These DAV Class 7 SST Notes and DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 21 Notes – Advertising and Democracy hold significant importance as study material for students.
Advertising and Democracy Class 7 DAV Notes
→ Advertisements have become a common feature today. They can be seen everywhere, on the shopping carts in super markets, wall of cinema halls, bus stands, etc.
→ Advertising persuades the customer to purchase a particular product service by describing its good points.
→ A huge amount of money is spent on advertisements to motivate the customers to buy a particular product.
→ There are many brands available in the market. This creates confusion in the mind of the consumer, who finds it difficult to decide which brand to buy.
→ Most of the manufacturers give huge money to stars to advertise their products. They do this in order to create brand loyalty.
→ Social advertising means applying marketing and advertising principles to promote health and social issues.
→ Social advertising has played an important role in making us aware of our reponsibility towards the society. It has benefitted many public awareness programmes like importance of mother’s milk for the baby, need of hygiene etc.
→ Advertising is capable of reaching out to a large audience. Advertising techniques can be used to create awareness among the people.
→ Advertising persuades some people to buy even the things that they don’t need. Thus, it leads to wasteful expenditure.
→ Social and public service advertisements strengthen the democracy of a country.
→ Advertising a product costs a lot of money. Producing and showing advertisements in the media is really a costly affair which suits to only big businessmen. Small bussinessmen do not have the money to spend on advertising. They depend on word of mouth which fails to attract people who believe that branded and packaged goods are better.
→ Small businesses suffer a lot and sometimes they force people out of their livelihoods. Thus brands create discrimination in the society which is undemocratic.
→ There are many people who cannot afford branded items, such people start developing a feeling of inability. This creates distance between the rich and the poor which is undemocratic.
→ In this age of commercialisation the buyers are usually referred to as poor consumers because some times they are cheated by a shopkeeper or a manufacturer.
→ The consumer has to be aware of his/her right to redress the problem when required.
→ The Government of India has set-up Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which was earlier known as ISI. BIS lays down standards for industrial and consumer goods. All food items are standardised by Agmark—Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act.
→ Consumerism has gradually developed into a powerful force and protects the consumers by applying legal, moral and economic pressure on producers and providers.
→ Advertising : A powerful medium to persuade customers to buy a particular product or service by describing its good points in exaggerated manner.
→ Social or public service advertising : It means applying marketing and advertising principles to promote health and social issues.
→ Product: A thing or service that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need.
→ Brand : A special identification or name associated with a product.
→ ISI : The earlier abbreviation for BIS. It standards for Indian Standard Institute.
→ Manufacturer : Someone who makes and sells a product.
→ Consumer : A person who buys by paying the price for some goods or services.
→ Product: A thing offered in market for sale.
→ Stereotype : Pre-conceived notions/bias thinking about someone/or any group of people.