Editing and Omission Exercises for Class 11 CBSE With Answers

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

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Editing and Omission Exercises for Class 11 With Answers PDF

Editing and Omission Practice Exercises for Class 11 CBSE

1. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. [NCT 2018]

Stick with regular meal timings. with to
Else your body is thrown of balance
attempting to compensate. However, eat a
good breakfast followed by a moderated lunch
and light dinner. Highly fat meals are
particularly to be avoided at dinner as there are
little physical activity after consumption so excess
calories are converted into fat.

Incorrect – Correct
with        –     to

(a) …………… – ………………
(b) …………… – ………………
(c) …………… – ………………
(d) …………… – ………………
(e) …………… – ………………
(f) …………… – ………………

Incorrect – Correction

(a) of – off
(b) However – Moreover
(c) moderated – moderate
(d) fat – fatty
(e) are – is
(f) so – and

1. In the given paragraph, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before the word and the word that comes after it in the space provided as shown.

2. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after ¡tin the space provided. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined.

India was once considered land of knowledge and (a) ……………………………………..
enlightenment. In ancient times, scholars all over (b) ……………………………………..
Asia and Europe to flock to Taxila, Nalanda and (c) ……………………………………..
other Indian centres of learning. Apart the arts, (d) ……………………………………..
culture, philosophy, and religion, scholars came to (e) ……………………………………..
study medicine, law, and martial sciences. Despite (f) ……………………………………..
having vastly expanded university system and (g) ……………………………………..
historical advantages, modem India yet to provide international or even regional (h) ……………………………………..
leadership higher education. From the (i) ……………………………………..
surrounding countries of Asia and Africa only students come to India for higher education. (j) ……………………………………..

3. The following passage has not been edited. There is one word missing in each line. Vrite the missing rord along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided. The first one has been done for you. Follow the example.

There various entry points e.g. There are various to
India most foreigners (a) ……………………………………..
tend to land Delhi and a (b) ……………………………………..
good proportion of head for (c) ……………………………………..
the main bazaar in india’s craziest Street. It situated close to (d) ……………………………………..
the Delhi Railway station. (e) ……………………………………..
The main bazaar is packed foreigners (f) ……………………………………..
from all the world. Frequent (g) ……………………………………..
power cuts affect area and the (h) ……………………………………..
ugly sound growling generators (i) ……………………………………..
is common phenomenon. (j) ……………………………………..

4. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined.

English is useful language. The people (a) ……………………………………..
who speak English today make the largest speech community in the world. (b) ……………………………………..
A speech community is similar to kinds (c) ……………………………………..
of communities. The people make up the community share a common language. (d) ……………………………………..
Often they live side side as they do in a neighbourhood, a village, or a city. (e) ……………………………………..
More often they the whole country. (f) ……………………………………..
Many nations composed of a single major speech community e.g. Italy, Sweden, and Japan. (g) ……………………………………..
National boundaries however not (h) ……………………………………..
always the same the boundaries of a speech (i) ……………………………………..
community. Some nations made of many speech communities whereas some languages extend across national boundaries. (j) ……………………………………..

5. In the passage given bdow, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided. The first one has been done for you as an example.

On the banks of Ganga, where e.g. of the Ganga
it emerges of the Himalayan foothills, (a) ……………………………………..
there are long stretches forest. There are (b) ……………………………………..
villages the fringe of the forest inhabited (c) ……………………………………..
by bamboo cutters and farmers. This area an (d) ……………………………………..
ideal hunting ground and so animals (e) ……………………………………..
are not numerous as they used to be. (f) ……………………………………..
The trees, too, have disappearing slowly (g) ……………………………………..
and as the forest recedes the animals lose food and shelter. (h) ……………………………………..

6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided as given below. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

The idiot box is increasing pushing e.g. increasing – increasingly
the bookshelf out of home even in regions that have a high literacy (a) ……………………………………..
rate or a long tradition of libraries. (b) ……………………………………..
According to the findings of the sample survey, an average Keralite now (c) ……………………………………..
spent 90 minutes on cable television and 80 minutes on reading books. (d) ……………………………………..
However, TV is not an only culprit. (e) ……………………………………..
The survey, conduct by the Kerala Library Council to mark the 50th anniversary of the library movement in the state, (f) ……………………………………..
indicates that lack of interest and high price of (g) ……………………………………..
books was equally responsible for people running away from serious reading. (h) ……………………………………..

7. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. The first one has been done for you.

Dance is an art form is is as e.g. Incorrect – Correct
is – as
well known, for dance as a (a) ……………………………………..
therapy is not known in many. (b) ……………………………………..
dance therapy involves a synthesis (c) ……………………………………..
of the grace and vigour on Indian classical and folk dance (d) ……………………………………..
movements into a innovative (e) ……………………………………..
holistic therapy. It brings over the (f) ……………………………………..
inner feelings for the participants (g) ……………………………………..
and can help them with develop a healthy personality. (h) ……………………………………..

8. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

The ‘standard of living’ of some country (a) ……………………………………..
means the average person share of goods and services that the country produces. A country’s standard of life (b) ……………………………………..
therefore depend first and foremost (c) ……………………………………..
on it’s capacity to produce wealth. (d) ……………………………………..
‘Wealth’ imply the things money can buy: (e) ……………………………………..
both goods and services. The country’s (f) ……………………………………..
capacity to produce wealth depends upon various factors, most of which have an effect (g) ……………………………………..
on each one. Wealth depends to a great (h) ……………………………………..
the extent on a country’s natural resource, (i) ……………………………………..
such as coal, gold, etc. Those are unevenly distributed throughout the world. (j) ……………………………………..
The USA is the wealthier in natural (k) ……………………………………..
resources; the Sahara Desert is the less wealthy. (l) ……………………………………..

9. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction as shown in the example.

Delhi’s harsh winters takes a heavy toll on e.g. e.g. Incorrect – Correct
takes – take
its estimates 1.4 lakh street dwellers. Beat (a) ……………………………………..
constables find a number of unidentified corpses (b) ……………………………………..
in the pavements last year, most of them victims (c) ……………………………………..
of the cold. This excludes those which sleep on (d) ……………………………………..
carts, rickshaws and under tarpaulin tents as they is not (e) ……………………………………..
classified as homeless. On the eve in winter, which the (f) ……………………………………..
meteorology department say would be unusual severe, (g) ……………………………………..
about 20,000 were provided shelter on different agencies. (h) ……………………………………..

10. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

One of the key figures in the tourist industry is a waiter. His job is not (a) ……………………………………..
merely to wait on tables and (b) ……………………………………..
serve food and beverages to customers. The service provided by the hotel (c) ……………………………………..
industry are rather complex; hence a waiter has to be train to acquire knowledge and (d) ……………………………………..
skill of the industry. He has to be (e) ……………………………………..
courteous and cheerful, and have an ability of smile. A waiter must (f) ……………………………………..
appears smart and well-groomed. (g) ……………………………………..
He must be able to speak clearly with a modulated tone; he may have (h) ……………………………………..
an understanding in human relations (i) ……………………………………..
and, most important of all, he must have a natural inclination for serve and (j) ……………………………………..
find ‘service a pleasure’, without that he (k) ……………………………………..
would be no more then a mechanical robot. (l) ……………………………………..

11. In the passages given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Put a slash (/) where the word needs to be inserted and write the missing word against the correct blank number.

(a) Each generation transmits, to young,
values it regards valid and important.
Then only society remains stable and
a common core values exists in it. Social
change makes values indistinct.
Then it becomes difficult for individual
to perceive clearly which values binding
and which ones open individual choice.
(b) Ironically, modem man hates stress but addicted
to it. It is stress that sustains him, and gives him strong
urge to push himself over others. The professionals often
heard complaining when they not get opportunities to
display their skills. Even children hate sleeping for the
required eight hours as they feel they’ll be missing out the
time, which will better, utilised by others. Children are under
tremendous pressure mug up that they often fear going to school.
(c) Begging in streets is a long-established
custom. Religious minded people, feel
charity will pave their way heaven, have
encouraged it. They accuse people who do
not encourage begging unsocial habits. But as
law-abiding responsible citizens we must
resist public criticism and say no begging. Beggars
should not be encouraged to live parasites.
(d) Society cannot do well without contribution
that women make professions and other spheres
of work. There is serious shortage of teachers and
nurses mention only two occupations followed
primarily by women. It extremely wasteful to
give years training, and then marry her off,
after a year or two, to sit home. Her training will
be more widely utilized if she follows as a profession.

12. The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number.

(a) The joint family system have undergone drastic
changes in a recent times. Unlike the past,
where grandparents, uncles, their wives and the
children use to live under one roof, now the
system of nuclear families has became the order
of the day. Various factor have led to the
disintegration of a joint family system.
The more important is urbanization.
(b) English is the useful language. The people who speak
English today made up the largest speech community
in the world. A speech community are similar to other
kinds of communities. The people that make up the
community share an common language. Often they live
side by side as they do in a neighbourhood, the village or a city.
More often they form the whole country. Much nations are
composed of a single major speech community.
(c) Human kind has been struggling for peace for times
immemorial. We are aware so we can thrive when there
is peace all around. Our culture and civilisation can grows and
develop in an peaceful environment. If we want to think of material
and spiritual progress we needs to propagate peace. Now that we
seem to has a war virtually on our doorstep, we need to
understand that every action has an equal a opposite reaction.
If through centuries in war, the human civilzation has not achieved
eternal peace, one more show of strength might provide the answer to the world’s woes.
(d) There are several causes of worries. The fast paced
and complicated life style contribute to our anxieties.
everything add to the burden on our minds. Some of these
controllable but more of them are within our control.
Ever since a child is three, he is pushed into the rat race.
Expectation from parents and teachers, and competition from peer
group results to headaches, tensions, ridicule, self-hatred etc.
(e) There is the enemy beneath our feet—an enemy
the most the deadly for his complete impartiality.
Everyone in the world are threatened by him. The
enemy are earth itself. When the earthquake strikes
the earth tremble. The power of the earthquake is
greater than many other power man can produce.
But today scientists are directing the great deal of
effort into finding some ways of combating earthquakes.

CBSE Class 11 English Grammar