These DAV Class 7 SST Notes and DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 19 Notes – Our State Governments hold significant importance as study material for students.
Our State Governments Class 7 DAV Notes
→ India is a vast country. For administrative convenience, it has been divided into 29 states and 7 union territories.
→ Each state has its own government. The union territories are administered by the President of India through a Lt. Governor or the Chief Commissioner.
→ Both the central government and the state governments are independent in their working.
→ In most states the legislature has only one house i.e., the Legislative Assembly or the Vidhan Sabha. Only five states have two houses i.e., the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council or Vidhan Parishad.
→ The number of members in an Assembly depends on the population of the state. However, the minimum strength 60 and the maximum cannot be more than 500.
→ The minimum age to be member of a Legislative Assembly in 25 years. Some seats are reserved for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
→ The term of the Legislative Assembly is of five years. The Legislative Assembly has a speaker and a Deputy Speaker. The Speaker presides over the meetings of the Assembly and conducts its business.
→ The Legislative Council is a permanent house which cannot be dissolved. The term of its members is 6 years.
→ The minimum number of members in a Legislative Council is 40 and it cannot exceed one-third of the total membership of the Assembly of that state.
→ The State Legislative makes laws for the state. It passes the annual budget of the state.
→ The Governor is appointed by the President of India for 5 years. Normally, the Governor does not belong to the state where he is appointed.
→ The Governor appoints the leader of the majority party as the Chief Minister. He can address, summon and dissolve the Legislative Assembly. He can issue an ordinance when the State Legislature is not in session.
→ The Chief Minister is the head of the State Government. He enjoys the real executive powers. He acts as a link between the Governor and his Council of Ministers.
→ There are various functions of the Council of Ministers.
→ The union territories are areas directly administered by the Union Government. Such areas are small in size and population with the exception of Delhi, the capital of India.
→ Unicameral : The State Legislature which has only one house, the Legislative Assembly i.e., the Vidhan Sabha.
→ Bicameral : The State Legislature which has two Houses, the Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) and the Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad).
→ Bill : A proposed law.
→ Budget: The statement of income and expenditure for a particular period.
→ Discretionary : Something that depends on one’s own will/choice.
→ Law : Certain rules or regulations to be followed whose violation will result in punishment.
→ Ordinance : A temporary law enforced by the Executive when the Legislature is not in session.