Physical and Chemical Changes Class 7 MCQ Questions With Answers CBSE

Class 7 Science Chapter 6 MCQs Questions With Answers NCERT

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Changes with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Physical and Chemical Changes Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Physical and Chemical Changes Class 7 MCQ

Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
Which of the following statement is incorrect for a chemical reaction?
(a) Heat may be given out but never absorbed
(b) Sound may be produced
(c) A colour change may take place
(d) A gas may be evolved


Answer: (a) Heat may be given out but never absorbed

Physical and Chemical Changes with Answers

Question 2.
Properties like size, shape, colour, state of a substance are
(a) chemical properties
(b) mental properties
(c) physical properties
(d) physico-chemical properties


Answer: (c) physical properties

Physical and Chemical Changes Questions with Answers

Question 3.
A physical change is generally
(a) reversible
(b) irreversible
(c) considerable
(d) all of these


Answer: (a) reversible

Question 4.
During a physical change, a substance undergoes a change in its
(a) physical properties
(b) chemical properties
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these


Answer: (a) physical properties

Question 5.
Rusting of iron is a
(a) physical change
(b) chemical change
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) all of these


Answer: (b) chemical change

Question 6.
Rusting occurs when iron is exposed to
(a) oxygen and water
(b) soil and rain
(c) breeze and sunlight
(d) salt water and clouds


Answer: (a) oxygen and water

Question 7.
When carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, the substance formed is
(a) calcium oxide
(b) calcium carbonate
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these


Answer: (b) calcium carbonate

Question 8.
A chemical change is also called a
(a) chemical reaction
(b) rusting
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) all of these


Answer: (a) chemical reaction

Question 9.
Burning of any substance is a/an
(a) physical change
(b) chemical change
(c) irreversible change
(d) both (b) and (c)


Answer: (d) both (b) and (c)

Question 10.
The process of depositing a layer of zinc over iron is known as
(a) aluminisation
(b) galvanisation
(c) fertilisation
(d) ironing


Answer: (b) galvanisation

Question 11.
Two drops of dilute sulphuric acid were added to 1 g of copper sulphate powder and then small amount of hot water was added to dissolve it (step I). On cooling, beautiful blue-coloured crystals got separated (step II). Step I and step II are
(a) physical and chemical changes respectively.
(b) chemical and physical changes respectively.
(c) both physical change
(d) both chemical change


Answer: (c) both physical change

Question 12.
Which among the following is a physical change?
(a) Burning of wood
(b) Ripening of fruit
(c) Cutting a log of wood in small pieces
(d) Cooking of food


Answer: (c) Cutting a log of wood in small pieces

Question 13.
Which of the following is a chemical change?
(a) Germination of seeds
(b) Cutting a piece of paper
(c) Bursting of fire crackers
(d) Both (a) and (c)


Answer: (d) Both (a) and (c)

Question 14.
A chemical change may bring
(a) evolution of gas
(b) change in colour
(c) change in taste
(d) all of these


Answer: (d) all of these

Question 15.
Which is the formula of ozone?
(a) Fe2O3
(b) Fe3O2
(c) O2
(d) O3


Answer: (d) O3

Question 16.
Physical changes are
(a) reversible
(b) irreversible
(c) permanent
(d) temporary.


Answer: (a) reversible

Question 17.
A change of state from one form to another is a
(a) physical change
(b) chemical change
(c) biological change
(d) state variation


Answer: (a) physical change

Question 18.
Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
(a) Mixing of baking soda and vinegar together to cause bubbles and foam.
(b) Falling of a glass cup from the counter and its shattering on the ground.
(c) Lighting a piece of paper on fire causing it to bum up and leave ashes.
(d) Baking a birthday cake for your mother.


Answer: (b) Falling of a glass cup from the counter and its shattering on the ground.

Question 19.
Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?
(a) Filling up a balloon with hot air.
(b) Taking a glass of water and freezing it by placing it in the freezer.
(c) A plant collecting sunlight and turning it into food.
(d) Your dog ripping up your homework.


Answer: (c) A plant collecting sunlight and turning it into food.

Question 20.
Which of the following changes can easily be reversed?
(a) Chemical Change
(b) Physical Change
(c) Both physical and chemical changes
(d) Neither physical nor chemical change


Answer: (b) Physical Change

Question 21.
When a new substance is formed with different properties than those of the original substance, it is called a
(a) chemical change
(b) physical change
(c) freezing
(d) boiling


Answer: (a) chemical change

Question 22.
If the chemical properties of a substance remain unchanged and its appearance or shape changes, it is called a
(a) chemical change
(b) physical change
(c) both physical and chemical changes
(d) neither physical nor chemical change


Answer: (b) physical change

Question 23.
Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
(a) Metal rusting
(b) Silver tarnishing
(c) Water boiling
(d) Paper burning


Answer: (c) Water boiling

Question 24.
Which characteristic best describes a physical change?
(a) Composition changes
(b) Composition stays the same
(c) Form stays the same
(d) Mass is lost


Answer: (b) Composition stays the same

Question 25.
Which of the following is a chemical change?
(a) Freezing of water
(b) Cutting of wood
(c) Baking of bread
(d) Bending of wire


Answer: (c) Baking of bread

Question 26.
Which of the following is not a clue that could indicate the occurrence of a chemical change?
(a) Change in colour
(b) Change in shape
(c) Change in energy
(d) Change in odour


Answer: (b) Change in shape

Question 27.
Which property stays the same during physical and chemical changes?
(a) Density
(b) Shape
(c) Mass
(d) Arrangement of particles


Answer: (c) Mass

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Setting curd from milk is a _________ change.


Answer: chemical

Question 2.
Broadly, changes are of two types, _________ and _________.


Answer: physical, chemical

Question 3.
Physical properties of a substance consists of_________ , _________ , _______ and state.


Answer: shape, size, colour

Question 4.
No new substance is formed in a _________ change.


Answer: physical

Question 5.
Calcium carbonate is decomposed to form _________ and _________ .


Answer: calcium oxide, carbon dioxide

Question 6.
Magnesium on burning produces _________ .


Answer: magnesium oxide

Question 7.
Magnesium hydroxide is produced by mixing _________ with _________ .


Answer: magnesium oxide, water

Question 8.
_________ is a chemical change.


Answer: Burning

Question 9.
For rusting, the presence of both _________ and _________ is important.


Answer: oxygen, water (or moisture)

Question 10.
Rusting can be prevented by _________ , _________ and _________ the iron articles.


Answer: polishing, painting, oiling

Question 11.
A physical change is generally _________ .


Answer: reversible

Question 12.
Making sugar solution is a _________ change.


Answer: physical

Question 13.
The formula of sodium hydrogen carbonate is _________ .


Answer: NaHCO3

Question 14.
Burning of candle shows both ________ and ________ changes.


Answer: physical, chemical

Question 15.
Large crystals of pure substances are obtained by _________ .


Answer: crystallisation

Question 16.
Cutting a log of wood into pieces is a ………………….


Answer: Physical Change

Question 17.
Condensation is a ………………….


Answer: Physical Change

Question 18.
Carbon dioxide turns lime water, milky due to the formation of ………………….


Answer: Calcium carbonate

Question 19.
Two methods by which rusting of iron can be prevented are …………………. and ………………….


Answer: Greasing and galvanisation

Question 20.
Changes in which only …………………. properties of a substance change are called physical changes.


Answer: Physical

Question 21.
A gas may evolve during a …………………. change.


Answer: Chemical

Question 22.
Magnesium hydroxide is …………………. in Nature.


Answer: Basic

True or False

Question 1.
Stainless steel is made by mixing aluminium with carbon.


Answer: False

Question 2.
Burning of any substance is a chemical change.


Answer: True

Question 3.
Stretching of rubber band is a physical change.


Answer: True

Question 4.
We must use concentrated sulphuric acid for crystallisation of copper sulphate.


Answer: False

Question 5.
Changes are broadly classified as physical and chemical changes.


Answer: True

Question 6.
Galvanizing is a physical change.


Answer: True

Question 7.
Rusting is a chemical change.


Answer: True

Question 8.
The symbol of rust is Fe2O3.


Answer: True

Question 9.
A chemical change is also called a chemical reaction.


Answer: True

Question 10.
In chemical changes, new substances are produced.


Answer: True

Question 11.
The process of photosynthesis is a chemical change.


Answer: True

Question 12.
Cooking of rice is a physical change.


Answer: False

Question 13.
Burning of cracker is a physical change.


Answer: False

Question 14.
The mass of a substance changes during a chemical change.


Answer: True

Question 15.
Chemical change is permanent.


Answer: True

Question 16.
The chemical name of baking soda is sodium hydrogen carbonate.


Answer: True

Question 17.
Changes in which new substances are formed are called chemical changes.


Answer: True

Question 18.
Evolution of a gas may occur in a chemical change.


Answer: True

Question 19.
Burning of paper is chemical change.


Answer: True

Question 20.
Shape and size are the physical properties of a substance.


Answer: True

Question 21.
Magnesium bums in air without flame.


Answer: False

Question 22.
Oxygen layer protects us from harmful radiations of the sun.


Answer: False

Match the Following

Column I Column II
1. Physical change (a) Irreversible
2. Chemical change (b) CaO + CO2
3. Burning (c) Chemical change
4. MgO + H2O (d) Ferric oxide
5. CaCO3 (e) Mg(OH)2
6. Chemical formula of rust (f) Do not corrode
7. Galvanisation (g) Reversible
8. Baking soda (h) Sodium hydrogen carbonate
9. Stainless steel (i) Process of formation of crystals
10. Crystallisation (j) Zinc coating on iron


Column I Column II
1. Physical change (g) Reversible
2. Chemical change (a) Irreversible
3. Burning (c) Chemical change
4. MgO + H2O (e) Mg(OH)2
5. CaCO3 (b) CaO + CO2
6. Chemical formula of rust (d) Ferric oxide
7. Galvanisation (j) Zinc coating on iron
8. Baking soda (f) Do not corrode
9. Stainless steel (h) Sodium hydrogen carbonate
10. Crystallisation (i) Process of formation of crystals

Column A Column B
1. Rust a. Physical change
2. Condensation b. Hydrated oxide
3. Burning of paper c. Crystallisation
4. Process of formation of crystals d. Galvanisation
5. Coating of an iron object with zinc e. Chemical change


Column A Column B
1. Rust b. Hydrated oxide
2. Condensation a. Physical change
3. Burning of paper e. Chemical change
4. Process of formation of crystals c. Crystallisation
5. Coating of an iron object with zinc d. Galvanisation

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