My Grandmother’s House Poem Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. My Grandmother’s House Poem is written by Kamala Das. has provided My Grandmother’s House Poem Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Poem Ka Meaning in Hindi, Poem Analysis, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.
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My Grandmother’s House Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Kamala Das
My Grandmother’s House by Kamala Das About the Poet
Kamala Das born on (March 31, 1934). She was a poet and short story writer. She has earned respectable place in both the English and Malayalam literature. Her autobiography published in 1976, created quite a stir. In 1984, she was shortlisted for the Noble Prize for literature. Her important volumes of verse in English include Summer in Kolkata (1963), Siren (1964), The Descendents (1967), The Old Play House and other poems. Kamala Das’s poetry is primarily autobiographical and her theme is love of a lonely heart love with never ending passion, just, greed and hunger that never satiate. Kamala Das reveals a commendable mastery of phrase and control over rhythm. The words are often painted and the rhythm is marvelously, almost feverously alive.
My Grandmother’s House Written by Kamala Das Introduction to the Poem
The poem “My Grandmother’s House” is a wonderful creation by “Kamala Das”. In this poem, Kamala Das, the speaker explained in her autobiography as to how she lived when she was too young. She has written about the grandmother’s house. She also used to live with her grandmother in that house.
My Grandmother’s House Poem Summary in English
The poem “My Grandmother’s House” is a wonderful creation by “Kamala Das”. She has written about the grandmother’s house. She also used to live with her grandmother in that house. When she was young in the house she was very beautiful. Her grandmother’s house was also very decent and comfortable. There she and her grandmother lived a very happy life.
Everything around that very house was good. But when her grandmother died and the speaker lived in another place, the house became in bad condition. Everywhere that house became in pitiable condition. Bushes grew around when the speaker went there to see the house. When she reached there she was warmly welcomed. She saw her house damaged. A strong feeling caught her mind. Everything was changed when she went there but still she was proud because when she reached there she was received warmly which she got at stranger’s door.
In this poem, Kamala Das, the speaker explained in her autobiography as to how she lived when she was too young.
My Grandmother’s House Poem Summary in Hindi
In this poem ‘My Grandmother’s House Kamala Das ने इसमें अपनी दादी के घर के बारे में लिखा है। वह भी अपनी दादी के साथ उसी घर में रहती थी। जब वह जवान थी तो वह बहुत सुंदर थी, उसका घर भी बहुत सुन्दर था, जहाँ वह अपनी दादी के साथ सुखी जीवन बिता रही थी। घर के चारों तरफ बहुत ही सुन्दर दृश्य था । लेकिन जब उसकी दादी की मृत्यु हुई और जब वह दूसरी जगह रहने लगी तो घर की हालत बहुत ही बुरी हो गयी। घर के चारों तरफ की हालत बहुत ही दयनीय थी। इसके चारों तरफ झाड़ियाँ उग गई थीं।
जब कवयित्री अपना घर देखने गई तथा वह वहाँ पहुँची, उन्हें पुराना प्यार और स्मृतियाँ याद आ गयीं। उसने अपने घर को क्षतिग्रस्त देखा। उसका दिमाग झनझना गया । जब वह वहाँ पहुँची सब कुछ बदल गया था। लेकिन फिर भी वह अपने घर पर घमंड कर रही थी क्योंकि जब वह वहाँ पहुँचती थी उसे हमेशा वे बातें याद आ जाती थीं जो उसे अपनी दादी से मिलती थीं। उसका नवावांतुक के रूप में पराए व्यक्तियों का प्रेम एवं अपूर्व स्वागत भी प्राप्त होता था।
इस कविता में कमला दास अपनी जीवनी के बारे में बता रही थीं कि उन्होंने अपना जीवन कैसे बिताया जब वे छोटी थीं।
What is the central idea of the poem my grandmother’s house?
The basic theme is that of lost love, with the speaker bemoaning the fact that once she lived in a house where she was loved, but now her circumstances mean that she has no love in her life.
What does the grandmother house represent?
The house represents the feeling of love which the speaker could get from her grandmother. But, now the house is silent. The poem moves through the happy past and sad present. The poet uses the image of snakes moving among the books now for which she was too younger in her childhood.
Which type of poem is my grandmother’s house?
The poem, ‘My Grandmother’s House’, first appeared in Kamala Das’s first anthology of verse titled Summer Time in Calcutta (1965). It is also an autobiographical poem in which the poet’s longing for her parental house in Malabar is movingly described.
How does the poem my grandmother’s house End 1 point?
The poet says that one won’t believe that she had some of the best memories of her grandmother’s house and she is quite proud of it. Now that she has lost her grandmother, she begs at strangers’ doors for love. … Hence the poet ends with hope and despair.
Why does the poet want to visit her grandmother’s house?
A1. Why does the poet want to go back to her Grandmother’s house? Kamala Das wants to go back to her grandmother’s house because she received love from that house in the past. She believes that by going back she can revive and relive those happy memories.