January Night Story Summary in English and Hindi. January Night is Written by Munshi Premchand. Learncram.com has provided January Night Story Objective Questions Answers, Story Chapter Ka Meaning in Hindi.
Students can also check the English Summary to revise with them during exam preparation.
January Night Story Summary in English and Hindi by Munshi Premchand
About The Writer Munshi Premchand
Poet Name | Munshi Premchand |
Born | 31 July 1880, Lamhi, Varanasi |
Died | 8 October 1936, Varanasi |
Penname | Munshi Premchand, Nawab Rai |
Occupation | Writer, Novelist |
Nationality | Indian |
Movies | Sadgati, Mazdoor, Shatranj Ke Khilari, Godaan, MORE |
January Night Short Story Summary in English
Halku, the farmer, demands money from his wife Munni to pay it to the landlord. Munni tells him that he has to buy a blanket to pass the cold nights of January. So she advises him to tell the landlord that he would pay him the money after the harvest. Haiku tells her that if he did so the landlord would beat and insult him. So she gives him the money.
Haiku goes to guard his harvest in the field at the January night. The cold is so biting that he fails to guard his field. The nilgais graze his harvest and devastate his field. Despite continuous barking of his dog Jabra Haiku prefers sleeping to protecting his harvest.
Next morning he is rebuked and taunted by his wife Munni for being so careless in performing his duty.
January Night Story Summary in Hindi
हल्कू अपनी पत्नी मुन्नी से जमींदार का कर्ज चुकाने के लिए रुपये माँगता है। किन्तु वह कहती है कि रुपये तो जनवरी की रातें काटने के लिए पैसे-पैसे बचाकर कम्बल खरीदने के लिए जमा किये गये थे। इसलिए जमींदार से कह दो कि फसल कटने के बाद रुपये देंगे। पर जन हलकू जमींदार द्वारा पीटे जाने और अपमानित किये जाने की बात कहता है तो मुन्नी उसे रुपये दे देती है।
जनवरी की रात में हल्कू अपने पालतू कुत्ते जबरा के साथ अपनी फसल की रक्षा करने के लिए अपने खेत पर जाता है। रात की हाड़ कँपा देने वाली ठंढ से वह परेशान हो जाता है। ठंढ से बचने के लिए वह लकड़ियाँ और पत्ते जलाता है और जबरा को अपनी गोद में बिठाकर वह गरमाहट का अनुभव करता है। नीलगायों के फसल चरने की आवाज सुनकर जबरा उछल पड़ता है और उन पर दूंकने लगता है। पर असहनीय ठंढी हवा के झोंके से वह खेत की ओर जाने का साहस नहीं बटोर पाता और सो जाता है।
अगले दिन सुबह निश्चित होकर सोये रहने के कारण हल्कू को अपनी पत्नी की झिड़की और व्यंग्य सुनना पड़ता है।
Who is the main character in the story January night?
Haiku is the main character in the story ‘January Nights’ and following are the points as for his character sketch. Haiku is a tenant farmer and works on the land of his landlord and works for the landlord only.
What was the relationship between Halku and Jabra?
When Halku could not bear the cold he picked Jabra up and put his hand in his lap. Jabra could not oppose. Jabara was with Halku when he was gathering the leaves to fire wagging his tail. Jabra was a true pet of Halku because he was always ready to understand Halkus feelings.
Why did Halku look up at the skies?
Why did Halku look up to the skies? ANS: Halku looked up at the skies to see how much of the night was left. According to Halku since the dipper had not yet climbed half the sky, it would last another three hours or so.
What kind of a man was Halku?
Answer: Halku was a poor tenant farmer. He had to sleep in the fields at night to protect it from animals. He needed a blanket immediately because he had to face the intense cold in the field at night.
What is the main idea of the story January night?
(January night) is a story of a tenant farmer named Halku and his plight against zameendari system (land lordship) prevalent in colonial India. The settings are that of any small village of north India in and around U.P. of that time.
What kind of woman was Munni in the story January night?
Answer Expert Verified
Munni was a lady who did not fear speaking out her thoughts. The best example of this can be found when her husband Halku asks her to get the three rupees that she has saved to buy a blanket for the January winter.