DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 Bharat Desh

Exploring different literary analyses in DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 Bharat Desh enhances critical thinking.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Chapter 7 Question Answer – Bharat Desh

Pre-Reading Task

Work with your friends, list the names of any five national heroes and the reason for their fame.
DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 Bharat Desh 1

Names of National heroes Reason for fame
1. Mahatma Gandhi helped India in attaining Independence
2. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar worked for the downtrodden people
3. Sarojini Naidu worked hard for the upliftment of women
4. Vishwanathan Anand made India world champion in chess
5. Sachin Tendulkar made India proud in cricket

I. Understanding the Poem

A. Now read the gist of the poem given below. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases:
Through the poem Bharat Desh. the speaker wants us to ___________ off our fears and _________________ and set up _______________ for the students. He wants us to produce tools, ________________ and paper. He advises us not to be _________ or _________________and try to be ___________. He wants his countrymen to know more about ________ and _______________ Following all this, our country shall rise high and prosper.
Through the poem Bharat Desh, the speaker wants us to shake off our fears and poverty and set up schools for the students. He wants us to produce tools, weapons and paper. He advises us not to be lazy or weary and try to be aenerons. He wants his countrymen to know more about science, scriptures and oceAnswer:Following all this our country shall rise high and prosper.

B. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, match the following phrases appropriately (as done in the example):
DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 Bharat Desh 2

shake off fears and poverty
stroll on snow-clad silvery heights
sail across the high seas
set up sacred temples
thump our shoulders
make tools and weapons
produce paper
open factories and schools
never be lazy or weary
ever be generous
speak the truth
learn scriptures and sciences
explore heavens and oceans
unravel mysteries of moon

DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 Bharat Desh

C. Read the following extracts:
(a) We shall set up schools
all sacred temples

(b) We shall set up schools
all as sacred as temples.
In extract (a) the comparison between schools and temples is not direct but implied. This implied comparison is called a metaphor.
In extract (b) the schools are being compared to temples directly. This direct comparison between two things is called a simile.
For self-study.

D. Given below are a few examples of metaphor. Complete these by filling in the blanks with appropriate words from the box given below. One has been done for you as an example.
monkey, lion, cheetah, rabbit

Question 1.
The baby has a soft skin. Her rabbit skin fascinated me.
The baby has a soft skin. Her rabbit skin fascinated me.

Question 2.
Ravi is the bravest soldier in the army. He is a ___________amongst others.
Ravi is the bravest soldier in the army. He is a lion amongst others.

Question 3.
Shiv is a very swift child. He is the ________ of his class.
Shiv is a very swift child. He is the cheetah of his class.

Question 4.
Chintu imitates his elder brother. His brother gets irritated by this little ________
Chintu imitates his elder brother. His brother gets irritated by this little monkeu.


What should be our priority — our personal growth or our motherland’s growth? Why?
Our first and foremost priority is growth of our motherland. For this, we have to make our country self-sufficient in everything — paper, food grains, tools, weapons, oil, etc. We also have to ensure that each and every citizen of this country is educated. Only then we can achieve satisfaction and personal happiness.

III. Life Skills

Some children of your class often speak about going abroad for further studies and their plans to settle there. You strongly feel that one should stay in one’s own country. How will you help them see your point of view?
I will try to convince them that after completing our studies, it is foolish to go to other countries to work. Our own government spends so much money on our education. We should try to work towards betterment of our country. Doctors, teachers are needed badly in the villages. We should work for the upliftment of the poor and needy. This will also give us personal satisfaction.

B. Why is it important to learn scriptures as well as sciences? Discuss with your partner.
Scriptures tell us about our religions. They teach us about moral values. They are the backbone of our society.
Science teaches us about universe and new discoveries and inventions. Its study helps us to move ahead with times, to make our life better.

IV. Values

The poem ‘Bharat Desh’ highlights certain important values, which the citizens of a country need to embed in themselves to make their country progress. Can you shortlist them?
The value which every citizen of India needs is:

  • Truthful
  • To be a diligent worker
  • Never to be lazy
  • To strive towards perfection
  • To be self-sufficient
  • To read scriptures as well as sciences
  • To help eradicate fear and poverty.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 Bharat Desh

V. Writing Skills

Write a short paragraph: ‘I am proud to be an Indian.’
I am proud to be an Indian
India is my motherland. I am proud to say that I am an Indian citizen. My country is known for its rich and diverse culture. On one side there are lofty mountains and on the other side lies deep blue ocean. On one side we have deserts and on the other side north-eastern states famous for their natural beauty. My country is constantly striving towards perfection and attaining self-sufficiency. We are already exporting wheat and rice. Our scientists, engineers, doctors are working all over the world and have got fame and recognition for their hard work, zeal and dedication. Its food is famous all over the world. I love my India very much.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Chapter 7 Solutions – Bharat Desh

I. Reference to context:

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
Our ships shall sail across the high seas.
We shall set up schools—all sacred temples for us, and proudly thump our shoulders and utter the name of this land of ours, Bharat.
(i) Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
(ii) Why should we set up schools?
(iii) What do you mean by ‘thumping our shoulders’?
(i) The name of the poem is ‘Bharat Desk’ by Subramania Bharati.
(ii) We should set up schools to remove illiteracy from our land.
(iii) ‘Thumping our shoulders’ means feeling proud on our nation.

Question 2.
We shall be ever generous.
We shall always speak the truth.
With the name of Bharat Desh on our lips let us shake off our fears and poverty.
(i) Why should we ever be generous?
(ii) What should be our principle in life?
(iii) How can we challenge poverty?
(i) We should ever be generous to help those who are poor and downtrodden.
(ii) Our principle should be to speak the truth.
(iii) We can challenge poverty by promoting industries and spreading literacy among

II. Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.
What does the poet suggest to the Indians?
The poet suggests to the Indians that they should serve their motherland by spreading literacy and challenging all the social evils. They should come out of the fear so that they would use their own ideas to promote their motherland.

Question 2.
Why does the poet mention about the tools and weapons?.
The poet wants that our nation should have its own scientists who can make tools and weapons for improving the nation’s economy and also protecting from enemy’s attack.

Question 3.
What should scientists learn?
The scientists must learn new techniques to develop their country. If the country develops, its economy will be strengthened and people will naturally develop.

Question 4.
What is the theme of the poem ‘Bharat Desh’?
The theme of the poem is based on patriotism. The poet dreams of India without any fear, full of literacy and independent in every field so that its head will remain high for ever. The natives should do it by improving themselves. So development of every individual is essential for the growth of the nation.

Question 5.
List five things that you would like to do for your country. Compare your list with your partner’s.

  1. I would like to eradicate poverty.
  2. I would like to start new schools for the people of remote villages.
  3. I would like to teach everyone how to keep the environment clean.
  4. I would like to abolish the practice of child labour.
  5. I would like to promote girl education in rural areas.

Bharat Desh Summary in English

This is a patriotic poem. The poet, Subramania Bharati, says that with the name of our revered country Bharat on our lips, we will be able to shake off our fears and poverty. The poet also says that we should overcome our sorrows and enemies and strive to reach the snow clad silvery heights of the Himalayas.
The ships of Bharat will soon be sailing across all high seas. We shall set up new school where the children will study and become enlightened citizens. These schools will be like sacred temples for us. When we achieve all this, only then we will be able to thump our back and say with pride that this is my Bharat — my motherland. That day is not far when we will be able to eradicate fear and poverty from our motherland.
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Then, the poet says that we should strive to be self-sufficient so that we don’t have to depend on other countries for things like pa¬per, tools and weapons. We should also not forget virtues like generosity, truthfulness, etc. We should not be lazy but continue to strive towards perfection.
With the sacred name of our motherland on our lips we shall be able to explore oceans and heavens. We shall learn scriptures because they are treasure house of knowledge. We shall reach moon and stars, but we should not forget streets which have to be sweeped clean every day. We will achieve all this so that we can utter the name of our country with pride.

DAV Class 6 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 7 Bharat Desh

Bharat Desh Summary in Hindi

यह राष्ट्रप्रेम से युक्त कविता है । कवि सुब्रमनी भारती कहते हैं कि हमारे श्रद्धेय भारत देशा का नाम जेसे हमारे होठों पर आता है वैसे ही डर और गरीबी भाग जाती है । कवि यह भी कहता है कि हमें अपने डर और दुश्मनों को पीछे छोड़ उनसे आगे आना चाहिए और बर्फ के श्वेत परिधान पहने ऊँचे हिमालय तक पहुँचने का कठिन परिश्रम करना चाहिए ।
भारत देश के जहाज़ शीघ्र ही बड़े समुद्रों को पार कर लेंगे । अर्थात् भारतवासी शीघ्र कठिनाइयों को पीछे छोड़ आगे निकल जाएँगे। हम शीघ्र ही उस नए विद्यालय में होंगे, जहाँ बच्चे अध्ययन कर प्रबुद्ध नागरिक बनेंगे। ये विद्यालय हमारे लिए पवित्र मंदिर के समान होंगे। जब हम यह सब प्राप्त कर लेंगे तब हम अपने भूत को अँगूठा दिखाकर कहेंगे कि ये है मेरा भारत – मेरी मातृभूमि | वह दिन दूर नहीं जब हम अपनी मातृभूमि से डर, गरीबी और लाचारी को जड़ से उखाड़ फेकने के योग्य होंगे।
फिर कवि कहते हैं कि हमें कठिन परिश्रम द्वारा स्वयं को पूर्ण बनाना चाहिए, जिससे कि हमें कागज़, औजार और हथियार के लिए दूसरे देशों पर निर्भर न होना पड़े। हमें आलसी नहीं होना चाहिए, बल्कि स्वयं को पूर्ण बनाने के लिए हमेशा कठिन परिश्रम करना चाहिए।
हमे अपने होठों पर अपनी पवित्र मातृभूमि का नाम लेकर महासागरों और स्वर्गों की खोज करेंगे। हम अपने धर्मग्रंथों का अध्ययन करेंगे, क्योंकि वे अमूल्य ज्ञान के भंडार हैं। हम चाँद और सितारों तक पहुँचेगे, लेकिन उन रास्तों को नहीं भूलेंगे जिनको प्रत्येक दिन दाग धब्बे हटाकर साफ़ किया है। हम वह सब हासिल करेंगे जिससे हमारे देशा का नाम रौशन हो अर्थात गर्व और सम्मान के साथ हमारे देश का नाम लिया जाए। वह सब शीघ्र ही हमारी मुट्ठी में होगा ।

  • Sacred – holy- पवित्र;
  • Scriptures – books of religious importance – धर्मग्रन्थ;
  • Unravel – to discover – खोज करना;
  • Poverty – state of being poor – गरीबी;
  • Weary – tired – थका हुआ।