DAV Class 3 SST Book Solutions Pdf – We and Our World Class 3 DAV Solutions

DAV Class 3 SST Book Solutions (Social Science): Looking for better study resources to learn and score high in the Class 3 SST DAV School Examination? Then you have stepped on the right page. Use this We and Our World DAV Class 3 SST Book Solutions (Social Science) and freely access and download all chapters book solutions & question papers in pdf format.

This article is completely about We and Our World DAV Class 3 SST Question Answer. So, move forward and find what’s in it and how it’s helpful in your studies.

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DAV Public School Class 3 SST Book Solutions – DAV Class 3 SST Question Answer

The provided We and Our World Class 3 DAV Solutions are downloadable in pdf format for free of cost. Access and download the DAV Class 3 SST Question Answer of DAV Class 3 SST Book Pdf chapter-wise and gain conceptual knowledge with high scores.

We and Our World Class 3 DAV Solutions

Advantages of Answering DAV Class 3 SST Book Solutions

Below are some of the benefits that DAV school students of class 3 must be aware of & start solving regularly. Want to know what are they? Just look below:

  • DAV Class 3 SST Book Solutions We and Our World Textbook PDF is easy to access and download.
  • Students of class 3 can answer all chapters of the DAV SST Question paper by solving our DAV Class 3 SST Question Answer.
  • These We and Our World Class 3 DAV Solutions are simple to grasp as it was explained by the subject experts in a step-wise manner.
  • As a result, students can understand the concepts so easily and they can ace up their final exam preparation.
  • All the chapter’s questions & answers are explained as per the latest syllabus of DAV Class 3 Social Science Book Pdf provided by officials ie., DAV board.

Key Takeaways

Now, you have handy DAV Class 3 SST Book Solutions We and Our World pdf download links to use and learn so easily. If you want to study other subjects with the help of DAV Class 3 SST Question Answer, simply visit our website @learncram.com or access our main DAV Solutions page.

DAV Class 4 SST Book Solutions Pdf – We and Our World Class 4 DAV Solutions

We and Our World Class 4 DAV Solutions are provided here to learn social concepts in a fun way. The complete chapter-wise academic DAV Public School Class 4 SST Book Pdf Curriculum is available here. This DAV Class 4 SST Book Solutions Pdf offers the answers for fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice questions and essay questions.

Detailed, chapter-wise DAV Class 4 SST Question Answer are given here. Interested students can avail the answers to all questions at DAV Class 4 SST Book Solutions.

Also, Check:

DAV Public School Class 4 SST Book Solutions – DAV Class 4 SST Question Answer

Students of class 5 can easily start their preparation with the help of DAV Social Studies Class 4 Questions and Answers Pdf. Click on the below provided quick links to access the chapter-wise answers. All the solutions are explained by subject experts. So download DAV Class 4 SST Book Solution for all chapters and prepare well for the exams.

We and Our World Class 4 DAV Solutions

Benefits of Having DAV Class 4 SST Book Solutions (Social Science)

These are some of the advantages of DAV Class 4 SST Book Solutions Pdf.

  • Given DAV Social Studies Class 4 Questions and Answers Pdf file acts as a quick solution guide for the students.
  • Even teachers can refer to this Answer key to clarify students’ doubts.
  • With the help of this guide, students can learn the concepts easily and cover their knowledge gaps.

FAQs on DAV Class 4 SST Question Answer

1. How are DAV Class 4 SST Book Solution helpful for exams?

DAV Class 4 SST Book Solutions are helpful for exams as it covers the latest syllabus. It also makes it easy for students to attend all questions in the exam.

2. What are the topics for DAV Class 4 SST Book Pdf?

The different topics for DAV Class 4 Social Science Book Pdf are family relationships, sensitivity towards others, celebrating our diversity, an ideal home, bricks and bridges, waste management, the works we do, leisure time, directions, let us travel, let us communicate, and India-our motherland.

3. Is preparing for DAV Class 4 SST Question Answer help to score high?

Yes, the DAV Class 4 SST Solutions helps in your preparation, and practicing with the resources provided in it can help you score good marks in the exams too.


Hoping that the Social Science We and Our World Class 4 DAV Solutions are useful for the students to prepare well for the exams. Stay in touch with our site and know more about DAV Solutions for other classes.

DAV Class 6 Science Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 6 Science Solutions

DAV Class 6 Science Book Solutions Pdf: Are you in search of DAV Class 6 Science Solutions? You’ve landed on the correct page. We at learncram.com gathered the official and trusted The Living World Class 6 DAV Solutions for free of cost.

Many educationists and higher students of DAV suggest taking help from these Class 6 DAV Science Book Solutions for better learning.

DAV Public School Class 6 Science Book Solutions – DAV Class 6 Science Solution

The following are chapter-wise DAV Class 6 Science Solution The Living World Pdf which help students to study online and offline. Click on the respective chapter DAV Class 6 Science Question Answer and prepare well.

Here we have given you the pdf links to download DAV Books Solutions Class 6 Science Pdf for free to ace up your exam preparation.

Also, Check:

DAV Class 6 Science Question Answer

FAQs on DAV Science Book Class 6 Solutions (The Living World)

1. What are the chapters in the DAV Class 6 Science Book Pdf?

The Living World Class 6 DAV Pdf Chapters are Our Environment, Food, Nature of Matter, Separation of Substances, Changes Around Us, Measurement & Motion, The World of Living, Structure & Function of the Living Organisms: Plants & Animals, Work and Energy, Electric Currents and Circuits, Light and Shadows, Magnets, and Fabric from Fibre.

2. Does DAV Use NCERT Books for 6th Science?

No, DAV doesn’t use NCERT Books for 6th class science as it follows the CBSE & NCERT Curriculum for Classes 9 to 12.

3. What is the name of the DAV Science Book Class 6?

The name of the DAV Class 6th Science Book is The Living World Textbook which gives great support to students for their self-analyzation.

4. Where I Can get a free Class 6 DAV Science Solutions?

With the help of the direct links available on our site Learncram.com, you can get free pdf formatted DAV Solution Class 6 Science to access and download.

In A Nutshell

We hope that the study resources like DAV Science Class 6 Solutions & Chapterwise questions answer pdf helped you a lot in your exam preparation.

Also, we are hoping to achieve good scores in your annual exams and gain more conceptual knowledge by referring to LearnCram.com provided DAV Class 6 Science Solutions and DAV Public School Class 6 Science Book Pdf.

DAV Class 6 SST Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 6 Social Science Book Solutions

DAV Class 6 SST Book Solutions (Social Science): We and Our World Class 6 DAV Solutions curated here will help you instantly to resolve complicated questions. All these DAV Class 6 SST Solutions Pdf are written by expert teachers very easily. You can understand the concepts of SST quickly after resolving the questions with DAV SST Book Class 6 Solutions.

DAV Public School Class 6 SST Book Solutions – DAV Class 6 SST Solution Pdf

Here is the list of chapterwise DAV Class 6 SST Question Answer so that class 6 students can download all chapters and excel in scoring good marks in DAV school class 6 examinations.

Also, Check:

Download all chapters of DAV Class 6 SST Solution Pdf in pdf format and clear basic to complex doubts by checking the expertise provided detailed solutions.

DAV SST Book Class 6 Solutions – DAV Class 6 SST Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 6 Social Science SST Book Pdf

DAV Social Science Class 6 Question Answer – Geography: The Earth: Our Habitat

DAV Class 6 SST Solutions – History: People and Society in the Ancient Period

DAV Solution Class 6 SST – Civics: Community and Its Development

How To Download DAV Class 6 SST Book Solutions?

The simple steps that should be followed for downloading DAV Solution Class 6 SST are as follows:

  • Go to our website learncram.com and look for the DAV solutions page.
  • Scroll down the main page of DAV Solutions and search for the Class 6 DAV SST Solution pdf link.
  • Tap on the link and find all chapters of DAV Books Solutions Class 6 SST links.
  • Press the respective chapter link and download the pdf file on your device for easy and quick reference.

Key Takeaways

Believing that this site has provided helpful DAV Class 6 SST Social Science Book Solutions We and Our World. As we have worked to the core to give the best study resources for DAV students.

So take help of these DAV Solutions study material and learn all the concepts for the upcoming exams. Also, bookmark our site @learncram.com for more such informative guides.

DAV Class 5 Maths Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 5 Maths Solutions

DAV Class 5 Maths Book Solutions Pdf: Students who are in class 5 face difficulty while preparing for the DAV Class 5 Maths exam. No need to worry as this is the right place where we can clear all their doubts with our Primary Mathematics DAV Maths Book Class 5 Solutions. Download the PDF for free of cost and practice the questions that are provided with answers and score well in exams.

DAV Public School Class 5 Maths Book Solutions – DAV Maths Book Class 5 Solutions

Look into the list of chapters that are provided with the links to worksheets with questions and answers prepared by our expert team. By practicing these DAV Books Solutions Class 5 Maths, students can score well in exams and understand the concepts well as class 5 maths is the foundation for future studies.

Also, Check:

DAV Books Solutions Class 5 Maths

DAV Class 5 Maths Book Solutions provides you with comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the DAV maths curriculum specified by the school. You can download it easily.

DAV Class 5 Maths Book Pdf Chapter 1 Numbers up to 99,99,99,999

Class 5 DAV Maths Book Pdf Chapter 2 Operations on Large Numbers

DAV Maths Book Class 5 Pdf Chapter 3 Multiples and Factors

DAV Public School Class 5 Maths Book Pdf Chapter 4 Fractional Numbers

DAV Maths Book Class 5 Solutions Chapter 5 Decimals

Class 5 DAV Maths Book Chapter 6 Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Numbers

DAV Maths Book Class 5 Chapter 7 Multiplication and Division of Decimal Numbers

DAV School Class 5 Maths Book Chapter 8 Simplification of Numerical Expressions

Primary Mathematics Class 5 DAV Pdf Chapter 9 Rounding Numbers

DAV Books Solutions Class 5 Maths Chapter 10 Averages

DAV Class 5 Maths Book Solutions Chapter 11 Profit and Loss

DAV Class 5 Maths Worksheet Chapter 12 Percentage

DAV Class 5 Maths Solutions Chapter 13 Simple Interest

Class 5 Maths Book DAV Public School Chapter 14 Bills

DAV Maths Class 5 Solutions Chapter 15 Temperature

DAV Maths Book Class 5 Solutions Pdf Chapter 16 Triangles

Class 5 DAV Maths Book Solution Chapter 17 Data Handling

DAV Class 5 Maths Syllabus 2023-24

Have a look at the syllabus of DAV class 5 Maths provided according to the latest textbook and even check out the weightage of marks for every chapter and many more.

DAV Class 5 Maths Syllabus

FAQs on DAV Class 5 Maths Solutions

1. Where can I download the DAV Maths Class 5 Solutions?

You can download the Class 5 DAV Maths Book Solution at our Learncram.com website.

2. Is the DAV Maths Book Class 5 Solutions Pdf free to download?

Yes, anyone can download this DAV class 5 maths solutions PDF at our website for free of cost.

3. How do these DAV Class 5 Maths Solutions help students with exams?

With this DAV Class 5 Maths Book Pdf, you can prepare each and every concept well and gets good score in exams.

Final Outcomes

Hoping that the article provided in DAV Class 5 Maths Book Solutions Pdf has shed some light on the syllabus, marks, and many others. If you like it share it with others who are in need of it.

For more other DAV Solution PDFs, you can check out our learncram.com website.

DAV Class 5 Science Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 5 Science Solutions

DAV Class 5 Science Book Solutions Pdf (My Living World): Scoring fewer marks in your DAV Class 5 science as you are unable to write the perfect answers for the questions that were given in your exams. Then you have come to the right place, just refer to our DAV Class 5 Science Solutions and you will know how to answer a question.

Use this article to download the DAV Class 5 Science Book Pdf chapter-wise easily free of cost and prepare the concepts well for exams.

Also, Check:

DAV Public School Class 5 Science Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 5 Science Question Answer

You can look into the chapter-wise DAV Class 5 Science Book Solutions that are provided with links, you can directly click on the link and use them for your preparation or you can download the PDF links and can prepare offline. Along with DAV Class 5 Science Question Answer as we have also provided MCQs that will help you to know how perfect you are with your concept.

Learn your My Living World Class 5 DAV School Pdf subject easily by downloading our Class 5 DAV Science Solutions available on our learncram.com website which is trustable and reliable.

DAV Class 5 Science Question Answer

DAV Class 5 Science Syllabus 2023-24

Look into the complete syllabus that was provided below in detail along with learning outcomes and even the weightage of marks for every chapter is also provided which helps you to prepare according to the weightage.

DAV Class 5 Science SyllabusDAV Class 5 Science Syllabus 1

FAQs on DAV Class 5 Science Book Solutions

1. What is the best tool to download DAV Books Solutions Class 5 Science?

Learncram.com is the best website tool that helps you to download your DAV Class 5 Science Worksheets on the DAV solutions page.

2. How are these DAV Class 5 Science Book Solutions useful for exams?

Our DAV Public School Class 5 Science Book Pdf solutions are useful to prepare for your exams, and it helps even to revise and score full marks by attempting all the questions in the exam.

3. How many chapters are available in our DAV Class 5 Science Book Pdf?

In this Class 5 DAV Science Book there are a total of 12 chapters available.

Key Takeaways

Aspiring that the information we have shared on DAV Class 5 Science Solutions is beneficial for you. Even you can share it with your friends to help them in their exam preparation. If you still have brothers and sisters who are in other classes, share our DAV Solutions page at learncram.com website.

DAV Class 7 SST Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 7 Social Science Book Solutions

DAV Class 7 SST Book Solutions (Social Science): Do you feel difficulty in helping your child to complete their homework? If yes, then we are here to solve your issue. This page helps school students to improve their knowledge and learning skills. Download We and Our World DAV Class 7 Social Science Book Solutions as it helps you to prepare anytime.

DAV Public School Class 7 SST Book Solutions – DAV Class 7 SST Solutions

Have a look at the chapter-wise DAV Class 7 SST Book Solutions Pdf before starting the exam preparation. The list of concepts are provided as per the latest DAV Class 7 SST Book Pdf edition. Click on the link you want to read and prepare the DAV Class 7 SST Solutions and score the highest marks in the exams.

DAV Class 7 SST Book Solutions – DAV SST Class 7 Solutions – DAV Class 7 SST Solution

We and Our World DAV Class 7 SST Book Solutions (Social Science) are here. Students can download DAV SST Class 7 Solutions and start their test preparation.

Also, Check:

Class 7 DAV SST Solution – Geography: Our Environment

DAV SST Book Class 7 Solutions – History: Our Past-II

DAV Class 7 SST Solutions – Civics: Changing Face of Indian Democracy

DAV Class 7 SST Syllabus 2023-24

DAV Class 7 SST Syllabus
DAV Class 7 SST Syllabus 1
DAV Class 7 SST Syllabus 2
DAV Class 7 SST Syllabus 3
DAV Class 7 SST Syllabus 4
DAV Class 7 SST Syllabus 5

Benefits of DAV SST Book Class 7 Solutions

  • The following are some of the benefits of We and Our World Class 7 DAV Solutions.
  • DAV Class 7 Social Science Solutions covers the answers for the sections like exercises, practice tests, assessment tests, review tests, etc.
  • Download Class 7 DAV SST Solution Online for free.
  • By using DAV Class 7 SST Solution the students can understand the concepts and build confidence in themselves.

FAQs on DAV Class 7 Social Science Book Solutions

1. How do I get answers for DAV Class 7 Social Science Solutions?

7th-class students can get the We and Our World Class 7 DAV Solutions from this page.

2. How can I download DAV Class 7 SST Book Solutions (Social Science)?

You can download chapter-wise DAV 7th Class SST Book Solutions (Social Science) from the quick links mentioned above.

3. How many chapters are there in the DAV Class 7 Social Science Book Pdf?

There are 23 chapters in DAV Class 7 SST Book Pdf.


We believe that the details prevailed here regarding We and Our World DAV Class 7 Social Science Book Solutions (SST) are helpful for all middle school students. Feel free to write a comment below and ask your queries. Keep in touch with our site www.learncram.com to get the latest updates about DAV Solutions.

DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 4 Science Question Answer

DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions: Avail of free DAV Class 4 Science Question Answer on this page. The answer key contains the solutions for all the DAV Class 4 Science Book Pdf questions free of cost. Students can improve their knowledge by solving the different questions from practice tests, cumulative tests, and many more.

Get the detailed solutions of the My Living World DAV Class 4 Science Book Pdf. Know DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions for all chapters.

Also, Check:

DAV Public School Class 4 Science Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 4 Science Solutions

DAV Public School Class 4 Science Book Solutions ensures that the students with success and learning targets. To aid science proficiency, DAV Solutions features all its elements. The school kids can easily get the concepts by practicing My Living World DAV Science Book Class 4.

DAV Class 4 Science Question Answer

DAV Class 4 Science Syllabus 2023-24

DAV Class 4 Science Syllabus

FAQs on DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions

1. Where can I get the best DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions?

Students can get the best DAV Class 4 Science Question Answer at www.learncram.com. You can avail of the step-by-step explanation for all questions.

2. How many Chapters are there in the Class 4 DAV Science Book My Living World?

There are 10 chapters in DAV Public School Class 4 Science Book Pdf My Living World.

3. What is the use of Class 4 DAV Science Question Answer?

With the help of DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions, students can improve their performance and score good marks in the exams.


Expecting that the data shared here about DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions are useful for the students. You can find more related articles at our site. Stay tuned to get the latest updates and news on the subject-wise DAV Solutions.

DAV Class 8 Maths Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 8 Maths Solutions

DAV Class 8 Maths Book Solutions Pdf: Many students feel difficulty finding the DAV Class 8 Maths Solutions. If you are also in the same situation then this is the right platform you came to. In this article, we provide complete solutions to DAV Class 8 Maths Book Pdf. With that, you can easily understand the concepts. Even DAV Maths Class 8 Solutions are available in pdf format, so you can just download them and practice.

Have a look at the complete article DAV Maths Book Class 8 Solutions Pdf, and practice all worksheets that are available for every chapter to score well in exams and get promoted to class 9 easily.

DAV Public School Class 8 Maths Book Solutions – DAV Maths Class 8 Solutions

In our DAV Class 8 Maths Solution, we have included all the chapters according to the latest DAV Maths Book Class 8 Pdf. And this PDF can be downloaded easily and follow all the chapter-wise worksheets that are provided with solutions to every problem by our math experts. With these DAV Class 8th Maths Solutions, you can prepare for exams very effectively and quickly.

Look into the below chapters and select the link of the worksheets that you like to check out the Secondary Mathematics Class 8th DAV Solutions for every problem.

Also, Check:

DAV Class 8 Maths Book Solutions PDF Chapter 1 Squares and Square Roots

Class 8 DAV Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Cubes and Cube Roots

DAV Class 8 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Exponents and Radicals

DAV Maths Class 8 Solutions Chapter 4 Direct and Inverse Variation

DAV Maths Book Class 8 Solutions Pdf Chapter 5 Profit, Loss and Discount

DAV Class 8 Maths Solution Pdf Chapter 6 Compound Interest

DAV Class 8th Maths Solutions Chapter 7 Algebraic Identities

Class 8 DAV Maths Book Solution Chapter 8 Polynomials

DAV Maths Solution Class 8 Chapter 9 Linear Equations in One Variable

DAV Solution Class 8 Maths Chapter 10 Parallel Lines

Class 8 DAV Maths Solution Chapter 11 Understanding Quadrilaterals

DAV School Class 8 Maths Solutions Chapter 12 Construction of Quadrilaterals

Maths Class 8 DAV Solutions Chapter 13 Introduction to Graphs

Class 8 Maths DAV Solution Chapter 14 Mensuration

DAV Class 8 Maths Book Solution Chapter 15 Statistics and Probability

DAV Public School Class 8 Maths Book Solutions Chapter 16 Rotational Symmetry

DAV Class 8 Maths Syllabus 2023-24

Here we are going to provide you with a complete syllabus of class 8 Maths with the names of the concepts in every chapter. And also provides you with the weightage of marks for every chapter, instructions, weightage to form of questions, guidelines for internal assessment, and many others.

General Instructions:

  • The entire syllabus has to be covered in two terms i.e. Term I and Term II.
  • Each term will comprise 100 marks, whereas in written exam to have 80% weightage and the internal assessment will have 20% weightage.
  • Term II will cover the whole syllabus and the written examination will have 80% weightage and internal assessment will have 20% weightage.

Guidelines for Internal Assessment (20 Marks)
It is suggested that, in each term, the internal assessment will be carried out as follows:

Tools of Internal Assessment Total Weightage of 20 Marks Marks Out of 20 reduced to
1. Unit Test/Class Tests 30% 6 marks
2. Maths Lab Activity
Minimum 4
(Activities can also be carried out on sheets in the classroom)
20% 4 marks
3. Project (One in each term) 10% 2 marks
4. Assignment file 20% 4 marks
5. Learning Multiplication Tables (minimum upto 20) 10% 2 marks
6. Class Record (Notebooks) 10% 2 marks
Total 100% 20 marks

Weightage to Form of Questions

Type of Questions LA
(4 marks)
(3 marks)
(2 marks)
(1 mark)
No. of Questions 12 12 6 4 34
Marks 48 36 12 4 100

Class 8 Maths DAV Book Pdf Detailed Syllabus

The syllabus has been divided into two parts, one for the first term and the other for the second term.

Unit No. of Periods
DAV Class 8 Maths Book Answers Term I
Chapter 1 Squares and Square Roots 12
Chapter 2 Cubes and Cube Roots 8
Chapter 4 Direct and Inverse Variations 10
Chapter 5 Profit and Loss and Discount 12
Chapter 7 Algebraic Identities 12
Chapter 10 Parallel Lines 10
Chapter 13 Introduction to Graphs 5
Chapter 14 Mensuration 15
Total 84
Secondary Mathematics Class 8th DAV Solutions Pdf Term II
Chapter 3 Exponents and Radicals 8
Chapter 6 Compound Interest 12
Chapter 8 Polynomials 10
Chapter 9 Linear Equations in One Variable 10
Chapter 11 Understanding Quadrilaterals 12
Chapter 12 Construction of Quadrilaterals 10
Chapter 15 Statistics and Probability 12
Chapter 16 Rotational Symmetry 4
Total 78

Note: Final Term will cover the whole syllabus so time must be devoted to the revision.

Chapter 1 Square and Square Roots (12 Periods)
Square of a number, triangular numbers, and numbers between two consecutive square numbers, finding the square root of a number by the repeated subtraction method, finding square roots of perfect squares by factorization, Using the division method, finding square roots of Positive integers which are perfect squares, Decimals which are perfect squares, Finding square roots of numbers which are not perfect squares by the division method up to three decimal places. Problems based on square roots (simple problems only).

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to appreciate Squares of even numbers are even, Squares of odd numbers are odd, Perfect squares, and number ending in 2, 3, 7, or 8 is never perfect square, the Concept of Pythagorean triplet, find the square root of a number, By prime factorization, By long division method
Students will be able to understand and apply the following rules:

  • Rule 1: If a and b are perfect squares (b ≠ 0) then \(\sqrt{a \times b}=\sqrt{a} \times \sqrt{b}\), \(\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}} \times \frac{\sqrt{a}}{\sqrt{b}}\)
  • Rule 2: The pairing of numbers in the division method starts from the decimal point. For the integral part, it goes from right to left, and for the decimal part, it goes from left to right.
  • Rule 3: If p and q are not perfect squares, then to find \(\sqrt{\frac{p}{q}}\), we express \(\frac{p}{q}\) as a decimal and then apply division method.

Chapter 2 Cubes and Cube Roots (8 Periods)
Cube of a number, Cube roots of perfect cubes by factorization (cube root should not exceed two digits).

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to understand Cube and the cube root of a negative number is negative i.e. \(\sqrt[3]{-x}=-\sqrt[3]{x}\), Cube of an even natural number is even and cube of odd natural number is odd.
Students will be able to apply the following rules:
For any two integers a and b, we have \(\sqrt[3]{a b}=\sqrt[3]{a} \times \sqrt[3]{b}\), \(\sqrt[3]{\frac{a}{b}}=\frac{\sqrt[3]{a}}{\sqrt[3]{b}}\), b ≠ 0

Chapter 3 Exponents and Radicals (8 Periods)
Idea of rational exponents, Laws of exponents including rational numbers as exponents, and Idea of radicals and radicands.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to convert radical form to exponential form and vice versa.
Students will be able to apply the following rules:
If a is any rational number different from zero and x, y are any rational numbers, then

  • \(a^x \times a^y=a^{x+y}\)
  • \(a^x \div a^y=a^{x-y}\)
  • \(\left(a^x\right)^y=a^{x y}\)
  • \((a)^0=1\)

Chapter 4 Direct and Inverse Variations (10 Periods)
Direct variation, Inverse variation, and examples. Problems with Time and Work and Time and Distance.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to distinguish between Direct Variation and Inverse Variation, solve the problems on time and work as well as time and distance using the concepts of direct and inverse variations.

Chapter 5 Profit and Loss and Discount (12 Periods)
Problems with profit and loss including discount (rebate), marked price, selling price (only single discount to be discussed), VAT.

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to understand the concept of profit and loss, calculate S.P./C.P., apply the concept of discount, and understand VAT and service tax and its calculation.

Chapter 6 Compound Interest (12 Periods)
Meaning of Compound Interest. Calculation of amount and compound interest by unitary method. Calculation of amount and compound interest by formula up to three years. Interest compounded annually, half-yearly, or quarterly up to three conversion periods, Growth and Depreciation.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to distinguish between simple interest and compound interest, calculate compound interest from the amount, calculate compound interest when compounded annually, half-yearly, and quarterly, and analyze growth and depreciation applicable in various situations.

Chapter 7 Algebraic Identities (12 Periods)
Study of the following identities:

  • (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
  • (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
  • (a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2

The above identities may be verified through cardboard models.
Expansion of the square of a trinomial: (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
Product of two binomials: (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab
Factorization of Algebraic Expressions based on the above identities.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this chapter, students will be able to distinguish between identity and equation, learn the application of identities, factorize algebraic expressions using the identities, and apply the identities in different practical situations.

Chapter 8 Polynomials (10 Periods)
Idea of a polynomial in one variable and its terms, coefficients, and degree, Division of a polynomial in one variable by a monomial or binomial. (Restricted to polynomials in one variable of degree ‘4’).
Verification of Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder.
(Explain the cases of non-zero remainder and remainder equal to zero).
Concept of a factor of a polynomial when the remainder is zero.

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to identify coefficients and degree of a polynomial, divide a polynomial in one variable by a monomial as a binomial, verify the dividend by using Divisor × Quotient + Remainder, understand and appreciate the factor of a polynomial when the remainder is zero.

Chapter 9 Linear Equations in One Variable (10 Periods)
Solving equations of the type \(\frac{a x+b}{c x+d}\) = k; cx + d ≠ 0
Word problems on linear equations in one variable, Simple problems from daily life situations like age, coins, number of students in a class, speed, distance, formation of ‘2’ digit numbers, etc. with special emphasis on the ability to translate word problems into mathematical statements.

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to solve linear equations in one variable and convert the language into a linear equation based on different life situations.

Chapter 10 Parallel Lines (10 Periods)
definition, Angle made by a transversal with two parallel lines and vice-versa.
Verification of the following properties:

  • Two lines parallel to the same line are parallel to each other.
  • Two lines perpendicular to the same line are parallel to each other.
  • Division of a Line Segment:
    • To divide a line segment into a given number of equal segments.
    • To divide a line segment in a given ratio internally (constructions should be done by using a ruler and compasses).

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this unit, students will be able to appreciate different types of angles and their relation when a transversal intersects two parallel lines and vice-versa, divide a line segment into equal parts using parallel lines with the help of a ruler and compass, comprehend that two lines parallel/perpendicular to the same line are parallel to each other.

Chapter 11 Understanding Quadrilaterals (12 Periods)
Introduction to curves, Polygons, squares, rectangles, rhombus, parallelograms, and trapezium (An example of a kite may be given as a special type of quadrilateral).
Verification of the following Properties:

  • Opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.
  • Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal.
  • Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other,
  • Diagonals of a rectangle are equal and bisect each other.
  • Diagonals of a square are equal, perpendicular to each other, and bisect each other.
  • Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles.

(Simple problems based on these properties involving one or two logical steps).

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this chapter, students will be able to recognize different types of quadrilaterals i.e. trapezium, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, and kite, understand the properties of parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, and square, distinguish between different type of quadrilaterals.

Chapter 12 Construction of Quadrilaterals (10 Periods)
Construction of quadrilateral given:

  • Four sides and one diagonal
  • Three sides and both diagonals
  • Two adjacent sides and three angles
  • Three sides and two included angles.

(The sides should be in whole no. of cm or at least multiples of \(\frac{1}{2}\)a cm. Angles should be multiples of 15)

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this chapter, students will be able to construct a quadrilateral with given conditions and comprehend whether the construction of a quadrilateral with given data is possible or not.

Chapter 13 Introduction to Graphs (5 Periods)
Cartesian plane. Plotting a point on the Cartesian plane. Independent and dependent variables. Drawing of graphs and type of figure.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this chapter, students will be able to understand the Cartesian plane and its various elements, identify the coordinates of a point, evaluate the distance of a point from the x-axis and y-axis, plot the point on a Cartesian plane, join the points and identify the figure so formed, identify abscissa and ordinates of a point.

Chapter 14 Mensuration (5 + 10 Periods)
Area of trapezium, general quadrilateral, and polygon. Surface area of cuboid, cube, and right Circular cylinder. Volume of cuboid, cube, and right circular cylinder. Visualizing solid shapes, and polyhedrons. Mapping space around us.

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to find the area of the plane figure (trapezium and quadrilateral), find the area of a polygon by dividing into various quadrilaterals and triangles, calculate the surface area of rectilinear solid figures, calculate the surface area of rectilinear solids i.e. cube and cuboids, distinguish between S.A. of a right circular cylinder and cube/cuboid, calculate S.A. of a right circular cylinder, understand the formation of cubes, cuboid with the help of nets, locate side view, top view and front view of solid figures, verify Euler’s formula for polyhedrons, map the different routes.

Chapter 15 Statistics and Probability (12 Periods)
Raw data, frequency, making frequency table from the given raw data. Ungrouped and grouped data. Range, class size, class limits, and class marks. Grouping the given data into classes. Drawing, reading, and interpretation of histogram. Circle graphs or pie charts and their drawing, Probability, Chance, Experiment, Outcome, Event, and Probability of an event. Simple cases.

Learning Outcomes:
After studying this chapter, students will be able to understand the terms observation, raw data, range, class marks, frequency, frequency table, differentiate between raw data, ungrouped and grouped data, mark pictorial representation through histogram and pie charts, and interpret the same, define the term trial, outcome, probability, find probability under different given situations.

Chapter 16 Rotational Symmetry (4 Periods)
Rotational symmetry and its order; Centre of Rotation, Angle of Rotation. Line symmetry and Rotational Symmetry. Rotational symmetry should be confined.

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to understand symmetry, distinguish between line symmetry and rotational symmetry, understand rotational turns about a fixed point, know the order of rotation of symmetry i.e. four in a square and 3 in an equilateral triangle, and calculate the angle of rotation about a fixed point.

FAQs on DAV Class 8 Maths Solutions PDF Free Download

1. How many chapters are available in this DAV Public School Class 8 Maths Book Pdf?

In this Class 8 DAV Maths Book Pdf, there are 16 chapters available starting from squares and square roots to rotational symmetry.

2. Where can I download the Class 8 Maths DAV Solution for free?

You can download the Class 8 DAV Maths Solution for free of cost at our learncram.com website.

3. What are the most important chapters in DAV class 8 maths?

Some of the most important chapters of DAV Class 8 Maths are

  • Chapter 5: Profit and Loss and Discount
  • Chapter 7: Algebraic Identities
  • Chapter 14: Mensuration
  • Chapter 15: Statistics and Probability

These have the highest weightage of marks in exams.

4. How are these Maths Class 8 DAV Solutions useful for exams?

By this DAV Solution Class 8 Maths you can practice all the important questions that are available in worksheets along with answers and score good marks in the exam by attempting all the questions.


With this DAV Class 8 Maths Book Solution PDF we are hoping that it is very helpful for students of class 8 in DAV to practice and prepare for exams well. If you find this PDF useful even share this with your friends. Also, explore all other class solutions and worksheets like DAV Solution Class 8, at our DAV Solutions web page.

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DAV Class 7 Science Book Solutions Pdf – DAV Class 7 Science Solutions

DAV Class 7 Science Book Solutions Pdf: Students who are searching for DAV Class 7 Science Solutions can get them here. Free answers for all chapters are available. This guide encourages the students to improve their subject knowledge easily by referring to the DAV Class 7 Science Book Solutions.

Detailed answers for The Living World DAV Class 7 Science Book Pdf questions are here. Prepare well for the exams using DAV Science Class 7 Solutions.

DAV Public School Class 7 Science Book Solutions – DAV Science Class 7 Solutions

Our team has prepared the best answers for all questions in pdf format. So students who are in need can download DAV Class 7 Science Book Solutions pdf for free and use it. Hit on the below-mentioned quick links to avail the chapter wise science class 7 solutions.

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DAV Class 7 Science Book Solution – The Living World Class 7 DAV Solutions

DAV Class 7 Science Syllabus 2023-24

DAV Class 7 Science Syllabus

FAQS on The Living World Class 7 DAV Science Solutions

1. How many Chapters are there in DAV Class 7 Science Book Pdf?

There are a total of 17 chapters in DAV Science Book Class 7. This guide covers the DAV Solution Class 7 Science for all those chapters.

2. Where can I get free DAV Science Book Class 7 Solutions?

You can get free The Living World Class 7 DAV Solutions on our site learncram.com.

3. What is the use of DAV Class 7 Science Book Solutions?

With the help of DAV Class 7 Science Solutions students can improve their performance and score good marks in the exams.


We are hoping that DAV Public School Class 7 Science Book Solutions is helpful for all students who are preparing for the exams. They can even refer to this DAV Class 7 Science Book Solutions for making assignments and homework. Keep in touch with our site to know more class-wise DAV Solutions.