any spare time.

Question 3.
How is nature full of pleasure?
Nature is wonderful source of pleasure. It spreads joy even in sadness. The beautiful flowers, clean water, streams, clear sky, and simple sheep and cows signify the beauty of nature.

Leisure Summary in English

The poem ‘leisure’ has been composed by W.H. Davies. The poet is lamenting over the way we spend our lives always in rush and hurry. We don’t have time to enjoy richness and beauty of nature. We never pause to stare at squirrels hiding their nuts and streams glittering like skies at night.
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The poet wanders what sort of life we are leading. It is devoid of simple joys and pleasures. We have no time to stand beneath the trees or stare at sheep and cow grazing in the fields. The poet has personified the beauty of the world around us, which many of us fail to observe because of lack of leisure. Dancing feet and enchanting smile symbolically refer to various aspects of the beauty around us. The poet also warns us that if our life remains full of worries and problems then we will miss out even simple pleasures of life and it will be a poor life — not worth living.

Leisure Summary in Hindi

‘लेजर’ नामक कविता डबल्यू० एच० डेविस द्वारा रचित है। कवि हमारे जीवन के अस्त-व्यस्त तरीकों पर दुख प्रकट कर रहा है । कवि कहता है कि हमारे पास अमीरी और प्राकृतिक सुंदरता का आनंद लेने के लिए समय नहीं है। हमारे पास अखरोट को लेकर छुपी हुई गिलहरी को, रात में चमकते आकश के समान छोटी नदियों को देखने ( घूरने) का समय कभी नहीं होता है। कवि कहता है कि अपने जीवन के संचालन से हम भटक गए हैं। हमारा जीवन आनंद और प्रसन्नता रहित हो गया है। हमारे पास पेड़ों की छाया में खड़े होने का अथवा भेड़ और गायों को घास के मैदानों में चरते देखने का समय नहीं है।
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कवि ने हमारे संसार की चारों ओर की सुंदरता को मानवीय रूप में चित्रित किया है। जिसको देखने में हम असफल हैं क्योंकि हमारे पास खाली समय नहीं है। हम बहुत व्यस्त हैं । थिरकते कदम और आकर्षक मुस्कान हमारे चारों ओर के स्वस्थ वातावरण के परिचायक हैं । कवि भी हमें यही आगाह करता है कि यदि हमारा जीवन चिंताओं और परेशानियों से भर गया तो ये ऐसे ही नष्ट हो जाएगा। ये चिंताएँ और परेशानियाँ सिर्फ जीवन देंगी न की स्वस्थ जीवन। अर्थात हमारे अस्त-व्यस्त जीवन में प्राकृतिक सुंदरता और स्वयं के लिए समय ही नहीं है।

  • Stare – to gaze intently – घूरना;
  • Beneath – under – नीचे;
  • Boughs – branches of tree – पेड़ों की डालियाँ;
  • Streams – small rivers – छोटी नदियाँ ।