The Ham Radio Summary in English

Ham radio operators, also known as hams, are a passionate group of individuals who utilize amateur radio frequencies to establish communication links, often under challenging conditions. Their dedication to this unique form of communication stems from a desire to connect with others, experiment with technology, and contribute to the broader community.

The Ham Radio Summary

Ham radio images

Disasters and terrorism may strike thickly populated areas at anytime. Communication is most important in such situations. And conventional communications like cell phones fail exactly in those emergencies. It is in those times Ham radio comes handy. Ham radio uses high frequency and automatic batteries. And the Ham volunteers are skilful and ever ready to work. Failure of the system is very less likely. The only problem is the availability of information about Ham operators.

During 2001 Gujarath Earthquake, 2001 attacks on WTC in the USA, 2004 Tsunami in India, Ham radio served disaster management personnel wonderfully. Ham radio is useful in day to day problems like medical emergencies too. Anyone above 12 with no specific educational qualifications can appear for Ham radio licence test and on passing it can obtain the licence.


Ham radio stands as a beacon of analog authenticity. It is a reminder that human voices can still traverse vast distances, weaving a tapestry of connections across the globe. Hams are the unsung heroes of communication, their voices echoing across the airwaves, bridging the gaps between cultures and communities.