The DAV Class 3 Science Book Solutions and DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 8 Question Answer – Food are essential study tools for DAV public school students in Class 3.
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 8 Question Answer – Food
DAV Class 3 Science Ch 8 Question Answer – Food
Something To Know
A. Fill in the blanks.
Question 1.
We like munching _______ in winters.
Question 2.
Mint gives _______ to our food.
Question 3.
_______ is a green vegetable.
Question 4.
Potato is an _______ stem.
Question 5.
Carrot is a _______ it can be eaten raw.
B. Match the following:
Column A | Column B |
1. Carrot | (a) Seed |
2. Almond | (b) Leaf |
3. Ginger | (c) Root |
4. Coriander | (d) Fruit |
5. Melon | (e) Stem |
Column A | Column B | |
1. Carrot | c | (a) Seed |
2. Almond | a | (b) Leaf |
3. Ginger | e | (c) Root |
4. Coriander | b | (d) Fruit |
5. Melon | d | (e) Stem |
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. We eat the seeds of
(a) Mint
(b) Radish
(c) Rice
(d) Potato.
(c) Rice
2. It is a fruit which is cooked and eaten as vegetable.
(a) Orange
(b) Brinjal
(c) Watermelon
(d) Grapes.
(b) Brinjal
3. It is the age at which babies can start eating semi-solid foods.
(a) 1 month
(b) 1 year
(c) 9 months
(d) 6 months.
(d) 6 months
4. The type and amount of food consumed and needed, by different persons depends upon their
(a) Age only
(b) Gender only
(c) Physical activity only
(d) Age, gender and physical activity.
(d) Age, gender and physical activity.
D. Answer the following Questions in brief.
Question 1.
Name the two sources of our food.
Plants and animals.
Question 2.
Name the parts of plants which are used as food.
Parts of the plant which are used as food are; root, stem, leaves and fruits.
Question 3.
How do we obtain wheat flour?
The grains of wheat are ground to make flour.
Question 4.
Name any two roots which are eaten as food.
Carrot and radish.
Question 5.
Why do we need to eat nuts?
Nuts give us lots of energy. So, we need to eat nuts to get energy.
E. Answer the following Questions.
Question 1.
Why are milk and milk products, regarded as ‘good food’ for one and all?
Milk is a very good source of nutrients for one and all. So, milk and milk products are regarded as ‘good food’ for one and all.
Question 2.
Why are green vegetables and fruits important for us?
Green vegetables and fruits protect us from diseases. Hence, they are important for us.
Question 3.
What kind of food is preferred by old people?
Old people prefer food which can be easily digested.
Value Based Questions
Question 1.
State the values displayed by the three girls.
The three girls showed the value of sharing.
Question 2.
What will you do if one of your classmates forgets to bring the lunch?
If one of my classmates forgets to bring the lunch, I will share my lunch with him/her.
Question 3.
Discuss, with your friends, any situation where ‘sharing’ made you, and the other person, happy.
One day, my mother made my favourite dish and packed it in my lunchbox. I was very happy when I opened the lunchbox during break. I shared the dish with some of my friends. All of them liked the dish. I too felt happy.
Question 4.
Name a few things which you can share with your friends.
Lunch, water, pencil, pen, sharpener, eraser, etc.
Fill in the blanks (from Page 58)
Help Box: cheese, grains, curd, almonds, non-vegetarian, live, grow, peanuts
Question 1.
We eat food to_______ and _______
live, grow
Question 2.
Flour is obtained from _______ of wheat plant.
Question 3.
_______ and _______ are used as dry fruits in winters.
almonds, peanuts
Question 4.
_______ and _______ are two milk products.
cheese, curd
Question 5.
Chintoo likes to eat fish. He is a _______
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 8 Solutions – Food
I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. Flour is usually made from which of the following?
(a) Wheat
(b) Maize
(c) Rice.
(a) Wheat
2. Which part of the plant is used for making pulses?
(a) Root
(b) Seeds
(c) Fruits.
(b) Seeds
3. Potato comes from which part of the plant?
(a) Root
(b) Fruit
(c) Stem.
(c) Stem.
4. Carrot comes from which part of the plant?
(a) Root
(b) Fruit
(c) Stem.
(a) Root
5. Which of the following can be eaten raw and can be cooked also?
(a) Brinjal
(b) Tomato
(c) Potato.
(b) Tomato
6. Which of the following is a poultry product?
(a) Curd
(b) Cheese
(c) Eggs.
(c) Eggs.
7. Which of the following is an example of dry fruits?
(a) Almond
(b) Cocount
(c) Apple.
(a) Almond
II. Fill in The Blanks:
Question 1.
Sooji is obtained from the seeds of _______.
Question 2.
Seeds of pulses are _______ to make dal.
Question 3.
Mint leaves are used for _______ and flavouring a food.
Question 4.
Walnut is an example of _______ fruit.
Question 5.
Ginger is an example of _______with food stored in it.
III. Write True/False:
1. Suji (rawa) is made from the seeds of rice.
2. Onion is an example of dry fruit.
3. Dal is made from seeds of pulses.
4. Potato is an underground stem.
5. Plants can fulfill the nutritional needs of all the people.
1. Suji (rawa) is made from the seeds of rice. (False)
2. Onion is an example of dry fruit. (False)
3. Dal is made from seeds of pulses. (True)
4. Potato is an underground stem. (True)
5. Plants can fulfill the nutritional needs of all the people. (False)
IV. Very Short answer Questions
Answer the following in one word:
Question 1.
This plant is the main source of flour for us. Name this plant.
Question 2.
Seeds of this plant are boiled and this plant makes our staple diet. Name this plant.
Question 3.
Which great discovery helped the man to learn cooking?
Discovery of fire.
Question 4.
Potato, onion and ginger come from which part of plant?
Question 5.
CaiTot and radish come from which part of plant?
V. Short Answer Questions
Question 1.
How is dal prepared from pulses?
Seeds of pulses are first boiled in water. Then spices are added to the boiled pulses to make dal.
Question 2.
What is the importance of food for us?
Food is a basic necessity of life. We need food to live and survive.
Question 3.
Why should you wash carrot before eating?
Carrot may have dirt and germs on it. We need to wash it to remove dirt and germs. After washing properly, carrot is safe to eat.
Question 4.
Which factors decide eating habit of people?
Two factors decide eating habit of people.
(a) Availability of particular food items.
(b) Climate of the place.
VI. Picture Based Question
Question 1.
Look at the given picture. Circle the healthy food and cross the junk food:
Do it yourself.
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 8 Notes – Food
→ Food: Food is one of the basic necessities of life. We eat food to live and survive.
→ Food from Plants:
- Flour is obtained from grinding the seeds of wheat. Flour is also made from grains of maize, gram, rice, etc.
- Rice and pulses come from grains.
- Nuts are generally eaten raw. They can provide a lot of energy. Examples: peanuts, walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds, etc.
- Leaves of spinach, fenugreek (methi), cabbage and mustard are cooked for eating. Leaves of coriander, mint and curry plant are used for garnishing and flavouring the food.
- Potato, onion, ginger and kamal kakri are examples of edible stem.
- Carrot, beetroot and radish are examples of roots with food stored in them.
- Many fruits are eaten raw; such as mango, banana, orange, apple, etc. Many other fruits are cooked before we eat them; such as brinjal, okra, tomato, etc.
→ Food from Animals:
- We use milk and various dairy products as food. Curd, cheese, ghee and butter are examples of dairy products.
- Dairy products: Items which are made from milk are called dairy products.
- Eggs are obtained from hens, goose and duck.
- Meat is obtained from goat, chicken and from fish.
→ Food Needs:
- Different people need different types and amounts of food. The amount of food depends on age, occupation, physical activity and gender of a person.
→ Food and Age:
- Till about four months of age, small babies take milk only.
- A six month old child is given soft pieces of fruit and semi-solid food.
- Growing children and young person need to eat proper amount of balanced diet. A balanced diet can have rice, chapatti, vegetables, dal, fruits, nuts, milk and milk products.
- You should drink plenty of water.
- Old people should take food which can be easily digested.