Ode To Autumn Summary in English and Hindi by John Keats

Ode To Autumn Poem Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. Ode To Autumn is written by John Keats. Learncram.com has provided Ode To Autumn Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Poem Ka Meaning in Hindi, Poem Analysis, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

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Ode To Autumn Poem Summary in English and Hindi by John Keats

Ode To Autumn by John Keats About the Poet

John Keats (1795-1821), one of the great this short span of life he has able to achieve greatness. His poems and letters have depth beneath their beauty and reflect his awareness of the pains and sufferings of life.

Ode To Autumn Written by John Keats Introduction to the Poem

In the poem ‘Ode To Autumn’ Keats describes the beauty and characteristic spirit of autumn in a series of memorable pictures, exhibiting the principle of beauty in Nature.

Ode To Autumn Summary in English

John Keats was a great lover of Nature. In the poem ‘Ode To Autumn’ he describes the beauty and characteristic spirit of Autumn in a series of memorable pictures. There he reveals the principle of beauty in nature in the autumn.

New leaves and fruits grow on trees. There is neither heat of summer nor bitterly coldness of winter. Nature looks beautiful everywhere. Wind blows friendly. Birds sign in a fine tune. People are happy. They can do their work easily in this season.

Mostly they have good health. It makes a person perfect. The sun conspires with the autumn slightly. Its rays make the fruit fleshy, fat and tasty. Everywhere in the nature remains calm and cool.

Ode To Autumn Summary in English

Ode To Autumn Summary in Hindi

जॉन कीट्स प्रकृति के अद्वितीय प्रेमी थे। प्रकृति के प्रति उनकी आसक्ति उनकी रचनाओं में देखी जा सकती है। अपनी कविता “ओड् टू आउटम” में स्मरणीय तथा मनोहारी चित्रों की शृंखला द्वारा शरद-ऋतु के सौंदर्य तथा विशिष्टताओं का सुन्दर वर्णन किया है।

कविता में आद्योपान्त प्रकृति के सौंदर्य के सिद्धान्तों का रहस्योद्घाटन है। शरद ऋतु में वृक्षों में नए पल्लव तथा फल निकल आते हैं। ग्रीष्म ऋतु के भीषण ताप तथा शीतकाल की अत्यधिक ठिठुरन इस समय नहीं रहती है। इस समय प्रकृति का दृश्य सर्वत्र नयनाभिराम रहता है। पवन मित्रवत् तथ आल्हादकारी होता है।

पक्षीगण मधुर स्वर में गाते हैं। सभी लोग प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं। लोगों में कार्य करने की नवीन-स्फूर्ति का सृजन होता है। लोगों के स्वास्थ्य में अपूर्व वृद्धि होती है। शरत्काल में सूर्य की किरणें फलों को पुष्ट तथा स्वादिष्ट बनाती हैं।

What is the main theme of ode to autumn?

The main themes in “To Autumn” are the power of nature, the passage of time, and the consolation of beauty. The power of nature: The poem expresses reverence and awe for the great changes wrought by nature as autumn brings its riches to the landscape.

Why is the poem called Ode to Autumn?

The title of this ode indicates the poem is dedicated to the season of autumn, and Keats writes a very lofty and moving ode to this season. … The imagery suggests humans are deeply tied to this season, as it embodies both fullness and life, as well as decay and death, in the sights and sounds of the cycles of nature.

What does autumn symbolize in ode to autumn?

In his poem, To Autumn, John Keats expresses the notion that autumn is a time for transformation, yet it still possesses its own beauty that cannot be overlooked. During the Romantic Period, many artists and authors deified nature.

How ode to autumn is about nature only?

Nature is presented as rich, full, indolent, and beautifully melancholic in this poem celebrating autumn. fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells…. … The cider press is full of “oozings.” It as if autumn has overeaten and now must slow down and drift into a nap.