The Short-sighted Brothers Summary

The Short-sighted Brothers is an Aesop’s fable about two near-sighted brothers who argue about what they see and fall into a well. The fable is a metaphor for people who are so focused on their own limited perspective that they cannot see the truth that is right in front of them. It is a reminder that we should be open-minded and consider other people’s perspectives, and we should not be so quick to dismiss others’ opinions or let our own limited perspective cloud our vision. Read More 1st Year English Summaries.

The Short-sighted Brothers Summary

The Short-sighted Brothers images

The folk tale, ‘The Short-sighted Brothers’ makes an interesting reading. With its gripping narration, the story excites the reader thoroughly. In the end takes a sudden twist, stunning and surprising the reader. Equally shocked were the brothers in the story. It exposes the follies of the brothers, prompting many a reader to introspent.

The three aged brothers were the central characters in the story. They were short sighted, both physically and mentally. They were selfish and greedy. Citing their eldest brother’s short- sightedness as a reason, the youngest brother proposed to manage their family finales. He was blind to his own disability. All of them suffered from the same flow, sight problems and lack of values. Yet, each tried to outmart the other.

Therefore, they planned to test their own vision by reading the inscription above the doorway of nearby monastery. Each knew that he couldn’t read it. So, they secretly and separately enquired with monk there as to what was written on the tablet. And later, they pretended they were reading the inscription with their own eyes. In the process, they fooled themselves they memorised the quotation, “Be honest at all times”. But, they did not adopt it in their own lives! They failed to see the outcome of their evil plans. It was then, that the monk revealed that the tablet was not put up yet. The brothers realized how foolish they were !

Finally, the story clearly shows the physical weakness of the brothers. It also exposes their follies. Hence, we can very strongly say that the title suits the story well. If at once tells us what we are going to find in it.


In Conclusion, the story clearly shows the physical weakness of the brothers. It also exposes their follies. Hence, we can very strongly say that the title suits the story well. If at once tells us what we are going to find in it.