Incorporating DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 5 Go-Green!!! into study routines can lead to better overall language proficiency.
My English Reader Class 5 DAV Solutions Unit 5 Go-Green!!!
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 5 Go-Green!!!
Are you an eco-friendly child? Let us play this quiz to find out. Tick (✓) your choices.
Question 1.
How do you come to school?
(a) on foot.
(b) by public transport.
(c) by school transport.
(d) chauffeur driven car.
(a) on foot.
Question 2.
How long do you stay in a shower?
(a) no shower, bucket bath.
(b) come out in less than 5 minutes.
(c) take about 10 minutes.
(d) don’t time myself.
(b) come out in less than 5 minutes.
Question 3.
Do you turn off lights, TV and computer when you leave a room?
(a) always.
(b) most of the time.
(c) sometimes.
(d) never bother.
(a) always.
Question 4.
When you go for shopping, what do you do?
(a) carry your own jute/cloth bag.
(b) ask for a bio-degradable bag.
(c) ask for a paper bag.
(d) insist on a plastic bag.
(a) carry your own jute/cloth bag.
Question 5.
What do you do with your used things?
(a) give them for recycling.
(b) give them to needy people.
(c) exchange them for some articles.
(d) throw them away.
(b) give them to needy people.
Choice (a), you get a score of 4.
Choice (b), you get a score of 3.
Choice (c), you get a score of 2.
Choice (d), you get a score of 1.
Now add up your score.
19 – 20 Excellent! You are a green kid. Keep up the good work.
13 – 18 Good! You are heading in the right direction!
10 – 12 You need to do little more for Mother Earth.
less than 7 Think before you act! Be an aware citizen.
A.1. Encircle the words which you think are damaging our environment and making the quality of our life poorer each day.
toxic waste, plastic, vehicular emission, rubbish, electronic/electric gadgets, depleting forests.
A2. Now here is a sweet little penguin called ‘Pingoo’ telling you how misdeeds of men are affecting every living being on Earth.
It’s Getting Hotter!!! [Textbook Pages 110 – 113]
Summary of the Story
The little penguin is upset to see the ways in which men are ignoring the environment. Carbon dioxide is an important gas because it keeps the planet warm. Without it we would freeze. But too much of it is dangerous. People are using oil, gas and coal in cars, aeroplanes, power stations and so on. This produces carbon dioxide which gets mixed with oxygen that we all breathe and so adds to our greenhouse gas problem. This way the planet gets warmed a little more.
Due to the excess of carbon dioxide the ice of the poles is melting fast. The Arctic sea ice is getting less every year and the frozen continent of Antarctica is losing ice too. This leaves bad effects on marine life. But for people, it will be much worse. Low-lying areas will be flooded. Cities like London, New Orleans and Bangkok will also get flooded. People will go hungry. The really sad thing will be that the poor people will suffer the most.
As the climate warms up, the weather will get more violent and unpredictable. As a result, hurricanes will become more powerful. However, lots of people have started studying the climate around the world. They agreed several years ago that climate change was really happening. As a result, all countries in the world came together in a big conference at Kyoto in Japan. They made lots of promises but unfortunately they are not carrying them out. Sea levels are rising. Glaciers on other mountains of the world are melting very fast. The climate change has made animals, lives tough. They are losing their habitats and dying.
But everyone is not responsible for what is happening all around us. Mostly it’s people in rich countries who are causing global warming.
Summary in Hindi
छोटा पेंग्यून ( एक समुद्री पक्षी) बहुत दुखी है क्योंकि लोग पर्यावरण के बारे में जरा भी सोचते नहीं है। कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड एक महत्वपूर्ण गैस है क्योंकि यह हमारे प्लैनेट को गर्म रखता है। बिना इसके हम सभी जम जाएंगे। लेकिन इसकी अधिकता बहुत ही खतरनाक है। लोग कारों, हवाई जहाजों आदि में तेल, गैस और कोयला का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। इससे कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड गैस उत्पन्न होता है जो उस ऑक्सीजन में मिल जाता है जिसे हम साँस लेते हैं और इस तरह ग्रीनहाउस गैस जैसी समस्या को बढ़ाता है। इस प्रकार हमारा प्लैनेट कुछ ज्यादा ही गर्म हो जाता है।
कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड की अधिकता से ध्रुवों के पास के बर्फ पिघलने लगे हैं। आर्कटिक समुद्र का बर्फ प्रत्येक साल कम होता जा रहा है। जमे हुए अंटार्कटिका महादेश का बर्फ भी खत्म होने लगा है। इसका बहुत बुरा प्रभाव समुद्री जीव-जंतुओं पर पड़ता है लेकिन लोगों के लिए इसका प्रभाव कुछ ज्यादा ही खतरनाक साबित होगा। निम्नस्तरीय क्षेत्रों में बाढ़ का खतरा बढ़ जाएगा। लंदन, न्यू आर्लिन्स और बैंकाक जैसे शहर भी बाढ़ ग्रस्त हो जाएंगे। लोग भुखमरी के शिकार हो जाएंगे। सबसे दुखद बात तो यह होगी कि इसमें गरीब लोगों को सबसे ज्यादा कष्ट उठाना पड़ेगा।
जलवायु जैसे-जैसे गर्म होगी, मौसम का रुख और भी उग्र होता जाएगा और उसके बारे में पूर्वानुमान लगाना भी मुश्किल हो जाएगा। परिणामस्वरूप तूफान बहुत ज्यादा शक्तिशाली हो जाएंगे। फिर भी बहुत से लोगों ने दुनिया की जलवायु का अध्ययन करना आरंभ किया है। बहुत साल पहले ही वे सभी इस बात पर सहमत हो गए कि जलवायु बदल रही है। इसके परिणामस्वरूप दुनिया के सभी देश जापान के क्योटो में हुए एक बड़े सम्मेलन में एकत्रित हुए और बहुत सारे वादे भी किए।
लेकिन दुर्भाग्यवश वादे पूरा करने में वे आगे नहीं आ रहे हैं। समुद्री सतह ऊपर उठ रहे हैं। पहाड़ों पर ग्लेशियर पिघल रहे हैं। जलवायु परिवर्तन ने जानवरों का जीवन दूभर कर दिया है। वे अपने निवास स्थान खोने लगे हैं और मरने लगे हैं। लेकिन इसके लिए प्रत्येक आदमी को जिम्मेदार नहीं ठहराया जा सकता है। ज्यादातर अमीर देशों के लोग भूमंडलीय तापन बढ़ाने में सहयोग कर रहे हैं।
Word – Meanings:
Misdeed = a wrongful act – गलत काम
Greenhouse = a glass building for rearing plants – पौधघर
Trap = catch hold back – फंसाना, रोक के रखना,
Component = one of the parts of which a thing is composed – घटक, अंग,
Depleting = vanishing – लुप्त होता हुआ,
Marine = of the sea – समुद्र का,
Global = worldwide – भूमंडलीय
Impact = effect असर, प्रभाव,
Unfair = unjust – अन्यायपूर्ण,
Violet = fierce – उग्र प्रबल,
Unpredictable = that cannot be predicted – जिसका अनुमान नहीं लगाया जा सकता
Conference = meeting सभा,
Evidence = Anything that gives reason for believing somthing – प्रमाण,
speedily = fast, rapidly – तीव्र गति से
Guzzle = consume – खपत करना,
Habitat = living place – निवास स्थान
Tough = very hard – बहुत मुश्किल काम,
Survival = surviving, continuing to live or exist – जीवन, अस्तित्व ।
A.3. Tick (✓) the correct option to complete the given statements.
(i) The plants inside a greenhouse—
(a) remain warm because of glass.
(b) are damaged because of carbon dioxide.
(c) grow more quickly.
(a) remain warm because of glass.
(ii) The ice at the poles is melting because—
(a) is too hot at the poles.
(b) the number of penguins is less there.
(c) of the greenhouse effect.
(c) of the greenhouse effect.
(iii) Hurricanes are likely to turn—
(a) less frequent in number.
(b) unpredictable and violent.
(c) slower.
(b) unpredictable and violent.
(iv) The first big conference to fight climate change was held in—
(a) Japan.
(b) the United States of America.
(c) India.
(a) Japan.
(v) Global warming affects—
(a) poor people the most.
(b) rich people the most.
(c) no one in particular.
(a) poor people the most.
A.4. Find out from the text.
(i) the gas that keeps the earth warm. ___________
Carbon dioxide
(ii) the place that will become drier due to greenhouse effect. ___________
The Great Plains of America
(iii) these are melting in the Arctic and the Antarctica. ___________
(iv) energy-hungry lifestyle consumes it in large amounts. ___________
Fossil fuels
(v) it will overflow and enter the land. ___________
Ice that melts.
A.5. Answer the following questions very briefly.
(i) What will cause the water in the oceans to overflow?
All the ice that melts due to greenhouse effect will start to fill up the oceans and make them overflow onto land.
(ii) Why was a conference held at Kyoto? Was it fruitful?
All countries in the world came together in a conference at Kyoto in Japan to try and agree what to do about climate change. They made several promises but are not carrying them out.
(iii) What are the reasons for global warming?
Burning of fossil fuels, increasing use of cars and planes, heating or air-conditioning homes etc. are some of the reasons for global warming.
(iv) Why do you think the poor will suffer the most due to climate change?
The poor will suffer the most due to climate change because they can’t afford to travel all over the places in cars and planes. They don’t have heating or air-conditioning in their homes or eat fancy food.
A.6. Find words from the text which are similar in meaning to the following:
(i) effect (para 2) ___________
(ii) very strong and sudden (para 3) ___________
(iii) meeting (para 4) ___________
(iv) to consume quickly and in large amout (para 6) ___________
(v) living place of animals or plants (para 7) ___________
(vi) struggle (para 8) ___________
A.7. Life Skills
What can children do to fight climate change? Hold a discussion in the class. Make a list of the steps/measures suggested by your class fellows.
- Switch off electric appliances when not in use.
- Use public transport as far as possible.
- Minimise the burning of fossil fuels.
- Plant more and more trees.
- Use water cautiously.
A.8. Value Based Question
One of your neighbours wastes a lot of electricity and often lets his water tank overflow. What would you do to convince him to stop this wastage?
I would politely tell him not to do so simply because wastage of anything is bad. If he/she is not convinced, I would try to make him/her aware of the real situation that why it is important to save energy and water. These resources should be used cautiously in order to save both the present and future generations.
A.9. Imagine you are Pingoo, the Penguin. Express your happiness at the positive steps taken by the children and adult alike to fight climate change.
Do it yourself.
B.1. Look at the slogans given on the Textbook page 126.
These kinds of slogans are seen everywhere nowadays. What do they indicate? Discuss in groups of four. Then write a paragraph in about 40 words on the given topic—Our Environment.
Our Environment:
Environment is our basic life support system. We get everything from it, be it the air that we breathe or the water that we drink or the land where we live. Hence, it is important to save it from being degrading. Unfortunately, people are seen least bothered about it.
They think more about their comfort and less about the conservation of the environment. They are modifying and at times even destroying their natural surroundings. We must be careful and use natural resources cautiously. We should not cut trees. Instead we should plant more and more trees to make our earth a greener place.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
How carbon dioxide is useful for us? What does excess of this gas mean?
Carbon dioxide is a useful gas, no doubt. It keeps our planet warm. Without it, we would freeze. But its excess is very harmful. It adds to our greenhouse gas problem. It causes global warming and makes the weather more violent and unpredictable.
Question 2.
How will the impact of global warming be much worse for people?
All the ice that melts due to global warming will start to fill up the oceans and make them overflow onto land. And the water itself will take up more space and will overflow even more onto the land. It may be fine for marine life but it is not at all good for people and other land animals. The low-lying areas will be flooded displacing people from there. Cities like London, New Orleans and Bangkok will also get flooded. People will go hungry.
Question 3.
How will climate change affect our life?
The weather will become more violent and unpredictable. Hurricanes will become more powerful which is a big worry for the people living in the South of the US and the tropical Pacific or Indian Ocean areas. Deserts are increasing and places like the Great Plains of America will get drier. Rain will be heavier in other parts of the world causing floods there. Our life will be greatly disturbed due to these reasons.
Question 4.
What are the consequences of the melting of ice-sheets in both the Arctic and the Antarctic regions?
Sea levels are rising. Temperatures are rising, especially in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Glaciers on other mountains of the world are melting very fast, especially in the Himalayas.
B.2. Now read a request of a child in the form of a poem. He wants everyone to plant a seed and take care of it the way trees take care of human beings.
Plant a Seed [Textbook Page 117]
Summary of the Poem
Here the poet requests us to plant a seed and take care of it the way trees take care of human beings. The poet says that the little plant withstands different climatic conditions and slowly and steadily grows into a big tree one day. Its roots grow deep and we feel nice in its shade. It stands strong for many years and gives us many valuable things. But one day it grows old and die leaving behind seeds which again sprout into trees.
Planting seeds is important because trees are important for us. In their absence our life would cease to exist. Hence, we should take a good care of the plants and trees around us.
Summary in Hindi
यहाँ कवि हमसे अनुरोध करता है कि हम बीज लगाएँ और उसकी ठीक उसी प्रकार देखभाल करें जिस प्रकार पेड़ हमारी देखभाल करते हैं। कवि कहता है कि छोटा पौधा भिन्न-भिन्न जलवायु में खड़ा रहता और धीरे-धीरे एक दिन एक बड़े पेड़ का रूप धारण कर लेता है। इसकी जड़ें धरती में काफी नीचे तक चली जाती हैं और हम उसकी छाया में आनंद का अनुभव करते हैं। यह मजबूती से सालों साल खड़ा रहता है और हमें बहुत-सी बहुमूल्य चीजें देता रहता है। लेकिन एक दिन यह बूढ़ा हो जाता हैं और मर जाता है। लेकिन अपने पीछे बीज छोड़ जाता हैं जो पुनः एक दिन बड़ा पेड़ बन जाता है।
बीज बोना बहुत जरूरी है क्योंकि पेड़ हमारे लिए बहुत जरूरी हैं। पेड़ों के अभाव में हमारा अस्तित्व ही खत्म हो जाएगा। अतः आवश्यक है कि हम पेड़ों की अच्छी तरह देखभाल करें और धरती को हरा-भरा बनाए रखें।
Word – Meanings:
Withstand = endure – सहन करना,
Watch = see – देखना,
Sprout = begin to grow – अंकुरित होना,
Wither = droop – मुरझाना,
Ground = the solid surface of the earth – सतह,
Spread = expand – फैलाना
By and by = slowly and steadily – धीरे-धीरे,
Shades = colours – रंग।
B.3. Some incomplete sentences are given below. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, tick (✓) the correct options to complete them.
(i) When a seed is planted in the ground—
(a) it grows wings.
(b) it becomes a seedling.
(c) it flies away.
(a) it grows wings.
(ii) The little plant—
(a) grows in a snowy area.
(b) grows in a hot region,
(c) withstands different climatic conditions
(c) withstands different climatic conditions
(iii) Each dying tree leaves behind—
(a) seeds.
(b) dry roots.
(c) dry leaves.
(a) seeds.
(iv) The message of the poem is that—
(a) trees leave seeds.
(b) seeds grow into trees.
(c) one should plant seeds.
(c) one should plant seeds.
B.4. Complete the life cycle of a seed.
B.5. Match the phrases given in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
Column – A | Column – B |
(i) withstand the heat and snow | (a) breathe life into a seed |
(ii) sprout into a tree | (b) serve mankind |
(iii) fulfil their life | (c) leaves see many long deed seasons |
(iv) spread its wings | (d) produce new leaves of life and branches |
(v) leaves turn | (e) boldly face the hot many shades and cold weather |
Column – A | Column – B |
(i) withstand the heat and snow | (e) boldly face the hot many shades and cold weather |
(ii) sprout into a tree | (d) produce new leaves of life and branches |
(iii) fulfil their life | (b) serve mankind |
(iv) spread its wings | (a) breathe life into a seed |
(v) leaves turn | (c) leaves see many long deed seasons |
B.6. What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘wings of life?’ Why has it been used to describe the growing tree?
The phrase ‘wings of life’ means the growth and development. It is used to show slow and steady growth of a plant into a big tree (like the growth of bird).
B.7. Answer the following questions briefly.
(i) Why does the poet want everyone to plant a seed?
The poet wants so because trees are very important for us. We can’t exist without them.
(ii) How are trees important to us?
Trees are important to us because they give us many valuable things, such as cool shade, fruits, timber, medicines, etc. Trees gives us oxygen that we breathe.
(iii) What will happen if there are no trees on earth?
The earth will turn into a barren land. Our own life would cease to exist.
B.8. Hold a discussion with the fellow students, write a story titled—‘A Day without Trees’ for your school magazine. You can take help from the clues given or use your own ideas.
- no trees on the road
- scorching heat but no shades
- no parks, no lawns in neighbourhood/ school
- birds sitting on electric cables
- missing green colour from the environment
A day without trees is a day of our doom. In absence of trees on the roads, there would be scorching heat all around. We would be unable to enjoy the cool shade of the trees. There would be no parks and no lawns in our neighbourhood and school. Birds would be seen sitting on electric cables. We would miss greenery in our surroundings.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
How is planting seeds beneficial for us?
The more we plant seeds, the more trees will be there to support our life. No one deny the fact that we cannot live without trees. We get so many valuable things from them. Trees purify air which is very important for a healthy life. They bring rain and turns the earth into a green place.
Question 2.
What happens to the tree one day? What does it leave behind?
One day the tree grows old, withers and dies. But each dying tree leaves behind seeds which again sprout into trees in due course to support our life.
Question 3.
What message does the poem ‘Plant a Seed’convey?
The poem ‘Plant a Seed’ conveys an important message to its readers. It tells us to grow more and more trees because trees are highly valuable for us. We cannot imagine life without them. The more we spread greenery on the earth, the more prosperous we will be.
B.9. You have gone through some slogans in B.1. Create some more slogans on trees and environment and make a poster using anyone of them. Put up the poster on the class notice board.
Do it yourself.
C.1. A ‘Conservationist’ is a person who protects the environment and the threatened species. You don’t have to be an adult to be a conservationist. Even children can make a significant contribution to slow down the climate change and help people as well as animals all over the world.
Think and do accordingly.
C.2. Now read this story of Neha and Sachin, who decided to act instead of just watching and complaining.
The Green Act [Textbook Pages 120 – 123]
Summary of the Story
Sachin and Neha had come from a small hill-station to visit the Nicobar Islands. They were very excited because they had been looking at the pictures of the Islands. Soon they were standing on the beach. They could not control themselves and ran straight towards the vast expanse of blue water. But all their excitements vanished when their eyes fell on the surroundings of the beach. It had turned into a fdthy place. They could see cans, plastic bottles, eatables being thrown here and there. Neha got highly disappointed to see the trash being tossed to and fro by the waves. Being extremely sensitive children Neha and Sachin decided to do something about the surroundings.
They made a plan and went out in the evening for shopping. They bought many big, red dustbins and placed them on the beach. They also planted bright green painted placards near the vendors, requesting people to keep the beach clean. Neha and Sachin started picking up the throw-away bottles, cans, food wrappers and other things from the beach. This encouraged hotel staff and other tourists. They joined the children in their cleaning mission. Very soon the beach turned into a clean place.
Neha and Sachin were not satisfied with this only. After coming back home, they chalked out plans to make a green club. They sent e-mail to their friends about their achievement and requested them to join their club on facebook.
Summary in Hindi
सचिन और नेहा एक छोटे-से पहाड़ी जगह से निकोबार द्वीपसमूह घूमने आए थे। वे बड़े उत्साहित थे क्योंकि वे द्वीपसमूहों के चित्रों को देख रहे थे। बहुत जल्दी वे समुद्र तट पर खड़े थे। वे अपने आप को रोक नहीं पाए और नीले पानी की ओर दौड़ पड़े। लेकिन उनका सारा उत्साह गायब हो गया जब उनकी नजर तट के आसपास के वातावरण पर पड़ीं। तट एक बहुत गंदी जगह में तब्दील हो चुका था। चारों तरफ प्लास्टिक के बोतल, खाद्य पदार्थ आदि दिख रहे थे। नेहा बहुत निराश हो गई जब उसने कूड़ा-कचरा को लहरों के साथ उछलते देखा। बहुत संवेदनशील बच्चे होने के कारण नेहा और सचिन ने समुद्री तट के परिवेश को स्वच्छ बनाने के लिए कुछ करने को सोचा।
उन्होंने एक योजना बनाई और शाम के समय बाजार की ओर चल पड़े। उन्होंने लाल रंग के कई बड़े-बड़े कूड़ादान खरीदा और उन्हें समुद्री किनारे पर कुछ-कुछ दूरी पर रख दिया। उन्होंने दुकानों के पास चमकीले हरे रंग का इश्तहार भी लटका दिया जिसमें लोगों से तट की साफ-सुथरा बनाए रखने का अनुरोध किया गया था। नेहा और सचिन तट पर से कचरे उठाने शुरू कर दिए। उन्हें ऐसा करते देखकर होटल के कर्मचारी और पर्यटक भी उत्साहित हो गए और उनके सफाई अभियान में शामिल हो गए। देखते-देखते समुद्री तट एक साफ-सुथरा स्थान में
बदल गया।
नेहा और सचिन इतने मात्र से संतुष्ट नहीं थे। घर लौटकर उन्होंने एक ग्रीन क्लब बनाने की योजना बना ली। उन्होंने अपने सभी दोस्तों के पास ई-मेल भेजकर उन्हें अपनी उपलब्धियों के बारे में बताया और उनसे अनुरोध किया कि वे फेसबुक पर उनके क्लब में शामिल हों।
Word – Meanings:
Conservationist = a person who protects the environment- पर्यावरण संरक्षक,
Adult = grown up – वयस्क,
Significant = important – महत्वपूर्ण,
Contain = keep रखना,
Vacation = holiday – छुट्टी,
Anxiously = eagerly – उत्सुकतापूर्वक
Trailed = walked tiredly – थके हुए से चलना,
Filthy = dirty – गंदा,
Trash = filthy place – गंदी जगह,
Marine life = sea animals – समुद्री जीव-जंतु,
Enthusiastic = excited – उत्साहित
Placard = a poster or similar notice – इश्तहार, विज्ञापन
Mission = a task – अभियान
Sash = a strip of cloth worn round the waist or over one shoulder – पेटी, कमरबंद
Overjoyed = very happy – बहुत खुश ।
C.3. Tick (✓) the correct option to complete the given statements.
(i) Sachin and Neha had come from—
(a) Nicobar Islands.
(b) a small town.
(c) a hill station.
(c) a hill station.
(ii) They were excited because they had been looking at—
(a) the pictures of the Islands.
(b) the seashore.
(c) the trash scattered at the beach.
(a) the pictures of the Islands.
(iii) After looking at the surroundings of the beach, they were—
(a) extremely happy.
(b) disappointed
(c) not bothered at all.
(b) disappointed
(iv) The children had their dinner in the room because—
(a) they were working on their plan.
(b) they were very tired.
(c) they were disappointed with the surroundings.
(c) they were disappointed with the surroundings.
(v) Red, big dustbins could be seen—
(a) inside the hotel.
(b) near the vendors.
(c) everywhere at the beach.
(c) everywhere at the beach.
(vi) Neha and Sachin chalked out plans to make a green club—
(a) in their colony.
(b) in the school.
(c) on the internet.
(c) on the internet.
C.4. Complete the given statements briefly.
(i) The children were disappointed ___________ on the beach.
The children were disappointed to see cans, plastic bottles, eatables being thrown on the beach.
(ii) Once in the sea-water, Neha and Sachin ___________
Once in the sea-water, Neha and Sachin saw the trash being tossed to and fro by the waves.
(iii) The mother ___________ when she saw a cleaner beach.
The mother was proud when she saw a cleaner beach.
(iv) The hotel-manager also ___________
The hotel-manager also shared their plan and joined their cleaning mission.
(v) The children planned to ___________
The children planned to make a green club on facebook.
C.5. Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow.
(i) ‘What a filthy place!’
(a) Who said this and to whom?
Neha said this to her brother, Sachin.
(b) Which place did the speaker call filthy and why?
The beach of Nicobar Islands has turned into a filthy place because people have thrown there cans, plastic bottles and eatables.
(ii) ‘I’d also like to wear a sash to be a member of your green bridge.’
(a) Who said these words?
Neha and Sachin’s father said these words.
(b) Whose green brigade is mentioned here?
Neha and Sachin’s green brigade is mentioned here.
(c) What did the green brigade do?
It encouraged tourists to extend their hands in keeping the beach clean.
C.6. Answer the following questions briefly.
(i) Where did Neha and Sachin live? What was their plan for vacation?
They lived at a small hill station. They had a plan to visit the Nicobar Islands during the vacation.
(ii) Why were they disappointed at the sight of the beach?
The beach had turned into a filthy place due to cans, plastic bottles, eatables, that people had thrown there.
(iii) Did Neha and Sachin enjoy in the sea-water? How do you know?
No. They didn’t enjoy in the sea-water. They got disappointed to see the trash being tossed to and fro by the waves.
(iv) What made the parents of Neha ans Sachin feel proud?
It was due to Neha and Sachin’s efforts that the beach could turn into a clean place. This made their parents feel proud.
C.7. Life Skills
Are your class fellows indifferent to the cleanliness of the school surroundings or do they make an effort to keep it clean?
(i) Share your observations/experience with your partner.
(ii) Also discuss the steps that can be taken up to inculcate a sense of cleanliness among the students.
Do it yourself.
C.8. Value Based Question
From the box pick up the phrases that you associate with Sachin and Neha. Give reasons for your choice.
We can associate all the given phrases with Neha and Sachin. Both the children have enough courage to initiate a venture. They got disappointed to see filthy surroundings of the beach and decide to act instead of just watching and complaining without wasting a minute. They go to the market and buy big dustbins. They place these dustbins on the beach to encourage tourists and hotel staffs to throws waste materials into them. Thus, they accepted it as their moral responsibility and do what elders never thought. They also prove that if we have willingness to do something, we can do it.
C.9. Look at the words in the box. They suggest how we can react to certain situations. Depending on the situations that follow, write the reaction of the involved characters.
(i) When the children successfully completed their mission. ___________
(ii) When they saw the littered beach. ___________
(iii) When the children’s parents saw the difference they had brought about on the beach. ___________
(iv) When the tourists were presented with sashes to wear over their shoulders. ___________
(v) When Sachin told Neha about his plan. ___________
C.10. Pick out at least three words from the bin that convey the same meaning as given in the box. Write these words against the box.
trash : garbage, litter, waste
filthy : dirty, unclean, grimy
requested : begged, appealed, pleaded
mission : project, task, assignment
suggested : advised, recommended, proposed
C.11. Imagine yourself to be Neha/Sachin. Write an e-mail to one of your friends telling him/her about your experience at the beach and your happiness at the success of the mission. Also share your plans of making a green club and invite him/her to join it.
From—neha@yahoo .com
Subject—Want to share experience at the beach of Nicobar Islands and happiness at the success of the cleaning mission.
Attach files
Dear Amrita
Only yesterday evening I returned from my visit to Nicobar Islands. I had gone there with my parents and brother, Sachin to enjoy our vacation. I and Sachin were very excited about this trip. But as soon as we reached the beach, all our excitement disappeared. The beach had turned into a filthy place. Things like cans, plastic bottles. eatables. etc. were thrown here and there. We decided to do something about the surroundings. We went to the market and bought many big, red dustbins and placed them on the beach. We also planted bright green painted placards near the vendors, requesting people to keep the beach clean. Not only this, we picked up all the throw-away bottles, cans, etc. from the beach. Our initiative encouraged hotel staff and tourists. They joined our cleaning mission and very soon the beach turned into a lovely place.
We want to make a green club and would like to invite you to join it.
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C.12. As the class-prefect, design a small colourful poster informing the students about the Do’s and Don’ts for keeping the classroom clean. Put it up on the class notice board.
Do it yourself.
C.13. You have just read a story of two children who are concerned about nature. There are man more ways or suggestions which can help us become green heroes and protect nature.
Listen to the audio CD, titled Listen & Comprehend (Class-V). After listening, answer the questions verbally. Thereafter, do the exercise given below. The tape script is also given on Textbook page no. 130.
There is an error in each sentence below. Listen to the tape script and correct the mistake after underLining it.
(i) Switch on the TV, computers, fans, lights. etc., when you leave a room.
Switch off the TV, computers, fans, lights, etc. when you leave a room.
(ii) Indoor games will help saving electricity at home.
Outdoor games will help saving electricity at home.
(iii) Follow 3 Rs of Reduce, Reuse, Rewrite.
Follow 3 Rs of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
(iv) Throw-away paper plates are good for the environment.
Throw-away paper plates are bad for the environment.
(v) Public transport and car pools are good for short distances.
Public transport and car pools are good for long distances.
(vi) Carry a paper bag for shopping.
Carry a cloth bag for shopping.
(vii) Adopt a dog in the neighbourhood.
Adopt a tree in the neighbourhood.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
Why were Neha and Sachin excited?
They were excited because they were going to visit the Nicobar Islands. They would enjoy a bath in the sea water and a lot of fun.
Question 2.
What did the children see on the beach?
They found that the beach had turned into a filthy place. Things like cans, plastic bottles, eatables, etc. were thrown everywhere on the beach. They also saw a trash being tossed to and fro by the waves.
Question 3.
What did Neha see when she looked around the beach?
She saw people enjoying themselves. They were least bothered by the dirty surroundings. She also saw some tourists as well as the local people adding to the already littered place.
Question 4.
Why did Neha and Sachin go to the market?
They went to the market to buy some dustbins to place them on the beach.
Question 5.
How can you say that their cleaning mission was successful?
Seeing two small children busy in cleaning the beach, the hotel-staff and the tourists got inspired. They came forward and joined the children’s cleaning mission. Their joint effort did miracle. The beach turned into a clean place.
D.1. Read it yourself.
Read this article about a man who loves to grow trees.
Love for Trees [Textbook Pages 129 – 130]
Summary of the Story
Mataprasad Tiwari loves trees like his own children. Nineteen years ago, he decided to grow trees around his two acre plot of land. Today he has 30,000 trees to his name. He plans to grow 1,00,000 trees before he dies. His love for trees to such an extent is rare. Away from his family he lives in a hut in the orchard and leads a very simple life. He has planted 1,050 fruit trees in his orchard. His orchard has medicinal trees and herbs also.
The orchard suggests positive solutions to tackle environment related issues. Mataprasad waters his plants near the roots to minimise wastage of water. He is a great advocate of organic farm. Organic farming is healthy as well as low-cost. His orchard is a practical guide for water management/ harvesting, soil conservation and low-cost farming.
Summary in Hindi
माताप्रसाद तिवारी पेड़-पौधों को अपने बच्चे की तरह प्यार करते हैं। उन्नीस साल पहले उन्होंने अपने दो एकड़ भूमि पर वृक्ष उगाने का निर्णय किया। वर्तमान समय में उनके नाम के तीस हजार वृक्ष हैं। मरने से पहले एक लाख वृक्ष लगाने की उनकी योजना है। वृक्षों से इस तरह का प्यार अद्भुत है। अपने परिवार से दूर वे एक झोपड़ी में रहते हैं और साधारण जीवन व्यतीत करते हैं। वे फल के कुल एक हजार पचास वृक्ष लगा चुके हैं। उनके फलोद्यान में औषधीय वृक्ष और जड़ी-बूटियाँ भी हैं।
फलोद्यान पर्यावरण से संबंधित समस्याओं का मुकाबला करने के लिए सकारात्मक उपाय बताता है। माताप्रसाद अपने पौधों की जड़ों में पानी डालते हैं ताकि पानी बर्बाद न हो। वे कार्बनिक खेती की वकालत करते हैं। कार्बनिक खेती स्वास्थ्य परक होने के साथ-साथ कम खर्चीला भी है। उनका फलोद्यान जल प्रबंधन, मिट्टी संरक्षण और खर्चीली खेती के लिए व्यावहारिक मार्गदर्शन प्रस्तुत करता है।
Word – Meanings:
Efforts = attempts – प्रयास, कोशिश,
Orcharda = garden of fruit trees – फलों की बाड़ी, फलोद्यान
Zoological = related to birds and animals/living beings – प्राणिवैज्ञानिक,
Generated = produced – पैदा किया
Cheerful = happy – खुश