These We and Our World Class 4 DAV Solutions and DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 7 Question Answer – The Works We Do are thoughtfully prepared by experienced teachers.
DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 7 Question Answer – The Works We Do
DAV Class 4 SST Ch 7 Question Answer – The Works We Do
Something To Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option:
Question 1.
The activities that are taught in school –
(a) Car driving
(b) Art and craft
(c) Paragliding
(b) Art and craft
Question 2.
The occupations that require professional training –
(a) Scientist and astronaut
(b) Engineer and doctor
(c) Both
(c) Both
Question 3.
All forms of work, manual and intellectual, are known as –
(a) Loading
(b) Labour
(c) Landing
(b) Labour
Question 4.
The type of work that we require in our society –
(a) Manual
(b) Intellectual
(c) Both
(c) Both
B. Fill in the blanks:
Help Box:
manual, training, chores, respect, occupations
1. Children take up different …………….. when they grow up.
2. One learns the task either from family members or by professional ………………
3. Many people look down upon …………….. labour.
4. We must ……………… those people who make our life easy.
5. Many families have domestic help to take care of all their household …………….
1. occupations
2. training
3. manual
4. respect
5. chores
C. Complete the following sentences.
1. The choice of one’s occupation depends upon
2. All occupations require hard work,
3. Many industries were set up after
4. Availability of raw material
5. Gujjars of Himalayas
1. availability of raw material.
2. devotion to duty and pride in the quality of work.
3. the development of science and technology.
4. influences the choice of occupation.
5. live on the money, they earn from selling milk, wool, etc.
D. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
What is an occupation?
An occupation is a meaningful task that is undertaken to earn a livelihood.
Question 2.
Give two examples each of manual and intellectual labour.
1. Two examples of manual labour:
mason, carpenter.
2. Two examples of intellectual labour:
lawyer, teacher
Question 3.
What do you understand by the dignity of labour?
Dignity of labour means respect for all types of labour and not considering any work/job superior to others. Every work is respectable, dignified and important for society. People doing manual work are not inferior in any way. Hence, we must respect each and every work because it makes our life easy.
Question 4.
What is the main occupation of the people of Mizoram and why?
The main occupation of the people of Mizoram revolves around bamboo as it grows in abundance there. They make their houses with bamboo, sit on bamboo chairs, eat bamboo sprouts from bamboo bowls with bamboo chopsticks. Many people in Mizoram are highly skilled in bamboo handicrafts which are in great demand in India and abroad.
Question 5.
How did Gandhiji inculcate dignity of labour in the Sabarmati ashram?
Gandhiji used to say that manual work is not inferior to mental work. No job is greater than the other. There is equal importance to all works/jobs. All jobs should be treated with dignity. Gandhiji tried to inculcate dignity of labour in the Sabarmati ashram. He himself used to clean toilets and inspired the people living in the ashram to do the same to keep the surroundings neat and clean.
Question 6.
Explain the importance of pride in quality work with the help of an example.
No work is high or low. Rather every work is respectable and dignified and important for society in its own way. Hence, one need not feel inferior if one does some manual work like tailoring. What actually we need is that we should not do any work in a strong way or by unfair means If we are doing quality work, we should feel pride. It is important because it brings happiness in life.
E. Who am I?
I use …………….
1. Wood, nails, saw, drill, screwdriver, etc ……………
2. Stethoscope, thermometer, injection, medicines, etc …………….
3. Cloth, scissors, measuring tape, sewing machine, etc ……………
4. Mirror, scissors, blade, comb, spray, etc ……………..
5. Seeds, hoe, tractor, sickle, harvester, etc ………………
1. Carpenter
2. Doctor
3. Tailor
4. Barber
5. Farmer
Value-Based Question
Madhur is 18 years old. He is a son of a lawyer. During his childhood, he enjoyed dressing and acting like a soldier. Now he wants to join the army but his father does not agree with his decision. List the qualities that he has to convince his father.
- He is bubbling over with patriotism.
- He always thinks of his motherland and wants to do something for her betterment.
- He is tactful, loyal, patient, brave and sacrificing.
- He values quality life.
Map Skill
On a political map of India, locate, colour and label the following places –
1. Mizoram
2. Two neighbouring states of Mizoram
3. A state famous for Kachchi embroidery
4. A state famous for farming activity
5. State in which Jamshedpur is located
Something To Do
Question 1.
Everyone has a dream. What do you want to become when you will grow up? Give two reasons in support of your answer.
I want to become a doctor when I will grow up. Two reasons:
- I have great interest in knowing the structure of human bodies.
- I want to help those poor people of my country who are suffering from serious diseases but do not get treatment due to poverty.
Note: The answer may vary with the students.
Question 2.
What is/was the occupation of your grandfather? Are his children following the same occupation? Give two reasons in support of your answer.
My grandfather was a teacher in a government high school. None of his children including my father is involved in this occupation. My father is an engineer, my uncle (chacha) is a banker and my aunt (bud) is a doctor. Note: Answer may vary with the students.
Question 3.
Name any four persons who have achieved their dreams despite all odds like Milkha Singh and Maiy Kom.
Names of four such persons are –
- Dhyan Chand
- Helen Keller
- P.T. Usha
- Sudha Chandran
Question 4.
Your neighbour has hired an underage girl/boy for cleaning the house. What action can you take to stop the wrong practice?
Although I am a small boy of nine, I can try my best to discourage the wrong practice. I can tell my neighbour not to involve underage boy/girl in discharging household chores because it is against the law.
Question 5.
Most students in Europe and America work as waiters, cleaners, drivers or sales person to earn money. In India also, many students give tuitions to earn money. List five different works/ jobs that students can take up to reduce the burden on their parents.
- Newspaper vendors
- Sales persons
- Part time job in company
- Proof readers/editors
- Waiters
Question 6.
Complete the table by ticking (✓) the correct option:
Jobs | Training required | Educational qualification required | Both |
(a) Pot making | ✓ | ||
(b) Tailoring | ✓ | ||
(c) Shoe-making | ✓ | ||
(d) Repairing cycles | ✓ | ||
(e) Flying planes | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
(f) Designing interiors | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
(g) Embroidery | ✓ |
Question 7.
Some jobs do not require training or educational qualification.
(a) Porter
(b) Rickshaw-puller
(c) Ice-cream vendor
(d) Labourer
(e) Sweeper
(f) Butcher
DAV Class 4 Social Studies Chapter 7 Question Answer – The Works We Do
I. Multiple Choice Questions (Mcqs)
A. Tick (✓) the correct option:
Question 1.
One of the following is a skilled occupation.
(a) Doctor
(b) Porter
(c) Plumber
(c) Plumber
Question 2.
The main occupation of the people in earlier times was
(a) farming
(b) teaching
(c) tailoring
(a) farming
Question 3.
The occupation of the people of Mizoram is associated with
(a) fields
(b) bamboo
(c) embroidery
(b) bamboo
Question 4.
The gypsies of Himalayas are known as
(a) Gujjars
(b) Kolis
(c) Santhalis
(a) Gujjars
Question 5.
An astronaut works in the
(a) plane
(b) spacecraft
(c) ship
(b) spacecraft
II. Fill In The Blanks
1. People doing manual work are not ……………… in any way.
2. The craftsmen of Kashmir are famous for ……………… on shawls.
3. Hari gave up ……………… and started to cut wood.
4. We should do our work in …………….. way.
5. The landform and the ……………. of a place influence people’s choice of occupation.
1. inferior
2. embroidery
3. begging
4. right
5. climate
III. True/False
1. Bamboo handicrafts of Mizoram is famous in India and abroad.
2. Occupations like flying aeroplanes are not meant for girls.
3. Iron and steel is a basic industry.
4. Intellectual labour is more important than manual labour.
5. It is important to talk politely with maids and servants.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
IV. Match The Following
Column ‘A’ | Column ‘B’ |
1. Electrician | (i) Unskilled occupation |
2. Teacher | (ii) Professional occupation |
3. Rickshaw-puller | (iii) Mental ability |
4. Gujjars | (iv) Skilled occupation |
5. Manual labour | (v) Nomads |
6. Intellectual labour | (vi) Physical strength |
Column ‘A’ | Column ‘B’ |
1. Electrician | (iv) Skilled occupation |
2. Teacher | (ii) Professional occupation |
3. Rickshaw-puller | (i) Unskilled occupation |
4. Gujjars | (v) Nomads |
5. Manual labour | (vi) Physical strength |
6. Intellectual labour | (iii) Mental ability |
V. Name The Following
1. A meaningful task that is undertaken to earn a livelihood.
2. The gypsies of Himalayas
3. The labour that requires mental ability and educational qualifications
4. The handicrafts that are in great demand in India and abroad.
1. Occupation
2. Gujjars
3. Intellectual
4. Bamboo
VI. Jumbled Words
1. gidnifdie ……………..
3. flaordmn ……………..
5. codotr ……………..
7. trasonuat ……………..
1. dignified
3. landform
5. doctor
7. astronaut
VII. Cross The Odd One
1. teachers; doctors; mountains; nurses
2. farming; tailoring; running; carpentry
3. products; cars; buses; trucks
4. embroidery; handicrafts; carving; surroundings
5. Gujarat; Mizoram; Kashmir; Gandhiji
1. mountains
2. running
3. products
4. surroundings
5. Gandhiji
VIII. Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Name the three categories of occupations. Also, give examples.
- Skilled – electrician, plumber, tailor
- Unskilled – rickshaw-puller, porter, hawker
- Professional – teacher, astronaut, engineer.
Question 2.
Why did many farmers give up farming?
- Many farmers gave up farming because –
- They earned low income from small landholdings.
- They found it difficult to support their families with this low income.
IX. Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What are the different bases on which people choose an occupation?
Name the factors that influence people’s choice of occupation.
The factors that influence people’s choice of occupation are given below:
Favourite childhood activity or interest in their parents’ occupation. Special skill they have Educational qualifications or training Availability of some raw materials The type of landform The climate of a place.
Question 2.
What was the main occupation of the people in earlier times? What changes came to be seen over a period of time?
In earlier times, the main occupation of the people was farming. But several changes came to be seen over a period of time:
- Many farmers gave up farming and migrated to cities and towns in search of jobs.
- They started working in factories, pulling loads and rickshaws, etc.
- The womenfolk of these farmers remained in villages. They took over farming along with their traditional occupations of rearing animals, weaving, pottery and basket weaving.
Question 3.
How do the landform and the climate of a place influence people’s choice of occupation? Explain with an example.
The landform and the climate of a place influence people’s choice of occupation to great extent. We can take the example of the Gujjars of the Himalayas. They are basically nomads who move down with their flocks of sheep and goats to green pastures in winter because mountains get covered with snow. They live on the money they earn from selling milk, wool, etc.
DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 7 Notes – The Works We Do
- People take up different occupations to earn their livelihood.
- Most people choose an occupation related with their favourite childhood activity or interest in their parents’ occupation.
- Many people choose an occupation on the basis of special skill they have, educational qualifications or training.
- The availability of raw material plays an important role in the occupation of the people.
- The landform and the climate of a place also influence the choice of occupation.
- With the establishment of industries/factories, new avenues of occupations have opened. As a result, people have started working in factories and living in nearby cities and towns.
- People of different occupations are needed like masons, architects, engineers, designers, teachers, etc.
- Labour is involved in all forms of occupations or jobs. It is of two types—manual labour and intellectual labour. Manual labour requires physical strength while intellectual labour requires mental ability and educational qualifications.
- All occupations require hard work, sincerity, mental alertness and creativity. Hence, they deserve respect. No job is superior or inferior.
- Every work is respectable, dignified and important for the society. We must keep it in mind that it is the hard work, devotion to duty and pride in the quality of work of many people that make our life comfortable and easy going.
- Occupation: A meaningful task that is undertaken to earn livelihood.
- Gujjars: The gypsies of Himalayas.
- Labour: All forms of work.
- Manual labour: The type of labour that requires physical strength.
- Intellectual labour: The type of labour that requires mental ability and educational qualifications.