DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 7 Notes – India – The Land of Monsoon Climate (Natural Vegetation and Wildlife)

These DAV Class 6 SST Notes and DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 7 Notes – India – The Land of Monsoon Climate (Natural Vegetation and Wildlife) hold significant importance as study material for students.

India – The Land of Monsoon Climate (Natural Vegetation and Wildlife) Class 6 DAV Notes

→ The climate of India is tropical monsoon type. Despite that it reflects the diversity at regional level. Its main reason is that India is a vast country extending from tropical zone to the temperate zone.

→ In South India, the climate is hot and humid. The coastal areas have moderate climate. The north India experiences extreme climate. The mountain regions are cold. The desert of Rajasthan is hot during the day time and cold during the nights. There is little rainfall here. On the other hand, the north-east states experience heavy rainfall between June to September.

→ There are four main seasons in India-the cold weather season (December to February), the hot weather season (March to May), the advancing monsoon (June to September) and the retreating monsoon (October to November).

→ India has a wide range of natural vegetation-tropical evergreen forests, tropical deciduous forests, thorny forests, tidal vegetation or mangroves and mountain vegetation.

DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 7 Notes - India - The Land of Monsoon Climate (Natural Vegetation and Wildlife)

→ The tropical evergreen forests grow in the regions of heavy rainfall. The tropical deciduous forests are the typical monsoon forests. They grow in the areas where the amount of rainfall is between 100 cm to 200 cm. The thorny forests grow in dry areas of the country. The mangrove forests are found in Sundarbans in West Bengal and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. They grow in swamps and marshes of salt and fresh waters.

→ Forests are useful for all living beings. They are natural habitat of wildlife. They help in maintaining an ecological balance as trees help in purifying the air. It is, therefore, necessary to conserve and protect the forest cover.

→ India is rich in having a large variety of wildlife. It includes mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and a variety of insects and worms. About 90,000 species have been identified in India. Gir forest of Gujarat is the home of Indian lions. The Royal Bengal Tiger is found in the Sundarban mangrove forest. Tiger is our national animal,

→ There are about 2000 species of birds found in India. The peacock is our national bird.

→ Many efforts are being made to protect and preserve the endangered species of wildlife. A number of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks have been set up all over India to preserve wildlife.

→ Wildlife : All the wild animals and birds found in the forests, national parks and sanctuaries.

→ Afforestation : Planting more and more trees.

DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 7 Notes - India - The Land of Monsoon Climate (Natural Vegetation and Wildlife)

→ Deforestation : Ruthless cutting of forests.

→ Humidity : Dampness of the atmosphere that indicates the amount of moisture in the air.

→ Monsoon : The rainy season.

→ Natural vegetation : Any vegetation which grows in a region according to the geographical and atmospheric conditions without human support.

→ Sultry weather : Hot and humid condition of the atmosphere.

→ Loo : The hot and dry winds blowing in the northern plains during summer season.