These DAV Class 4 SST Book Solutions and DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 12 Question Answer – Let Us Communicate thoughtfully prepared by experienced teachers.
DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 12 Question Answer – Let Us Communicate
DAV Class 4 SST Ch 12 Question Answer – Let Us Communicate
Something To Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option:
Question 1.
A dancer communicates feelings through –
(a) Mudras
(b) Facial expressions
(c) Smiles
(a) Mudras
Question 2.
Choice of communication depends on –
(a) Interest
(b) Requirement
(c) Both
(c) Both
Question 3.
We can get money order through a –
(a) Post office
(6) Bank
(c) Airport
(a) Post office
Question 4.
A satellite helps in transmitting –
(a) Pictures
(b) International call
(c) Both
(c) Both
B. Fill in the blanks:
Help Box:
Alexander Graham Bell, send or receive, electronic, oldest, teleconference
1. Means of communication help to ……………. a message.
2. Postal service is the ………………. means of communication.
3. Telephone was invented by ………………
4. Computer is an ……………… device.
5. Many people can exchange their views while sitting in different places through ………………
1. send or receive
2. oldest
3. Alexander Graham Bell
4. electronic
5. teleconferencing
C. Match the following:
1. Mass Communi-cation | (a) man’s best friend |
2. Books | (b) first newspaper published in India |
3. Fax | (c) audio and video |
4. Bengal Gazette | (d) used for transfer of documents |
5. Television | (e) communicating with many people at the same time. |
1. Mass Communi-cation | (e) communicating with many people at the same time. |
2. Books | (a) man’s best friend |
3. Fax | (d) used for transfer of documents |
4. Bengal Gazette | (b) first newspaper published in India |
5. Television | (c) audio and video |
D. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
In which two ways is a telephone better than a letter?
- Telephone allows people from all over the world to communicate instantly.
- It is a means of two-way communi-cation. People living far away can talk to each other as if they are sitting face to face.
Question 2.
Mention three advantages of print media.
- Print media includes newspapers, books, magazines, journals, etc. They are a popular means of mass communication.
- They play an important role in spreading knowledge, information, ideas and skills through words, figures, illustrations and graphs of thousands of people.
- They also acquaint us with the latest happenings of the world.
Question 3.
What is an artificial satellite? Mention two main advantages of a satellite.
An artificial satellite is a man-made object which revolves around the earth.
- It transmits news, international calls, transmits sounds and pictures.
- We can watch a badminton match played in Beijing or watch Olympic games while sitting at home in Chennai through a satellite.
Question 4.
Comment on the statement-‘Films create awareness’.
Films are a popular means of mass communication. They provide information, entertainment and knowledge. They also create awareness in the society. They convey a message which is inspiring. Many films have been made with a focus on some social and political issues. These films also provide solution to the problems.
Question 5.
In which three ways has the electronic media influenced our lives?
- Television has enabled us to watch anything happening in any part of the world while sitting at home.
- Advertisements have a great influence on children as well as adults. They communicate the information about a product, film, drama or event to public.
- Cinema has also a great influence on public. There are cartoon films for children.
Question 6.
Why has the electronic media become more popular than the print media?
The electronic media exercises greater appeal on public. Just take the example of television. It provides us audio as well as video facility. Thus, it has more impact than newspapers or books. Next, there is the computer which is programmed to carry out any type of operation – mathematics, logic, storing information, etc. Cinema provides us information, entertainment and knowledge. These factors have made the electronic media more popular than the print media.
Question 7.
Why is it important to limit television time of children? Give three arguments in favour of your answer.
- Some children watch television for many hours and waste their precious time.
- They forgo their studies.
- Too much T.V. watching destroys children’s reading habits.
Value-Based Question
Question 1.
A hearing impaired student has joined your class. He finds it difficult to communicate with other students. What qualities do you need to develop in yourself to help him in the class, around the school and in the school bus?
First, I will leam the body language that is used by hearing impaired people. Afterwards I will convey everything that the teachers teach in the class.
Map Skill
On a political map of India, mark and label:
1. The city where first post office was opened.
2. The city known as the film city of India.
3. State where Bhojpuri films are made.
4. State with the highest literacy rate.
5. State with the lowest literacy rate.
Something To Do
Question 1.
Create a poster on the conservation of energy.
Do yourself.
Question 2.
Make a banner to encourage your school team who is participating in Mahatma Hansraj Cricket Tournament.
Do yourself.
Question 3.
All channels express different opinions while reporting a news item. How do you find out the truth?
Although different channels express different opinions while reporting a news item, they cannot hide the truth. Sometimes it seems difficult to know what is the truth. It happens because they interpret the matter in that way. But it is not impossible to infer the real state of matter.
Question 4.
Radio has regained its popularity in recent times. What type of programmes do you listen to on the radio? Give two reasons.
I listen to programmes related to children, education and sports.
- I like these programmes because they are very informative.
- They inspire me to do something different.
Question 5.
Some children watch television for many hours and waste their precious time. Suggest any three ways to make the children aware of the harmful effects of too much T.V. watching.
- T.V. wastes the precious time of the children.
- It makes them T.V. addicts.
- The cheap advertisements and the dazzling colour leave negative impact on the children. They fail to concentrate on their studies.
Question 6.
Which book have you read recently? What impressed you about the book?
Do yourself.
Question 7.
Which newspaper do you get at your home? What do you like reading in the newspaper?
I take The Times of India. I take interest in reading sports page.
Question 8.
An interesting narration has a great impact on the listeners. Record you narration of how you spend a day at school. Play, listen and make changes for a more effective and meaningful communication. Ask your parents for suggestions.
Do yourself.
DAV Class 4 Social Studies Chapter 12 Question Answer – Let Us Communicate
I. Multiple Choice Questions (Mcqs)
I. Tick (✓) the correct option:
Question 1.
A Postal Index Number (PIN) is a code of post office numbering.
(a) four-digit
(b) five digit
(c) six digit
(c) six digit
Question 2.
Non-verbal communication does not include
(a) singing
(b) facial expressions
(c) body language
(a) singing
Question 3.
The highest number of newspapers are published in
(a) English
(b) Hindi
(c) Malayalam
(b) Hindi
Question 4.
Television was invented by
(a) John Logie Baird
(b) Alexander Graham Bell
(c) Louis Pasteur
(a) John Logie Baird
Question 5.
Radio broadcasts
(a) music
(b) news
(c) both
(c) both
III. True/False
1. Advertisements have great influence on children as well as adults.
2. Films do not create awareness among people.
3. Radio has more impact than television.
4. Newspapers are printed in many languages.
5. At sea, sailors send messages to other ships by waving flags in the air, if then- radio communication breaks down.
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
IV. Match The Following
Column ‘A’ | Column ‘B’ |
1. The highest post office of the world is located here | (i) Doordarshan |
2. National television in India | (ii) Hikkim in Himachal Pradesh |
3. Aeroplanes and ships use it | (iii) Telecopying |
4. Fax or facsimile | (iv) The Press Trust of India |
5. The major news agency in India | (v) Radio wireless transmission |
Column ‘A’ | Column ‘B’ |
1. The highest post office of the world is located here | (ii) Hikkim in Himachal Pradesh |
2. National television in India | (i) Doordarshan |
3. Aeroplanes and ships use it | (v) Radio wireless transmission |
4. Fax or facsimile | (iii) Telecopying |
5. The major news agency in India | (iv) The Press Trust of India |
V. Name The Following
1. The most important means of communi cation…………………..
2. A special postal service introduced by the post office for quick delivery of letters and parcels…………………..
3. The first newspaper published in India…………………..
4. The major news agency in India…………………..
1. Speech
2. Speed Post
3. Bengal Gazette
4. PTI
VI. Jumbled Words
1. ncimae …………….
2. atcor …………….
3. rtcaoon …………….
4. wnepsaper …………….
5. staelleti …………….
1. cinema
2. actor
3. cartoon
4. newspaper
5. satellite
VII. Cross The Odd One
1. newspapers; radio; books; magazines …………….
2. films; plays; news; sound …………….
3. stories; language; novels; poems …………….
4. posters; hoardings; bill-boards; message …………….
1. radio
2. sound
3. language
4. message
VIII. Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What do you know about teleconferencing?
Teleconferencing refers to holding a conference with a group of people who are generally not at the same location. They depend upon telephones, computers, television (video), internet, satellites or even radio.
Question 2.
What are the various means of mass communication?
The means of mass communication are:
- Print Media: It includes newspapers, books, magazines, journals, etc.
- Electronic Media: It includes radio, television, satellite, fax, computer, cinema etc.
IX. Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write two features of each of the following:
(i) Radio
(ii) Television
(iii) Fax
(i) Radio:
- Radio is the most popular method of mass communication.
- It broadcasts music, news, plays, stories, speeches, advertisements, etc.
(ii) Television:
- It has more impact on people than a radio as it has audio as well as video facility.
- We can watch anything happening in any part of the world while sitting in the comfort at our house.
(iii) Fax:
- It sends printed message or picture to another machine located anywhere in any part of the world.
- It makes use of the telephone lines.
Question 2.
Write in brief about the postal system of India.
Postal service is the oldest and still a popular means of communication. The postal department carries our mail, money orders, and parcels to all parts of India and the world. They are delivered to our friends, relatives and business contacts. The mail is sent by road, rail, air or ship. The postal department has provided us a special facility of speed post for quick delivery of mail.
DAV Class 4 SST Chapter 12 Notes – Let Us Communicate
- In earlier times when man did not know any language he used sign language to communicate his feelings.
- Speech is the most important means of communication. The other important means of communication are facial expressions, hand movements, symbols, letters, newspapers and books, etc.
- The modem devices through which we can communicate more efficiently are telephone, mobile, radio, television, internet, etc.
- Means of personal communication are-postal system, telephone and mobile phones. Means of mass communication are-print media which includes newspapers, books, journals, and magazines and electronic media i.e. radio, television, satellite fax, computer and cinema.
- Postal service is the oldest and still a popular means of communication. The postal department carries our mail, money orders and parcels to deliver them to our friends, relatives and business contacts.
- Telephone is the most common and instant means of two-way communication. Mobile phones can be used for sending messages, photographs, data and e-mails.
- Newspapers have a wide reach among the literate. They bring us the latest news about events, advertisements, matrimonials, etc.
- Radio and television are the most popular methods of mass communication. But television has more impact than a radio as it has audio as well as video facility.
- India has launched a number of satellites into space for transmitting news, international calls, etc.
- Fax or facsimile sends printed message or picture to another machine located anywhere in any part of the world.
- Computer is used for sending e-mails, a method of exchanging instant digital messages from a person to one or more persons. It operates through the internet.
- Cinema is a popular means of mass communication in India. It provides information, entertainment and knowledge.
- Teleconferencing refers to holding a conference with a group of people who are generally not at the same location.
- In videoconferencing, one can both hear and see those people with whom one is having the conference.
- Communication: Sending and receiving spoken, written or visual information from one person to another.
- Verbal communication: Speaking and singing.
- Non-verbal communication: Facial expressions, sign and body language.
- Personal communication: Communication between the sender and the receiver.
- Doordarshan: National television in India.
- E-mail: A method of exchanging instant digital messages from one person to one or more persons.
- Teleconferencing: Flolding a conference with a group of people who are generally not at the same location.
- Videoconferencing: A method of conference in which one can both hear and see those people with whom one is having the conference.