“The Concert” is a short story by Abdul Sattar Edhi, a renowned Pakistani philanthropist. In this moving narrative, Edhi recounts an act of compassion and kindness that demonstrates the profound impact of human connection. Through the gift of a concert to a terminally ill patient, the story explores themes of empathy, the universal language of music, and the transformative power of selflessness. Read More Class 10 English Summaries.
The Concert Summary
The Concert Summary in English
The concert was a lesson written by Shanta Rameshwar Rao. This lesson comes under the Unit “Music the Ambrosia”. Everyone likes Music. Music is a divine art. is Will’? Music changes the life of man. Music is a powerful media. Here the poetess narrates an incident, which is very much touching. Smita was a sixteen years old girl while reading the newspaper, and said excitedly that Pandit Ravishankar’s Concert will be held at Shanmukhananda Auditorium the next day. Smita, her mother and her brother Anant who was suffering from cancer came to Bombay for treatment. They stayed in Bombay for treatment. They stayed in Aunt Sushila’s Apartment in Bombay.
When she told the mother loudly, her mother said to her, Don’t shout, your brother will wake up. Don’t you know he needs to sleep and take rest? But the boy was not sleeping, he was fond of music and wanted to learn sitar, both brother and sister joined the sitar class. When he heard the name Pandit Ravi Shankar, he was eager to know the details so he tried to raise himself upon His elbows, but he couldn’t, he fell back. His eyes though she pretended that all would be well and their family members were only four. Her brother Anant was fifteen years old, the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play the sitar and better than his sister Smita as in many other things.
He was quite intelligent and skillful. He was already able to compose his own tunes. Then cancer struck and they came to Bombay with great hopes. Whenever they came to Bombay, they stayed with Aunt Sushila. They had belief and told themselves that Anant would be cured and he would again walk and run and take part in the forthcoming table- tennis tournament. He would play sitar and perhaps would be a great sitarist. But their bad luck his condition grew worse day by day and the doctor said. “Take him home, give him what he likes, satisfy him, because his end is not so far”. As a parent, they hide the truth. They laughed and smiled and talked Anant with whatever made him happy.
They fulfilled his every need and gave whatever he asked for. Now he was asking to go to the concert. For him it was shining, he said that he must 1 miss the chance. He was very eager to hear him and see him. Mother came and said to him “lie down son, lie down ”, she was helpless, seeing her son s condition, she felt very sad and uttered a prayer. Anant repeated I must hear him and see him, Its the chance of a lifetime. Immediately he began to cough and catch a breath with open mouth and had to be given oxygen from the cylinder. But his large eyes were fixed on his sister. Smita felt very guilty when she read the news, she had been so excited that she completely forget the condition of her brother. She had known the frightening truth that he was going to die. He was suffering from cancer and doctors gave no hope.
Even they came to Bombay with great hopes. Whenever they came to Bombay, they stayed with Aunt Sushila. They had belief and told themselves that Anant would be cured and he would again walk and run and take part in the forthcoming table- tennis tournament. He would play the sitar and perhaps would be a great sitarist. But their bad luck his condition grew worse day by day and the doctor said. “Take him home, give him what he likes, satisfy him, because his end is not so far”. As a parent, they hide the truth. They laughed and smiled and talked Anant with whatever made him happy. They fulfilled his every need and gave whatever he asked for. Now he was asking to go to the concert. For him, it was a rare opportunity and the chance of a lifetime.
Mother consoled his son and said, “this is not the last time they are going to play, when you are better then we will go”.Smita stood at the window, her eyes filled with tears. Seeing this, the mother whispered to Smita that she can go with her’father. Smita went to Aunt Sushila and expressed her sorrow and how she can go without her brother. The aunt suggested her to walk in the park some time. Smita was grateful. to her suggestion. While walking in the park a daring thought came to her mind and she hurried home. She decided that there is no harm in trying it. The plan was ready in her mind. She asked her mother and her father agreed to get the tickets. When the next day Smita and her father left the home Anant smiled and wished them to enjoy the concert. Smita listened to the concert, she was so much excited and felt that was all in a dream. She listened to the unfolding ragas but all the while she remembered her plan. She heard the chance of a lifetime” in Anant’s voice in every beat of the tabla. The concert came to an end and a man-made a long boring speech. People began to move towards the exit.
Now was the time, Smita went towards the stage. Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were standing. Smita s heart was beating loudly, her knees felt weak, her tongue became dry, but she went up and standing before them with her hands folded. She called ‘Oh, sir ’.Both of them saw Smita and asked yes? She narrated the condition of her brother and he is longing to wish to see them. At that moment the man who made long boring speech came and said to Smita that Panditji is a busy man, you must not trouble him with these requests. Blearing this Pandit Ravishankar smiled and mentioned him to be quiet. He asked ustad Sahib. Without any thought, Ustad said that tomorrow morning we perform for the boy.
Paditji said yes and also agreed. It was very exciting for Smita. Smita came back home and said to everybody especially for Anant. And the next morning both Pandit Ravishankar and Ustad Allah Rakha came to their home. They performed in front of Anant who was lying on the bed. Anant was listening to music. The great and beautiful happiness as life went out of him gently, very gently.
In conclusion, “The Concert” by Abdul Sattar Edhi is a heartfelt and poignant narrative that underscores the significance of compassion, selflessness, and the universal language of music in transcending cultural boundaries and healing wounds. Edhi’s act of kindness, symbolized through the gift of a concert to a lonely, ailing patient, serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact that small acts of humanity can have in brightening the lives of those in need.
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