“The Twelve Months” story tells A young and beautiful girl (called Marouckla in some variations) is sent into the cold forest in the winter to perform impossible tasks by her evil stepmother. She must get spring violets, summer strawberries and fall apples in midwinter as presents to give her stepsister for her birthday.
The Twelve Months Summary
The story The Twelve Months’ is a Russian tale. The story brings out an easy way of remembering the months, the seasons of the year, the climate, weather and vegetation related to the seasons.
The story revolves around a mother with two daughters, one her own named Holena and the other her stepdaughter named Marouckla who is a kind-hearted, hard working and beautiful. The mother makes her work throughout the day which she does happily.
The mother and her daughter are very much jealous of Marouckla’s beauty and they want her out of their lives. She is threatened and sent out in the freezing cold to get fruits and flowers which do not grow in winter.
She is lucky to meet twelve men who are actually the twelve months. They help her out every time she is in trouble and eventually put an end to the wicked mother and daughter. The story ends with Marouckla living a happy life. The story also highlights that good always triumphs over evil.
Conclusion :
The Twelve Months is a beautiful Russian fairy tale with a moral that greediness will lose everything. The story is spun with a soft melancholy feeling around Maria, who is being tortured by her step-mother and step-sister, Helen.