These DAV Class 7 Social Science Book Solutions and DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 14 Question Answer – Regional Powers are thoughtfully prepared by experienced teachers.
DAV Class 7 SST Ch 14 Question Answer – Regional Powers
DAV Class 7 SST Ch 14 Solutions – Regional Powers
Something To Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
Question 1.
Who among the following visitors has written in praise of Vijayanagar Empire?
(a) Bernier
(b) Paes
(c) Ibn Batutah
(d) Marco Polo
(b) Paes
Question 2.
Who constructed Kirti Stambh at Chittor?
(a) Rana Sangram Singh
(b) Maharana Pratap
(c) Rana Hamir
(d) Rana Kumbha
(d) Rana Kumbha
Question 3.
The city of Vijayanagar was located on the banks of River
(a) Godavari
(b) Kaveri
(c) Tungabhadra
(d) Krishna
(c) Tungabhadra
Question 4.
Identify the Bahmani king who was a good calligraphist and an accomplished linguist.
(a) Bahman Shah
(b) Firoz Shah
(c) Ahmad Shah
(d) Muhammad Shah
(b) Firoz Shah
Question 5.
Sayana was a
(a) Bahamani ruler
(b) Foreign visitor
(c) Ruler of Vijayanagar
(d) Great Sanskrit scholar
(d) Great Sanskrit scholar
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Bukka succeeded …………….
2. Vijayanagar rulers were involved in battle with …………… kingdom.
3. Firoz Shah Bahamani ruled from …………… to ……………
4. Rana Sanga was one of the most famous rulers of ……………
5. Zainul Abidin adopted a policy of …………. towards Hindus.
1. Harihar
2. Bahamani,
3. 1397 CE;1422 CE,
4. Mewar
5. religious tolerance
C. State True or False for the following statements.
1. The Bahamani and Vijayanagar kingdoms maintained friendly relations with each other.
2. The name ‘Assam’ is derived from Ahom.
3. The Bahamani kingdom was founded by Mahmud Gawan.
4. Rao Bika founded the city of Bikaner.
5. Zainul Abidin reimposed jazia on Hindus.
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
Question 1.
Name the main centres of education during Vijayanagar empire.
Temples and mathas.
Question 2.
Mention the classes into which the society was divided in Vijayanagar empire.
The society was divided into three classes—1. The nobles and high officials, 2. Big traders, 3. The middle class and the commoners.
Question 3.
What was Firoz Shah famous for?
He was a good calligraphist and a very learned man.
Question 4.
Who built the Kirti Stambha at Chittor?
Rana Kumbha.
Question 5.
Why did Rana Kumbha become popular?
Rana Kumbha was a very brave general and an outstanding ruler of Mewar. He constructed the magnificient Kirti Stambh to celebrate his victory over Malwa. He was a linguist, author, architect and a veena player of repute.
E. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Describe the development of art and architecture under the Vijayanagar rulers.
There were beautiful palaces and temples in the Vijayanagar empire. It is said that the city was surrounded by seven walls. Large pillared halls known as Kalyan Mandap and very high gateways known as Gopuram are some of the salient features of the temples. Life-size statues of kings and queens are the finest examples of the art of sculptures.
Question 2.
List the achievements of Mahmud Gawan as Prime Minister of Bahamani kingdom.
The achievements of Mahmud Gawan are given below:
- He divided the kingdom into eight tarafs and put each of them under a Tarafdar.
- The salaries and parks were fixed for each noble. Salaries were paid in cash or in the form of jagir.
- Gawan built a great Madarsa or College in Bidar. The building was beautifully decorated with tiles. It could accomodate one thousand students and teachers.
Question 3.
What were the main achievements of Rana Kumbha of Mewar?
Rana Kumbha was a very brave general and an outstanding ruler of Mewar. His main achievements were—
- He had built 32 forts for the defence of Mewar.
- He constructed the magnificient Kirti Stambh to celebrate his victory over Malwa.
- He was a learned ruler. He was a linguist, author, architect and veena player of repute.
Question 4.
Describe the various achievements of Zainul Abidin, the ruler of Kashmir.
Zainul Abidin was the famous ruler of Kashmir. His achievements were –
- He was a liberal and far-sighted ruler.
- He adopted a policy of religious tolerance towards the Hindus.
- He banned the cow-slaughter, abolished Jazia tax on Hindus and gave higher position jobs to them.
- He got Mahabharata and Rajtarangini translated into Persian and Arabic. He got the classics of Persian and Arabic translated into Sanskrit.
- He introduced control on market and prices. He issued copper and silver coins.
- He encouraged many crafts like shawl and carpet weaving, stone cutting and polishing in order to develop the state economy and the provide employment to the people.
Question 5.
List the administrative reforms that brought glory to the Vijayanagar empire.
The administrative system of Vijaynagar rules can be described in the following terms:
- The king was the head of the state.
- He ruled with the help of a council which included eminent nobles appointed by him. The council could advise the king but the king was not bound to act upon it.
- The king was the chief of administration, army and judiciary.
- The revenue system was well- organised. Land revenue was the main source of state income along with custom duty, grazing tax, marriage tax, etc.
- The motto of Vijayanagar kings was ‘Protect the good and punish the wicked’.
Value-Based Question
Krishnadevaraya established friendly relations with the Portuguese, who set-up the Portuguese Dominion of India in Goa in 1510. He encouraged foreign trade with European traders (mainly the Portuguese) and collected revenue in the form of custom duties and taxes from them. The Emperor obtained guns and Arabian horses from the Portuguese merchants. He also utilised Portuguese expertise in improving water supply to Vijayanagar city.
- How did good relations with the Portuguese bring great prosperity to Vijayanagar?
- What are the advantages of having friendly relations with neighbours?
Do yourself with the help of Internet and other sources.
Map Skill
On an outline map of India, locate and label the following—
(a) Bahamani kingdom
(b) Vijayanagar empire
(c) Raichur Doab
(d) Calicut
(e) Jodhpur
(f) Bikaner
Something To Do
Question 1.
Prepare an administrative chart of the Vijayanagar rulers, the duties of the king and his officials.
Administrative chart of the Vijayanagar rulers (in brief):
The empire was divided into kottams and tehsils. The kottams were under the charge of prantpatis or governors. The tehsils comprised of a group of villages.
Duties of the king and his officials (in brief):
The king was the head of administration, army and judiciary. He looked after the people of the kingdom with great care. The officials could advise the king on various matters.
Question 2.
Collect the pictures of temples, forts, palaces and other buildings built by different regional heads. Note down important information about them.
Do yourself.
DAV Class 7 Social Science Chapter 14 Question Answer – Regional Powers
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
Question 1.
The empire established on the bank of the river Tungabhadra was
(a) Bahamani
(b) Vijayanagar
(c) Ahom
(d) Marwar
(b) Vijayanagar
Question 2.
Who belonged to Tuluv dynasty?
(a) Devaraya I
(b) Devaraya II
(c) Krishnadevaraya
(d) Harihar
(c) Krishnadevaraya
Question 3.
The rulers of Vijayanagar were mostly involved in battles with
(a) Bahamani kingdom
(b) Ahom kingdom
(c) Mewar kingdom
(d) Marwar kingdom
(a) Bahamani kingdom
Question 4.
The main religion of the people of the Vijayanagar kingdom was
(a) Jainism
(b) Buddhism
(c) Hinduism
(d) Vaishnavism
(d) Vaishnavism
Question 5.
“Protect the good and punish the wicked” was the motto of which of the following kingdoms?
(a) Vijayanagar
(b) Mewar
(c) Kashmir
(d) Bahamani
(c) Kashmir
Question 6.
Mahmud Gawan built a college in
(a) Berar
(b) Daulatabad
(c) Bidar
(d) Gulbarga
(c) Bidar
Question 7.
Who transferred his capital from Gulbarga to Bidar?
(a) Hasan Gangu
(b) Feroz Shah Bahamani
(c) Mahmud Gawan
(d) Ahmad Shah
(d) Ahmad Shah
Question 8.
Rana Sanga ruled Mewar during the
(a) 14th century
(b) 15th century
(c) 16th century
(d) 17th century
(b) 15th century
Question 9.
Rao Jodha was an important king of
(a) Mewar
(b) Marwar
(c) Ahom
(d) Kashmir
(b) Marwar
Question 10.
The famous fort of Mehrangarh is at
(a) Jodhpur
(b) Bikaner
(c) Mewar
(d) Marwar
(a) Jodhpur
B. Match the following:
1. Vijayanagar empire | (a) Jodhpur |
2. Bahamani kingdom | (b) Ashta Diggaj |
3. Rana Kumbha | (c) Mewar |
4. Rao Jodha | (d) Tarafs |
1. Vijayanagar empire | (d) Tarafs |
2. Bahamani kingdom | (b) Ashta Diggaj |
3. Rana Kumbha | (c) Mewar |
4. Rao Jodha | (a) Jodhpur |
C. Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Who were the founders of Vijayanagar kingdom?
The two brothers, Harihar and Bukka, were the founders of Vijayanagar kingdom.
Question 2.
Who was the last famous ruler of Vijayanagar empire? Which dynasty did he belong to?
Krishnadevaraya was the last famous ruler of Vijayanagar empire. He belonged to Tuluv dynasty.
Question 3.
Who were known as Ashta Diggaj?
Krishnadevaraya, the last famous ruler of Vijayanagar empire, had a group of 8 celebrated intellectuals known as Ashta Diggaj.
Question 4.
What was the main reason of the conflict between the rulers of Vijayanagar and Bahamani?
The main reason of the conflict between both the kingdoms was the domination on Raichur Doab. It was a very rich and fertile area.
Question 5.
Who was Tenali Ram?
Tenali Ram was the chief minister of Krishnadevaraya.
Question 6.
Who have written a lot in praise of the administration and flourishing trade of Vijayanagar?
Paes from Portugal, Abdur Razzaq from Persia and other foreign visitors have written a lot in praise of the administration and flourishing trade of Vijayanagar.
Question 7.
What did the terms ‘Kottam’ and ‘nadu’ mean during the Vijayanagar period?
The terms ‘Kottam’ and ‘nadu’ meant district and group of villages respectively.
Question 8.
Who was Sayana?
Sayana was a great scholar of Sanskrit who wrote commentaries on Vedas.
Question 9.
Name the two temples which were very famous in the Vijayanagar empire.
Vithalswami and Virupaksha.
Question 10.
What do you know about Hasan Gangu?
Hasan Gangu was an officer of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq. He assumed the title of Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah and established the Bahamani kingdom in 1347.
Question 11.
Who were the Ahoms?
The Ahoms originally belonged to the Mongolian tribes of Burma. They consolidated their kingdom in the eastern Brahmaputra valley, i.e. areas of north Bengal and Assam.
Question 12.
Name the most famous rulers of Mewar.
Rana Kumbha, Rana Sangram Singh and Maharana Pratap.
Question 13.
How did Maharana Pratap harass the Mughals?
Maharana Pratap and his followers withdrew to the hills of Mewar, from where they continued to harass the Mughals through guerrilla warfare.
Question 14.
Who founded the state of Marwar? When?
The Rathors of Rajputana founded the state of Marwar during the thirteenth century.
Question 15.
Who was Rao Bika? Name the city founded by him.
Rao Bika was Rao Jodha’s son. He founded the city of Bikaner.
Question 16.
Who established Muslim rule in Kashmir in the middle of fourteenth century?
Shah Mirza established Muslim rule in Kashmir in the middle of fourteenth century.
Question 17.
Who were the famous rulers of Kashmir?
Sikandar Shah and Zainul Abidin were the famous rulers of Kashmir.
Question 18.
How do the Kashmiris remember Zainul Abidin?
The Kashmiris remember Zainul Abidin as Badshah, the great king.
D. Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
‘Feroz Shah Bahamani was the most famous ruler of the Bahamani Kingdom’. Support the statement with relevant points.
Feroz Shah Bahamani ruled the Bahamani kingdom from 1397 CE to 1422 CE. The following points can be given in favour of the above statement –
- He was a very learned man.
- He was a good calligraphist. He composed verses in Arabic, Persian, Marathi, Telugu and Kannada.
- He wanted to make Deccan a cultural centre of India. Many learned men and scholars came there from different parts of India and abroad.
- He built an observatory in Daulatabad.
- Feroz Shah also gave enough space to Hindus in the administration.
Question 2.
Who was Rana Sangram Singh? Write in brief about him.
Rana Sangram Singh was popularly known as Rana Sanga. He was the grandson of Rana Kumbha. He wanted to build a vast Rajput empire but it remained only a dream. He was a great general who had won several battles. But unfortunately, he lost the battle of Khanwa against Bahur in 1527.
Question 3.
Briefly describe the social life of the people in the Vijayanagar Empire.
- The social life of Vijayanagar can be described in the following way:
- The society in the Vijayanagar Empire was based on the varna system. Brahmins were considered respectable people.
- Women were respected in the society. They were educated and well-versed in Sanskrit and local languages. They were also given training in dance and music.
- Polygamy was practised by the wealthy people but the common people had only one wife.
- Evils like Sati system and child marriage existed in the society.
Question 4.
List the administrative reforms that brought glory to the Vijaynagar empire.
- The king who was the head of the state, ruled with the help of a council which included eminent nobles appointed by him. The council had the right to advise the king.
- The revenue system was well organised.
- The wicked were not spared in the kingdom. At the same time, the good were given full protection.
E. Long Answer Type Question
Question 1.
Give an account of the Vijayanagar empire and its famous rulers.
- The Vijayanagar empire was established by the two brothers of Sangam namely Harihar and Bukka in 1336. It is now called Hampi. Both the brothers dominated the whole of Hoyasala territories with the assistance of their three brothers.
- Bukka succeeded his brother Harihar in 1356 CE and ruled upto 1377 CE. During this period, he expanded his hold further.
- This empire gave famous rulers like Devaraya I and Devaraya II. Krishnadevaraya was the last famous ruler of the empire. He belonged to Tuluv dynasty.
- Krishnadevaraya was a great general and an able administrator. His period is considered the best and the most prestigious period of Tuluv dynasty.
- The rulers of Vijayanagar were mostly involved in battles with Bahamani kingdom. They were stronger than Bahamani in military power. The main reason for the conflict was the domination on Raichur doab, which was a very rich and fertile area.
- Foreign travellers have written a lot in praise of the administration and flourishing trade of Vijayanagar.