These DAV Class 6 SST Notes and DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 10 Notes – Development of Civilisation hold significant importance as study material for students.
Development of Civilisation Class 6 DAV Notes
→ Early man kept improving himself. He became a food producer from a food-gatherer. These changes gave the birth of civilisation.
→ The early civilisations flourished on the banks of the rivers because of the need of water, fertile soil and clay to make bricks for building houses.
→ The study of civilisations enriches our knowledge. The ancient civilisations of Bronze Age developed in river valleys.
→ The Indus Valley Civilisation also known as Harappan Culture, is the oldest and the largest ancient urban civilisation. The remains of this civilisation were found in Mohen-jo-daro, Chan- hu-daro, Rupar, Lothal and many other places on the banks of river Indus and its tributaries in India before partition.
→ The excavation work at Harappa has brought several points in light- the cities were well- planned and divided into two parts. The raised part was called citadel and the lower part was called the lower town.
→ A huge Great Bath has been round at Mohen-jo-daro in the middle of a citadel. It had a well- planned system or water supply and drainage.
→ The lower town meant for small merchants, craftsmen and labourers. Here, the houses were built on either side of the street, with baked bricks, stones and wood.
→ The citadel had large structuies of granaries to store surplus grain.
→ There was a highly efficient drainage system to drain the dirty water out of the city. The drains were made of rnortar, lime arid cement.
→ The people of Indus Valley Civilisation practised farming, weaving, pottery, toy-making, metal work and trading. They tamed animals like oxen, buffaloes, goats, sheep, pigs and camels. Pottery was also a popular industry.
→ The people of Indus Valley were also expert in making terracotta toys and sculptures of animals. Seals and pots with wonderful designs were also made. Many bronze tools and statues have been found which indicate the mastery of the artisans in bronze casting.
→ Boats were also made which helped in a flourishing internal and external trade. The people used weights arid measures of state and stones.
→ The people worshipped natu«e in the form of animals, birds and trees. They also worshipped human deities that included Shiva or Pashupati and Mother Goddess. They believed in life after death.
→ The script of Indus Valley Civilisation was known as pictography which consisted of pictures and signs.
→ The people led a comfortable life with enough lesiure time. They played chess like game. They made beautiful toys for children.
→ The men dressed in a long cloth tied like a dhoti and the women wore a long lehnga with a
shawl. Their clothes were mostly made of cotton. They were fond of ornaments like necklaces, rings and bangles.
→ No one knows how this great civilisation came to an end after continuing for over a thousand years.
→ Civilisation : The stage of human development when a lot of progress took place in the fields of art, science, social, political and economic institutions.
→ Bronze : A type of metal which is a mixture of tin and copper.
→ Citadel : The raised part of the city.
→ Lower town : The lower part of the city.
→ Pictography : A script consisted of pictures and signs.
→ Drainage system : An intervention to control water logging.
→ Granary : A storeroom/house for grains.