The DAV Class 3 Science Book Solutions and DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 7 Question Answer – Birds and Their Nests are essential study tools for DAV public school students in Class 3.
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 7 Question Answer – Birds and Their Nests
DAV Class 3 Science Ch 7 Question Answer – Birds and Their Nests
Something To Know
A. Fill in the blanks.
Question 1.
The sparrow makes a nest between the ______ of a tree.
Question 2.
Birds make nests to lay their _______
Question 3.
In case of a weaver bird it is the ______ who make their nests.
Question 4.
Some animals, sometimes, break the ______ of birds.
Question 5.
Birds ______ their young ones from other animals.
B. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. Different birds have different nesting habits.
2. A crow builds its nest on the ground.
3. Beaks and claws help birds to catch their food.
4. The sunbird does not make any nest of its own.
5. We should never break the nest of a bird.
1. Different birds have different nesting habits. (True)
2. A crow builds its nest on the ground. (False)
3. Beaks and claws help birds to catch their food. (True)
4. The sunbird does not make any nest of its own. (False)
5. We should never break the nest of a bird. (True)
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. Birds can fly because they have ______ .
(a) Hollow light bones
(b) Solid heavy bones
(c) Very long legs
(d) Very long tails.
(a) Hollow light bones
2. The bird that makes the tuk-tuk sound, while making its nest in a tree trunk, is ______ .
(a) Crow
(b) Tailor bird
(c) Barbet or coppersmith
(d) Penguin.
(c) Barbet or coppersmith
3. Birds are usually busy making nests during the month of ______.
(a) April
(b) December
(c) October
(d) August.
(a) April
4. This bird uses stones and pebbles to make its nest.
(a) Sparrow
(b) Koel
(c) Barbet
(d) Penguin.
(d) Penguin
5. This bird migrates to India during winters.
(a) Sunbird
(b) Penguin
(c) Siberian crane
(d) Crow.
(c) Siberian crane.
D. Answer the following Questions in brief.
Question 1.
Name three birds who work in pairs to make their nests.
Sparrow, sunbird and dove.
Question 2.
Why are birds called as ‘aerial animals’?
Birds can fly in the sky. So, they are called aerial animals.
Question 3.
List some materials that are used by various birds to make their nests.
Straws, twigs, dry leaves, stones, pebbles, etc.
Question 4.
When, and where, does a barbet make its nest?
A barbet makes its nest in the holes of tree trunk. It makes its nest in summers.
Question 5.
List some places where we find birds’ nests.
Branches of trees, rooftop, top of almirah, banks of ponds, holes of trees, etc.
E. Answer the following Questions.
Question 1.
Write any three features of birds that help them to fly.
Three features of birds that help them to fly are as follows:
(a) Their body is pointed at the front.
(b) They have wings made up of feathers.
(c) They have light and hollow bones.
Question 2.
How are nests useful for birds?
Birds make nests to lay eggs. The nest saves the eggs from predators. The young chicks live in the nest till they learn to fly. Nest saves them from heat and rain and also from predators.
Question 3.
How does a tailor bird make its nest?
The tailor bird uses leaves to make nest. It uses soft twigs as thread. It uses its beaks as needle. It stitches the leaves to make nest.
Question 4.
What do you mean by migration of birds? Name any two migratory birds.
Some birds live in cold regions. During winter, they fly to warmer areas to escape the cold winter. The long distance travel in search of better climate and food is called migration. Siberian crane and Arctic tern are two examples of migratory birds.
Value Based Questions
Question 1.
State the values displayed by Komal.
Komal showed concern for animals. She wanted to save the eggs.
Question 2.
Why should we not disturb the nests of birds?
Birds lay eggs in their nests. The eggs are safe in the nests. So, we should not disturb the nests of birds.
Question 3.
Discuss, with your friends, about any incident where you have helped a bird.
One day, it was raining heavily. Suddenly a pigeon fell in my balcony. It was wet with rainwater. It was shivering. I picked the pigeon and wrapped it in a towel. The towel gave some warmth to the pigeon. The pigeon flew away after the rain stopped.
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 7 Solutions – Birds and Their Nests
I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. Which of the following has hollow bones?
(a) Birds
(b) Honeybee
(c) Lady bird beetle.
(a) Birds
2. Which of the following migrates to long distance?
(a) Sparrow
(b) Siberian crane
(c) Crow.
(b) Siberian crane
3. Which of the following makes nest in the holes of trees?
(a) Weaver bird
(b) Sunbird
(c) Barbet.
(c) Barbet
4. Which bird uses stones and pebbles to make nests?
(a) Penguin
(b) Crow
(c) Tailor bird.
(a) Penguin.
II. Fill in The Blanks:
Question 1.
Teeth are ______ in birds, (absent/ present)
Question 2.
A bird has ______ beaks, (two/ three)
Question 3.
A bird has ______ pair of wings. (one/two)
III. Write True/False:
1. Sparrow is an example of flightless bird.
2. A bird’s body is pointed at the front.
3. Peacocks migrate to warmer places during winter.
4. All birds have three pairs of legs.
1. Sparrow is an example of flightless bird. (False)
2. A bird’s body is pointed at the front. (True)
3. Peacocks migrate to warmer places during winter. (False)
4. All birds have three pairs of legs. (False)
IV. Very Short Answer Questions
Answer the following in one word:
Question 1.
Name a bird which makes very beautiful nest.
Indian Tailor bird
Question 2.
Name an animal which has beaks to tear food.
Question 3.
Siberian cranes migrate to which country during winter?
V. Short Answer Question
Question 1.
Write some important features of a bird which help in flying.
Some important features of a bird, which help in flying are as follows:
- They have hollow bones. It makes their body light.
- Their body is pointed at the front.
- They have wings made up of feathers. These help them to fly.
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 7 Notes – Birds and Their Nests
→ Special Features of Birds:
- They have hollow bones. It makes their body light.
- Their body is pointed at the front.
- They have wings made up of feathers. These help them to fly.
- Birds have different types of beaks for tearing, biting and picking their food and other objects.
- Birds lay their eggs in nests.
→ Nests of Birds:
Birds use various materials to make nests. They use twigs, straws, dry leaves, cotton, feather, etc. to build nests.
Birds usually start to make nests in April.
The sparrow, sunbird and doves usually work in pairs to make nests.
The sparrow makes its nest between the branches of a tree , on top of almirah, behind the shelf.
Crow builds its nest on the topmost branches of a tree.
The nest of a tailor bird is made by sewing the leaves together. The tailor bird uses small twigs as thread to make its nest.
A barbet makes its nest in the holes of tree trunk.
A weaver bird makes beautiful nest. Its nest looks like a pouch which is hanging from a branch.
Penguins use stones and pebbles to build nests.
→ Migration: Some birds live in cold regions. During winter, they fly to warmer areas to escape the cold winter. The long distance travel in search of better climate and food is called migration.
→ Examples of some flightless birds: Penguin, kiwi, ostrich, etc.