These DAV Class 8 SST Book Solutions and DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 1 Question Answer – Resources: Utilization and Development are thoughtfully prepared by experienced teachers.
DAV Class 8 SST Ch 1 Question Answer – Resources: Utilization and Development
DAV Class 8 SST Ch 1 Solutions – Resources: Utilization and Development
Something to Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
Question 1.
Future generations will depend on solar energy because it is-
(a) biotic
(b) man-made
(c) inexhaustible
(d) non-renewable
(c) inexhaustible
Question 2.
Which one of the following resources can be recycled?
(a) gold
(b) coal
(a) land
(d) natural gas
(a) gold
Question 3.
All the abiotic resources include-
(a) living beings
(b) non-living things
(c) inexhaustible resources
(d) renewable resources
(b) non-living things
Question 4.
Available resources which are not being tapped fully for the time being are called-
(a) actual resources
(b) man-made resources
(c) biotic resources
(d) potential resources
(d) potential resources
Question 5.
Which one does not promote conservation of resources?
(a) use resources more efficiently.
(b) optimum utilisation of resources.
(c) use as much resources as required.
(d) reduce wastage of resources.
(c) use as much resources as required.
B. Fill in the blanks.
Question 1.
________ can be used again and again after processing.
Question 2.
On the basis of occurrence, resources are classified into two categories ________ and ________ .
natural; man made
Question 3.
With advancement of technology availability of ________ and ________ labour are necessary for resource utilisation.
capital; skilled
Question 4.
Developed countries are economically self-sufficient ________ and ________ advanced.
Question 5.
The ________ resources need a detailed survey for estimating their quantity and quality.
C. Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements.
1. Any material which is used to satisfy human needs.
2. Resources which cannot be renewed.
Non-renewable resources
3. Resources which are created by human beings.
Man-made resources
4. The resource which are surveyed and developed.
Actual resources
5. Sustainable and optimum utilisation of resources.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
Question 1.
‘Utility and value of a resource vary from time to time and place’. Give any three examples to support the statement.
Utility and value of a resource varies from time to time and place to place. For example,
- Earlier human civilisations flourished along the river valleys as they used water for irrigating fields
- Now, human beings are using water for generating energy, irrigation, navigation and industries, etc.
- China and United States of America (USA) are generating more wind energy than India.
Question 2.
Why are human beings considered the most important resource for development?
Human beings are important because of the following reasons:
- Human beings have an intelligent mind which can make best use of nature to create more resources.
- Had humans not been there, different substances would not have been resources.
- Their utility can be only realised by human beings.
Question 3.
Differentiate between biotic and abiotic resources. Give examples for each.
- Biotic resources: The resources are obtained from biosphere and have life. For example, birds, animals, etc.
- Abiotic resources: These resources are non-living. For example, land minerals, etc.
Question 4.
Why is there a need for a resource planning? Give any three reasons.
There is a need for resource planning because
- resources are rapidly depleting.
- Human beings have always used resources to satisfy their wants. Over-use of many valuable resources have led to their degradation or deterioration in quality.
- Due to deforestation, many plant and animal species have become endangered and are on the verge of becoming extinct.
Question 5.
Mention any six factors on which the utilisation of resources depend.
The utilisation of resources depends upon various factors:
- Availability of resources
- Skill of human beings
- Availability of capital
- Advancement of technology (tools, machines, etc.)
- Availability of transport and common certain facilities
- Availability of water.
E. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
‘Human needs and wants are neither uniform in all parts of the world nor static over the year’. Explain the statement by giving suitable examples.
- It is a fact that human needs and wants are neither uniform in all parts of the world nor static over the years. They generally grow and become complete with the process of change in the society.
- In ancient times, emphasis was mainly given on satisfying the basic needs, such as food, clothing and shelter which were derived from the natural environment.
- In advanced societies, greater emphasis has been given to utilisation of resources for satisfying the multifarious needs of human beings.
Question 2.
Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable resources. Which one of the two would you prefer to use and why?
Renewable resources | Non-renewable resources |
(i) Resources which can be renewed either naturally or by human efforts are called renewable resources. | (i) Resources which take a longer period of time (millions of years) to be renewed are called non-renewable resources. |
(ii) Renewable resources are also called inexhaustible resources. | (ii) Non-renewable resources are also called exhaustible resources. |
(iii) The quality of these resources can be affected by improper usage. | (ii) Non-renewable resources are also called exhaustible resources. |
We would prefer renewable resources because some of the renewable resources are always available.
Question 3.
What is meant by sustainable development? Why is sustainable development the need of the hour?
Sustainable development means development that takes place without damaging the environment. It is the need of the hour, because of our resources are limited in their supply. Over-use of many valuable resources has led to their degradation or deterioration in quality, for example, soil, land and water resources. Therefore, resources should be utilised judiciously so that after fulfilling our present requirement, they are also conserved for the future generations.
Question 4.
Describe the various basis of classification of resources with the help of examples.
Classification of resources is done on the basis of (a) Renewability (b) Origin (c) Occurrence (d) Development
(a) On the basis of renewability resources are of two types:
- Renewable or inexhaustible resources: These resources can be renewed either naturally or by human effects. For example, solar energy, air and water.
- Non-renewable or exhaustible resources: These resources take millions of years to be renewed. For example, energy resources such as coal, potroleum, etc.
(b) On the basis of origin resources are classified into:
- Biotic resources: The resources are obtained from biosphere and have life. For example, birds, animals, etc.
- Abiotic resources: These resources are non-living. For example, land, minerals, etc.
(c) On the basis of occurrence resources are classified into:
- Natural resources: These resources are available from the nature in the form of water, minerals, forests, etc. and used by human beings to satisfy their needs.
- Man-made resources: These resources are created by human beings to satisfy their needs. For example, roads, machines, etc.
(d) On the basis of level of development of resources, we have two types of resources:
- Actual resources: These resources have been thoroughly surveyed and their quantities are ascestained. For example, Saudi Arabia has 25.9 per cent of the world oil reserved.
- Potential resources: These resources are those whose utility is not known at present or those which are not used despite having utility; instead they may be useful at some time in future. For example, uranium deposits in Ladakh.
Value Based Question
Gandhi said, “there is enough for everybody’s need and not for anybody’s greed”. Earlier humans adopted simple lifestyle by consuming minimum resources from nature. With the advancement in technology, our resource consumption has increased manifold. It created a void in nature. At present, resources are depleting at a fast rate resulting in climate change, loss of biodiversity and death of resources. There is a tremendous consumption of water, energy, food and minerals. For a sustainable society, we all have to change our lifestyle. Especially, the youth has to reduce consumption of resources so that production can be controlled. Minimise the wasteful consumption of resources for a better tomorrow. Adopt sustainable consumption pattern. We have only habitable planet. Care for it.
Question 1.
Technological advancement is a boon as well as a bane to human civilisation. Give one example each to support the statement.
Technological advancement is a boon as well as a bane to human civilisation. For example, fossil fuels are needed to provide heat, lighting and power to run vehicles, industries, various gadgets, etc. But at present, they are depleting at a fast rate. Fossil fuels are exhaustible resources. Once consumed they cannot be replaced soon enough. Coal and petroleum reserves have been dwindling all over the world. Today, entire world is facing with an energy crisis.
Question 2.
Highlight any two advantages of sustainable lifestyle.
(i) The usage of renewable resources is sustainable.
(ii) The diversity of life on the earth is maintained.
(iii) Proper balance between population and utilisation of resources is maintained.
(iv) The resources are used more efficiently in order to reduce wastage. (Any two)
Question 3.
As a young Indian how can you contribute in reversing the adverse impact of human interference on environment?
As a young Indian, it is our duty to ensure that
(a) all uses of renewable resources should be sustained.
(b) the diversity of life on earth should be conserved.
(c) the population and distribution of rare and threatened species should be increased.
(d) damage to natural environment should be minimised.
(e) recycling of reusable goods should be increased.
(f) alternative resource is used, if made available.
Map Skill
On an outline political map of the world, show any three developed and developing countries each.
Something to Do
Question 1.
Prepare a pictorial chart showing the classification of resources giving at least a suitable example of each category of resource.
Classification based on | Name | Examples |
1. Renewability | (i) Renewable
(ii) Non-renewable |
air, water, solar energy, petroleum, coal, natural gas |
2. Origin | (i) Biotic
(ii) Abiolic |
birds, animals, fish, land, water, minerals |
3. Occurrence | (i) Natural
(ii) Man-made |
water, minerals, forests roads, buildings, machines |
4. Level of Development | (i) Potential
(ii) Actual |
uranium deposits in Ladakh oil, reserves in Saudi Arabia |
Note: Pictorial work do yourself.
Question 2.
Suggest any five ways to reduce the wastage of resources.
Five ways to minimise wastage of resources:
- Swatch off lights when not needed.
- Recycle things and use them again.
- Take bath with a bucket full of water rather than in shower.
- Repair leaking taps.
- Spread awareness among masses.
Question 3.
Look around your home and neighbourhood and list the ways in which water is wasted.
Do it on your own observation.
DAV Class 8 Social Science Chapter 1 Question Answer – Resources: Utilization and Development
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
Question 1.
Which one of the following is a natural resource?
(a) Forests
(b) Roads
(c) Medicines to treat asthma
(d) Television
(a) Forests
Question 2.
Which one of the following is a biotic resource?
(a) Birds
(b) Land
(c) Water
(d) Minerals
(a) Birds
Question 3.
Coal is a
(a) renewable resource
(b) non-renewable resource
(c) made-made resources
(d) biotic resources
(b) non-renewable resource
Question 4.
On the basis of level of development, resources are classified int.
(a) biotic and abiotic
(b) natural and man-made
(c) renewable and non-renewable
(d) potential and actual
(d) potential and actual
Question 5.
Which of the following is a recyclable mineral?
(a) Coal
(b) Petroleum
(c) Gold
(d) Natural gas
(c) Gold
Question 6.
A vehicle is a
(a) natural resources
(b) man-made resource
(c) renewable resource
(d) biotic resource
(b) man-made resource
B. Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Define the term conservation.
Conservation means using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed.
Question 2.
WThat do you understand by sustainable development?
Sustainable development means development that takes place without damaging the environment. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.
Question 3.
What is the condition for a substance to be called a resource?
A substance needs to have some utility to be called a resource.
Question 4.
Mention two disadvantages of over-irrigation.
(i) It is responsible for water logging.
(ii) It makes the soil infertile.
Question 5.
Why are human beings considered as a resource?
It is only with the help of human skill, that the other resources can be developed.
Question 6.
Why are countries like USA and Japan termed as developed countries?
These countries are economically self-sufficient and technologically advanced.
Question 7.
Why are African nations less developed inspite of being rich in resources?
Most of the people in African nations are unskilled and illiterate.
Question 8.
What do you mean by resource development?
Resource development is the method of utilising our intelligences in order to improve the quality, usability and utility of a resource.
Question 9.
Where are biotic resources derived from?
Biotic resources are derived from living things.
Question 10.
What are natural resources?
Resources that are drawn directly from nature are called natural resources.
Question 11.
How are man-made resources different from natural resources?
Man-made resources have been created by human beings, whereas natural resources are provided by nature.
Question 12.
Which biotic resources take a long period of time to be renewed?
Forests are the biotic resources which take a long period of time to be renewed.
Question 13.
Why countries like USA and UK make optimum use of resource as compared to India? What is the reason behind it?
These countries are well developed and have technically skilled human resource. India lacks this resource in required number.
Question 14.
How has rapid population growth affected natural resources?
Rapid population growth has led to drastic depletion and degradation of natural resources.
Question 15.
What are essential for a long term sustainability of natural resources?
Development of technology, human skill and population control are essential for a long term sustainability of natural resources.
Question 16.
How can we contribute to sustainable development?
We can contribute to sustainable development by switching off lights when not needed and by recycling things and using them again.
C. Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Mention three features of non¬renewable resources.
(i) Non-renewable resources are exhaustible resources as they cannot be renewed.
(ii) They are limited on the earth’s surface and complete utilisation of such resources would result in their exhaustion.
(iii) Some of the minerals like metallic ores i.e., gold and silver are recyclable as the metals may be used again and again after processing.
Question 2.
The quality and quantity of people of a country determine its human resource’. Explain.
(i) Healthy and well-educated people contribute to their respective societies in positive ways. They develop resources as per their requirements.
(ii) Malnourished and illiterate people, on the other hand, cannot contribute much to their respective societies. They cannot develop resources as per their needs.
(iii) Resources are well-developed in Japan as people are skilled and technically developed. African nations, inspite of being rich in resources are less developed as most of the people are unskilled and illiterate.
D. Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Differentiate between natural and man-made resources
Natural resources | Man-made resources |
(i) These resources are taken from nature. They are used without modifying them. | (i) These resources are created by human beings by dint of their intelligence for their own use. |
(ii) They provide a base for the development of a country. | (ii) They show how developed a country is. |
(iii) Many of these resources are essential for our survival. | (iii) They are essential for us to lead a highly comfortable life. |
For examples air, rivers, souls, minerals, trees, mountains, etc. are natural resources. | For examples Roads, buildings, telephone, vehicles, machines, etc. are man-made resources. |
Question 2.
Technology plays an important role for the development of resources.’ Explain.
(i) Resources are undoubtedly essential for development but merely their presence does not guarantee development. Here, technology plays a vital role.
(ii) Resources become usable when they are processed in several ways by dint of technology.
(iii) For example, wood can be used for making furniture after the trees are fallen and logs are transported to the factory where these are cut, shaped and made into furniture. In the absence of technology, it would be impossible for us to convert wood into several useful items.
(iv) Again, it is technology that turns various natural resources into man¬made resources. The technology of hydroelectricity has made water a source of electricity.
Question 3.
Differentiate between potential and actual resources.
Potential resources | Actual resources |
(i) These resources are not being used currently. | (i) We can use these resources currently. |
(ii) They can prove useful and become actual resources in the future. | (ii) They might have been potential resources in the past. They may end up in the future. |
(iii) The entire quantity of potential resources may not be known. | (iii) The actual quantity of these resources is known. |
Oil and natural gas reserves beneath the Arctic sea-bed. |
Oil reserves in Saudi Arabia. |