Conjunctions Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With Answers

A conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Conjunctions are considered to be invariable grammar particles, and they may or may not stand between items they conjoin. Conjunctions are words which join together words, sentences, and part of sentences.

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

Conjunctions Exercises for Class 6 CBSE With Answers Pdf


  • Joining Words are called Conjunctions.
  • And, Or, But, Because and So are also called Conjunctions.
  • We use and to connect similar ideas.
  • We use but to connect contrasting ideas.
  • We use because to show the reason.
  • We use so to show the effect.
  • We use or to show choices.
  • Other words for Or used as conjunctions – neither- nor, either-or, both
  • The conjunctions before, after, since, until, when, while, as and as soon as are used to say when something happens. They are called conjunctions of time.
  • The conjunctions where and wherever are used to talk about places. They are called conjunctions of place.
  • The conjunctions because, since, as and in case tell why someone does something. They are called conjunctions of reason.
  • The conjunctions so, so that and in order to tell what the purpose of something is. They are called conjunctions of purpose.
  • There are three types of conjunctions. Coordinating Conjunction, Subordinating Conjunction and Correlative Conjunction
  • Coordinating Conjunction:-Coordinating conjunction (called coordinators) joins words, phrases or independent clauses.
  • Coordinating conjunctions are short words. Example: and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet
  • Coordinating conjunction joins two equal parts of a sentence.
  • (Word + word) (phrase + phrase) (clause + clause) (Independent clause + independent clause.)

Conjunctions Exercises With Answers

a. Word + word: She likes tea and coffee.
b. Phrase + phrase: He may be in the room or on the roof.
c. Clauses + clause: What you eat and what you drink affect your health.
d. Independent clause + independent clause: The cat jumped over the mouse and the mouse ran away.

Subordinating Con]unct\on:-Subordinating conjunction (called subordinator) joins subordinate clause (dependent clause) to main clause.
although, because, if, before, how, once, since, till, until, when, where, whether, while, after, no matter how, provided that, as soon as, even if

Main Clause + Subordinate Clause
Subordinate Clause + Main Clause

Subordinate clause is combination of words (subject and verb) which cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Subordinate clause is also called dependent clause because it is dependent on main clause. Subordinate clause usually starts with relative pronoun (which, who, that, whom, etc). Subordinate clause gives more information in relation to main clause to complete the thought.


  • He does not go to school because he is ill.
  • I will call you after I reach my home.
  • I bought some fruits while I was coming from my office.
  • They played football although it was raining.
  • Although it was raining, they played football.
  • As far as I know, this exam is very difficult.
  • I have gone to every concert since I have lived in New York.
  • You can get high grades in exam provided that you work hard for it.

Correlative Conjunction: These are paired conjunctions which join words, phrases or clauses which have reciprocal or complementary relationship.

The most commonly used correlative conjunctions are as follows:
Either _________ or
Neither _________ nor
Whether _________ or
Both _________ and
Not only _________ but also

  • Neither John nor Marry passed the exam.
  • Give me either a cup or a glass.
  • Both red and yellow are attractive colours.
  • I like neither tea nor coffee.
  • He will be either in the room or in the hall.
  • John can speak not only English but also French.

A. Fill in the blanks with and, but or or.

Question 1.
We wanted to pluck the mangoes ………………………… we couldn’t reach them.

Question 2.
Rema entered the house ………………………… switched the TV on.

Question 3.
Meenakshi, do you want to go out ………………………… rest at home?

Question 4.
Geet wanted to buy a lot of things ………………………… she didn’t have any money.

Question 5.
Zuala will either be in the library ………………………… in his class.

Question 6.
I ordered a sandwich ………………………… the waiter brought me patties instead.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions.

1. We decided not to play football _________ it was raining, (but, as, so)
2. The boys were _________ tired _________ they fell asleep at once, (so, that, such) (that, so, as)
3. It was _________ a cold day that I had to wear a sweater, (so, such, as)
4. “_________ you like, I’ll go with you,” she offered. (If, As, So)
5. He did not want to go there _________ his mother forced him to. (despite, or, but)
6. ________ he studied hard, he failed the test. (So, Either, Though)
7. “We can _________ walk _________ take the bus. Both ways are fine with me.” I said. (either – or/neither – nor/so that)
8. “He is really miserable! He can ________ eat _________ sleep,” said Mary. (either – or/neither – nor/such that)