The DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions and DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 6 Question Answer – Insects are essential study tools for DAV public school students in Class 4.
DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 6 Question Answer – Insects
DAV Class 4 Science Ch 6 Question Answer – Insects
Something To Know
A. Fill in the blanks.
Question 1.
Butterflies are attracted to ______ flowers.
Question 2.
Honeybees suck ______ from flowers.
Question 3.
The six-sided chambers of beehives are called ______
Question 4.
Malaria is spread by the bite of female ______
Question 5.
The cover, weaved by a silk moth, around itself is called a ______
Question 6.
Bees and ______ are stinging insects.
B. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. Insects help in pollination.
2. Lac insects grow on banyan trees.
3. Houseflies spread malaria.
4. Aedes mosquito spreads dengue.
5. Bubonic plague is caused by a mosquito.
1. Insects help in pollination. (True)
2. Lac insects grow on banyan trees. (True)
3. Houseflies spread malaria. (False)
4. Aedes mosquito spreads dengue. (True)
5. Bubonic plague is caused by a mosquito. (False)
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. The insect, that usually spreads jaundice, is the
(a) mosquito
(b) wasp
(c) housefly
(d) butterfly
(c) housefly
2. Honeybees make honey from
(a) lac
(b) nectar
(c) milk
(d) sugar
(b) nectar
3. The sting of insects, like the bees and wasps, is located on their
(a) wing
(b) back
(c) mouth
(d) leg
(b) back
4. An insect, that helps to save our crops from pests, is the
(a) wasp
(b) lady bird beetle
(c) bee
(d) butterfly
(b) lady bird beetle
D. Answer the following Questions in brief.
Question 1.
What is pollination?
Transfer of pollen grains from one flower to another is called pollination.
Question 2.
Where do bees store the nectar?
Bees store nectar in beehive.
Question 3.
Name the insect that gives us silk. What does it feed on?
Silkmoth gives us silk. It feeds on mulberry leaves.
Question 4.
Name the diseases that get spread by houseflies.
Houseflies spread diseases like cholera, diarrhea and jaundice.
E. Answer the following Questions.
Question 1.
How does a silk moth weave cocoon?
After a caterpillar becomes very big, it secretes a liquid which changes into a fine thread. The caterpillar then weaves a cover around itself with this thread. This cover is called cocoon.
Question 2.
How is honey collected from a beehive?
People lit fire under a beehive. The heat and smoke drives the bees out of the hive. Then, the hive is removed and honey is collected from it.
Question 3.
What is lac? State its four uses.
A lac insect usually grows on banyan trees. It secretes a semi-solid substance called lac. Lac is used in paints, varnishes, printing ink. It is also used for making bangles.
Question 4.
How do houseflies spread diseases?
When a housefly sits on garbage or animal excreta, it gathers germs. The germs stick to the feet and body of housefly. When the housefly sits on a food item, the germs are transferred to food. When someone consumes contaminated food or water, the genus enter his body. Thus, a person can get diseases; like diarrhea, cholera and jaundice.
Question 5.
How can we save ourselves from harmful insects?
We can use insecticides or pesticides to kill harmful insects. Mosquito repellants can be used to keep away the mosquitoes. We can also use mosquito net to prevent mosquito bites. We should maintain cleanliness around us. This prevents breeding of harmful insects.
Value Based Questions
Question 1.
Name the insect which spreads diarrhea.
Question 2.
State the common symptoms of diarrhea.
Stomach cramps, vomiting, loose motion
Question 3.
Your younger brother/sister likes to eat ‘junk’ and street food. How can you help him/her to develop healthy eating habits?
I will educate him/her about the drawbacks of eating street food. I will tell this story to him/her. I will help him/her in developing a healthy eating habit.
Question 4.
Mention any two values shown by Mohit.
Mohit tells the truth to his mother. Mohit also accepts his mistake and promises to not repeat that mistake. This tells that Mohit is a truthful and honest boy.
Something To Do
Question 1.
Collect the pictures of different insects. Paste them in a scrapbook and write their names also.
Do it yourself.
Question 2.
Find out the details about the life cycle of silk moth and draw it in your notebook.
Go to this link: http://www.suekayton. com/Silkworms/images/Manyee/ Sillkworm%201ife%20cycle.jpg
Question 3.
Collect information about the different types of natural methods, used in households, to keep away harmful insects.
Some household methods to keep away harmful insects are as follows:
(a) Burning neem leaves to create smoke.
(b) Using mosquito nets on windows.
Question 4.
Form a group of your friends. Assign tasks to each member of the group to create awareness about cleanliness, hygiene and other methods that can save us from harmful insects.
Do it yourself.
DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 6 Solutions – Insects
I. Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is a useful insect?
(a) Honeybee
(b) Housefly
(c) Mosquito
(d) Wasp
(a) Honeybee
2. Which of the following is a harmful insect?
(a) Honeybee
(b) Silk moth
(c) Mosquito
(d) Lady bird beetle
(c) Mosquito
3. Which plant part has nectar?
(a) Root
(b) Flower
(c) Stem
(d) Leaf
(b) Flower
4. A spider has how many legs?
(a) Four
(b) Six
(c) Eight
(d) Ten
(c) Eight
5. A cocoon is subjected to which process to obtain silk?
(a) Boiling
(b) Beating
(c) Frying
(d) Heating
(a) Boiling
6. Malaria is spread by which insect?
(a) Houseflies
(b) Mosquitoes
(c) Flea
(d) bedbug
(b) Mosquitoes
7. Dengue is spread by which insect?
(a) Houseflies
(b) Mosquitoes
(c) Flea
(d) Head lice
(b) Mosquitoes.
II. Fill in the blanks:
Question 1.
Honeybees sit on flowers to suck ______
Question 2.
A comb in a beehive has ______ sides.
Question 3.
Silk moth is reared to obtain ______
Question 4.
Sting is located at the ______ of an insect.
Question 5.
Sting is usually ______ and causes pain.
III. Write True or False for the following:
1. Malaria is spread by Aedes mosquito.
2. Cholera is spread by houseflies.
3. A butterfly makes butter.
4. Spiders are insects.
5. Honey is used for making paints and varnishes.
6. Lac is used for making bangles.
1. Malaria is spread by Aedes mosquito. (False)
2. Cholera is spread by houseflies. (True)
3. A butterfly makes butter. (False)
4. Spiders are insects. (False)
5. Honey is used for making paints and varnishes. (False)
6. Lac is used for making bangles. (True)
IV. Match the following:
Column A | Column B |
1. Honeybee | (a) Lac |
2. Silk moth | (b) Dengue |
3. Lac insect | (c) Malaria |
4. Anopheles | (d) Silk |
5. Aedes | (e) Honey |
Column A | Column B | |
1. Honeybee | e | (a) Lac |
2. Silk moth | d | (b) Dengue |
3. Lac insect | a | (c) Malaria |
4. Anopheles | c | (d) Silk |
5. Aedes | b | (e) Honey |
V. Answer the following Questions in one word:
Question 1.
Pollen grains are present in which part of the plant?
Question 2.
Where does a honeybee live?
Question 3.
Silk moth is found on which plant?
Question 4.
Lac insect is usually found on which plant?
Question 5.
Which animal makes a web to catch insects?
VI. Answer the following Questions in brief:
Question 1.
How can you say that spider is not an insect?
We know that insects have six legs. But a spider has eight legs. Hence, spider is not an insect.
Question 2.
Write some uses of honey?
Honey is used as food additive. It is also used in making medicines. Honey has mild antiseptic properties.
Question 3.
Explain about stinging insects.
Some insects like wasp and bee sting. The sting is located at the back of the insect. Sting is usually poisonous and causes pain and redness in skin.
Question 4.
Which type of mosquito spreads malaria? How does it do this?
The female Anopheles mosquito spreads malaria. When it bites a sick person, it sucks infected blood. When it bites a healthy person, the germs of malaria enter that person’s body. Thus, a new person begins to suffer from malaria.
VI. Picture Based Questions.
Question 1.
Look at the following picture and fill the boxes with clues given in the helpbox.
Sting, Abdomen, Compound eyes, Head, Wings, Thorax, Legs, Mandible, Antennae
A. Antennae
B. Head
C. Legs
D. Compound eyes
E. Thorax
F. Mandible
G. Abdomen
H. Wings
I. Sting.
DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 6 Notes – Insects
→ Pollination: The process of shifting pollen grains from one flower to another is called pollination. It helps plants in making seeds. Many insects help plants in pollination.
→ Useful Insects
Honeybee: Honeybees are usually attracted to sweet smelling flowers. Honeybees suck nectar from flowers. They carry the nectar to their hive. A beehive is made up of many six-sided chambers. These chambers are called combs. The honeybee deposits the nectar in these combs. Nectar changes into honey inside the comb.
- Nectar: Some flowers produce a sweet smelling fluid. This is called nectar.
- Collecting Honey: People lit fire under a beehive. The heat and smoke drives the bees out of the hive. Then, the hive is removed and honey is collected from it.
Silk moth: Silk moth grows on mulberry trees. The caterpillar of silk moth feeds on mulberry leaves. After a caterpillar becomes very big, it secretes a liquid which changes into a fine thread. The caterpillar then weaves a cover around itself with this thread. This cover is called cocoon.
- Obtaining Silk: The cocoons of silkworm are boiled to obtain silk thread.
- Sericulture: Rearing of silk worms for getting silk is called sericulture.
Lac Insect: A lac insect usually grows on banyan trees. It secretes a semi-solid substance called lac. Lac is used in paints, varnishes, printing ink and for making bangles.
Lady bird beetle: It eats a large number of pests. Thus, it saves crops from damage.
→ Harmful Insects
Disease Spreading Insects: Some of the disease spreading insects are as follows:
- Houseflies: When a housefly sits on garbage or animal excreta, it gathers germs. The germs stick to the feet and body of housefly. When the housefly sits on a food item, the germs are transferred to food. When someone consumes such contaminated food or water, the germs enter his body. Thus, a person can get diseases; like diarrhea, cholera and jaundice. So one should never eat food which is left uncovered.
- Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes feeds on blood of humans and animals. A mosquito carries germs of malaria, dengue and some other diseases. When a mosquito bites a sick person, it sucks infected blood. When this mosquito bites a healthy person, it transfers germs to that person.
- But only some mosquitoes spread these diseases. The female Anopheles mosquito spreads malaria. Dengue is spread by the Aedes mosquito. Bubonc plague is spread by infected flea. These fleas are found on rodents like rats.
Stinging Insects: Some insects like wasp and bee sting. The sting is located at the back of the insect. Sting is usually poisonous and causes pain and redness in skin.
- Spider: Spider is not an insect. It has eight legs. A spider secretes a liquid from a special organ called spinneret. This liquid becomes thin thread when it comes in contact with air. The spider uses this thread to weave a web. The spider’s web is used for catching insects.
- Insecticides and Pesticides: Chemicals which kill insects and pests are called insecticides or pesticides. Dried neem leaves are kept in clothes to keep away the insects. Kerosene oil is applied on wooden furniture to prevent damage by pests.