DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders

Regular use of DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 2 Genders can result in improved reading comprehension and vocabulary.

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 2 Genders

Look at the following family tree and the names of some of the relationships in the Aid Box. Then complete the sentences given on the next page. Some sentences have been completed as examples.
DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders 1
DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders 2
1. Sunita Nayyar is Kishori Lai Nayyar’s daughter.
2. Raj at Kapoor is Kishori Lai’s son-in-law.
3. Dheeraj Nayyar is Kishori Lai’s ________________.
4. Pallavi Bansal is Shanta Devi’s daughter-in-law.
5. Madhuri Kapoor is Dheeraj Nayyar’s niece.
6. Abhimanyu Nayyar is Sunita Nayyar’s ________________
7. Dheeraj Nayyar is Madhuri Kapoor’s ________________
8. Mahima Kapoor is Shanta Devi’s ________________.
9. Pallavi Bansal is Sunita Nayyar’s ________________
10. Ankita Nayyar is Madhuri Kapoor’s ________________
1. daughter
2. son-in-law
3. son
4. daughter-in-law
5. niece
6. nephew
7. uncle
8. grand-daughter
9. sister-in-law
10. cousin

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Chapter 2 Worksheet 1 Solutions

The following persons/animals have got separated from their partners. Draw lines to match the partners.
DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders 3
author-authoress, actor-actress, landlord- landlady, horse-mare, peacock-peahen, hero-heroine, sir-madam, wizard-witch

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Chapter 2 Worksheet 2 Solutions

The names of some persons or animals are given below. Write ‘M’ if they are of the masculine gender and ‘F’ if they are of the feminine gender. Write the name of the opposite gender in the space provided. Take words from the Aid Box.
DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders 4

Person/ Animal Male/ Female Opposite Gender
bride F bridegroom
host M hostess
master M mistress
duke M duchess
cow F bull
queen F king
bitch F dog
empress F emperor
horse M mare
peacock M peahen

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Chapter 2 Worksheet 3 Solutions

We have learnt about the masculine and the feminine genders. Let us now understand about the common gender.
Remember: Some names are common for both the genders. They can be used for both males and females. They are nouns of the Common gender. For example, child, doctor.
Add a few more to the list.
(a) ________________
(b) ________________
(c) ________________
(d) ________________
(e) ________________

Now complete the names of the following persons/animals and write whether they belong to male/female/common gender. The first one has been done for you.
1. A person who paints is a Common painter.
2. A child without parents is called an _rp _ _ n.
3. A person who lives in the house next to yours, is your n _ _ gh_o_r.
4. Your father’s dad is your _r_n_f_t_ _ r.
5. The opposite gender of a horse is a _a_e.
6. The opposite gender of nephew is n _ _ c_.
7. The person who teaches us is a _e _ _ _ _ _ .
1. painter, common
2. orphan, common
3. neighbour, common
4. grandfather, male
5. mare, female
6. niece, female
7. teacher, common.

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Chapter 2 Worksheet 4 Solutions

Ms Parikh is going to tell her students a new story today. But there is a problem. The boys want her to tell them the story of a wizard while the girls want her to tell them the story of a witch. Ms Parikh thinks of a plan.
DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders 5
Ill tell you a story. Change the gender of the nouns in each line and you can get a story both about the witch and the wizard.
Complete the story that the students narrated.
‘The Cruel Wizard of Osmania’/
‘The Cruel Witch of Osmania’
Once upon a time there lived a wizard in a jungle.
Once upon a time there lived a witch in a jungle.
He was very kind hearted but his wife was very cruel.
She ________________ but her ________________ .

The wizard would always help everyone who was in trouble.

The witch with her magic wand caused problems for the people.

One day the Emperor of Afghanistan and the Duke of Kent were

passing through the jungle on their horses.

The witch saw them coming and thought to herself,

‘Hee, Hee, let me trouble them and steal their peacocks.’

The wizard heard her and decided to help the travellers.
Once upon a time there lived a wizard in a jungle.
Once upon a time there lived a witch in a jungle.

He was very kind hearted but his wife was very cruel.
She was very kind hearted but her husband was very cruel.

The wizard would always help everyone who was in trouble.
The witch would always help everyone who was in trouble.

The witch with her magic wand caused problems for the people.
The wizard with his magic wand caused problems for the people.

One day the Emperor of Afghanistan and the Duke of Kent were
One day the Empress of Afghanistan and the Duchess of Kent were

passing through the jungle on their horses.
passing through the jungle on their mares.

The witch saw them coming and thought to herself,
The wizard saw them coming and thought to himself

‘Hee, Hee, let me trouble them and steal their peacocks.’
‘Hee, Hee, let me trouble them and steal their peahens. ’

The wizard heard her and decided to help the travellers.
The witch heard him and decided to help the travellers.

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Chapter 2 Worksheet 5 Solutions

Now turn to the passage B.2 ‘Mix-up at Birth’ (Units-Sports) of My English Reader. Locate and write the opposite genders of those given in the blurb.
DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders 6
1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
1. uncle
2. mother
3. fisher-woman

Find out two common genders in the passage.
1. ________________
2. ________________
1. baby
2. cricketer

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders

Do It Yourself

Question 1.
Check your knowledge. Complete the following statements.
DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders 7
(a) Your mother’s mother is your _ _ an _ m _ t _ _ _ .
(b) Your hair is cut by a b_r_e_.
(c) Your father and mother are your _ar_ _ts.
(d) A person who treats a patient is a d _ _ _ _ _ .
(e) A boy on his wedding day is the _ ri _ e _ ro _ m.
(a) grandmother
(b) barber
(c) parents
(d) doctor
(e) bridegroom.

Question 2.
Pair Them!
Match and arrange the following list of words in the two columns given below:
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DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders 9

fox vixen
count countess
master mistress
peacock peahen
hart roe

DAV Class 4 English Practice Book Solutions Chapter 2 Genders

Question 3.
Fill in each blank with the opposite gender of the word given in bold letters.
(a) The Duke of the Kent was cruel but the was kind hearted.
(b) Mrs Kaul invited all her nephews and to her son’s birthday.
(c) The wicked queen wanted Snow White to die but the loved his daugther very much.
(d) My uncle is very fat but my is slim.
(e) The smiled and waved at everyone but the emperor seemed to be very sad.
(a) Duchess
(b) nieces
(c) king
(d) aunt
(e) empress