Shabale Summary

“Shabale” is a term originating from Russian criminal jargon, often used to refer to a young, inexperienced criminal. This word has evolved over time and now encompasses a broader range of meanings in colloquial language, referring to someone who is naive, gullible, or easily fooled.

Shabale Summary

Shabale Summary In English

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Once upon a time there lived a sage named Vasistha, in a forest. In his lifetime Vasishta had a cow named Shabale (also known as Nandini). She used to give him food, drink, clothes and anything he asked for. She used to provide milk and milk products to be offered to God. She was even capable of producing fierce warriors to protect the sage.

One day, Kaushika, a powerful king and his soldiers come to the forest to hunt. They came to Vashishta’s hermitage and decided to rest. Vasishta greeted them and asked them to be his guests. He prayed to Shabale and she arranged a meal for them Heaps of rice, fruits, milk and everything, that each one of them desired. Kaushika was impressed by Shabale’s extraordinary gift. He wanted to take Shabale to his palace.

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So Kaushika asked Vasishta to give Shabale in exchange for 10,000 cows. But Vasishta refused to give, Kaushika even offered his kingdom in exchange but Vasishta refused. He said, Shabale belonged to the Gods and Goddesses. Kaushika decided to take the cow by force. He put a rope around her neck and dragged her but she refused to go.

Shabale saw her master’s helplessness and-decided to teach Kaushika a lesson. Vasishta requested Shabale and ordered soldiers to resist Kaushika’s men. She freed herself and stood next to Vasishtha.

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She immediately started to undergo an amazing change. Fire gushed out from her eyes. Her head and neck grew longer. Balls of fire came out from her tail Many soldiers came out from her mouth, udder and her sides. These soldiers chased Kaushika and his soldiers from the ashram without killing anyone.

Kaushika realized that he was not powerful and could not gain anything by force. So he left his kingdom and became a sage. After many years of prayer and meditation, he became a true sage, called Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra menas the friend of the world.


In conclusion, “shabale” serves as a fascinating example of how language can evolve and adapt over time, shifting from its criminal origins to a more general slang term. It reflects the intricacies of language’s ability to capture the essence of social and cultural nuances.