The Wise Judgement Summary

The Wise Judgement explore the nature of wise judgment, examining its components, its role in personal and societal well-being, and the strategies that can be employed to cultivate this valuable skill. Read More 5th Class English Summaries.

The Wise Judgement Summary

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There was a poor traveller. He was walking through the streets of a town. He did not eat anything for two days. He did not have any money to buy food. He had only a piece of dry bread.

Oneday, the traveller passed by an eating house. He saw several people sitting around the fire, They were eating and drinking. There was cooking pot full of meat balls with delicious smell. The traveller’s mouth watered. The owner of the eating house saw this. He asked the traveller if he wanted to eat some meatballs.

The man said he had no money and without money he cannot eat anything. He took out the dry bread out of his pocket. He held it over the pot. After some time, he ate the bread imagining he ate meat balls. The eating house owner got angry.

The owner took the traveller to the magistrate’s court. That day, Nasruddin the scholar was the magistrate that day. He asked the owner of the eating house the problem. The owner said he had to pay for the smell of the meat balls. The magistrate asked the traveller his opinion. He asked for a pardon as he could not pay the money. The magistrate (scholar) then told the man that he would pay the owner.

The owner expected something big from the magistrate. The magistrate took two pennies from his pocket. He made the owner listen to the sound of the coins. The owner listened to the sound with his two ears. He asked the magistrate why he was doing it. But the magistrate told him that it was the correct payment for the smell of meat balls.


In conclusion, wise judgment is a multifaceted skill that plays a pivotal role in personal growth, societal harmony, and effective decision-making. It is a skill that is not innate but rather cultivated through experience, reflection, and a willingness to learn from both successes and failures.