These DAV Class 6 SST Solutions and DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 21 Question Answer – The Indian Religions are thoughtfully prepared by experienced teachers.
DAV Class 6 SST Ch 21 Question Answer – Our Community Life: Unity in Diversity
DAV Public School Class 6 SST Chapter 21 Question Answer – Our Community Life: Unity in Diversity
Something to Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
Question 1.
The smallest unit of community life is
(a) A village
(b) A family
(c) A school
(d) A child.
(b) A family
Question 2.
It is very essential to keep the environment
(a) Light and bright.
(b) Clean and green.
(c) Diy and wet.
(d) Hot and cold.
(b) Clean and green.
Question 3.
Economic development has made villages and towns
(a) Close to each other.
(b) Distant from each other.
(c) Independent of each other.
(d) Rivals of each other.
(b) Distant from each other.
Question 4.
Which one of the following festivals is not a harvesting festival?
(a) Onam
(b) Baisakhi
(c) Diwali
(d) Pongal
(c) Diwali
Question 5.
The Directive Principles of State Policy are helpful in achieving our national goal like
(a) Secularism.
(b) Economic Justice.
(c) Population control.
(d) Education for all.
(b) Economic Justice.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Several families living close to one another form a ……………
2. Community life promotes a feeling of ……………
3. Depending on one another is called ……………
4. Education makes us good …………..
5. India is mainly a land of ……………
1. Neighbourhood
2. Oneness
3. Interdependence
4. Human being
5. Villages
C. Give a one-word answer to the following.
Question 1.
Name the first school of a child.
Question 2.
Name the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu.
Question 3.
What makes the fulfilment of our needs possible?
Question 4.
What forces the village!s to migrate to towns and cities?
Job opportunities
Question 5.
Which factor has diluted the impact of India’s economic progress?
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
Question 1.
What values does our family develop in us?
Our family develops in us values like discipline, dedication, honesty, patriotism, obedience, truthfulness, sacrifice and cooperation.
Question 2.
How does the school help us in our development?
School imparts education and trains us in the ait of community life In fact, it is education that makes us good human beings.
Question 3.
How did economic intei dependence begin in a community?
People woxk for one another in exchange of money. This is the basis of all economic activities and also the source of livelihood for the people. In this way, economic intei dependence begins in a community.
Question 4.
List any tour essential services commonly lequired by rural as well as urban communities.
Drinking water, electricity, hospitals, schools and colleges.
Question 5.
Name the main factors responsible for Green Revolution in India.
- Rural electrification
- Farm mechanisation
- High yield variety seeds
- New agricultural implements
- Fertilisers
- Finances
E. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
How did the ‘community life’ begin?
In our day-to-day life, we require the services of farmers, tailors, electricians, plumbers, shop keepers, teachers, doctors and many more specialists and skilled workers. The interdependence in every sphere of life promotes a feeling of togetherness, belongingness and social well-being. This paves the way for continuous development of community life.
Question 2.
How does the cultural exchange help in community development?
Man had a lot of spare time in the early stages of settled life. He used his spare time roaming, singing, playing, dancing, painting and other means of entertainment. The expression and feelings of the people living in different environments took the form of hobbies-art and craft, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, dance and literature.
These activities kept on changing with time and place. The food habits, dresses, dance forms, paintings, etc. varied from region to region. They were influenced by geographical and climatic conditions. The interaction among various communities influenced the customs, beliefs and traditions.
Question 3.
Distinguish between the rural and urban communities.
Rural Community: | Urban Community: |
1. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people living in rural areas | 1. In urban areas, people are engaged in many different occupations. |
2. The standard of living in rural areas is low. | 2. The standard of living in urban areas is high. |
3. The basic amenities like electricity, dispensaries and hospitals, schools and colleges are not available in rural areas. | 3. All these basic amenities are available in urban areas in abundance. |
4. Life in rural areas is hard. | 4. Life in urban areas is comparatively far better because job opportunities here have increased considerably due to industrialisation. |
Question 4.
Highlight the factors that make the city-life in India very difficult
With more and more people from rural areas, towns and cities have become over-populated and scarce in basic amenities. In spite of tremendous development in the field of transport, the roads are over crowded. Disposal of city waste, lack of proper sanitation and drainage, scarcity of clean drinking water, etc. are making city life difficult. Accommodation is also a big problem in cities.
Question 5.
State the provisions given in the Indian Constitution which aim at bringing equality.
There are many provisions in the Constitution which aim at bringing social, economic and political equality. Untouchability is abolished and declared a punishable offence. Fundamental Rights, like the Right to Freedom, the Right to Equality, the Right against Exploitation, etc. have been incorporated in the Constitution.
The people are free to choose the kind of work they want to do and government jobs are open to all. Similarly, the Directive Principles of State Policy are guidelines to the government at different levels to plan and act upon. These Directive Principles have gone a long way in achieving the national goals of economic justice.
Value-Based Question
Anurag is a student of DAV Public School, Dhanbad, Bihar. One day, he found his best friend Shivam crying because his father was in the hospital and needed blood urgently. After school, Anurag went with Shivam and donated blood. When he reached home and told everything to his parents, they scolded him for what he had done. Similarly, the Directive Principles of State Policy are guidelines to the government at different levels to plan and act upon. These Directive Principles have gone a long way in achieving the national goals of economic justice.
Question 1.
How far do you agree with Anurag’s parents?
No, we do not agree with Anurag’s parents because by donating blood, Anurag saved a life. His parents should understand the fact that we all are children of the same God and we should help each other in times of need.
Question 2.
What will you do if you get a chance to donate blood in such a situation and why?
We will readily donate blood, because this kind of act fosters the spirit of brotherhood and develops communal harmony. It helps to develop strong ties among individuals. We must be cooperative to the needy.
Map Skill
On an outline political map of India, locate and label the following:
(a) Any two North Indian states where Green Revolution took place.
(b) The state where Pongal is celebrated.
(c) The state to which Bihu dance is associated with.
(d) The state is known for the Onam festival.
(a) Punjab, Haryana
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Assam
(c) Kerala
Something to Do
Question 1.
Make a list of problems caused by overpopulation. Hold a group discussion in the class to find out solutions to these problems.
Do yourself.
Question 2.
List ten ways in which your family helps you. In return, what can you do for your family?
Do yourself.
Question 3.
Cite examples of unity in diversity in your day-to-day life.
Do yourself.
Question 4.
Hold an exhibition in the school where the stalls should represent different states of India showing food, dresses, dance forms and varieties of natural vegetation and wildlife.
Do yourself.
DAV Class 6 Social Science Chapter 21 Question Answer – Our Community Life: Unity in Diversity
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
Question 1.
Division of labour makes our life easy as it
(a) increases production
(b) lowers the cost of production
(c) leads to specialisation
(d) all of them
(d) all of them
Question 2.
Onam is a festival of harvest and is celebrated in
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Assam
(c) Kerala
(d) Gujarat
(c) Kerala
Question 3.
Rajasthan is associated with
(a) Bihu
(b) Ghoomer
(c) Garba Nritya
(d) Baisakhi
(b) Ghoomer
Question 4.
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a
(a) social reformer
(b) religious reformer
(c) freedom fighter
(d) educationist
(a) social reformer
Question 5.
Blue Revolution is related to
(a) foodgrains
(b) fishery
(c) oil seeds
(d) milk
(b) fishery
B. Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What does the community in which we live comprise?
The community in which we live comprises the family, the school and the neighbourhood.
Question 2.
Why is living together good? Give one reason.
Living together helps in solving various kinds of problems by mutual give and take policy.
Question 3.
How does the family help us? Give two points.
It is here that the child observes, imitates and learns various skills like walking, talking and interacting with others.
Question 4.
Why is a friendly neighbourhood essential?
A friendly neighbourhood helps us to develop strong ties among the individuals.
Question 5.
How did the concept of division of labour emerge?
When man started leading a settled life, different people started doing different jobs. Their dependence on one another gave rise to the concept of division of labour.
Question 6.
What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?
The Directive Principles of State Policy are guidelines to the government at different levels to plan and act upon. These Directive Principles have gone a long way in achieving the national goals of economic and social justice.
Question 7.
What is Green Revolution related to?
Green Revolution is related to food grains.
Question 8.
What is White Revolution related to?
White Revolution is related to milk.
Question 9.
Why do people from rural areas come and settle in cities?
The people from rural areas come and settle in cities because cities provide them with better job opportunities.
Question 10.
What is the main side effect of the migration of rural people to urban areas?
Urban areas have become overpopulated.
Question 11.
What are the things that make city life difficult?
In spite of tremendous development in the field of transport, the roads are overcrowded. Disposal of city wastes, lack of proper sanitation and drainage, scarcity of clean drinking water, etc. are the things that make city life difficult.
Question 12.
What causes unrest and social tension?
The increasing economic and social inequalities cause unrest and social tension.
C. Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Mention three functions of the family.
- The family meets our needs and helps us to adapt ourselves according to our surroundings.
- It is here that a child observes, imitates and learns various skills like walking, talking and interacting with others.
- It is here that civic values like discipline, dedication, honesty, patriotism, truthfulness, cooperation, etc are inculcated in the child. These values help him/her in the development of his/her personality.
Question 2.
We have many duties towards our family. Mention them.
We owe a lot to our family. Our duties towards our family are given below:
- We ought to respect and obey our parents and elders.
- We must be cooperative, helpful and loyal to the family.
- We should take a keen interest in our studies and carry on other responsibilities.
Question 3.
How is school an integral part of our community life?
School is an integral part of our community life in the following ways:
- It imparts not only education but also trains us in the art of community living.
- The education that we get in a school makes us good human beings, capable of making positive contribution for the betterment of the community.
Question 4.
Explain the examples that India’s unity in diversity is a unique feature.
India’s unity in diversity is the very unique feature that has always been our source of strength.
- The harvest festivals are celebrated all over the country at the time of reaping and gathering of crops.
The happiness of farmers is expressed through festivals like Baisakhi in Punjab, Onam in Kerela and Pongal in Tamil Nadu. - Garba Nritya of Gujarat, Bihu dance of Assam, and Ghoomer of Rajasthan vividly reflect the culture and tradition of the communities of these regions.
Question 5.
Give three reasons for the increasing social and economic inequalities in rural and urban areas.
Social and economic inequalities are increasing in rural and urban areas. There are various reasons of it:
- In our day-to-day life, we find that the poor and the downtrodden are being exploited and ill-treated by the rich.
- The followers of one religion look down upon others.
- The menfolk are exploiting women.
Question 6.
Who was Swami Dayanand Saraswati? Mention his contributions towards eliminating inequalities and social evils.
Swami Dayanand Saraswati was a great social reformer. He travelled widely across the country. His main mission was to enlighten the people, arouse the spirit of nationalism and bring awareness about equality and dignity of awareness. He was totally against the caste system. He considered this system the root cause of social inequality and discrimination. According to him, all are born equal. So, there should be no discrimination on any basis. He strongly advocated the cause of education for all, especially for the upliftment of women and the downtrodden
Question 7.
Why is India not able to develop with a fast pace?
- The rapid rise in population has diluted the positive impact of progress.
- The evil of illiteracy is prevalent in both rural and urban areas.
- Many villages still face the problems of inequality, ignorance, rural indebtedness, unemployment and bonded labour.
- The economic and social inequalities are increasing which cause unrest and social tension.
- Gender bias still exists and is widespread in India.
Long Answer Type Question
Question 1.
Give an account of the progress that can be seen in our villages after independence. Also mention the problems that mar the positive impact of this progress.
- After independence, India has made tremendous progress in the field of agriculture, industry and power generation. Most of the villages are now linked to the cities by roads or railways.
- The use of electricity has revolutionised the rural life. Television, radio, telephone and different types of home appliances are common in rural areas.
- New agricultural implements, fertilisers and finances are easily available. These have helped the farmers to usher Green Revolution in the country. It has changed the lifestyle of rural population.
- The construction of dams, bridges, schools and community centres have improved the standard of living of the people in rural areas.
But there are certain problems which mar the positive impact of this progress –
- Our ever-increasing population poses a serious problem.
- Many of our villages are still underdeveloped, unhygienic and without even the basic amenities of life.
- The villagers also face the prob-lems of inequality, illiteracy, ignorance, moral indebtedness, unemployment and bonded labour.