DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer – Birds: Beaks and Claws

The DAV Class 4 Science Book Solutions and DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer – Birds: Beaks and Claws are essential study tools for DAV public school students in Class 4.

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer – Birds: Beaks and Claws

DAV Class 4 Science Ch 5 Question Answer – Birds: Beaks and Claws

Something To Know

A. Fill in the blanks.

Question 1.
Birds do not have ______ to eat food.

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Question 2.
Sunbird ______  nectar from flowers.

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds: Beaks and Claws

Question 3.
A duck has ______ and broad beak.

Question 4.
A penguin uses its webbed feet to ______

Question 5.
______ and jacana are wading birds.

B. Match the following:

Column A Column B
1. Sunbird (a) Sifting beak
2. Eagle (b) Sticky beak
3. Parrot (c) Chiselling beak
4. Duck (d) Probing beak
5. Swallow (e) Curved beak
6. Woodpecker (f) Crushing beak
7. Pigeon (g) Piercing and tearing beak


Column A Column B
1. Sunbird d (a) Sifting beak
2. Eagle g (b) Sticky beak
3. Parrot e (c) Chiselling beak
4. Duck a (d) Probing beak
5. Swallow b (e) Curved beak
6. Woodpecker c (f) Crushing beak
7. Pigeon f (g) Piercing and tearing beak

C. Tick (✓) the correct option.

1. A sparrow uses its short and hard beak for
(a) sucking nectar from flowers
(b) sifting food from mud
(c) catching flies while flying
(d) crushing the grains
(d) crushing the grains

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds: Beaks and Claws

2. A hoopoe takes out insects and worms from the holes in the ground with the help of its
(a) strong, short and straight beak
(b) long and slender beak
(c) broad beak that has holes on the sides
(d) curved and hard beak
(b) long and slender beak

3. A bird, that does not have strong and sharp claws, is the
(a) eagle
(b) duck
(c) vulture
(d) hawk
(b) duck

4. Birds, that have two toes pointing upwards and two downwards, are known as
(a) scratching birds
(b) wading birds
(c) climbing birds
(d) perching birds
(c) climbing birds

5. It is a perching bird
(a) sparrow
(b) jacana
(c) hen
(d) duck
(a) sparrow

D. Answer the following Questions in brief.

Question 1.
What do birds use for preening their feathers?

Question 2.
How is crushing beak helpful to a pigeon?
A pigeon crushes grains to make them soft. Then it becomes easy to digest the grains. Thus crushing beak is helpful to a pigeon.

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds: Beaks and Claws

Question 3.
What are claws?
The long curved nails present on the feet are called claws.

Question 4.
Name three birds of prey.
Eagle, vulture and hawk

Question 5.
What prevents the body of crane and jacana from sinking in water?
The long legs and wide spreading toes prevent the body of crane and jacana from sinking in water.

E. Answer the following Questions.

Question 1.
Write two main uses of a beak of a bird.
Two main uses of beak are:
(a) Catching food
(b) Preening

Question 2.
How are claws helpful to a bird?
Birds use claws for walking, climbing, scratching and for picking the food.

Question 3.
How does a swallow catch its food?
The beak of swallow is sticky from inside. Thus, it is able to catch flies while flying.

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds: Beaks and Claws

Question 4.
How do webbed feet help a duck to swim?
Webbed feet are used as oars. Thus, webbed feet help a duck to swim.

Question 5.
What type of feet do the scratching birds have?
Scratching birds have strong feet with three toes in front and one at the back. Each toe has a sharp claw to scratch the ground in search of seeds and insects. Example: hen.

Value Based Questions.

Question 1.
What kind of good habits does Neha have?
Neha does not like to spoil the environment. She does not throw trash all around. She wants to keep the surroundings clean.

Question 2.
Why is it important for all of us to keep our environment clean?
A filthy environment looks ugly. It also attracts germs which cause diseases. So, it is important to keep our environment clean.

Question 3.
How do vultures help in cleaning the environment? What kind of beaks do these birds have?
Vultures eat away dead animals. Thus, they help in cleaning the environment. Vultures have piercing and tearing beaks.

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Solutions – Birds: Beaks and Claws

I. Multiple Choice Questions.

1. Which of the following birds has crushing beak?
(a) Sparrow
(b) Woodpecker
(c) Parrot
(d) Humming birds
(a) Sparrow

2. Which of the following birds has curved beak?
(a) Pigeon
(b) Parrot
(c) Sunbird
(d) Duck
(b) Parrot

3. Which of the following birds has chiselling beak?
(a) Hoopoe
(b) Eagle
(c) Woodpecker
(d) Swallow
(c) Woodpecker

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds: Beaks and Claws

4. Which bird filters mud to get food?
(a) Crane
(b) Duck
(c) Jacana
(d) Crow
(b) Duck

5. Which bird has strong claws to hold its prey while flying?
(a) Eagle
(b) Sparrow
(c) Swallow
(d) pigeon
(a) Eagle.

II. Fill in the blanks:

Question 1.
A bird uses wax from its body for ______

Question 2.
Birds of ______ kill other animals for food.

Question 3.
______ birds have long feet and spread out claws.

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds: Beaks and Claws

Question 4.
A ______ catches fly while flying.

Question 5.
Ducks have ______ feet for swimming.

III. Write True or False for the following:

1. All birds are capable of flying.
2. Some birds eat other birds as well.
3. A wading bird lives near water.
4. Parrot shows the example of scratching bird.
5. Woodpecker is a climbing bird.
1. All birds are capable of flying. (True)
2. Some birds eat other birds as well. (True)
3. A wading bird lives near water. (False)
4. Parrot shows the example of scratching bird. (False)
5. Woodpecker is a climbing bird. (True)

IV. Match the following:
DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds Beaks and Claws 1
DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds Beaks and Claws 2

V. Answer the following Questions in one word:

Question 1.
Which type of beak is used for crushing seeds and grains?
Crushing beak

Question 2.
Which type of beak is found in parrot?
Curved beak

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds: Beaks and Claws

Question 3.
Which type of beak is found in woodpecker?
Chiselling beak

Question 4.
Which type of beak is found in ducks?
Sifting beak

Question 5.
Which type of feet does swimming birds have?
Webbed feet

Question 6.
Give an example of scratching bird.

VI. Answer the following Questions in brief:

Question 1.
What is the difference between the beaks of sparrow and swallow?
Beaks of sparrow are short and hard, while beaks of swallow are small and broad. Moreover, beak of swallow is sticky from inside.

Question 2.
What is the difference between beaks of woodpecker and hoopoe?
Woodpecker has chiselling beak, while hoopoe has probing beak. Chiselling beak is strong and long, while probing beak is long and slender.

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Question Answer - Birds: Beaks and Claws

Question 3.
Explain the feet and claws of wading birds.
The wading birds have long legs and widely spreadout toes. These help them to walk in shallow water or mud.

Question 4.
Explain the feet and claws of climbing birds.
These birds have two toes pointing upwards and two downwards. These birds can cling to the trees to catch the insects and hold the fruits.

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 5 Notes – Birds: Beaks and Claws

→ Features of Birds:

  • Birds have wings and most of them can fly.
  • They have light hollow bones and strong muscles.
  • They have two feet and a beak.
  • Their feet have claws.

→ Beaks: Birds do not have teeth. They use their beaks to tear, bite, chisel or crush the food.

→ Types of Beaks

  • Crushing beak: Some birds have short and hard beaks. They use it for crushing seeds and grains to make them soft before eating. Examples: sparrow and pigeon.
  • Curved beak: Some birds have curved and strong beaks. They use it for cracking nuts and fruits. Examples: parrot and toucan.
  • Piercing and tearing beak: Some birds have strong, hard and curved beak. They use it for tearing the flesh. Examples: eagle and vulture.
  • Chiselling beak: Some birds have strong, long and straight beak. They use it to peck at the wood and eat insects present in the wood. Example: woodpecker.
  • Probing beak: Some birds have long and slender beak. The sunbird sucks nectar from flowers. Hoopoe takes out insects and worms from the holes in the ground with its beak.
  • Sifting beak: Some birds have flat and broad beak with small holes on both sides. This bird digs up food along with mud from the base of the pond or lake. Water and mud are filtered through the holes leaving the food behind. Examples: Ducks and swan.
  • Sticky beak: Some birds have small and broad beak. The beak is sticky from inside. Due to this, such birds can catch flies while flying. Example: swallow.

→ Feet and Claws: Feet and claws of birds are shaped to suit their perching and food habits. The long nails present on feet are called claws.

→ Types of feet and claws:

  • Birds of Prey: A bird which kills other animals for eating is called the ‘Bird of prey’. Such birds have strong and sharp claws to firmly hold the prey while flying. Examples: eagle, vulture and hawk.
  • Perching birds: Some birds have long and slender claws with three toes in the front and one at the back. They use them to firmly hold a branch or a wire. Example: sparrow.
  • Swimming birds: Some birds have webbed feet for swimming. Examples: ducks and penguins.
  • Wading birds: Some birds have long legs and wide spreading toes. It helps them to walk in shallow water or mud. Examples: crane and jacana.
  • Scratching birds: Some birds have strong feet with three toes in front and one at the back. Each toe has a sharp claw to scratch the ground in search of seeds and insects. Example: hen.
  • Climbing birds: Some birds have two toes pointing upwards and two downwards. They can climb to the trees to catch the insects and hold the fruits. Examples: parrot and woodpecker.