Reynold’s Number | Definition, Formula – Hydrodynamics

Reynold’s Number Definition:
Reynold’s number is a pure number. It is equal to the ratio of the inertial force per unit area to the viscous force per unit area for a flowing fluid.

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Reynold’s Number | Definition, Formula – Hydrodynamics

Reynold’s Number Formula:
Reynold number,

K = \(\frac{\text { Inertial force }}{\text { Force of viscosity }}=\frac{v_{c} \rho r}{\eta}\)

where, vc = critical velocity.

For pure water flowing in a cylindrical pipe, K is about 1000.

  • When 0 < K < 2000, the flow of liquid is streamlined.
  • When 2000 < K < 3000, the flow of liquid is variable between streamlined and turbulent.
  • When K > 3000, the flow of liquid is turbulent.

It has no unit and dimension.

In physics, hydrodynamics of fluid dynamics explains the mechanism of fluid such as flow of liquids and gases. It has a wide range of applications such as evaluating forces and momentum on aircraft, prediction of weather, etc.

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